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October 22, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-22

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iinhitsTrn nnnnnflhl

, thl : Sa ze a v 0 t'r IF t 1 I '] Tai
At! Ton p 1 "41,1 !d Prlinineiit
To ,i~1 sA ccr41

Eclipsing all previous recoVrds for!I U. of ALJ, cliiu ad U. of I. club) frontI
special trains carrying students, alumi-$ that city, each organ ization ocupy-
ni, andl their friends to a Mic higan ing an cut ire t rain. The t hird train
football game, a" total of 29 trains from l )cI nit will b'e comp~osed of pri-
will transport spectators to the Iliii- v ate and chartered cars. F'rom t hec
nois game at Urbana Saturday. Rail- southI and southwest, four trains will
road officials state that every avail-; journey to ( hampaign from St. Louisj
ab~le pullman car in the country has: andl one froin Kansas City.
bee enage fo ths wek-nd o The Ann Arbor trains will leave at
great is the number journeying to! 10 (o'lock, cit y tine, tomorrow night
the home of the Illini team.I11
y aurnrin , in (hla nipaign at 7 o'clock
Two trains of 14 cars each will,
carry studlents, the Varsity band anidSat4u kiay orning. Tile specials will
townsp~eople to Champaign from Anui leav C ('-mm paign at 10 o'clock Sat r-
Arbor tomorrow night. Among theseda ;Y n thit, picking up Ithe tealn i which1
will be two observation cars, con -villro to Chicago di reel ly after the
taining special compartments for wo- =a meclad ar iiving hlepre at t o'clock,


1 ji tissa I of classes for the
cut,,'ed (ay of the inauguration
of [President Clarence Cook
lit tle oni Nov. 2, was decided
upon b~y the Deans yesterday.
Un!iiversity oflices. except those
Mdlch must: absolutely remain
!opej-. will ; lso be closed for the
fall1 day.
E'leven mtore institutions have
acceped the invitation of the


C: eelk -NoteDeuuanidsA IO1t)ranvcs
'l I Hour Ill iiiatiili
TOI'o Blg aria

' ' I' At 11i?






hluivrsity to have representa- ELECT SCHROEDER
tive ; present .At the ceremones.
jThis makes a total of 59 schools,
colleges, and universities that j i Pharmie Elections Unanimous; Eve-
1 ' -ill be represented. l yn Pratt 'Wins Lit Secretaryship
____- jBy Two Vote Mlargin

meni students making the trip. AI city time Sunday morning. St uets;_____-___________I___________I__
(By Associated Pess) total of 473 tickets have already been r ay, however. remain in Chicago till- (icAs^^e to Press) I Peu lo-"s ad mu ;.ciar-1- +p:
PARIS, Oct. 2. -VFinance M inister sold b y the M ichigan C ntra l repr e- Ii Sunday ev nncih t e s e i l I E S c. 21 ie c a e u ~ ' I1 v r ; vH
al f r t e s tle e t o rc c ' s e p c e o re c ,0 y tai t Ir a iets ithathe ob eai d a n hfa l n:; c .in 1gold fromeve gahas d _, gra H1i5 to be ti'Ovi dit(.sItheiUnionH K IN C P R O B L E M
Caillaux is preparing a counter pro- :ettvs a h noadte m r rate tickots still being good. Ij ma uded an inde nii y~ of 2.000,000 j d cl ug the is, of at re : p p scr
time.rte etemn f 'trresthe IUniiion for thle last. ,11110 today be- for wh : 1(iireececon;011ends wa al un - '1Qo' lock Oct. L7 from lI 1 ol] den nty lIi~M k
debt: to the U~nited St ates. The sub- N ieteen trains will carry alumnir tween the hours of : andi 8 o'clock, pr)1ovokd attack on Greek soldiers on I roo- o Universiy hall.IWldo IU RI
ptdCogf w stance of t his new offer, which' is ex- from Chicago and nearby point s to Tb erea fter they may lie liroecl datthe fron tier near I )cmirhissa i. 01 her Abbot of the ncrhi <cdptiIm LI LwLU U~iI
petdt oforward to Washington the game, thme ma jority being Ilii-''he MIichrigan Central depot until tra in Idemands are set forth,~ such as anl retor of0[Tli th'itybrr4ati wa
exwekwadicsebynois gadtuates. Three trains fromt in e. The3 round trip fare is $ 11.24, apology anid lpun ishment of the re- 1(0 ,el e11wj' 'eranm ysi rday. ,
neaineek, a d . Cisc uxe atby Prem ier D t ot w l a r e b r o h x l d n etI.sp rs b e J u g ii n fcrs, i n Iii- o lo w.i ng die p lsyil igof 'l'h e . Vi; Il i r ztr adt on i?'itl I Prki l ig' i n
PnlvanM.Ciluatluncheon -Itiat um Bent to the Bulgariani gov-i tor," nd Sousa's "he a ir (.t of the I- 'i~~tPais enT
tody.Otermemer o te kreeh ci uent, tiying, it is report ed, a time! l a ir' by tre va r tv band, President Recosidr Pro aos11
koay Ohe mmbrsofthrFenh .-- ~h ~ ~d
debtfcommission whichIisited Wash- 1 (I ,nilutof 48 hours. Claren ceCo(ouk Little' will gveth
debRRmmisin wnc viitd W1hOP19LBORH IiHON I 1 r mrier Pangalos declared this eve-jfirst address from the Unvesiy :lsa-LAN BARBOUR SERVICEw
Iington also attended the luncheon.LIIH1111 IiUI Ilion to the unsen audi«nc.[lsI
Thisquetio wa conideed t te Wnog Ihat Greek troops have not en-
Thsqeinws osdrda n un lau rn IEII r i f l tej ed Bulgarian teirit ory, but have remrks will unudubtcdy lbe of gr;eat! w
last meeting of the cabinet, which Ii a r- i ~~~I ~ li ~ I~~ilI p ienstationed along thle frontier. The mintee;t t o Ilioat. n altumni of Du11, to th general dissatifation 4
proedthesugesiolofth, fnace [ EON WILL SP19K T009u 1liut it ire for al y mit he fnversiaty,<; Ithe niialradio with the prking impovement plansIl
minister that another effort be made'-___-sure , e added, Was left to the gri-tl f(iI ~ze;t~ sxhpe hc eeude osdrto yaIe
at once to comne to a compromise with oe"A I.('c Ioalcomnigte hrda yIcou. aouitcofheDns it was d- r
th[mrca etfudn omns ostutinled Orhestrai of 26 Piscw Will A. F. liph'Will Cousider "T(empta- commanding: theHarbirdA.armyneent.i-
the Amrican ebtsfuding Cams 110te Opra, Trp; Tryuts totions Of (Organiized Laboh" ir crips, with headquarters at alonikci. rco fteuiest optl vl ic etra o opeetar- i
sion before presenting to the hai- i pe raInTUio) Toiht Address At SciencecAuito~hrium 2.Icreetor olwUne rsiy osital ill (Or Iprtledtyesedans o thmenoadof- r
ber of Deputies the poiinlagree- Me n noLongtIONON, Oct. 2G reccanid Bil-cm et olwn edto i P~tOltoehln oteBado
nin ece tWshntn ytegiaaea:a eiaepoiitither:I Want to go Back to Michigan" by [Regents at the present time. The a
ters f tisproisona sttlmet IGH ADDED r L WILL ANS\VER QUESTIONS reations over the shooting cf fron- the Band. Mr. lans wil is cuss c'ute council has been asked to ap-w,0
France was to pay $4.0,000,000 annual- (----°- tier gards near Dlemirhasar, on' sherit the state. point at(.omittee to consider thei
yfofveyasas full current in-I Announcement was made by BF "emnptations5 of Organized Labor" G(rasco-Bulgaian border last Monday. wl etesbet icse yA esoso h icdn ifrsap w iln o -"nat"lvI;olm
terest cin the consolidated (debt of apl- rie Suedirector (f thm ilh h ibi'' icse yA esos(fteicetdfer s arp ~vol"'~in oos,''iAnate''e byns asthe1wee frst cpmo
roinriately $4,200,000,000 which Mrie htr V. oyle, of Ci(leveland, ac-Iing-dil toi' ly. News dispatches from Athens ic- lfo n C rcj"byW'nasmjr~pana hywr is p
Th aie eie htaohr1wishing to try out for the orchestra, Engineems Journal, at 4:15 o'clock to- four hours ensue(d after thes killing of I' ~i~lFe~ii. lrdB'hma, iited parking space on UniversityT
attempt to come to a definite fnal I which will accompanmy the production day in Natural Science auditoritum, aitreekc official and the wounding of a sciaigsecr lettenxroyh roet oths ebr of the staff cias-
arrangement with America was prf- "Tambourine" at all performances lThe lectiure, which is open,1 to the Greek captain 1-ty Bulgarian forces pormwt )i ltte 'h~wohl eiin akn tlatf
trhbest wneffrtrogtarreinretqtheswnte, aeorquetedto repotlpumnh, iogientndesth aupics whch ire onafGeekpos ner Aiihuiisiun meUniersuyctor.hihi-ts awintratorsotwasals nplnne
to ratify the provisional accord. In of the Mlichigan School of Religion.1TDemii'as;ar. Io
both the Chamber and the Senate a asebyhlDfih no hs re rl'kcm, thrioiugh ext ended it- rrTheIBulgarian:'lTelegraph~l Agncy wii.'I stl ilbefloe yt lc cag ntepiieeo
agis tepinsoalaremn. The OpeaToeheCallfr ofestane fflcal 'pand 'e, i sai'tose of- usinggarparkrringy tags.mirapw
agremen. OeraforMims' a- ofical apaitis, i sad t li pa- Pig Jesse S. Reeves of the politie'd sci- for but. 150 cars, which is not nearly o
Dicus FenhAbi~ynulmusical comedy ti ya illtitularly peae otet h nra aeoicand wounded a Bularian 1 ne -i~tetwlldsus"h nn1t ar o l hs nteL
What Frrance can offer in addition be the largest in the 19 years that the issues uggesteti by present day sentinel who in tui'n fired and killed '1oiaii (fsingPae,-Te gi fihnoncas
to the proposal the Caillaux mission so a en gvn ~ctri labor organizat ions. ollowing Mr'hip-' reek. TPhis was followed byi
wadiatWahinto waete sbjctdn toc makeil li slecedtoLako(alrnotlk paerslis illli di- filad aiwos he 'rntir nti aLhcrn Betlmens.'alisiovcaadopeltedsalsaaoptdporeor
of today's discussion between the 1the trip) as compared to 18 ith ributed and(]he liste(ner1s miay sub- . ulgarian ofier 11managedi to get ru-,s lo s "hnibyd ls ea.as air. Nitto.ohalls('hlear ae t hrRegisrioao M.Smveithry
premir landfinance minister. It is.''Tickled ,To IDeath'" lastityear. ion lcaiig upon de 1-contact with the reek commnander at by"ad"hnNgtFlsDa,' tv otervso fteUi el
pemerlyare in official circlesi A distinct inovationi this year In1 lre, whch will then be discussed by Deiirhassar. aenx nteporn.ctlge n prvdtesge-L
the per wil bethe ostmes ornFielding I. Yst director of inter- lions which he made. Hli plans call
that France's capacity to pay her for- theO rawlbetecsuiow ornten(lt ire group.-- -t
einndbt epns n h sltinofIby every member of the orchestra. pro(f. hKirsopp ake of the School1 ATHENS, Oct. 21.--A note ~~' co llegiate ^ atltc;wllte ipa for at general revision of the ata- t
whihgnssudebts dependsC ontr the solutionraPoue cutig utmuc mtoia
the pressing dif iculties of her I Iis inn~ovation, wiI Ad ugstedof Religion Indiicated yst eday that in Severe terms was forwarded today l nd P'y'icatl1Istu lion the Temr o- uicutdstgot buco he aterlialk
by Mr. Shuter, will serve to emplhasize the material preseintedI in Mr. Coyle's'to Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, d- aI dP ialE'"a.ou. Ue;'o-v hadst h ul ftep bi
treasury. tefc htteocetai o- a ilb ocue r w ~lc ain
the )facttthat thelorchestrapisncon-,lecturc will be (clrssO fully in his -m anding, fll atisfactiomn for Monday's g ilofcnlue ytw ee- ain
n~etci wih he m te prouctonu landt~eatwil o rod-!^^time giveni by the Varsity Bad,-- Dnscrptions of courses, which have
renovate French fiuanes is the pro- netdwt h ioleinadwl eminar iii the muoral issuesofmo- unwarranted attack'' ii<a Greek' , y
vision of a sinking fund for both do-Iditigushit in h sult ernelife, a simii lar 'discussion of tleI frmte'ps erIenras h Varity"iad "The XYellow mitth hereitfre taken up so much space, c
drnterpom eangemuussr.Th Blue." I will not be included in the general alC
mestic and foreign debts. A settle- muians~i. Onre of the prinmipal rea rilestidnS arising from Presidets note delnaus at sfatioui for the viaaoubuoilb lae nyi
m n wih W si toi is r m r-sons for the feature was bec ause o (f ; leCok Lttes ak n " o ation of Greek territory, punishmentIca lo ub tw lbep cd ony s
ed y oficalsher, would. be easier I ti atta ntm atteoto- sres (f Modern Education" of two I of those responsible, and compensa- th dpameal nouc et.
hefn~calmaue o ntown auieince odiarily((lidnt. cc k Aago. having provedXfluliii(2einnts of veolarhips, fees,
awhehn.tm rcetaws u rlywesag.h igtrvdadat-Itiara for the families of the officers; and fellowvshipwilbpacdna
view hiave bdeen approved by Parlia- airtateocesr a;cnre.'gecus. Professor Lake has been and soldiers killed. 71ot r /1ile"laeIn.
conniNdefs enn o t I'i sep,'~gJj1V tJ(. 1arate. section and reference will
mn. The minister of finanmce is will- '{chiefly respouIsrhilO for' tie aranige In the event Ithe.,Greek demands are be made tothis section from dlyternwlo eoi Isty h rcet ilb onltl rat ftes e flcue nteother
igt ynoprmtyacpeailiau TI La o-tions with tie American government hm.,in gylm.:y costuume. h in o 1101 mor al t1' uides( C~ofiteimporary life. probably will blien~it to tie Buigairiaim J[ poionadiclth aneswiloroaby.
uniStt ith the them., o(f I'lamib urin.,Pe ''rdca hneswl roal
unilth dmetic political hproblem1-----government. ___
iC(iiiiIOne incenitv e for maing the O1p0era- 1b made in the catalogue following
are out of the way. oichestra this year above all othioer:.* I Although the atack which was fol - As at resut c ofr aearh camrried on 1 the next one, but as the copy is nowI
Therefore, with tie authority of that Y 'Las C ifper- owed by nearly 2 hours of fighting n the 1aboratories, o te electric en-'dm o im etoei ilbeips
cbnt . ailu prbby will sd pointed out by Mr. Shuts e 's-defrtenx n, twl eips
tcadiyn.tbein.theifctathattheobablypIwill-,!,c(')e. 001,;to have hieen engineered by Igineem'rg department, a neat type of Bible to make ay further changes f-
sedetnw'ffm'toWahigtnie- On ~ D& (ci tadjs r irregular bands, it is ic-singlephlae motor his beens develop-ifective at once.
foedth ewcuofferno tWeshnk one-duction wilbegivr nmr ed
andauhioriumorei tlead'
'.fiethenlls of next ine''in that evern ,uitoi, m; n te,'i rtd here to have ben carrid out; ed under the direction of Di. B. F . 1lean Jeanm Hamilton, dean of w-
Touettermsn overthetnewpaofferouremainal j'7yjc i i y egulam' Bulgarian troops. IHaley, ithe,.head of the dgas Unct, pone s himno
The feds ifthewa: offsaid inhii b ~rmewilpa tte e ooi-I (Thle Sofia gove'nmrent, it is under-'lieadvautages of this machine wrce ;timmiittee to plan for menorial er
circlesftxed, ihtwa l int t oii o iOe wialhouse in Ne M or,oIlie.By A s-euAcd s s Itoed a; proposed the formation of to e outined, today by DrIaily icsfrh' tRentLvL.B-
aiaxistatoa angmifofcestnetgten Opera hose'inlNewaiikCG e 1 es wil hl oabl e R eld efore. thr
cicls ongto . uitrumiuiagthemopiewoAudi- iORtK, Oct. "21.-A r::qnmna r .iixed commission of Greek Bu- before anm asociation o' dison I110111'ou, who died last spring. Tihe serv-
tjAtoriu m inCia gote N ew Aadm i nS :;r oivetgt teTo- uiain opnismein ~~tr
personly aise the. figuresofthe oimi ahntn h cdm a. >rr oyfra te~arn-taae ilpoal ehl eoete
hecnol as h iue fteof Music in Philadelphia, 11h0New H ituitioni. dent ntheicspo. Si'' ng, Ark. ito V evr, blca r.-, of Chr'ist an holidays. Dean Hamilton is
last French Offer at Washinugtoni by IConsistory inl Butfalc, aldtOrhestra i The l at An '-'cican cippe' :{billiW - lnf,;,IL has be-_______e £~ o eec h ohrmebr o h
asking in mreturni that the American;: ali etci. nadiint iehei' oihetc.final o voygea )ur' d elivering the paer whihwl"e('mlhte
debt coninisiomi accept a clause safe-' lyossiite te iiso t noey ti-illii''m'alinof I himg 1,; 10;m II Le IiaL4 "I"IRlgivWenm l: A. D. Mchay of the Dtrot _- _ --____ _____
guarding Franci,, from makinig pay- itinerary. Ito the 1 r id of u eouon s. WV' tm ii LLInLLJ lLllilrsFion cmontiu.
inents thatt would gravely emlarass All mn, lplaying instruments, who few weeks she will be junked, ~round j n aoi rF 'hF0 j ie motor, whse dvcopneit d-IObserve Birthday
hr in case her financial restoration are eligible for rmnius at ivit e' tc bit s under tile bard heels of iuNit i I rri~z'in tie ltut ten months has consttu-I Of Aged ,
-~-were unduly delayed for any reason.;may try omt for the orchestra.'A progress&, tornm down because she( hast Urt AIIIIIl I " 'IU II h tetd part of the resarch accomplished:I iea .trigatel
It s eclld llthis connection. ('(immimiittee headed by Mr. Sht cm' art(ntive e sfuns;,---- in cojunctioni withtihe Detroit F'di- I-____
that the financial committee of the IIAnthony J. Wh tmre of the School oft! A little groupl of sober faced men Prof. Herbert C. Sadler of treImeimr- eon company, has been dsgigne sot BOSTON, Oct. 21.-The old friate
radical congress at Nice last week Music, who will lead the wicheieti'of theme se, nmembers of the Neptune inc engineering department, spoe be- as to musc less euurrnt amd to be Constitution was 128 years old today.
pasdarsltion demanding thiat Ill ae .i fialslctos.M.association, mcmi who had swabbed fore the freshmamn engineers i I leieu';espnsive to control xwhie iiin e. ?, A A.tablet ommnemorative of theI
th rmcmgvrmnt undertake to itmr odce teOeao-Ihem' decks and oiled ir masts in regular assemmbly, held yesterday' in patient as 1)been amiied for on te 1 lunching- of this oldest of United
onta ardemthnmersgoeby iwho had race,'lthe 'est E:ngimierini; buildimng, o nenw nachine and it will semi bh. 1150(1 tatec;warships oi October 21, 1797,
France received from Germany o cesirwlithyer.ergoundbythe Torin, onipris'd tie sumject of "Marine Enginerimg." by Edison compammc;.;for cpc ;'umlng u-ana-eiled this afternoon aboard
teinacon.,Instruments are especially urgedthis'" t the few who gathecred od ay on the The address icluddlan Outline, o tieme ctriical aninee;. ilIl 'Cotust1tioum in ith-nay yard
moi n w sadopted by tie financial, t y o tlIin, frt iln e oIdcks of tie Benjam in h'. P c ar , requirem n ts which th e professionhe .e
moio ws tyou, iaofisheolnre".e
co m nitethe c n r s s a whole iln el, hrtom hoe, last of thme clippers, to bild her 'fare- makes on time student satd the prac- LI I OE c.?:-C o P ic f A ca p in i o n e a o
well oflifl','i aswillas im acoun I aleshasgoneto elt'n-Mowbray, fumd; withi which to restore the old
refrained from discussing it. Thee cornet, bass viol, flute, Fench hlorm, wtlcing
Ioevhere was not much to be0 sail, of tie present comdit ions of marine il I ciest cm'shireia great unting cin- ;;hip ite'dadwr ytevoa
is goiod~ reasoin to supplosehee, oboe, saxophone, haio, amd drums.,
tht ".'ailaux will disregardl this ITry-cuts re asked t rgisti-m'normu(hito blielone. Sonohow engineering amd naval aichitecture ter,'o.is50'his favorite hoses. iiue facnuy
action of onie group of his party MIm's~~~mi. andl music this evening and cc- 'speeesi;5 eenied (o1u.t,of place. It was' as at profession. _________________________slde facetr-
his ne offer to i W ashington and will, port at tie Union at 7:30 o'clock. I ll too r 'eal to t hse In'-'mmw hmo 'eaiz- This suechl is the fist of a serie
mak le n fott ik h etpyw igtraigwl e iema' dthat., tle lastl;embleim oil'Anmca's which lraf. W. 0.\idel, tie Imresth-4Iic!IL f12 4tluin iii Enctrclc Globe;
memi; with reparations. each try-out has playedh a selection of (Irealet t SS'a('hiievenui(I11, the' last man mentior imens to have delivem' Gradtfates In 68 Frei41m Countries'
I hms own. It is imnportant thiat all tmy-: iigni of her old1 supreml acy cis the Iedc by time heads of thme various en- f L
PANAMA, Oct. 21. - American I omts le resent at the first call, Mi.waetmlstsrnofieoolie iieigdprmnsoadtee--_______
becase o there-Isailors' lone and devotion was pass- ttin~g students to decide the branch Alumni from lbhis University ame and Uruguay, 4 each;' Czechoslovakia,
ct riigofscst hrikShmigrtenantsofaeegineringinwhichtheyint__d
cet rioigosale shr iec ifnte c-tSna'stted.arsbig forever. f fegneii i hc hyitmdnow livimgmnot ely in all of the 48 Egyt, Ireland, Java, Norway, Panas-
still in the city but their presemmce is , Sonie little ecenoy was planmid, to specialize. 'Thes talks will le in-, states, ut in 68~ different foreign i ci, Blgussia, Cyprus, Porndo,Ru-
hadyntWal.Ivoman Insists C/l (a-pt. ID. J. Martin, whoc brought the trspemscd with theeoiler progirain' -ioBlaiCpuPlnR
I g D ackcam'r ael mogihii as brlleiiing lanniel for tie comig year. t countries, according to ia repot of te~ maia, Society Islands, Suma, and
MEIOCTOct. 21.-P'resident Showng eceipts was to haul dowinhem' ensign.,Ilie' The asseumbly of mext week will he j alumni cat alogue office yesterday. Out Vemezucia,. 2 each; and Albania, Dom-
CaMEXIO I TYafote M xian o- T o l g e d Igrasp1ed(.Ithe hlayards, the litl e giroup t unedover to the Stuident coumncil for of the 75,2" ahumui of tlI niversity, imican lRepublic, East Indies, Indo-
emient ha prseted100000pess imo wast ace at, mmwit baedtie election of class -officers. 'the reporthowl that 1,126 res till -China, Latvia, M~alay, Malta, Sma
to the local Y. . C. A., which is cam-f heads watched thi'eensignmflumttem' to I -(living.I Sibera, Spanish Honduras, Straits
--~IIt happened that recently an elder- the deck.I RABAT, Frenchm Morocco, Oct. 21.-, ';nada eads the liAt (f foreigimn Settlemnmt, Sweden, and Wales, 1'

Sophomores of the lierary college
pened the work of organizing the
econd year men yesterday when they
lected Wayne Schroeder to the pres-
.ency of their class. Schroederwon
,three-cornered race for the office
'hen he received 157 of the 256 votes
ast. William Prescott was defeated
u the final' vote and Thomas Fitz-
ibbons was eliminated in the pri-
ary ballot.
George Haggerty took the presi-
ency of the freshman law class, d-
ating Thomas Henry, who tied the
'inner in the nominating ballot but
'ho lost the final count, 82 votes to
. Oliver Weinkauff was unanimous-
ychosen to lead the sophomores of
ie College of Pharmacy. All three
lectious were run off under the di-
ction of the Student council ad the
ieligibility trouble of last week was
voided by requiring a written notice
'em Dean Bursley certifying the
ligibility of the candidate before h
as nominated.
Close oting Is Featre
Jean Greenshields was the choice
,f the literary college sophomores
or the vice-presidency; defeating
lorence Wirtel in the final ballot.
lie secretaryship was the most hotly
ntested position of the day, the
nal vote giving the office to Evelyn
'ratt, who meceived 109 votes to 107
r Katherine Kyci. The ballots
Tre recounted by the council officials
,nmediately after the election, in
rder to insure absolute accuracy.
,ouis Gilbert maintained a command-
ig lead in the vote on the treasurer.
Laws Choose Bowman
Alfred Bowman won the vice-presi-
ency of the freshman law class in an
lection which packed rom B of the
,aw building. Margaret Helier was
e victor in the vote on the secre-
ryship, defeating Milo D. McLin..
:auff, the new1 president, the class
ig majority when he won the office
f treasurer.
'The selections of the sophomore
lass of the College of Pharmacy were
11 unanimous. In addition to Wen-
(No candidate will be allowed"
to run in future elections unless
he has a statement issued by
Dean Bursley's office certifying
that he is eligible to hold office
if elected.)
11:00-Engineering college. in
room 348 of the Engine-
ering building.
4:00-Education school In roem
109, Tappan Hall.
4:30-Architectural college i
room 1 of the Architec
ural annex.
5:00-Dental school in the low-
er lecture hall of the
Dental building.
auff, the new president,- the class
lected Clarence Ceny, vice-presi-
lent; Earl Morton, secretary; and
George Burgess, treasurer.
Committee Completed
The 1927 J-Hop committee roster
was completed yesterday when Dean
Bursey's office anlounced that Rob-
rt W. Wilkins, the choice of the
juniors ,of-he Medical school, was
ligible to hold the office. The eligi-
bility of Mills, Fraelick and Bishop
was disapproved by the office of the
dean yesterday. The three men had
been elected by the juniors of the
College of Pharmacy and the Juniors
f the Medical school.
The Men's Education club, compos-
ed of men taking courses in the
School of Education, held Its first
nieeting of the year in Tappan hall
yesterday. The officers elected for the
year were: Ralph Van Hoesen, grad.,

- ly womg oraU~v. ,eo I - an, eckinigto re-enter the Btrtold°it ta rowfor Ca i -Five .Fro'niehseaplaies roppeol I lmi'ee ~oiSmgtB'ut withd'1notansClimtma[s see-sech. J

and F.0O. Grouinds, g~rad. treiasurer


P- r u

University after a lapise of years, ill- tamn Martin seot it aloft imimedciately. to
sistedl upomn presentimng to the P'resi- ;It was a mznment hiefor'e amnyomne grasp- -

,ons of bombs into Aln. Lierda today
- -----------

as fol lows : Piilippine s, -Itt11; j1apan', '! epreisentotives, of the University.

Most of the time was taken up, in dis-
ctissing a~ program for the year. Many

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