:43 at
..... ..
Observer Testifies That Fa~ure Of
Two Engines Drew Ship Into
Fatal Storm
(By the Associated Press)
Lakehurst, N. J., Sept. 24.-A much
more vivid word picture of the wreck-
ing of the airship Shenandoah than
any heretofore given together with
important evidence bearing on at
least one possible contributing cause
of the disaster, was presented here
today to the Naval Court of Inquiry.
High lights in todays developments
were; testimony of Col. C. G. Hall,
U. S. A., observor on board, that the
failure of two of the Shenandoah's
engines made more probable the draw-
ing of the ship into the vortex of
the storm which wrecked her.
More definite testimony that the
ship actually began breaking in two,
N before the control car fell, carrying
Commander Zachary Lansdowne and
other officers and men to their death.
Evidence that the Shenandoah be-
gan to break up when arrested after
a fall of nearly 2,000 feet.
Declarations of two witnesses that
Commander Lansdowne had not been
reluctant to make the flight at the
time it was undertaken and that he
voiced no dissatisfaction of the itin-
erary fixed by the department.
Introduction of the darograth rec-
ord from the ship indicating that her
first sudden ascent began at 4:26 A.
M. central time on September 3, and
lasted 8 minutes during which she
ascended 1,130 feet; that two minutes
later she began another and more
rapid rise going from 3,016 to 6,065
feet in approximately 10 minutes and
that then she fell abruptly 785 feet
in 3min utes. At that point the daro-
grath failed to functhn and testimony
of some survivors indicate that it was
at this time that the hull gave wvay
just forward of amidships and the
craft broke in two.
While the word picture of the dis-
patches painted by Col. Hall proved I
the most absorbing of all the tesi-
mony, perhaps the most important
from the viewpoint of the purpose of
the inquiry was in respect to the en-
gines, one of which failed because of
a cracked cylinder and the other be-
cause of a lack of 'water.
This plase of the inquiry was in-
troduced by h ear Admiral Hileary
P. Jones president of the court, who
asked what effect the engines failure
had on the failure to escape the line
I believe if it should be possible to
have had the power of our five en-
gines constantly," Col. Hall replied,
"it would have been more probable
that we would not have been drawn
into the vortex of the storm which
wrecked the ship. I do not believe,
however, engine power had any thing
to do with the situation after we got
into the vortex of the storm."'
Changes in elections were received
at the Registrar's office yesterday, and
will be received again today.
Thoughr Registrar Ira M. Smith was
unable to give an estimate of the num-
ber of changes requested, he stated
that it would probably be "about the
same as last year."
According to University rules, elec-
tions caii be changed by first year and
special students, only after consulta-
tion with the Committee on Elections.
After today, registrations may be
made only by permission of the Ad-
ministrative Board and upon pay-
ment of a fee of one dollar.
Save under extraordinary circum-
stances, courses dropped after the
middle of the semester, will be re-
corded with a grade of "E". No
course may be taken up after the
sixth week of the semester.
Tirana, Albania, Sept. 24. - The
cabinet resigned Tuesday, and Presi-
dent Ahmed Zogu accepted its resig-
nation. The president of the Senate
also resigned.
LQurve a.-9e rZ4VAP%
Freshman Hazing
Uncovers Newest
Styles In Socks
Sophomores, in the last few days,
have Instituted a new form of hazing.
The wearing of the coat inside out,
which was once so popular has been
succeeded by the artificial abbrevia-
tion of the trousers-a process which
has uncovered some new and start-
ling styles in socks and garters, as
well as a few pairs of red flannels.
Besides these, the class of '28 has
been trying to teach the new men
the proper methods of removing
their head coverings with some pre-
tense of grace. The old command of
"Pot Frosh!" has given away to the
more polite and ingenious, "Run out
from under it, Frsh!"
Thm freshmen have been forced to
sing, which they did in strained and
hesitating voices, they have proposed,
they have contributed individual danc-
ing acts, acrobatic stunts, and penny
Three Prizes Offered by Union Opera
In Annual Competition;
Meet Today
Three prizes have been offered by
the Union Opera in the annual poster
contest, which will open with a meet-
ing of all students interested in en-
tering,'at 4 o'clock this afternoon at
the Mimes theater.
The winning poster, in addition to
being used as the cover of the musi-
cal score and the program of the
Opera, will be featured In billboard
advertising in all the cities which the
Opera will play this year, includingt
New York, Washington, Philadelphia,
Cleveland, Chicago, and Detroit.
Will Give Cash
The winner will receive a cash prize
of ten dollars. Three seats foran
Ann Arbor production of the show
will go to the artist contributing the
second-prize poster and one seat will
be given as the award for third place.
The judges will be Prof. Bruce Don-
aldson, of the fine arts department,
Wilfred Shaw, '04, secretary of the '
Alumni association, and Prof. William
C. Titconb of the department of ar-
Details concerning the contest will
be given out to those interested at!
the meeting tomorrow, when Eben
Graves, '26, general chairman of the
Opera, E. Mortimer Shuter, director,
and Valentine Davies, '27, and Walker
Everett, '26, authors, will meet the
entrants. At this time an opportunity
will be given for those Intending to
enter to go over the name, sets and
plot of the show with the authors.
Originality is the prime reguisite
for a winning poster, according to!
Opera officials.
Tryouts Called
All men students, except freshmen,
who expect to try out for the Opera
this fall and who did not try out last
spring, are requested to report at 2
o'clock today at Mimes theater. Re-
hearsals will be resumed for all of
last spring's tryouts within a few
days, according to Mr. Shuter.
Chairmen of the three major Opera
committees were chosen by the Com-I
mittee on Committees at a meeting of
that group in the Union yesterday
was named publicity - chariman.
afternoon. Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L,
George Alderton, '26, was selected
chairman of the program committee,
and William MacVay, '26M, was chos-
en to head the Make-up committee.
Other committees will be named at a
later date, with the three, whose
chairmen were selected yesterday, be-
ginning operations.
Manila, Sept. 24. - The Senate,
Tuesday, passed a bill appropriating
approximately $30,000 annually for
free distribution of rubber seeds to
All Union memberships must
be obtained or renewed at the
booth in the main lobby of the
Union by tomorrow noon, at
which time registration will be
discontinued, it was stated yes-
terday. Although the registra-
tion is well above the corre-
sponding markaa year ago, there
are still several hundred sopho-
mores and upperclassmen who
have not renewed their member-
Send Debaters
Abroad hinMay
Tht the University will send a de-
L Itinga tor to EJag!and next May to
nukao a tour of severril cities in that
cont ry, and also Scotland was defi-
AMERICAN CO)DI1SSION HOLDS uiely announced last night by Prof.
TWO SEPARATE Thonas C. Trueblood, head of the
MEETINUS public speaking department and
cwaeh of the Varsity debating team.
W ILL MEET AT NOON It had been preiously reported that
a t earn would be sent abroad provided
Ihat sufficient funds could be raised
French Siggest'ons Not Aceeptabhe I to deiray the expense.
To Some of 'ankee The itinerary in Great Britain will
Representathes inlude Oford, Cambridge,- Manches-
- ter, Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburg,
(By the Associated Press) and I ondon, Professor Trueblood
*Washington, Sept.. 24.--Tho long stated. The team which will repre-
sent the University as well as the
pending Freisco-American debt fund- I'e for discussion will be selected
ing negotiations got under way today at a lter (ate.
and the French have submitted an Receipts from the Cambridge de-
offer for a settlement. bate here, which will be held in Hill
Thee te cnvesaton oohwn- toauditoriumr, Oct. 29, will be used to
There the conversation looki to e y a part of the expenseofethe
arringements to fund France's $4,000,- foreign trip next spring. The subject
000,000 debt rested tonight after a of discussion at next month's debate
brief formal joint session between the w ill be :"Resolved, that this house
commissions representing the two pities its grandchildren." The Uni-'
governments and two separate meet- versity will take the negative and will
ings of, the American commission be represented by Ray Alexander,
have been held. 'rj, Lyman Glasgow, '23L, and El-
Announcement that a definite offer I mei, '27L, arll Varsity debaters choos-
had been laid before the Americans l en or the Cambridge engagement by
was made by Joseph Caillaux, French I the public speaking department.
minister of finance. - -
"I made a deiinite proposal. . I * n " -01 r-
IAdditional football tickets for
all home games are still availa-
ble for those students who have
not yet sent in their student
According to Harry A. Tillot-
son of the Athletic association
there are still many students
who have not yet mailed their
applications. With the M. S. C.
game barely more than a week
away there remains more than
4,000 students to apply for tick-
ets to this game. As 6 o'clock
tonight is the deadline for class
preference on M. S. C. tickets,
all applications received after
today will be filled as of fresh-
m ian classificatin
wrote it myself coming over on the
boat. My colleagues are in unity on
Under-secretary Winston, t h e
American commission secretary, at
the close of the second meeting of they
Americans, said no "otiicial proposal,
was before them, but almost. simul-
taneously there w ere declaral ionI
from other quarters that the Fronchi
suggestions were unacceptable at
least to some of the Americans.
A Subsid3 for the Commercial
Seli iee, and Child Labor
Will Be Discussed
UHlILLHIUA rH I J I VIVV ILA subsidy for the commercial air
ervice, and child labor, are questions
T 2RAW fl~t e wvill consider in de-,
_ In LuhSn tt[ Central league Michigan will
(By Tihe ARsocsated Pre ash Ijmeet Northwestern and Ohio State
Washington, Sept. 24.-Lke otlhnrs niversity. The debates, on the sub-
high in the offlicial life o ,foreign Jet: "Resolved, That the federal
countries who cono to Amerea on g-vernment should subsidize our com-
missions of monentous cencern. mercial air service, will be heard on
Joseph Caillaux, French tinance mm- j Ihe evening of Jan. 15, with Michigan's
ister, found time between a ho of negative team meeting Northwestern
engagements today to pay his coon- at lvanston; and the afiLrmative team
try's respects at the toi-lh of the Tn- nvet ing Ohio State university here.
known Soldier at Arlin;gon nationalI Tids year will mark Ohio's first ap-l
cemetery. Ipeara nce in the Central league, that
Accompanied by Emile Dar!~e' mei'4 university having taken the place of
French ambassador to Wal;ngton, Chicago, which dropped out of the
Brigadier General George A. I)uinont, league last year. ,
military attache, and the members of The Women's League, including1
the debt conmnI ssion. M. Catilla iix teams from Michigan, Ohio State un-
made the pilgrimage to the cent cry iversity, and Indiana, will consider
in the early afternoon and placed a the question: "Resolved, That the
wreath on the tomfl while I a hlal 1on i Proposed child labor amendment4
of American soldiers stood at atten- should be adopted by the United
tion. I States." The debates will be held
The minister and his associates Dec. 4, though it has not yet been de- I
then visited the interior of the huge cided which of the two schools will
memorial iamphith ii tr", iif tine i cozn here.
the various glass encased nTreai This year's debates will be the first
flags and other tokens whaich have i held jointly between the three schools,
been bestowed by iaany gXo'rnents Al ichigan and Ohio State having been
and organizations in nmemory of the sole members of the league in former,
soldier dead. YO'.
Classes from which will be chosenI
iinnnrn nua ~ 5nn the University's debate teams for thel
RE CO I two leagues are already underway un-
Cer the direction of G. E. Densmore of
ii TDIQI t he public speaking department. In
the men's class for the Central league
ire 20. and in the Women's League
Plans have been formulated by the class 15l.
Chamber of Coiimmerce Nwhereby the spring
citizens of Ann Arbor and surround- I
ing cities may make the trill to , ad- I New York, Sept. 24.-The peak of
ison for the Wisconsin football game. returning tourist traffic to New York
Reservation of coaches and the pur- as reached today with the arrival of
chase of a block of football tickots sixteen steamships bringing 8,566j
have been completed i i: va , ann~a ile j passengers.
ed last night. U
The trip is sponsored IbY this 0- Uni ers Bio
ganization in an enldea vor to increaseeg
the attendance at, this game. '( ep:,ra-
tions are being inade for a parsde to H as Successful
the field headed by the band an( fol-
lowed by the student., and cffi iana
carrying large "M Coniniu i - "Camp Douglas, the University's
cations from 0both Coach George Lit-i summer biological station, had the
tle of the Tlniversity of Wi c onsin and most successful session in its entire
the Madison ('hanber of 'oina ie~ history," stated Prof. George R. LaRue
bear assurance of --opratjon of the zoology department director of
tbe station, in an interview yesterday.
Chancellor And Foreigni Minister
Will Represent Germany
At Conference
(By the Associated Press) C
Berlin, Sept. 24. - Germany will
meet the Allied powers to negotiate
a security pact. The cabinet, pre-
sided over by President Von Hinden-
burg, today accepted the invitation of
the Allies to attend a conference to
this end.
Dr. Luther, the chancellor, and
Gustav Stresemann, foreign minister
will represent Germany at the confer-
ence, with Dr. Sriegrich Dauss, chief
legal expert of the foreign office and
secretary general and probably Dr.
B. W. Von Buelow, chief of the League,
of Nations division of the foreign of-
fice, as well as various under secre-
The German delegates will not be
bound by inflexible instruction, but
will enter upon the discussion with
a firm determination to accept the
security pact along the lines of the
Y governments various recent pro-
nouncements, especially the German
note to the Allies of July 20, main-
taining the right to strive for revision
of the peace treaty to meet changed
While October 5 is specifically
named as the date of the conference
neither date or location has been
definitely agreed upon, the Allies de-
ferring to Germany's wishes on both
Enrollment in the School of Busi-
ness Administration has shown a very
encouraging increase over last year,
according to Dean Edmund E. Day.
The total enrollment in the school for
last year was 30, while this year there
are 40 students in the first year course
and 12 in the second year. Three
students from other institutions are in
the second year course, and in the
fist year courses are about four men
holding degrees from other schools.
As the school was first started at
the University a year ago, this is the
first year in which it has offered a full
two-year program leading to the de-
gree of master of business administra-
tion. The school will turn out its
first graduates next June.I
The business administration school
has the use of the entire second floor I
of Tappan hall, and one of the rooms
on that floor is now being made into a
special reading room for business ad-
ministration students.
Engineers Plan
General Smoker
Permission has been granted by
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students,'
for a smoker for all classes and de-
partments of the engineering college
to be held Oct. 1. Frank A. Reid, Jr.,
'26, is in general charge of arrange-
;ical Station
Summer Session
by the University. The region contains
many lakes of clear water and small
forests of hardwoods and conifers,
and is diversified by hills and valleys.
There are abundant lowlands also, oc-
ucupied by swamps and bogs which gie
excellent opportunities for the study
of acquatic vegetation and animal life.
Among other things of interest to
the students at the station this sum-
mer was the remarkably large beaver
colony established in a trout stream
on the Universitydproperty. Professor
the conditions leading to the graduall
increase of beaver colonies in north-!
ern Michigan, and said that he had
seen as many as seven or eight beav-
1 m lN*"i a-t ad in I At the initial meeting for the year
soa games approimately 4,000 of the Board of Regents last night,
students have yet o file their presided over for the first time by
Iatulnts, aveyet toe their U. President Clarence Cook Little, a re-
contest, 4,500; and for the Navy port of the enrollment was madeby
I conte, ,500;andifrthchee Navy Registrar Ira M. Smith, the board of
game, 3,500. With the exception governors of the Lawyers club was re-
I ofathetwNavy game It now appeas iorganized, several gifts were received,
of additional tickets for all stu- and a number of appointments were
ap- made.
I adents, provided the rate of . The University's total enrollment,
pnication remains the same. according to the report, is 9,260. This
---______figure includes 63 registrations re-
ceived yesterday, and surpasses last
year's figure for the same date by 105.
GOVERNOR SIVIIHIt was decided to install a locker
system in the law building, in order
to protect the students against theft.
r9The band, it was voted, will here-
after receive 50 cents from the out-
door athletic fee of al students.
William Smith Mason of Evanston,
Oratorical -Association Has Extended I Ill., was reappointed to manage the
Invitation to Taminany Hal William L. Clements Library for the
Leader coming year. Miss Ruby Rowe of
Burlington, Vt., was appointed direc-
EXCEPTIONAL ORATOR tor of Betsy Barbour residence, and
Miss Fandira Crocker of Ann Arbor
was reappointed to the board of gov-
Goy. Alfred E. Smith, of New York, ernors of Betsy Barbour residence.
has been extended an invitation by the The board of governors of the
Oratorical association to be the tenth Lawyers' Club, as reorganized by the
sBoard of Regents, will be presided
speaker on the oratorical lecture pro- over by the chief justice of the su-
gram this season. Prof. Thomas C. preme court of Michigan. The board
Trueblood, chairman of the lecture will consist of one Regent, James 0.
committee, said yesterday that he ex- Murfin, two law professors, E. C.
pected an answer from the governor Goddard and Grover C. Grismore, Mr.
within the next few days. John Al. Zain of Chicago, Mr. John T.
Governor Smith is reputed to be an Creighton of New York City, and two
orator of exceptional ability and his junior law students chosen by the
recent stump campaign in the New student council of the law building.
-York City mayor fight is said to have I The committee of five handling the
been a big factor. in the defeat of comprehensive program was #eported
Mayor Hylan for reelection. Mir. to have dissolved. Regent Junius E.
Smith was strongly supported in his Beal was appointed by the Board to
attempt to secure the Democratic nom- act as delegate at the national meet-
ination for President at the last na- mng of governor boards of state uni-
tional Democratic convention held in versities, which will be held a Co-
New York City,- lumbus, 0., Nov. 19, 20, and 21.-'
The Regents received a gift from
Born the son of poor parents on the Detroit, Toledo, and Ironton
eastside of New York City, the gov- railroad of the right of way between
ernor entered on a political ascension the University property and the Ann
in his early twenties. He is now con-'Arbor aoad.Ethe A
sidrednotonl th ral eadr o Arorrailroad.' Eighty-five lw
sidered not onlyb the realdirer of books were given to the University by
politics n tha te f e or. the heirs of the late -Judge Mayo of
politics in the state of New York. Illinois. A cut out chassis was do-
nated by the Cadillac Motor company.
Mrs. Cornelia Steketee Hulst of
Gr.,and R apids C r el a m ade a igift oft $250 to.
the general library for the purchase
STUDENTDIEof Dutch historical pamphlets,
NDIt was decided to establish the A.
Walter Suiter Scholarship of $6,000
.1nthe Medical school. Prof. J. S.
Work on the Student Directory is Worley made a gift of $350 to the
progressing as rapidly as possible ac- transport library fund. $500 was re-
cording to Allin B. Crouch, '26 editor E ceived from H. R. Marsh for a
of the publication. The probable date Brights diesase research fund. The
Roy D. Chapin fellowships in high-
of its appearance on the campus has way engineering and transport were
not yet been announced. renewed and a new fellowship of $300
This year the Directory will not in highway engineering was received
contain the usual list of telephone from Mack Trucks, Inc.
numbers by street addresses. Here- The resignations of Henry T. Moore,
tofore it was merely necessary to copy recently appointed professor of psy-
the list from the directory at the tele-- chology, and Kemp Keeha, assistant
phone company office. However there director of the extension department,
is no such list this year and in order were received. Mrs. W. D. Iender-
to secure the proper data much more son was appointed to act as assistant
work would be required, necessitating to the director of the extension de-
a long delay before the Student Direc- partment. Dr. Nathan Sinai of the
tory could be published. public health department will take
Great care has been taken in com- over organization of health lecture
puting the lists as accurately as possi- courses in Detroit.
ble. Mistakes which appear will gen- Prof. Withred Cook of the drawing
erally be due to illegible writing on department was granted a leave of
the part of the students. absence. I. S. Busbey, formerly in-
The color of the Directory will be structor at M. I. T., will take his
a light green. place. Walter V. Marshall was grant-
ed an instructorship in architecture
and W. C. Sadler was appointed as-
[i Agqrq OnF igo-l1QftIn' sistant professor of civil engineering.
Chief Justice Of Supreme Court
Preside Over Lawyer's Club
T"'he 58 graduate and undergraduate
students, enrolled in the eight weeks
I i'ssion ending Aug. 14, turned out
' worl of much higher quality than the'
.average, Professor LaRue stated.
Ext remiely important research work
I was carried on in the field of parasi-
tology, the study of parasites of fishes,
mammnals, and birds; in the field (of
G lahe productivity, in which lake fer-
tility, and other factors are closely
Contributions from the freshman
classes of last year and not the senior
classes, as- was stated in 'T'uesday's
issue-'of The Daily, formed the nucle-
us of the Burton Campanile fund, it
was learned yesterday at the treasur-
er's office. The sum of $84.50, balance
from the spring party of the class of
'28, was the first response to the pub-
More than 390 students have al-
ready enrolled in the University R. O.
T. C. for the present semester. This
number is slightly in excess of the
enrollment in the unit one year ago,
and closely approaches the maximum
quota of the University.
At present membership in the Un-
Washington, Sept. 24.
attempt to make a non
No fxiuther
Stop flight
from California will be made befcore
January Secretary Wilbur announced