FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ThIDY, CTOER 3, 925PAGE TAIRT-- SPtAKING TRYOUT SSET FORNOY. 17 Bronze Plaque Will We Awarded Wi. gan n4 1 1ol V -4 4" Ci -: Asiociate First Shows Telephone tAnni Arbor Art Association opens trees almost meet in the Carolina sun- 7tL jshine. "Creek in Flood"-clear blue ' Exhibit Season In Memorial HALC waters spreading out over the low- TJl lJIV)ICoos Aie lands where the great trees, hung Wih atr olrsByAliceSmith with spanish moss, stand helpless be- -The exhibit will remain in the west gallery of Alumni Memorial hall until Nov.. 5. ' -E. H. G. ~Ann Arbor Boasts' Both Oldest And Youngest Studentl man, grad., who early in Septcmber passed his,, 57th birthday, ranks a.s the oldest; with. William J. Dowsett, sre- cial, also of Ann Arbor, who in I ,b ruary will reach his 56th birthd,i" second. Having reached the age of 15 in April, last, William C. Baumgartner, '29, of Ann Arbor, is the youngest student. '1Iwo months older is LI- lian I. Butler, '29, of Saginaw. to Deceive Book SPEAK OAN AIR POLICY Tryouts for the first extemporane- ous speaking contest of the year to be conducted under the auspices of the Oratorical association will be given in room 302, Mason hall, Nov. 17, Al- bert M. Stern, '271., director of the contest, announced yesterday. He fix- ed Nov. 24 as the dlate for the finals. Those wishing a try out must report at 4 o'clock on the ap- pointed day. The director and his as- sistants will appoint judges to hear the preliminary speeches. Any phase of the general subject, "Our Nation-. ,i Air Policy," can be selected for the initial speech. For the final certain phases of the topic will be assigned to participants shortly before the time set for the. last speech. Finals will be held in University Hall. Second semester freshmen and up- p~erclassmen except those who have represented Michigan in intercolleg- iate debate, will be eligible to com- pete for honors in the contest. A bronze plaque will be presented to the winner, while the one to win second h~onors will be given a book. AThe judges for the tryouts and fin- als have not been named, as yet, but Xvill be announced within the next 'few (lays. ROME, Oct. 22.- Members of the Italian 'war debt commission departed 'today for Washington where they 'will attempt to negotiate a settle- tment of what Italy owes the United 'States. OTTAWA, Oct. 22.-Today was nom- 'ination day in 214 electoral" districts, throughout the Dominion of Canada, ~for the parliamentary elections, set ~for one week hence Sodas Sundaes MaltedMilks Our customers say: "The best in town." BETSY ROSS SHOP Nickels Arcade !1The Ann Arbor Art association has; plete mlaster of her composition, in ____________________ * opened its season with an exhibit of! which 0one again recognizes the Jap- { ER I T E T E Swater colors by Misr Alice R. Huger anese sembla~nce; }but she has not iTHISW E ,mit.( "acrificed feeling to mere (Taing.TH SWEEK M t:iss Smith has chosen a theme that One of the most striking or the plc- p Nights 75c to $7.50 has had very little treatmnt, the !tures in the group is "The tops of the B on te'fe layhouse Tues.ThnUrs &Sat. swampy shores of the coast near Pines." The (lyVmeldiuni 1used is a \dadat lo e latse5oc979275 Chalesonand she has found in that itga.r~is al roy njs -eoaeadder at ~1t.fatga.Teetl,(roy ~j2- The BONSTBELLE CO* deoaeadderywsea(one tic trees, gray in the dusk,;, are faint- o'j~souce romwhih t drw hr l silouetedaganstthegra oftheIn the Fantastic, Wise, Witty. Satiric Coinedy ......,...~sk inspiration. 11cer appeal is not only eeigsybten hn s1noe "hBggrooreak ,;:.: '".":. °>, to lovers of art but to admirers of space where the lasitt glimmller of light,- ; nature as well - the hunter who' struggles throughl. "The Great Blu 5RIC ' Ees. - 50c to $2.503 AR RI J Wed. Mat, 50c to S5 x.:...i<:",::; I ventures into the, gray woods at; herons" standing on the ground and' Sat. Mat. 50C to $2.00 X 5 Idawn; the fisherman who spends; perched an the mossy tree snags( 251h Big Week ;i;;:;:?;: **<:- :.: ". ;,",. h watchles: with enraptured joy theI ful manner. The artist's ability as a ABlE'S IRISH ROSE ,~ " } M s ;ight of the heron or the egret against technician is show n best in a picture, SEE IT! Yo~u Win! Eventuafly! WHY NOT *fa i I endless sky. Hnlme unknown because of a mlixup!______ 'i NOT N OW? There is nothing of the gaudiness, in numbers, of the entrance to anaiod ShbetLafayette at Shelby 'T the awkwardness, or the coarseness i1Southern honme. It gie oeth m2Ltaete 1 hta, oto$ !of modern realism about he r ok. pres~iIIOn o C home in the wamhi Thursday, best seats,$2. Sat. Mat.,5oc to $230o wrtInI Its appeal lies in the inhereit poetry! which it is portrayed and the b.eaulti- Ttl. Cadillac,5705 'a keen observer finds in nature, in Cfill coloring of the time worn stones.,The STUIDENT PRINCE the interpretation of mnoods, and i Among the mole colorful picturesThWherw'soig the portrayal of peaceful landscapes. ctw ht r priularly interest- ?Company of 750. Great Male chorus of 6o. C ~~ha'racteristic of her art is its de-or-E ing. "White Ibis"---lairge white birds!":;;<>.""::;. aieflngwthbckipdgr at oes elng, take an cxpeCi'ienced t blacktipe'1ng- fyig bo e -ad the fXalv~rl Adsr __ _____.____________ critic to ,see that the artist has - -gibu tea vrwint0 T(iLEU Charles J. Bell of Washington, a di- bneentnficdsoea ti by h ap-n rector of~the Chesakeake and Potomac! her comnbir-ti ons of najeslc bird;, Telephone= co., is thne last living as- and great trees and in her floral i k^ R90U 0 sociate of Dr. Alexander Grahiamn Bell, groups. Yet Miss Smnith is thonroulghly; in the invention of the telephone. Ho original in her work. The artist is, is shown with the "first telephone. an accomplished draftsman--- at cong-______________ - ~ tXWith our ideal screen preservative, which dries quickly, does f not fill up tile meshes of the wire, produces a brilliant gloss *. i effect, and miay be used for both wire and frame. ' - Now is the time to take down those screens, paint them, and Those questions about words, people, places, that pult them away till spring, when they will be ready for use. arise so frequently in your reading, writing, study, - and speech, are ar' swered instantly in the store of We also carr y i stock KOVERFLOR (n bterflo ready information in y u(obte lo p~~aint made), mixed paints, stains, varnishes. shaes- ax- IZ Close to a half century separates OUEZAN, French Morocco, Oct. 22, the"lniversity s oldest from its young- --The American Sheriflan air squad-- est stdent.ron, which has been operating with According to information filed onj the French in Morocco, virtually has registration cards, the oldest student finished its war flying for the present is 57; the youngest is 15. Both are season. Ann Arbor men. Howard R. Chap- _________ France is breaking all its records Redd the ant ds fr monthly production of steel ingot., Read te WantAdsd castings. l "-s-rn----- ~*~~an~-j J Wil lIlIlill, "WIN T h at Today and t, nforgetable Saturday nte Sunday, 25th Fri 7 .i F ry1" ' e l V The Spectacle of Beat and Daring! BETTY BLYTHE. r 3:40v Mat. Ete. IOC 50C Men and Women Gasped as Her Surpassing Loveliness Was Bared in tQe wall-paper, etc. All of our stock is of the very highest grade goods. The Home of Wall-Paper and Paint Satisfaction. Dial 9313 203 East Washington St. -Also-' DOWN &NY ARTIH~k -in- "THE T(OURIST" News Revilew ( -Orchestra Pick '0 The Pictures Keith VaudevilleI I DALY 2: Q1101UI0 Matinee a AllPrices MATINEES 3:30 Features 10e, 2;;C, 35C 11 D) JI 'ING J~EE .-1 ,° "' 1 Special't'oday On Our Menu Halibut Steak 30c A dish that Will more than satisfy your palate. 4A RM oNY 'CAETERIA 500 East iYlliam "gWheeleBetoo Is Served" Walk ~e1him! inst o~ tba )balilse e crr ifj h'hat of Po(,r Rarold! Who 1'a-4l been fi :zd deaith, razzed t,.) distraction, fighit:.g Inst -stand to 1 e a college hero! Afirth! Joy!2 Gladbiess 1-And somethi 111"A h~tSweeps you off your feet g enjoyment? Lead an to his lUg with vJ i P" u y r Usai,n1 inyw I - AW I iz