FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1925 THE MTCAHTCAN DAILY PAGt rivz ,. . _ _ Q I v / s -z Z .sus ;Icv WOMEN GIVEN PART IN INUGURATIONi Six Leaders Will Represent Women In Ceremony For President Little ANNOUNCE SELECTION Six women students will march in the inaugural procession of President Clarence Cook Little on Nov. 2. This event will mark the first occasion al- lowing women to participate in the inauguration of a Michigan president. The following women were chosen under the direction of President Little, and in accordance with his request that the student body be allowed to take part in his inauguration: Norma Bicknell, '26; Constance Clark, '26; Mary 'Cooley, '26; Eunice Eichkorn, '26; Margaret Effinger, '26; and Eunice Rose, '26. Mr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the President, stated that the above women were selected as being repre- sentative of the student body. Miss Bicknell is president of the Women's League. Miss Cooley is a regular con- tributor to the Inlander Literary mag- azine, and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa honorary society. Miss Effin- ger is prominent in dramatics and Women's League work. Miss Rose is the newly elected president of Mor- tarboard, honorary senior society. Miss Eichkorn is a member of Phi Beta Kappa honorary society, being elected in her junior year. Miss Clark is at present vice-president of the Women's League. This inauguration will be attended by representatives of 59 schools, col- leges and universities. lElect Editors Of Dormitory Annual Elections for the editor-in-chief and assistant editor of the Martha Cook Annual were held Wednesday evening at the weekly house meeting. Marian Van Horn, '26, was elected editor-in- chief and Ruth Hull ,'26, assistant editor. It was decided that the posi- tion of business manager would be filled by tryouts rather than by elec- tion, as this plan was successfully carried out last year. Women in the dormitory who are interested in try- ing for this position will go to Mar- jory Dixon, '26, who will assign them to different ads to be procured, and the woman who is able to get the greatest amount of ads will automa- tically become business manager. This annual published by the women of the dormitory takes on somewhat the form of the 'Ensian in a diminu- tive way.f DETROIT, Oct. 22. - Joseph A. Bower of New York, fiscal agent and chief promoter of the Detroit-Wind- sor international bridge, said today if Ontario guarantees $6,000,000 worth of debenture bonds, New York bankers will provide the rest. Read the Classified Page-it pays. ' * e The First of a Series E VERY woman is born with a healthy, normal lnstinct of curiosity. As a girl, she pulled off the hair of her first dolly and worked hard to ,find out where its "voice" came from. As a woman, the same instinct leads her on a' shop- ping tour. Ladies wear, which is a fascinating game, contains "inside details" which are Faculty Members To Judge Posters! Posters for the Women's League and Inter-church bazaar this year will be judged by two members of the fac- ulty from the engineering school and7 a first, second and third prize poster will be selected. All of the posters will be exhibited in Barbour gymna- sium about two weeks before the ba- zaar and the ones selected by the judges will be exhibited in a con-1 spicuous place in some prominent building on the campus. The judges. are, Herbert A. Fowler, instructor ink architectural design, and Myron B. 1 Chapin, instructor in drawing and' painting.( Any woman on the campus may en- ter into the poster contest by merely; turning in a poster sometime before November 16. They must contain th'e, name Women's League and$ Inter- church bazaar, the date Dec., 4 and 5, and the place, Barbour gymnasium. For further information call Laura Craft, '27, chairman of the poster con- test. FRiESHMANINME GUESTS AT SPREADi AAnnual Dance For Freshiuan Women To Be Informal Halloive'en Barn Dance MARY WHITE CHAIRMANI HOUSES COMPETE Elect President CrbTO MAEGLEE Of Ridingr RannTnnnnn NOTICES IN HOCKEY MATC19H1 1l orence Matteson, '28, has been chosen p:.esident of the women's rid- ing club which was organized recent- asappzi sDelta Defeats Alpha Omicron ly under the auspices of the Women's Pi 11 First Round Game Of Athletic association. The club is Itoey planning to hold riding parties once Pournieya week; the first will start at 8 o'Aock, Sunday morning, from Mul-I McNALLY STARS lsonsvery. -- -It is not too late to join the club1 Kappa Deltas succeeded in gaining now and any women who are interest-I a victory of 6 to 1 against Alpha Omi- ed are urged to take part in this first cron Pi in the fourth game of the in- event. Riding tickets are still being' litV MUIJIIIRflVfU SiILt f ',. - tramural hockey tournament played sold in the organized houses for Wednesday on Palmer field. This was benefit of the Women's League the first game in the tournament in all prospective riders should ob which both' of the contesting teams their tickets as soon as possible. scored. The first goal of the afternoon was made by Evelyn Ogborn, '28, of the.PORM oF Kappa Delta team. The other KappaP Gr Delta goals were made by MargaretB McNally, '47, manager. Throughout the game the Alpha Omicron Pi team put up a strong de- fense, the backfield players making Cabinet members of the Y. W. C goals difficult for their opponents. outiined their year's program Mary Lawton, '28, distinguished her- dinner given to them by the mem self by strong hits and fast playing F and Doris Kent, '26, at center forward of the adviory hoard Wedne also made excellent plays. night at Newberry hall. The lineups were: This dinner was set as an op the and tai ER C. A.] at a bers, sday ppor- Judging from the number of inter- ested customers, the sale of women's Belle Seigel, '27, has beef appoint- apparel held yesterday at the Lan- ed to rconduct the W. A. A. hike for tern shop, was a decided success. This honor poitnts which will start at 9 sale was sponsored by Mortarboard o'clock Sunday from Harbour gym- society and a certain per cent of the ;nasium. profit is to be turned over to t)e Women's League. The goods sold Act 1 and act 2 of the Masques' play! were obtained through the courtesy will hold a rehearsal at 4 o'clock to- of the Himelhoch shop in Detroit. lay at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. An exhibit was given last evening at' Betsy Barbour house for the women All golf matches of the qualifying living in the dormitory. Elizabeth round must be played off by tomorrow Plackwood, '26, chairman, plans that the sale is to be asweekly event and a schedule for visiting the sorority, houses is to be made. Smart sport frocks of flannel and balbriggan and a complete line ofI felt and velour hats were featured and several slickers in brillant shades were shown. Various grades of silk and light wool hose of a well known brand were sold and the attractive lingerie and accessories were popul- ar with the customers. Women are urged to ask for any special articles that they wish and the Himelhoch w caleswoman will bring in from De- troit anything that is ordered. Or- So dets may be filled also by writing to su Margaret Beal, '25, in care of Himel- Cc hoch's. Sir fu night. There will be a meeting of the 'board of representatives at 9 o'clock Saturday in Barbour gymnasium. Tryouts for Freshman Girls' Glee club will be continued Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 3 o'clock in room 216, 'School of Music. Accompanists will . also be heard. All beginners in rifle who have signed up must report this week as they will not be allowed to come into classes until the second course of lessons have begun. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. College Coats Kappa Delta Alpha Omicron Clark '26.......L.W.... Peckham McNally '27 .. . . L.I..... Shmple E. Ogborn '28 .. C.F........ Kent VanderWater '29 R.I..... Lawton Waldo '26 ......R.W...... Miller JOgborn '26 .....L.H..... McBride Townsend Grad. C.H..... Whipple White '28......R.H.......Davis Tuttle '28... .LF ...A. Weber Pi tunity for both groups to become '26 more intimately acquainted and that '26 1 the advisors could know specifically, '26 what each committee of the associa- '28 tion is planning for this year and on '26 which phases of their work they de-I '26 sire to put the most emphasis. '26 Mrs. W. A. Frayer, president of the, '29 board, presided, introducing first1 '26 Kathryn Willson, '26, president of the Guests Of Dean Miss Jean Hamilton and Mrs. Amy Hobart entertained 22 members of Honor council houses at dinner Wed- nesday evening. The house president{ iu nd fern r tnrunfttrve fUnIm dnl S p o oe*o e wilb hots- 1u t Go . .. .. .. ., ... Sophomore Women will be hostess- .Aubrey '27 ....R.F..... M. Weber '26 University Y. W. C. A., who in turnj es at the annual Freshman Spread to ni Cole '28.......G......... McCall '26 presented the other speakers. be given from 8 to 11 o'clock tonight Another game was to have been Doris Glines, '26, told of the work n Harbour gymnasium. Freshmen held Wednesday between Pi Beta Phi of the membership committee, which women from all schools, and all en- and Delta Gamma. The Delta Gam- is ,divided into sections under sub- ma team defaulted, however, chairmen. Norma Case, '27, has as well as any other women of the Today's schedule will be: Alpha charge of the publicity in this field, University who wish to come. oa' ceuewl e lh hag ftepbiiyi hsfed i sPhi vs. Theta Phi Alpha; Alpha Ep- and Pauline Bridgeman, '27, the work "We want every sophomore woman e individually responsible for the silon Iota vs. Outlaws; and Alpha which includes interesting women success tndheduaresp,"nsideMryhGamma Delta ys. Alpha Xi Delta. who were girl reserves in high schooll success of the spread," said Mary| -_in University Y. W. C. A. work. White, '28, chairman of the publicity I Sigma Alpha Iota sorority were the World fellowship and its meaning committee of the spread. Our spread sponsors of a concert held recently to the women who are on the campus this year is not going to be formal as at the home of Mrs. Bishop Canfield, from other countries was discussed before; we want to get back to the 1830 Washtenaw Avenue. The pro- by Sarita Davis, '26, and Anna Arn- informal spreads that used to be giv- gram included many numbers by well old, '27, told of the social service di- en in the past. So this year we are known local artists such as vocal se- vision. going to have an old-fashioned bardi lections by Bessie Sickles, '26, and Ruth Hull, '26, told of her work dance, and we want every one to come violin solos by Mrs. Marian Struble with entering women through the Hready for a good tine. Freeman while Mrs. Rhead presided;leadership commission, Charlene Shi-I Hallowe'en decorations will be car-at the piano. land, '27, discussed community' serv-j ried out by orange and black balloons, ice, and Helen Edwards, '27, who at-1 jack o'lanterns, pumpkins, and corn- BAY CITY, Oct. 22.-Conservative tended the 'national conference last' stalks. All sorts of stunts have been estimates placed on the loss in the summer at Lake Geneva told of her planned, and there will be specialty Phoenix block, one of the city's main experiences there. and feature dancing, as well as ball- business blocks, which was badly How the Y. W. C. A. has spread room dancing, for which Gene Buck's damaged by fire of undetermined or- over to the nurses association, and igin Wednesday, total $500,000. how they have benefited from it was freshments will be served in the gym- related by Pearl Haist who is presi- nasium parlors. MONTE CARLO, Oct. 22.- Finger dent of their division. Few realized watches set in a background of dia- until her talk how much the organi- ROME, Oct. 22.-Pope Pius Tues- monds have made their appearance zation is doing over there and how day celebrated mass in St. Peter's on the fingers of some of' the fair vital it is in the lives of the nurses. before 50,000 holy year pilgrins, re- habitues of the Casino here. presenting more than 30 nationalities. Any women who have questions as SCHENECTADY, N. Y., Oct. 22.-A to the number of their honor points PARIS, Oct. 22.-The classic, Beau- 12-year battle for the basic patent in the W. A. A. or the method of mont Cup was won by Sadi Lecointe, righ'ts of the modern vacuum tube, I earning them should consult Louise when he flew 300 kilometers (187 used extensively in radio, was con- Roberts, '26, between 9 and 10 o'clock, miles) in 57 minutes, 56 seconds. cluded Tuesday. or between I and 2 o' clock today, at the W. A. A. desk in Barbour gymnas- SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR DAILY! Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. mm. and two representatives from each j house were present and also Con- stance Clarke, '26, temporary chair- 1 man of the Honor council. The' guest of honor was Norma Bicknell, '26, president of the Women's League. After the dinner Dean Hamilton spoke to the representatives, and an open discussion was held regarding the purpose of the council and plans I for the year's activities. These will be published as soon as they are in more definite form. Angeline Wilson, '27, accompanied by her sister Gwendoline Wilson, sang at the Thursday noon rest period of the Y. WX. C. A. yesterday at Newber- ry Hall. Doris Slingluff, '26, gave several piano selections. VIENNA, Oct. 22.-A tablet was un- veiled yesterday on the house in which I Johann Strauss was born Oct. 25, 1825. i f i I r r- an se al ed OU'VE never looked your best until you've orn a Fur Coat! Have you en the Raccoon and Oppos- m Furs we are featuring for ollege, girls this week, on a mple payment plan? These irs are especially collegiate nd because they can be worn veral seasons give exception- value for the money invest- 1. Raccoon Fur, $275 Oppossum Fur, $175 Caracul Jaquette, $75 Marmont, $200 Long Caracul, $275 Muskrat Fur, $165 (SECOND FLOOR) 6f a. Your ISO YOU Pave SSubscription To the Alr4*gtn t.l TIhe Ann Arbor Floral News, VOL. 1. No. 39. Published Every Friday by Ann Arbor Floral Co. close to the house where the rain has failed to soak into the ground, be sure to give it a good watering after planting or you are sure not going to have any flowers in the spring, because there is nothing Reliable Bulbs as harmful to bulbs as dry ground. It is time to plant your bulbs, Tulips, Jonquils, Hyacinths, Snowdrops, Crocus, Depth of.Bulbs Daffodils, etc. This varies greatly. The following figures are for the distance of the top of the bulb to the surface To succeed with bulbs it is necessary to of the soil. Sundrops, 2 inches; crocus, 2 inches; begin right, by getting sound bulbs of good lilies, 5 inches; tulips and daffodils, 4 inches; hya- cinths, 4 inches. size, and we would warn prospective pur- chasers against buying cheap, undersized bulbs, and expect, the fine results obtained PRICES: from such as we can offer you. Our sources of supply are the best in this country and Tulips, early single and double, 50c per doz. abroad, the leading growers of the world Tulips-Darwins, Cabbage and Mayflower- having for years supplied us with their ing,'75c per doz. choicest stock. Hyacinths, large size, $1.50 per doz. Crocus and Snowdrops, 35c per doz. Daffodils and Jonquils, including Emperors, Cultural Hints $1.00 per doz. Liberal discount on lots of one hundred. Bulbs should be planted now or any time before the ground freezes. You should avoid too early planting, because the bulbs will start to grow im- mediately after they are planted and if there should PiCkin a W inner be a late frost, they will have made considerable progress and will be more or less damaged during the winter and early spring. You wouldn't pick a winner at the races with- out looking up the horses' past record, would you? This fall is an ideal one for planting bulbs, Neither would you pick a florist without know- because we have plenty of moisture. One of the ing something of his reputation. most common causes for failure of bulbs to bloom We invite your investigation. You will agree is the dry ground. The bulbs like moisture and that "our service is a service to swear by and not plenty of it. If you should happen to plant them at." supremely interesting to most women. And, believing that most Women of Ann Arbor would be interested in the inside details of our busi- ness, we have decided to talk about them, informal- ly, in the newspapers. The first of a series of let- ters between "Cynthia and Louise" will tell the stories All subscriptions of $3.50 not paid by November 10th advance to $4.00 after the 15th of November. All unpaid subscriptions will be stopped and billed at the rate of five cents a copy for the papers delivered. I gHouse Managers Please ser subscriptio nd check for $3.50 for eachl n, or pay at the Daily office, i