SATURDAY, OCTOT3T-,,T-, .24, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUDAYOCTBER 4, 125PAGE TTIREM _ _ _ _ FIE RVE TUETS OUT I early Friday morning. The blaze was'GuheBa k ASt OF' ROOMS 1N EARLY MORNING put under control before it 'burned; uh 0a k W t through to the first floor, with but' d eisF o Fire, originating in the basement of. slight damag r esulting.' Phlp iea rooming house at 1.0 South Ingalls' -__2_ri_ street, drove 'the occupants forth Patronize Daily Advertisers. -- - Several weapons used in the llhilip- pin~s previous to the last 25 years One Week Only N E W TEves.50c to $2.50) were procured by Dr. Carl Gunthe of Beginning mi ,; t.ltat. 50c to $1.510 the museum of anthropology durinl Suday 5 "P R O . his three year expedition on i he i- SnyOct. St.DE1411..06cTto $12.00 land(s.rpThe collection includes init CHARES ROJMANin Asocatin iidi . RY G1'T 11rxciIS istmosty dgges ad ;words uL CHARES IIOIMA inAssciaion iiii LRAY~OUZ ire~n~ ;various shiapes andl designs, some oC ? it ~~~~~~them ornately decorated: with inlays of g l an si v r O e, a dtg once owne'd by the chief of a band ofl. outlaws, has an ivory handle, withi the, Mob 0 blade inlaid with silver. Its soabbardl ,e has inlays of gold, silver, and brass. Dr. Guthe also procured 24 brassl _ _ j ri5 nd vases typical of the native a i :,dunshpe thle jars show a Mo- 1m_,indan and~ a Moro influence, while: 'n 'sin ad (leeoratidn they" reveal }: c r a~ofIndia and .Java. The (al e~tioni%-aluable because of the fao tlat12 pairs of jars were ob-' taiiec. . 1 WLOND)ON, Oct. 23.-The sixth! ' idy was r'overed Thursday froml ~b~ r'eekgeof the S-51, sunk off [> :: ' i :id by the City of Rome, St pt. 25. It was taken to the Naval!i he Icspt l atNewpofrt for idlet ifioation., t710 fl5'%f Vayne county jail will be re- litotby decision of imimigration au-" i oril ies t(o senid aliens awaiting de- portat ion hiere to Philadelphia. PO THE ILLINOIS GAME flichigan Blankets BANNEiRS, PENNANTS, ETC WA H R 5UNIVERSITY ________BOOKSTORE ewxy Read The Daily "Classified" Columns -IaaUgfty Ci nd ritla"' -By- U. OF M. 190f5 Songs by E. Ray Goetz, A. L. Keith and Lee Sterling G EAT'iEST of all BO DONI HIT'S Merle Johnson, the Famous Artist, Coen t The Freshman" " L wy (1 + " .n'.ISy°-"T s :x,.ap pp .a v . -j:"rjgR"M'~Ir+ I. &A J/ ' r,« '' -' ': , d7y ' tify; " ° ' r.. E?.{'. sTV)Q{jlijy'/ " _. R j; t t t V a f t :. .a.:. A t ' 7 " x t y i o .. ....,.::..... x ::;:. ..........,,..... . .per h l _ Y . r;;"^'°+dy ;tad~r Rsj t "'d' rri:a.:r. ! 444 .. 1 ' ."..+.nnrrt-c "r....-t FMM : a+"+« ., ..., race....:..... - '. _Y'... ,. -... Y ..s iT-HrEATRE _F. FRIDAY, OCT. 3 Michigan Theatre League Opening Sdo SUPERLATIVE EVENT OF THE DRAMATIC SEASON The Famous AU-Star Company, Comprising JAME$ T. POWERS, 12 )ITjS ROBB Aand Qtlier Stars In Rifelard Brinsley Sheridlan's Immortal Englfsti Comedy Appearing Under the 1~Ianagemneut of %George C. Tyler an~t lHugh Ford Seats, by Mail. Self-addressed, ;tamped Envelope with Check. PRICES-Lower Floor, $3.00; Balcony, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 No phone orders. No seats held. I PAY BEST PRICES For Men's Used Clothing. Phione 4310 115 AV. Washingloix H. B +--jAMIv DETROIT THEATRES THIS WEEK h Bonstella Payhouse 1t hvSc t Woodward at Eliot Tel.Glendale -9 The BOSTELLE Co. Ila the Fanitastic, wise, witty. satiric Conic y "The Beggar on Horseback" GARRICK Wed. Mat. 50cto 5(15, Sat."Mat. 50c to $2.00 25th Big Week (( THE; MIRACLE JPLAY 0OF AMERICA i ANNE NIEMLSV A BlE'S IRISH IROSE, SEE IT! You Will lEvenlually! WHlY NOT NOW? Schubert Lafayette P rgaoetohe' Iargain Mat,, Thursday, best seats, $2. Sat. Mat. 5oc to 2S(Te.Cdla,8o The STUD ENT PRINCE! The Whole Town's Going!i jCompany of 150. Great Male Chiorus of Go.i IIL- jrq -- _i .. i &ead the Want Ads, woo I' .Pick '0 the Pictures MAJESTIC Keith Vaudeviflk I Irving arjTolsiD S C CHlIROPODIIST AND ORTHOPEDIST ~707 N. University Ave. Phioie 21212 HEADQUARTERS FOR Parchmnen t Lamap Shade Frames Bircheraft Plaque Frames +Stencil Outfits Artists Materials J)efroe Tube Colors Swing Picture Frames Electric Torchilers Sign Writers Supplies Paints Varnish Enamels Wall Paper Glass Window Shades Parchment Supplies SDAILY FOBLRET URNS M ATINEES ..or pAtOne O'clock I I NOW SHOWING I -, - SCREENI I j "The Knockout" STAGE -Ke~ith Feature- Natalie& and the. LOPEZ CASTILLIAN ORCHESTR A PICTURE Fh1AMlUtG I Igo I 0207 [,,,t Librrty St. -- J i _'l'°+ F ait for iiI "THE MIDSHIPMAN"7