THIE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDIAY. OCTOBPER;22, 190-5 OE~ a7 ----------- .as, 'frfl'W.'ta I I i'7'a ifs f;;~, e e;,Tay Be Junked ________________________________ -,_ Koe&z Gives Art Finds To Museum d Cos ined rom Page Three) !dsrt or in the mountains above timn- berline. They derive their structure, short and tough-leafed, from the ne- cessity of living in peat bogs, in which the soil is sour. The plants have no stems, except flower stalks,! Iwhich die with' the blossom. Dr. Koelz stated, however, that in deep valleys luxurious foliage was i found, including bluebells, dandelions, buttercups, rhododendrons, and or- chids, all of which closely resemble those of the same species found in this country. He said that these plants were large enough so that the party had dandelion greens to eat- more than. 200 miles north of the Arctic circle! 3The scientist described red snow and green snow, in large patches( colored by microscopic plants, and combining with the plants to make a brilliant landscape. Grass is scarce in these valleys, he said, but there is moss to take its place. The rocks are rarely seen bare, except in ex- trcmely exposed places, as they arc covered by lichens, gray, red, and or ange. CHARLESTON TAU6GI-T NOW Open Daily 10OA. 10P.. M. Private Lessons Daily Adults' Class every Monday and Friday. Fifteen one-hour les- sons, $5.00. TERRACE GARDEN QolrerllSTUDIO 22 WerthArcade Phone 8328 !. - -. SAY IT WITH Flowerday' s Flowrs Finest Quality Only Mumns growvn in our own greenhouses are now comning in. Large Supply for the Navy Game at Special Dozen Prices Store: Nickels Arcadic Phone 7014 Greenhouses : 1400 Traver St. Phone 8807 Filowess by Wire V: i Michiganonsian Photographs NOW BEING MADE British air ministry may d eeld to junk R-33 as a result om its fail- to come up t« cxp o'~dIons in~ firs:*, test flights since it was rebuilt. arc, 11i Phone NOW for YOUR Sitting I, ' k DSO Portraits. 9uality PHOTOGRAPHY 619 East Liberty St. PI '4 C P' . ROA; IAIUNDSEN will relate the story of his daring attempt to reach the North peV by airplane last Summer, when he and his six corn- p nions 'waged a tti> struggle with the grim forces of Nature in the midst of the .arctic. This L:ecture will be illustrated by Amundsen's own pictures under the t~l'e "Oti Airplane Dash for the North. Pole." 'hone 4434 - - I..r. .o 0 i i THE MANS SHOP' :-a; n+ AUD~ITRM r .._. _ ~ i ' I + 'P 1 4?,4 - , .J_ r )' ~ATL'ILAY, OCT'OBE R 244 WHAT'S G .' O nt 1241 n ?!t e tao,. at Y a j E , . - ,:i; ! il * c*~~H5- ~h, W1in :_ t- ou I ' r: 4J ':tI ..j P.._ ) 3 T EIAGHT O'CLOCK SHARP : Olire Open Thurit'it and Finay, 3-4 P. 31. I I ~ %~Vj~(~*. "00-a :dO- l~e'4 tire ~otir~;" itrl~~'v. avaiial)lo at the hox oiL' :~; ti. )I2,, t.I 1 1" - .- ... * .4*Ww.. Made in the tube--long straight in both the double breasted ditot #<