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October 23, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-23

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._. .,. ....y...a . .,..


t iu ilt " utype of spirit and sportsmanship than
_a can he expected of our younger
Published every morning except Mon ayivals.
during the University year by the Board in Michigan has met the Ilini on the
Control of Student Publications football field ten times, and has
Members of Western Conference Editorial emerged the victor on seven of theseFMORNING
Association.as W r wsIE
- ; occasions. Whether we win or lose,



The Associated Press is exclusively en-
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Chairman, Editorial Board . ..Norman R. Thal
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Night Editors
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J. E. Little Eugene Weinberg
Frank E. Mosher Win. J. Weinman
F. A. Nordquist -_
Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON
"The British Labor Party is far
ahead of the labor moveiment in
this country because the Ameri-
cani party is still bartering its
Iotes to the party that makes the
Iwst promises."-Rennie Smith,
of the British Parhia.
mient, before the Tale Liberal
Last year, thousands of Michigan
tudents, alumni, and friends traveled
hundreds of miles to the Illinois

-- - ;

we can still afford to maintain that
It is stated by the Alumni office
spirit which so befits "The Champions "SPIRINth l"
of the West." that there are more than sixty thou- By Robert
- ' sand alumni of Michigan living in allBoe tHwassn.
One day it was spring. The Cob
of the states and sixty-eight foreign
countries including the Scandinavian.I gave his bellows lungs a bath and
Woodrow Wilson, America' World With these figures in mind, let us sat down on the park bench. The
war President, is to be immortalized delve into a few statistics. Of the Girl-as such things always come
by a great memorial. The public 60,000 alumni, approximately 60,000 about-happened quite by chanceto
recognition of greatness, so often de- sm e cigarettes. Each of th be on the same park bench, and
nied a far-seeing leader during his smokes about 10 of his own particular shortly the two were talking: of stars
lifetime, is to be bestowed after brand daily. In other words there are and poetry. One can always tell a -
ceath. Even the bitter opponents who exactly-well, a great many smoked real Lady from the other kind; and at
assailed Woodrow Wilson's peace plan by graduates of this University. last with jazz blues in the air, the
on the floor of the senate are now If all the ends of these cigarettes flowers, babies crying in the distance,
unanimcus in their acclaim of his were laid end to end they d be of they walk off, arm in arm.
ideals for world betterment and his no more use than before. There is Cohn Campbell Clements'
conduct of the destinies of the United If all the Alumni would live end toSpring.
If al te Almniwoul lie en to* * *
States during the critical period of end on the ground they would stretch
the World war a long way; but you couldn't get them As one of the directors of the
Just what form this memorial too it; and if you could what wou Gloucester Players, it was my for-
should take is controversial, since be the use? tune to work under Mr. Clements, I
there are now three associations and in my own personal enthusiasm
which are attempting to immortalize oI am willing to believe that someday
the war time President. The best THE ROVERS ON TIE CAMPUS he will be one of the most distinguish-
the toroweame and Fortune CamewstohI
orwn>ndmise pndfortunehCamet-ed American dramatists. He is still
knon a~lmos pwerul f hes o- T'lree Adventurous Students. redlaie
ganizations is the national Woodrow relatively young-thirty-one or less-
W'Rah Rah Rah Rovers" camne the but already he is the author of two
on emoria association, of w combined yell of thousands of happy published volumes, including among
R. Moulton Pettey is chairman. This students, gathered at the Michigan h
association has advanced the idea of his longer plays "The Haiduc " "The
building a great Wilson university in Central station to welcome home the Boy Through the Window," and "The
three boys whose stirring adventures Beginner" which is to be given its
the Virginia hills across the Potomacre a monumental achievement of
from Washington, the entire project first production on any stage in Ann
American youth. "Rah Rah Rah I Arbor during the second semester.
to cost $5,500,000. The plan is entire- Rovers" came back the echo as the "Spring" o smst
ly disapproved by Mrs. Wilson, theRvrs aebakheehashe "pn" is probably his most I
wyisappovhed by Mrsilsnth enthusiastic ' welcome reverberated adroit one-act piece, a simple, rather
widow of the great President. oe h uo aly
AndoMWilsver the Huron valley whimsical, ridiculously sentimentalt
ndtMrs. Wlson s is rsTswell," remarked Sam comed of two very American man-
thought of organizing a national cam- .yh imedyy
paign to raise $5,500,000 is totally out Rover, tossing the porter a dime. ners. It moves quietly and so subtly t
of harmony with the ideals which Thank yo, Massa Sam" grinned the through its plain story that one, for I
Woodrow Wilson defended to the end happy porter jovially, once, feels real emotion in the the-
of his life. Asking for mon'ey is the "'m ettin.r eduon tis ater-not artificial, nor glamorous,
I'm getting pretty well fed up on this Ibut livigad rthrpthetc.The
last thing to which the President hoorah stuff." but living and rather patheic. the
would have consented and the cheap- I "Now Tom," remonstrated Dick, the curtain leaves one breathless in the
estoddest way: one actually grows soft
advance.pl that his admirers ofuldeldest of the three boys and despite and romantic.
adv e. Placing the erection oa his patent ignorance the leader of the Comedy Club has included it as the
r ear emtonifa on thew sat basi group "is that the way to repay the first of its bill of one-act plays to be
the recionof newwatrwoksfaithful admirers of the Rover boys? presented in Sarah Caswell Angell I
both dependant upon popular sub-a Don't you remember in "The Rover hall Wednesday evening. Amy Loomis,
!scEvenn, is little short of absurd. Boys Afloat; or An Intangible director of the Junior Girls' Play,
Even if the immense s of more Saviour how Ken Kellar and his Masques, and assistant to Professor
than five million dollars shouldbe brothers helped us escape the savage Hollister, will play the part of the
procured, the founding of a new uni- Moros in South Dakota?" girl. It is a character to make any
versty i no thebestuseto w "That',
versityiit couldehe placed. Use t h That's all very well... . Tom actress . . . humble, if that is the
it cou bpace. Universities that broke off sharply. "Hist...." word.
even approach the standard of great-b"What, Tom?" queried his two *
ness which a memorial to Woodrow brothers, knowing by instinct that "THE RIVALS"
Wilson should attain !eed a constant some sinister deed was afoot. "You go first and I'll precede you."
revenue, years of tradition. and con- .
revnue, exrsf tpraiion, Ianud c- "Unless my eyes deceive me, whis- That majestic utterance of Mrs. Mala-
ta expert supervision. It would be pered Tom hoarsely, "I swear I saw prop is about all most people can re-
an insult, not an honor, to establish Silas Marner at the wheel of that member of Richard Brinsley Sheri-
a Wilson university and allow it to taxi." dan's immortal comedy, "The Rivas"
remain a third rate institution, unable The boys looked, but the averted But just that is enough to arouse their
to cope with the older and better head of the driver foiled their attempt interest in the performance of this
organized schools with which the East to ferret out their arch enemy, known play Friday evening, October 30, at
is filled, and hated for his vile deeds by every the Whitney theater.
That there should a great lasting Rover Boys reader. Probably no play in recent years
memorial to the memory of one of "Well this is a fix" said Sam, drop- has boasted such a truly all-star cast
America's greatest Presidents is ping his carpet bag. as the one which will present there-
project but that it shotld consist of a -Cyrano. vival of his comedy. Minnie Maddern I
project requiring an immense sum of Does the malignant influence of Fiske, who is still hailed as first lady
money begged from the-people of the Silas Marner still pursue the three of the American stage, is the delight-
United States and expended on the unhappy boys? Read Chapter II to- fully funny Mrs. Malaprop Ann Ar-
establishment of a new university morrow. bor is acquainted with Mrs. Fiske,
where none is needed is most certan- * * * and it would not be surprising if Mrs.
ly not agreed. Perhaps it would be ZILCh WILL JOIN Fiske remembers Ann Arbor, al-
wise to allow Mrs. Wilson, who knows rflII IGAN FACULTY though it is some years since the
best what the President would have Noted Writer Award Chair of Belated memorable night when she had the
wished' and who has shown excellent Art. Will Give Course in Hair curtain rung down three times on the
taste in the matter thus far, to And Class Cutting, first act of her play, beginning anew
make a few suggestions before the MAY BE DEAN OF each time the curtain arose, because
committee undertakes a definite plan. BARBER'S COLLEGE of the too enthusiastic shelling and
___ __ Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 23.-(From eating of peanuts by students in the
our Special Correspondent)- audience.
EDITORIAL COMMENT At a meeting of the Board of We- Dear old Chauncey Olcott plays Sir
gents yesterday, Dr. Joesph Zilch, Z. Lucius O'Trigger, the fire-eating
I., L. C. H., A.B., etc., was appointed Irishman, and he has ample oppor-
a full professor of Barbarity and tunity to exercise the singing voice
(The New York Herald-Tribune) awarded the Fellowship in Belated that has endeared him to the whole
With customary caution and clever- Arts. country.
ness of phrase Mr. Lloyd George has Mr. Zilch will conduct a course for Thomas A. Wise, famous in old
suggested that a group of churchmen advance students in the art of hair- English comedy roles, returns to this
investigate the drink problem in cutting and bolting during the second field, from which he has been too long
Great Britain. He has chosen the eve semester. He will arrive in Ann Ar- absent, as Sir Athony Absoluth. The
of a dry campaign under the auspices bor on the first of May and plans to role of the ridiculous but lovable Bob
of fh Up d Kifo dTinylm Allin4' fn .ucoil F 'r Ttruj n Oh Llir iatii 01,n+ A_

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Memorial stadium to see a football i
game. It was a great game, perhaps
the most talked of game of the present1
colW'giate generation, and the fact
tat Michigan, lost the game was coun-
terbalanced by the increased display
o, spirit and sportsmanship on the
part of her supporters.
Today and tomorrow thousands
more will travel toward Urbana, to
invade the llini stronghold even asE
it has never been invaded before.
Twenty-nine special trains, the great-
est number in all history, will help to
carry these 67,000 fans to what
should prove a greater game than
that which broke the Wolverine chain-
pionship spell in 1924. Of the thou-i
sands who will make the trip, only a
small percentage will be students oft
Clh U iv rcit -butf it., -'cno i l- r


er n rversi y,-uLL s eemrs n- 1or Le neQ t.ngaom Alance to; sail for Europe on the 15thi of that
evitable that students who are making make his suggestion. The three po- month.
football trips be continually placed litical parties in England are greatly The Wegents also seriously dis-
under he= stern, disapproving gaze of interested in the liquor problem, but cusses the establishment of a barber's
the pruddish old-maid type of person none of them advocates prohibition. college, to be known as the college
who expects the student to become a Mr. Baldwin's government will be ask- of Barbarity, as an additional branch
veritable criminal while on a foot- ed to set up a royal commission, but of the University. It is understood
ball trip, and who will make every ef- unless there has been a radical that should the board take any defi-
fort to prove him so. . change of view the request will be nite action on thkpiatter, Dr. Zilch
Of course the student becomes loud, denied. . will be offered the position of Dean
boisterous, while on football trips, The dry movement is being organ- I of the college.
naturally some of them act as they ized on a strong basis. Among its Wegent Sqeal, when asked about
wouldn't act at home, but after all, leaders are Dame Lloyd George, the matter said:
the only time when we ever really Philip Snowden, who was the Labor "Zilch is the"-obvious man for the
have our "rah-rah college boys" in Chancellor of the Exchequer; Lady post. The committe has ransacked
this day is when they take these week- Astor, Walter Runciman, who was a the entire country, and in spite of his
end trips to distant stadiums, and i minister in Lloyd George's govern- youth, has found him the outstanding
there is no sound reason why we ment, and Sir Reginald McKenna. The man in the field."
should not allow them to "rah-rah", backbone of the movement is in the Zilch was 14 last Christmas, and
themselves hoarse if they so desire. Free Church. If the "drys" are well expects another birthday at this
But on the other hand, because organized, the "wets" are prepared to year, at which time, it is prophesied,
every student is so carefully watched resist each and every attempt to es- he will be 15.
for criminal tendencies, and because tablish prohibition. The fight prom- If he assumes the position, he will
every young alumnus or other sup- ises to be lively and exciting because be the youngest Dean in the Universi-
porter of one or the other of the, Britain is in the midst of a period of ty, it is assumed, although this can-
teams is immediately classed as a stu- heavy industrial depression, with the not be verified since the other Deans
dent, it behooves students, alumni, number of unemployed approaching were forbidden to tell their age by
and friends to remember that their 1,500,000. Prohibition advocates are their wives.
acts are the acts of representatives provided with impressive figures At a meeting tonight, at which re-
of the oldest state university of the showing the expenditures on liquor freshments of a milder sort will be
west, and that in arousing the an- and by the government in the form served, it is expected that final action

Acres is unusually well-handled by
James T. Powers. Lotus Robb plays
Lydia Languish, a role formerly filled
by Viola Allen and Julia Marlowe.
The production of "The Rivals" last
year was the first of the Sheridan
Festival series which was undertaken
by a brilliant coterie of players under
the management of George C. Tyler
and Hugh Ford as the contribution of
theater to the American Sesquicen-
tennial Year. The second of the series,
Sheridan's "School for Scandal," will
open in a few days in Philadelphia,
and will follow the transcontinental
tracks of "The Rivals."
Besides being the most brilliant
dramatic writer of the eighteenth cen-
tury, Sheridan was also a man of ex-
traordinary senatorial talert, and sit-
ting in parliament along with Burke,
Fox, and Pitt, he fought with them
for the conciliation of the American
colonies. His first play, "The Ri-
vals," was originally -produced Jan-
uary 17, 1775, almost three months to
the day before that shot, the one
heard around the world, was fired. So
it is more than fitting that this play
should be part of the theater's con-
tribution to the natrintio nhervancne






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