PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1925 , , 1 that of the good Samaritan, co-o aing with a troubled continent f Published every morning except Monday furtherance of the interestse during the University year by the Board in nations of that continent. Control of Student Publications. Why Europeans 3hould thin Members of Western Conference Editorial Looarno pact a "joke on the t Association. States," why they should think The Associated Press is exclusively en- they have thus put the world's titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise cial ruler in his rightful place n-A,+nh - ie - - - ti nl ne - ub-.I Aerat- or the of the k the United c tha i nan diplo credited in this paper and te i oca news po" lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board ..Norman RThaI City Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield News Editor...........Manning Houseworth Women's Editor............ Helen S. Ramsay Sports Editor..............Joseph :Kruger Telegraph Editor.........William Walthour Music and Drama...Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith 11. Cady Le'ard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVote V. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editor Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants Gertrude E. Bailey Stanford N. Phelps Charles Behymer Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed I~. Farnum Simon Rosenbaum Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson Eugene H. Gutekunt Janet Sinclair Douglas Doubleday Courtland C. Smith Mary Dunnigan James A. Sprowl ames T. Herald Stanley Steinko Ilizabeth S. Kennedy Clarissa Tapson 1 rarion .ulk Henry Thurnau . Walter 11. Mack David C. Vokes I,ouis R. Markus Chandler J. Whipple Ellis Merry Cassam A. Wilson Helen Morrow Thomas C. Winter Margaret Parker Marguerite Zilszke BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising.. ..... ......J. J. Finn Advertising. .. ............ ID. Olmsted, Jr. Advertising.............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising... ...........-. .Wi. L. Mullin Circulation .. ................ II. L. Newman Publication..............Rudolph Bostelman Accounts.... ..........Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingred M. Alving S. H. Pardee George H. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow John H. Bobrink Robert Prentiss Olden W. Butzbach Wr. C. Puse Vi. J. Cox Franklin J. Rauner Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan lames R. DePuy Margaret Smith Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorget Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland T.aKenneth Haven Wm. H. Wearne E. Little Eugene Weinberg Frank E. Mosher Wim. J. Weinman F. A. Nordquist ~ l SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1925 Night Editor-WILLARD B. CROSBY "The leople of Wisconsin have reaffirmed their faith in the fun- damental principles of the pro- gressive movement and have re. enlisted in the struggle to wrest control of government from the special interests entrenched at Washington."-Robert M. La Fol- lette, Jr., senator-elect, IS THE JOKE ON US? Disarmament, which has always played at least a fictitious part in the affairs of the nations, bids fair to hold the center of international attention in the near future. Since the days of the Washington conference for the limitation of naval armaments there has been active talk of similar con- ferences for the reduction of land, air, and under-water forces, and now the Locarno Security pact has placed the continental powers in such a position that actual disarmament approaches the stage of reality. It has been suggested that many Europeans consider the signing of the Locarno treaties, without the partici- pation of the United States, as a di- rect slap at what they consider the aloofness of this country. Apparently it is the European idea that America imagined herself as holding the only key to the gateway to world peace, and in the production of what appears to be a duplicate key by the, five great continental powers, they con- ceive this nation looking dumbfound, like a speculator after the market has crashed. America has no such claims pr de- sires to the control of the path to peace,-in fact, it is not at all im- probable that the nation at large would prefer ,to see international problems such as the present one matically, are unanswerable ques tions. America is ready to aid a sane program of international dis armament, ready to sponsor one i necessary, but America is not by thi; attitude seeking internationalo wer Is it possible that Europe feels a. every debtor feels in regard to hi creditor,-jealous? All crossword puzzles must be ap 1 proved by the official censors befor general publication, according to ai order issued by the Hungarian gov ernment. Isn't that sort of creatin, a monopoly for the censors? "WOMAN'S PLACE" At the inauguration of Presi1en Clarence Cook Little on November 2 women students will be members o the honor guard. For the first dm in the history of the University the: will share with the men the hono which has always been held by th latter alone. The honor guard, which first cam into existence at graduation cere monies, is composed of students wh have been outstanding scholasticall or in campus activities. It was forn ed for the purpose of giving di. tine tion to those who deserved it. President Little desires to have th students take an active part in th ceremonies in connection with hfi in duction into office. He feels ttat th University really belngs to the stu dents, and hle does not vish to hav them excluded from any of its Nvari ous activities. This alone is ail ad mirable stand. There was a time, in the dim dar past, when women were creatures on thehcampus,. With an radical change there is botund to la a certain amount of dissatisfactio and when wvomen first made their ap pearance at . Michigan they were no received with cordiality. The time has come for women to b given their proper recognition. The have become an integral part of th life and activity of the campus. The recognition of women's right here is the natural outgrowth of similar movement throughout th world. Women have but recently se cured the franchise and undertake the task of assisting in the govern ment of4 the country. That they ar able to do this is proven by the sue cess of Texas' woman governor, "Ma Ferguson. Movements which develop slowly such as this has, are inevitable. The must have good in them or they woul die because of the very slowness o their growth. The Chicago Tribune says that th Prince of Wales, posing as a womai for photographers, shocked Britisl dignity. Apparently someone, on see ing this picture of the future heir t the throne, either broke a monocle o spilled the marmalade. C ED R e ANNOY ILLINOIS! t. { - Not that we seriously think anyone will react this, the entire student body, - and faculty being at Illinois (Thej y Ilini have a large stadium, note in-' - direct effect upon student morale) but,i ( nevertheless, we feel as if we oughti to reward those who stay at home. It is our opinion that before journalists give a peace treaty be- s tween somebody and Bulgaria all this publicity, they ought to give the cur- rent war some. - Somehow a peace treaty hasn't e nearly as much appeal for us if we n are not conscious of the fact that - there is a war going on. We suppose, g however, that the editors feel that since 1914-1918, war hasn't as much attraction for the reading public as a peace treaty has. The editors appar-j t ently don't go in for Art for Art's sake. MUSIC AND DRAMA MICHIGAN ARTIST M. Avery Hopwood is a graduate of the University of Michigan, a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, Quadrangle, and Phi Beta Kappa-- which shows again what the Engine- ering college can do for a man. Mr. Hopwood is also the redoubtable and scandalously wealthy author of twenty-six of Broadway's most poiple comedies. His opi range all the way from "Getting Gertie's Garter" to "Up In Mabel's Room," and have delighted Iowa's butter-and-egg men for a gen- eration. Mr. Hopwood will be in Detroit to- morrow evening for the premiere of his latest chuckaluck featuring Irene 1 Bordoni and titled "Naughty Cinder- ella." Now as the press-agent points out withthe tensest sincerity, Cin-a derella has figured both in literature and on the stage numerous times be- Halloween Decorations and Party Favors G A HArinS BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK .........-.. J c r ack The WORLD'S GREAT EST TENOR 4, di U * * * JOE GETS JOB Y Zilch, Noted Bobber, Appointed Dean fore-"A Kiss for Cinderella," "A Of Michigan Barber College. Stubborn Cinderella" and "The Cin- Starts Work derella Man" immediately come to Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 23-(Special nid, but this is quite the first time wire to Rolls)- she has ever been naughty. e' At the final meeting of the Board of Miss Bordoni's gowns for the pro- O Wegents tonight, Joseph Zilch, famous uction are from the studios of Paul designer of costumes for the stage, Poiret, and in point of fact, she is was appointed Dean of the new Col- really an excellent comedienne. Mr. ~lge of Barbarism.jHopwood, too, is not so very . Courses will be offered in Hair Air. Hopwoood's manager has re- trimming and gyping, as well as quested an interview by the Music FIarcial massage, Sham and Poo-Poo- and Drama editor with the maestro e.. ing, Bobbing and ducking, Shingling Sunday evening, his disciple blowing and roofinga smile of wistful gratitude into the Advanced courses in Shaving and telephone. Whoops! cutting will also be offered. Dean * Zilch did not gosto Illinois, today as "THE BEGGAR ON HORSEBACK" 4 _ he expected to, because of his urgent A review, by Kenneth Wickware. need for organizing his college. A "Tell you what'll do! Tell you number of cadavers have been ordered what'll do!" from the medical school for the stu- "The annual report for the last six >dents to begin on, it is stated. months of the fiscal 3~a hw y eAn interview wit Dean Zilch greater increase in the Widgetindus- ivill appear in a nearby issue. try than ever before. If stretched n, * * end to end they would reach to the TIlE ADVENTURES OF CHUMMY moon. There have been enough SAND BUNNY. Widgets manufactured to supply Little Chummy came running home every man, woman, and child in the from school quite breathless. "Oh United States China, and similar y Bunny," he exclaimed when he reach- places for eighteen and one-half ed his little room in Mrs. Hamilton's Imonths if placed end to end." attic, "Oh Bunny, I am -a- a- tryout "Perhaps Madame would like bor- a on the Chimes." delaise a la bordelaise, or bordelaise "Goodness," cried Bunny in sum- a la bordelaise, or bordelaise a la - prise, "what on earth is a tryout?" bordelaise?" "Well Bnny," began his chum, "But what is bordelaise a la bor- n "you see a tryout is a sort of appren- delaise?" tice. You just have to hand in to the s very nice, sir." e Editor-and you'd just love -him , but what is it?" Bunny, I know you would-a paper "s served in a little round dish. telling your age and sex and name Very nice." and where found and all that." "But can't I find out what it is!" "Oh it must be thrilling to be a try- j "Well, I'll see if anybody knows . d out," breathed Bunny rapturously. So, the mad chatter piles up for an d ' d w or.Breqe "Mercy, that isn't all," said Chum- odd two hours. Burlesque, tragedy, my, "then you have to write things." satire, romantic comedy, fantasy, all Bunny was all attention. in one wild gumbo. Through the maze "You see, Bunny dear, Chimes sort of a pompous business conference, e of razzes a lot of things and-" the brash jangle of a cabaret, a court- n "Heavens Chummy, where did you room travesty, a pantomime as h pick up such a word," said Bunny, a precious as a tear-jar, and finally, little shocked at his friend's daring. the hectic pandemonium an efficiency o "Oh down around the Press Build- Art factory, "The Beggar on Horse- r ing, responded Chummy with a little back", gambols and stumbles and air of bravado. "Net week I am go- I tears to the expressionism of its ing to razz the Gargoyle. Its all mould and the bitter truth of its wet." fable. Poor Bunny could hardly restrain It is an immensely clever play, a his tears at this suden outburt of play almost too good, all but over- profanity. whelming with its plethora of situa- "But why is the Gargoyle wet?" tions. Scene follows scene with such asked Bunny, quite brokenly. madding rapidity as to leave its audi- r "Oh, it really isn't," said Chummy ence often wide-eyed as to its actual - brightly, "that's where the fun comes meaning. Save for this, however, it is t in-making up things. Come on, we'll a splendid contribution to American - do some right away." farce, and offers a delightful evening. While Bunny fetched paper and ink, The present production by Miss t Chummy pulled out the little joke that Bonstelle's company in Detroit is, I was on his file at the Chimes office. imagine, the most ambitious she has It was this: ever undertaken, and aims to equal Man goes into cigar store to buy a in its every detail the finish of the s pipe, and says to the clerk "Show me New York performance Certainly it something hot in the pipe line." In as shows a vast amount of labor and re- f few words as possible, make up at markable skill in interpretation. typical Gargoyle joke out of the above Donald Cameron as the frantic hero t and razz it. of his dream must completely encom- The two chums were soon busily at pass all the shadings that made Ro- work, and in about half an hour they land Young's study so famous. Miss had put down the following to com- Landis makes a beautiful Cynthia as plete the little bon mot: well, and Walter Sherwin fairly steals 1. Cigar Clerk (who believes that the whole production with his char- - customer is looking for plumber's acterization of the American father. s shop, two doors to the north): Plumb- The only possible criticism of the - ers's shop is two doors to north, sir. performance is in the length of the I Criticism: Gargoyle jokes are just pantomimic interlude. Deems Taylor's like the jokes in "Our Youth's World music is exquisite, of course, but Mar- Weekly." tin Burton and Carolyn Humphreys 2. Daphne: Of course, but he necks as the Prince and his Princess some- divinely. how lack the depth of artistry to hold Criticism: Too much about necking. the interest of the audience. It is, 3. 2nd Inebriate: Mush been two admittedly, the most difficult portion other guys. of the scenario. Criticism: Too much about drink- . I. THE PLAY PRODUCTION COURSE 4. 2nd man: That was no lady, that Season tickets for Professor Hollis- * was my wife. ter's Play Production course have Criticism: Too old, not enough been placed on sale at the State street original 'stuff. bookstores. The series includes fivej "There," said Chummy, sighing, "I programs and is priced at $1.50. Each guess that's a pretty good razz for to- of the four plays will be given a run night." of two performances, subscription I HILL AUDiTORIUM ANN ARBOR, MICHICAN TUESDAY, 8:00P .AmmmbU 3 A limited number of Season Tickets (Five Concerts) includign KHN MC C081 ACK, Nov. 3 OETRMIT SYMPHNY ORCHESTRA, Nov. 23 LOUIS GRAVEURE, Baritone, Dec. 11 ALTER GIESEKING, Pianist, Jan. 26 DETROIT SYMPHINY ORCHESTRA, March 8 $5.00 and $5.50 Single Tickets for McCORMACK Alone $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 For Sale in Order of Application at University School of Music CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary-Manuger, e1 aL Suppl EDITORIAL COMMENT NO IORE U. OF 31. GRADUATES (The Detroit News) "I do not intend to allow another person to graduate from the Univer- sity of Michigan," declared President Clarence Cook Little at a Detroit din- ner of alumni. In that striking phrase President Little introduced his plan to keep alumni closely bound to the Universi- ty all their lives. Diplomas will be I given and students leave the campus as of yore, but the plan is to create what amounts to a University of alumni. Every year, President Little explained, pamphlets will be sent alumni explaining what the Uni- versity is doing in research of all kinds; in pushing forward the bounds of human knowledge. The alumnus will be urged te select some subject -s -a hnhbb nn Pfninno An increase in demand for used cars has enabled us to offer a select group of used automobiles at all ices. settl d by tLoso parties most directly 1-uuuouy; an ex ension of nis intel- involved, and the United States is not lectual interests and therefore of hi more than indirectly involved when personality. When the alumnus indi- land and kindred armaments are cates his choice of subjects, he will concerned. We have never maintain- j be sent regularly material to keep ed a large standing army, proportion- himself posted on the latest develop- ately our present armed force is ments. among the smallest in the world; his- And he will be expected to pay for tory and oar recent participation in that course. international affairs tend to prove That last is really tre most im- that this country is content to remain portant part of the plan. It is not within its present boundaries, and primarily important because of the that we have no thoughts of external revenue it will bring the University. aggression or of worldly militarism. I They will pay: "According to what It is hardly conceivable that foreign they think it is worth," Dr. Little ex- powers would suggest still further re- plained. It is important because duction of our land forces, or that I human nature is such that the aver- they could request, upon any reason,- age man appreciates more what he able foundation, definite promises as pays for than what is given him free. to future limitations. Then what part It will quicken his personal interest Ge.' I VriDerTT