ESTABLISHED 1890 L . ,! 4kv atl . MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I -3 VOL. XXXVI No. 30 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS oil EXP LORE *GIVES ABiIN FL A~~ I 1 I T Amundsen Believes Dirigible Supreme For Exploring North After having deposed the dog as an hour when it alights. Still I pre- "King of the Arctic'", the airplane lfer this method of travel to the dog. must now give way to the more de- Many people in this country seem to think that, the airplane has been a penda.ble dirigible, in the opinion of failure in the exploration of the far Captain Roald Amundsen expressed North, that my trip by airplane was a here yesterday. "The air offers the i failure. This is a misconception. I great hope for the exploration of the ddi not intend to reach that exact millions of acres of country in the spot known as the North pole. Peary far North" the famous explorer said. was there. What I did want to do "Why travel with dogs and sleds? was to explore that country around asked Captain Amundsen, "The air-: the pole. Wh(I I did order my planes plane can cover hundreds of miles in to land I did so in order to make ob- a few hours. I believe it is possible t servations. I could have ordered my to reach the pole with the dogs. Peary planes to return home while they did it. But this particular method of were in the air and produce records transportation in the far North is too I when we got home to show the people tedious and slow. The obstacles which just exactly how far we did reach. must be overcome are too great to be But we wanted to make a survey. BULGARIA WILLKicks Field Goal FIG HT! CI GRANGE STOPPED BY MICHIGAN LINE AS WOLVERINES TRHIUMPH O VER ILLINOIS BY 3-0 COUNT ITN )AUNTI'DI ity LAT "FAILURE, WILL NMAKE ISM)IILE NO, S1,01, TIP TELLS ADVENTURES Pictures And Wr .( i)ep lt Story 0 Ilazardou S Joiurney Anid Thrilling' Ecape His determination unshaken by his worth while, when the airplane is "I am satisfied that the airplane is unsuccessful attempt to reach the available. Even is the pole could be superior to the dog but I think that North Pole by airplane, Captain Roald reached by the dog, I do not think the dirigible will be the best means Amundsen, the world's most outstand- that we could depend on the dogs of exploring the far north. It will iug explorer, outlined to his audience for the explorations of the millions not then be necessary to land. We last night in Hill auditorium his plans of acres lying between the pole andI could stop the ship at any time we for a dirigible flight over the North Alaska--the distance is too great and; desire, low enough to the surface to Pole next year. Captain Amundsen's the surface is too rugged. Imake all the observations and surveys address was the opening lecture of "In our trip into the far North by that are necessary. If the weather the Oratorical association's regular airplane last summer we surveyed 120 is in any way favorable we could sail season course, square miles in:16 hours. True, there by dirigible from Spitzbergen to Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of is one great disadvantage with the Alaska successfully. If we do, then the geology department and friend of airplane, the landing problem. The the dirigible will have deposed the Amundsen, introduced the speaker. plane is traveling at least 40 miles airplane as "King of the Arctic." William C. Dixon, '26, president of the Oratorical association, presided. hth In hh; next attempt to reach the 1lans to make a non-stop flight of 1,800 miles from Spitzbergen over the pole to Alaska. The flight would be completed in less than 60 hours, and it is possible that land which has been - hitherto unknown may be discovered, Tuesday, Wednesday, And Thursday Progress of Aviation to he Treated he said. The expedition would not Set As Days To Sign For ini Seciond Oratorical Lecture only be of scientific value but would 1'26 Yearbook ' 'ia Night * rove the practicability of aerial apid transit between Europe and ANNOUNCE L OWER PR ICE FOUNDED FLYING CLUB 'sia. By way of the North Pole the urney from London to Hongkong C L n r n-i ould be shortened one-half. Applications for the 1926 Michigan- a Col. Laurence Driggs, internation- S The dirigible in which the proposed ensian will he taken at six campus field of aviation, wll give the second flight will be made has been pur- booths reserved for that purpose from lecture of the Oratorical associationd chased from the Italian government, le- O a It was (esignedl by Lieutenant Coo- 8 to 4 o'clock on Tueday, Wednesday, course Tuesday night in Hill audi- nel Nobile of the Italian Air service, and Thursday of this week. The; torium. ills lecture will deal largely haatwith the progress of aviation and lie vho will accompany the expedition staff announces a considerable reduc- will make a general survey of pros- and act in an advisory capacity. The tion in the price of the yearbook this ent air conditions. new 'airship, which is to be known as year, hoping that at the lowered Colonel lriggs was the founder of the N. i. is smaller than the Shenan- charge, $3.50, every member of the the American llying club and is pres- do'h was and is also different in com- senior class will be able to obtain a I ident of that organization, le was struction. The average speed will be copy. especially active during the World 60 miles per hour. Hydrogen will be Two tables, one at the Women's war, his observations and experiments used as the lifting power. Accommo- League candy booth in University hall i being of great value to the United dations for 20 passengers will be fur- and the other in the lobby' of Angell States government. As the guest of nished in the principal cabins. 'hall, will be used this year to accom- the Allied powers. he visited the bat- By the use of stereopticon pictures modate woman applicants. The other tle front in 1914, 1916, and 1918. lie and narration, Captain Amundsen de- I four tables will be located at the en- also examined the German aviation icted timate fashion the gineering arch, the square in front of fields after the signing of the Armis- periences of himself and companions the library, the corner of State street tice. in their attempt to reach the North and North University, and the lobby Attending the University of Mich- Pole iin two ai'planes last summer. of the library. At the last named igan as a member of the class of '99,I The introductory photographs show- booth, cash payments may be made the aviation expert removed from his ed Captain Amundsen, his associate Ifor the yearbook. birthplace, Saginaw, to New York Lincoln Ellsworth and their colleagues Prior to Christmas, the price of the City. He later engaged in the prac- leaving Norway. Then came their ar- book will be $3.50, to be raised to $4.00 tices of law and after a brilliant car- rival at King's Bay with their two after Christmas. Applicants may eer in politics he was elected attorney metal-hulled planes dis-assembled and make their payments at the Michigan- general. packed in boxes. The planes were as- ensian office in the Press building at Colonel Driggs has published many sembled and all was i readiness for any time. The quality of the pubica- books on aviation, one of the best the flight. The planes were loaded tion this year will be as good as that known being the "Golden Book of with collapsible canoes and other ex- of last year, in spite of the lowered Aviation." This book was published tra equipment for protection should charge, it was announced by the staff. in 1920. the planes a a e b Pictures showed the takeoff on May SCOnsift i s 21. The Y4d(lay was cleia, but soon after mm fi s nsn in the fliers ascended they were caught LL--M-- in a fog cloud and held for two hours (By Associated Press) before they finally came out into the MADISON, Wis., Oct. 24.--Wiscon- sunlight again. (By Associated Press) sin won its fist Conference start A little further on in the flight one PROVIDENCE, R. I., Oct. 24.-Yale since 1923 today, defeating Purdue, 7 moor began to miss and Amundsen today was the mighty football team to 0, in a game marked by much signalled to land. The pilots of both of the past three years rather than passing and tough going under foot. planes beg:'n to look for landing the uncertain eleven that fell before Wisconsin scored in the first period places. They flew low hoping to slide Pensylvania in the Bowl a week ago, when Kreuz twisted and turned his into a lane of water. The pilot of the and overwhelmed Brown 20 to 7 be- way through Purdue's team for a Amundsen machine landed the plane, fore 28,000 persons at the dedication touchdown. not in a lane of water as he expected of the new Brown field. Keefer, most but in-a lane of slush and cracked feared of all Brown backs, put Yale ice. The Ellsworth plane landed on the defensive at the start when he IPJ /, 7,ChiCg O nearly four miles away. It had dash- raced acros the Blue goal line after ed into solid ice and had been dam- a dazzling sprint of 35 yards. In the (By Associated Press) aged beyond hope of repair. last period he covered 40 yards in PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Oct. 24. When the party had succeeded in three thrusts and then received, a for- Pennsylvamia and Chicago, ranked getting together all set to work at ward pass which took him within 20 among the champions of East and once to tre .the Amundsen plane from yards of a touchdown. West a year ago, waged a fierce strug- the ic. Toi only tools was three gle in the rain and mud of Franklin v ooden shoaeis, six sheath knives, and Ifi O O "eld this aternoon and the Quakers a belt ace. Iowa 15! Ohi "' won 7 to 0, in the first encounter be- Oice the machine was clear, a cake I1tween the intersectional rivals in i , oi s'ficient size for a runway (By Associated Press) twenty-four years. war; lacated about half a mile dIstant. COLUMBUS, Ohio, Oct. 24.--Iowa I af4To reach this they had to build and Ohio State fought a "battle of the Motor stage and truck lines opert- broidgs of iee and snow across cracks clouds" today in Ohio stadium, the ling over the highways of Califoria and push the planes over them. Hawkeyes emerging from the fog- transported nearly 30,000,000 passeng- C aptain .kmunidsen gave the signal I filled arena with their second Western ers and approximately 1,000,000 tons to start Jane 15 for the second at- Conference victory 15-0. of freight in the calendar year 1924. tempt. The rise w as successful and the plane began its flight homeward loaded I itIh double passenger capa- I city.-mwsadCollegeFootball cores Their dcstinaioni was reached with O lg O O I O S only a few gallons of gasoline in the tank.j Yale 20, Brown 7. Columbia 26, Williams 0. ur eaAhernManma 23, Oivet 0. Boston College 14, Alleghany 7. i a 1 OhS e Maine 16, Bates 7.- RED CROSS U'NARLE TO ANDILE REFUGEE PRORLEM IN MACEI)ONIA PEOPLE IN FLIGHT Greek Forces lPenetrate Buigarian Territory For Seven 11i1es O Broad Front (By Associated Press) SOFIA, Oct. 24.-Bulgaria will repel by force of arms any further invasion of her territory. Mindful of her sig- nature of the Neuilly Treaty, Bulgaria will fight with the few thousand men left her as a standing army. Volunteers, flocking to the defense of their national territory, althoughj not officially mobilized or called tol arms will be allowed to battle along- side their brothers to defend their soil. Such is the official information im- parted by the ministry of national de- fense tonight. Meanwhile terror reigns in Mace- donia. The refugee problem, with men, women, and children fleeing along impassible roads, stumbling, falling and dying in exhaustion, is be- coming too great for the Bulgarian Red Cross to handle. Word gomes that ihe Greeks have penetrated Bulgarian territory to a 1depth of seven mile or more on a i twenty mile front, and that Petrich, only a few miles to the northwest of Demirhissar, where the first clash occurred, has been under a heavy bombardment of shrapnel. Belgrade, the capital of Jugo-Slavia, thus far has shown a friendly atti- tude for which Bulgarian statesmen and people are duly appreciated. SOFIA, Oct. 24.-Large contingents Iof Greek troops continue to be sent I toward the Bulgarian border, the Bul- garian telegraph agency announces., It considers this an indication that the I Greeks intend to enlarge the scope of their present offensive. The government says that the Greeks have pierced Bulgarian terri- tory to a depth of more than seven; miles on a 20 mile front. The agency declares that the population is highly excited, and that feeling is growing that a limit soon must be set to the retreat of the Bulgarian forces. The Bulgarian government has sent a note to Athens, reiterating its de- nial that Bulgarian troops have at any time violated Greek frontier out- posts, regretting that it coinot enter into direct pourparlers with Greece and confirming its desire to await the decision. The note which is in reply to the Greek demands, declines all responsi- bility for the frontier incident and points out that although the Bulgar- ian and Greek views differed as to the origin of the trouble, the Sofia gov- ernutent from the very first suggested that a committee of inquiry should be appointed to investigate the matter and recommended that both govern- ments should direct their armed forces to cease hostilities. Unfortunately, the note continues, the Bulgar proposal elicited no re- ply, while on the other hand Greek troops advanced seven miles into Bul- garia. Confronted by such a grave I situation, the Bulgarian government had no alternative but to appeal to the league. Situation in Review Bombardment and invasion of Bul- garian territory by the Greeks have continued, notwithstanding steps tak- I en by the League of Nations toward peace. Greek artillerists late Friday after- Team W MICHIGAN ......3 Iowa ............2 Chicago .........1 Ohio State......0 Wisconsin.......01 Northwestern ....0 Indiana..........0 Purdue..........0 Illinois...........0 Minnesota........0 L 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 T 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCT. 1" 1.000 1.000 .500 .500 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 BIG TEN STANDINGS ILLINI STAR FAILS IN EFFORT TO PENETRATE FORWARD WALL OF YOSTMEN FRIEDMAN SCORES Place Kick in Second Quarter From 25 Yard Line Accounts For Only Score Of Game Benny Friedlman Benny Friedman, Wolverine quar- terback, who, assisted by Bo Molen- da's smashing offensive work, kicked a field goal from the Illinois 15 yard line, scoring the winning margin forl the Michigan eleven. OF "128_DICTORY1 Expects To Sell Three Thousand Copies At Three Campus Booths Tomorrow' PREDICT EARLY SELLOUT, Sale of the 1925-1926 Student Di- rectory will begin at 8 o'clock tomor- row morning at booths located atl both ends and the center of the di- agonal. Nearly 8,000 copies will be sold at 75 cents eawh. All those wish- ing to purchase directories should do so early as possible as in previous l years it has been found that the sup- ply has been exhausted within a few I hours. In its form, this year's directory will not differ much from that of last year., All of the class officers will' not be included as the book went to press before many of the elections had tak- en place. The list of telephones clas-; sifted under street addresses will not (.appear. It has been the custom of the Directory staff to copy this list from the one at the telephone com- pany office. however, there is no list1 at the telephone company this year and if the staff obtained this data a delay of several weeks in the publica- tion of the Directory would result. The lists have been computed with great care in order to avoid any pos- sible mistakes appearing in the Di- rectory. Illegible handwriting by the students will generally cause any er- rors that appear in the book. The Di- rectory has a cover of light green dis- tinguishing it from last year's issue., II ~MONRDE AGiN DNER IN CROSS COUNTRY RBEL Covers Course in 14 )iniltes, 47 See- onds, in Weekly Event I Detroit Youth { Sentenced For Theft of Coati Pleading guilty to a charge of stealing an overcoat from a University building, John Clark, aged 24, of De- troit, is in the state penitentiary at Jackson today, beginning a sentence of one to five years. Clark, it is charged, walked into one of the University buildings which I for some time had been under sur- veillance, picked up an overcoat be- longing to an officer on watch there, and fled, the officer in pursuit. After a short chase, the young man sur- rendered himself to the officer and be- fore Justice of the Peace Gibson, Fri- day afternoon, confessed the theft. The arrest and conviction marks the first made by authorities in their cam- paign to check the theft of overcoats on the campus, and in their opinion has broken up the ring which is be- lieved responsible for the 25 thefts already reported this fall, and the 200 recorded last year. Several weeks ago the University announced a 're- ward of $100 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the thefts. Clark denied that he was in any way implicated in previous thefts. The young man gave hiseaddress as 4693 Campblel avenue, Detroit, and his occupation, as chauffeur. "He is not a student," University officials emphasized. DEAN LLOYD TOTTEND CONFERENCE IT YALE Will Act As Secretary At Meeting Of Association Of Universities Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the Grad- uate school, occupying the office of secretary, will represent the Univer- sity at the annual conference of the Association of American Universities to be held at Yale university, New Haven, Conn., Oct. 29-31. The assoc- iation is made up of 26 universities throughout the country providing graduate study under certain adopted standards, having been founded for the purpose of considering matters relating to graduate study. The con- ference this year will undertake in general an exchange of ideas through the medium of formal talks on as- signed subjects. Representatives at the conference are to witness the Yale-: Army clash, which event will bring the three'day program to a close. Each year the association holds a conference at a member school. Any member institution is permitted to, send as many delegates to these con-' ferences as it may desire, but is en- titled to only one vote. The associa- tion offices are filled by universities, it is being up to the institution chos- en for any office to pick a man to undertake the responsibility for the work of that office. The conference at New Haven is to be attended by a number of Univer- sity presidents, probably 12 in all, among whom will be Pres. A. Law- rence Lowell of Harvard, Pres. Max Mason, University of Chicago, Pres. Livingston Farrand, Cornell univer- sity, Pres. Frank J. Goodnow, Johns Hopkins, and Pres. James R. Angell I of Yale. By Joseph Kruger MEMORIAL STADIUM, URBANA, Ill., Oct. 24.-A wrath'ful, smashing Wolverine line played havoc with the Illinois forward wall her'e today and dispelled Illinois' hope for a repeti- tion of last year's gridiron victory, the strong Michigan eleven vanquish- ing the Illini 3-0 before a capacity homecoming crowd of 67,000 persons. Both teams battled furiously throughout the contest in an effort to score a touchdown, but each eleven found its opponent's defense entirely too strong, and it remained for Ben Friedman's pretty place kick in the second quarter from the 25 yard line, to stand as the margin of victory, the ball sailing squarely between the uprights. Grange Makes 25 Tries Harold "Red" Grange, Illinois in- comparable halfback, found the Wol- verine lie a tower of strength, and his valiant attempt to register any substantial gains against the Michi- gan team proved futile. Grange's longest run from scrimmage was a 14 yard gain, the Illinois leader getting by Michigan's right end the second time he carried the ball. Grange car-, ried the ball 25 times during thlecoW flict, for a gain of 65 yards, and was thrown for a total loss of 9 yards. To Michigan's great set of linemen must go to the bulk of the credit for today's splendid victory, and to Cap- tain Bob Brown must go the Individual glory of the superb defense manifest- ed by the Wolverines. The Michigan leader smashed his way through the opposing linemen repeatedly and then made brilliant tackles of the Illinois ball-carriers before they could turn on full speed. Benny Oosterbaan,. sterling sopho- more end of the Wolverine eleven, failed to make the spectacular catch- es of passes that first brought him fame, but did succeed in giving a mar- velous exhibition of defensive end playing, stopping the brilliant Grange in each of his attempts to circle Oos- terbaan's flank, and covering Gilbert's punts with an unfailing accuracy. Sid Dewey, sent into the fray when Edwards was forced out by an injury, and Harry Hawkins were the two other outstanding Wolverine linemen who are greatly responsible for the successful checking of "Red" Grange. Molenda Intercepts' Passes Bo Molenda, Michigan's husky ful- back played a prominent part in the Illinois defeat by intercepting no less than five forward passes, two of which he nabbed in the closing five minutes of play, when the Zuppke eleven frantically attempted to score, Molen- ida also accounted for a 29 yard run Iwhen he broke through the Illinois line early in the first quarter. It was Oosterbaan's interception of Britton's pass in the second quarter that started Michigan on its way to the only score of the game, the catch giving the Yostmen possession of the ball on the 50 yard line. Friedman Kieks Goal A pass, Friedman to Gregory netted 9 yards, and Molenda then plunged for 6 yards and a first down. After a pass had been blocked by Grange, and Molenda had hit the line for- 3 yards, Gregory tore around Illinois' left end for 13 yards on Coach Yost's famous play, which was last uncovered in that memorable dedication contest at Columbus three years ago, Harry Kipke then scoring on that play, and brought the ball to the Illinois 18 yard line. Three line plays resulted in bringing the ball towards the cen- ter of the field and then Friedman scored the goal that brought victory to the Wolverines, the kick being made from a slight angle. The final five minutes of play was the most hectic period of the contest with Illinois striving desperately to pass her way to a touchdown that would mean victory. Gilbert punted from his own 29 yard line to the Illinois 34 yard mark, finding it impossible to advance the ball, Illinois kicked to Friedman who was downed on his own 32 yard line. I, Ij i < I li i. y C }t ] I l ( f i! I noon loosed a rain of shells against the already sorely-stricken town of { Randolph Monroe was again win-3 Petrich, and Greek troops advanced ner in the weekly freshman cross farther into Macedonia. country race, by more than 200 yards, Just how far the Greeks have in- when he yesterday covered the reg-! vaded Bulgarian terrain has not been ular first year two and seventh-tenths definitely established, but Bulgarian mile course in 14 minutes and 47 see-j advices assert that they have occupied onds, running over slippery roads. 240 square miles of territory, and that I Twenty men started the race and in addition they are resorting to all finished. Goetz and Wuerfel who veritable pillage, requisitioning wheat usually cross the line among the firstt and foodstuffs from the panic stricken three were unable to run this morn- inhabitants. ing and the remaining first ten to; In the shelling of Petrich, the 4 cross the line finished in the follow-! Greeks are declared to have used long I ing order: Jones, Lowery, Smith, M. E. range guns. Three children and four Winslow, Watson, Doerr, De Witt, and women have been killed by a shell May. which exploded at the railway station. In spite of the inclement weather, The town is a mass of ruins. Fre- Monroe showed improved time overI quently during the bombardment, ter- last week, and had the roads been in ror stricken peasants along the road- better condition the record of 14 min- ways were heard to ask, "has it come utes and 47 seconds would probably, Purp (By STAGG FIE 24.-Tulane Northwestern le Defeated Associated Press) KLD, CHICAGO, III., Oct. University outplayed here today and took the U