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October 21, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-21

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KIN bm-
w . - -zszr s-


tDelta Zeta and Mtarta Cook Teams
Win Second of Intramural
hockey Series
f; As a result of some 'fine playing
Delta Zeta won from Delta Delta Del-
ta, and Martha Cook from the Nurses
in the second second series of intra-
Smural hockey games played Monda
on Palmer field. The scores were;
Delta Zeta 2, Delta Delta Delta ;
SMartha Cook , Nurses 0. Pluckines
seemed to be prevalent throughou
the games and the Delta Delta Delt
iteam had plenty of it, as is show
4i by the fact that they continued a,
S steady defense in site of their lack~
of a full lineup. Women on thi
team who did especially well wer
I; Norma Snell, '27, and Florence Fost-
er, '27. On the opposing side, tha
of Delta Zeta, Dorothy Zingg '28, an
Elizabeth Cronin, '28, did some not-
iceable playing. The scoring in thi
game was all made in te second
half. About three minutes before the
l time of finishing the Martha Cook-
Nurses game a snow storm necessi-
NPtated the calling of the contest. Three
0' goals had been made by Martha Cook
t before this time, however, credit go-
i "ng to the Margery Bowen, '27, for
,two and to Mary Allshouse, '27, for
~ ,ne., The nurses are to be especially
P" commended for the support given
l'their team, and for the fact that they
'had organized cheers. Florence Plm-
er, goal-keeper, and Erna Wender,
lcenter half, put up a fine defense.
The lineups were:
Mltlmha Cook Nurses
fi Bowen, 27 ...... LW......... Agnew
King, '26........Li.......... Kalmer
Vlie, '27 .......C.F........ Connrey
SSeeber, '27 .... .R.I........ Rinehart
Branch, '26..R.W........ ..Olson
1 Shinkman, '26 . . L;H........... Lord
Alshouse, '27 .C.l{,........ Wender
Brd, '26 ........ R.H...... Sanderson
Huff, '26 ........LYF.......... Tobin
H-askins, '26 .... Ri?........... Hilerg
g Reickert, 27 ... . .......... Palme
Delta Zeta Delta Delta Delta
1;Lake, '28 .......LW.
1 Cronin, '27 .....L.....Barlow, '26
$CBeutler, '27...F... Underwood, '29
Ziugg, '28 ...... R.I... ..... Snell, '27
M&Neil, '26 .....R.W.
Nichols, '29..L.H.
Hone, '26 .... .11...... Foster, '27
tWolfet, '27.. ...R..
Lyons, 29 ...... L.F....... Groff, '27
H3arneau, '26 .... R.F...... Martin, '29
Begole, '26 ...... G...... McCall, '28
_"In the third game scheduled for
fMonday, Zeta Tau Alpha wo from
Zone VII by default.
Guild Directors
Y Collect Articles
For Community
Needlework guild direcors are ask-
P,(1 to Imake Iteir (collectionlof articls

W n c o rs pnin r - --- A bridge tea will be given at 2:30 There will be a meeting of the Y.
o'cokFia feno ttePi-W . A. cabinet at 4:15 o'clock today
I[A S'O N O TICECoSet Omicron sorority. All women on er the meeting the advisory board of
A Ma tha ook he cmpusarecordially invited to the Y. W. C. A.will entertain the cab-
i Q attend. Tickets are 50 cents and may iiict with a supper and reports will be
I BEVELD IHVDSDAH 1tMat1C o h~ 'sdnt Yw ~ be procured at the door. given of the various chairmen of cm
______T 'i= rxon n living hi Mai da Cook)_____ nittees on what the association is
d ajIiw Ioiii~eu~,1eis(ormitory vhosne nanmes, aie Mary' accoplshing.
(.tns; Tickets Pric ed att oes oir Sally Smthl veryx 1ly resentatives from each of the Honor!I Riding tickets for the Women's
Iiut -1' ueCet beUP pleaant l srrpr tof-indout council hosihave b(en invited toI League will continue to be sold thisj There will be a meeting of the
I dinner by Miss Je aiiHamilton and! week. All tickets and reports shoud , world fellowship committee of the Y.
I floW hllY V (i( i ii l)2r thm ~ ~ lit ~ ~ ~be handed in' to Elizabeth Blackwood, W. C. A. at4o'lc Thrdyi
rIh MEET N GYMNASIUM their naines IlireCar times nven ls. Amy Hoarta :5olok t0 '26, chairman of the unedrgraduate Newberry hall.
r.. . ~~~~~~~many xwomn.is xh that their names day, Oct. 21, t thir home, 923 icmag omtei h oe'
.:Sophomore xwomen wxilhld a class; we lonmg, q ci' 'mund eccentric, but Olivia street League office on the second floor of Wyvern society will meet at 7 o'-
the wmen in Mar-tla Cook are hop- Barbour gymnasium from 8 to 12 o'- clock tomorrow evening at the Delta
f meeting in the form of a supper at in tt all hivng there xwiil haveI If the xeather interferes with the! clock next Tuesday morning., Gamma sorority house.
I I 6 o'clock tomorrow at Barbour gym-tle simplest name rs possible, because glt matches to be played, women ___
nasmum. The purpose of the meeting of the ainul name contest which is participating are asked to go to Bar- I Dorothy Currie, '27, treasurer of the
y ~is to explain in detail, and to arousel to take place tonight. bur gymnasium, find out the name o Interclass hockey teams will hold Women's League, is recuperating from
interest in, the circus, promoted byi The contest is held to see howi their partner, and arrange a new tin their practices this week as follows: her recent illness. She expects to
4 th sohomoe wmen Thecomit-many can r~remiber the names of of nlaying. The reslts of each game Seniors and Juniors at 4 oclock, Tues- k'esume the duties of her office during
s ;;rtees in charge are attempting to give. all tie womnen liing at the dormitory. j should be phoned, 7817, to Margaret day and Thursday, and freshmen and 1the next week.
.'- very w oman in the class a distinct' The 10 woxvoen ho rem~eber the Lawlor, '28, manager of the touna- sophomoroes at 5 o'clock, Tuesday'
a IY "; ; art, whether ibeaprintecs!ewt na r3 . ii 'e equre toin inpt and Thursday, at Palmer field. Scotland is trying out steel houses.
A 1or a place in the executive work. Invxent andIpresent a stunt for the
a ;~order to accomplish this purpose, itj amusement of the more fortunate1
kI is necessary to stimulate enthusiasm guessers. The contest is to last for
s ~in all of the women in thre class andl ten minutes, during which time all
e consequently, every woman is urged the women appear, none of them say-
- (to attend the supper. ing a word.
t Miss VlrdC.Sea upe ilb ere ntecoi-
Announcement has been made o-Stpf rective room of the gymnasium and It1lfE sy nt flh o
the award off the Caruso Americanm will be followed by a short musical M BTR ORDOS V11LbiFud-inshlrhpaadt fsporm ebr ftepyia
eon atodsh laciaaa dtoiis p oa . dep mers otwho e phircali gm
Mildred Caroline Seeba of Jackson- edctoeatet h r iet-l
villeFla.ing the circus wiii speak and mem-1
____________________________ hers of the committees will lead an
informal discussion. Tickets, which - -D'Orsay step-in pumps are the newest in
Wome 's H uses are priced thirty-five cents, may be Mortai oardl society wxill hold their footwear styles. Simple models, as the di-
T e sgn d obtained at the door. Reservations' sale of women's apparel from 3 to a1
T BeA sg e;may be made by calling Margaret o'clock on Thursday at the Lantern tates of Fashion command, yet with much
Ba a rA tce1Buffington at the office of the dean of Shop and in the evening tie sale will that is charming and smart about them. In
women, l reservations must be in by codctdees aror os satin, velvet and patent-exactly right for
noo Thrsdy ad terewil benofor the benefit of the women living
Committees in charge of the W- accommodations for persons who have in the dormtory. The Illielhoch - wear now and right through the winter.
men's League andl Inter-*Church ba- neglected to send in their names. shop in Detroit is sfpplyiig the a- Priced $7.50.
_______________ tiles for sale and is allowing Mor-
zaar are planning to assign articles tar Board 5 per cent of the profit. (MAIN FLOOR)
to the different houses the latter part TDJER" P'f DR litiOhis amount will be given over to
of this week or the beginning of next. 1 LlFfIIL tie Women's League. These sales will
All effort is going to be put on the ** be held every week until the tie
making of articles this year and there, T t~lIIIIIW of the League bazaar, but will be'
will not be the usual tax collected TO 410UIV WMEN'S [L CflUUI eld at a different place each week.
from the houses for the purchasing. All of the dormitories will he visited,
of candy, so it was announced by the An invitation is issued to, all the l and the sororities will be rouped to-
committee, although it will probably women on campus, faculty xives, andl getiher andl cXibits griven for the wo-1
cut down the profits of tie bazaarj townspeople to attend a bridge tea' men of eachl group. Pizabth Black-'
something like $300. Candy xil) for the benefit of the Women's Leaguei wood '26, is the chairmian for the ,if-
be sold at the bazaar the same as it from 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock, Saturday, fair. I
has been other years but this year theyI Nov 28, which will be given at Mar-
candy will be bought out of the pro- tha Cook building under the auspices I rBritish reformers are now giving
ceeds from the bazaar. of the Undergraduate Campaign Fund their attention to rado, seeking the'
It was thought that in this xay I committee of which Betty Blackxvood, right to censor1 all broadcast pro-I
more interest and time would be put ' 26, is chairman grans.
on the articles to be sold and the com.-f Evelyn Murray, '27, is in charge of-
mittees are planning contests of sev- the affair and arrangements for res-
eral kinds to create interest among ervations must be made with her. In- If you hamve tried 11w rest, L
mitories on the campus. is $3. Marion Wells, '27, has been ap-1 j'f1a's We.
,Additional committee chairmen for pointed publicity manager for they
Ithe bazaar have been announced b function. Nv i s Fi$1c ti
ili n 1 ezl ge e a ch i m n.. A al pr c e s wl go t w d t e They are: Treasurer, M ary Green- W omen's League building it is urged'
Ishield '26; Tea room, Ane Gilbrethtihat as niany will attend as find itI
"26; Candy, Marngaret Bmrooks, 26; possible. The afternoon will be prof- I
Publicity, Margaret Parmker, 27. itable both from the standpoint of
entertainment and as help to the
iA~flR~fld paign Fund committee is also selling I~~
VYVIVILI S[LEI~riding tickets for tieme purpose, I Bf.EA UTY SH CPrLP/--- . -I-E____
adhas other plans in ve which Herx -___
FODJ A/l DR~'IES1 will be published soon. IPoe51
-The (department of communications! lye do eniiledllidishn rl oiu
Five women have heein definitely se- in rPoklo has decided to enforce a mass g ig and manirun I/.~
l ected for the L eague ore estra and regulation providing a penalty for the St~rictly soft waf e used,
several more are under considemraton. use of regenerative radio sets. I_________________
IThe xvomen who have made the -or- _____________________
Ichestra and the in si muments they play 4
I are Audrey Wells, '2S; saxophone, Iu- rj
geni Va Karnen '26 bajo, ngeM ichigan Scouts Report the Plays
sline Wilson. '27, cornet, Mary Alica t
1 Case, '28, violin, and Margaret Puidy
11'27, drunis. Gwendoly'n Wilson wxho Fashion H-unters Scout the Crowd and
Iis directing the orchestra will play Al JJ^jgi
Ithe piano. It hias been decided to Al- -'Re o tW a thom nor
usc two pianos and the tina sltio A fine Y U hvntbe i oline of type writers Y U hvntbe oR p r h tteW m nW r
lies between two very efficient playecrs. for sale or rent. See our' newV ' ,'-fInOOne pef 6
This orchestra is to be a modern)IRnalpie $2.25 demonstrated.e
jazz orchestra. It is heartily sup RetaIrie
ported by the Women's League and peComenat on.e!
will furnish entertainment at League p mnhu.Filit Ni'h water and it Muka and Raccoon°
parties and for other women's organi- Purchase price wrtes with real ink weve i u Coats in numbers.

nations. The namnes of any other$20 .00uptid.V
sooneinerphoenDail herewilnenouoonc xed. i w orks forandi
meonmneT heniy.''w ri ee announc oedrUpwtrfiinoefo. yaadWindbreakers and short
rehearsal of the orchestra at 4:30 71Tri nier.i yYCI suede ackets much in
0i'clock Thursday. The phace has not emu nr r ' IO01~s evidence.
_yet been decided on, but will be an- '3ro~ i~~~ 'o~ vdne



this month. The guild aims to collect
and distribute plain, suitable gar-
ments to the hospitals and needy
homes of the community. There will
be no general meeting of the directors
until after collections are made.
The Needlework Guild of America,
of which the Ann Arbor club is a
branch, was established, 41 years ago,
and now is active in almost every city
of the United States.
Seattle Alumae
Aid League Fun d
Alumnae in the Seattle, Wash.,
group have begun their fall campaign
for the Women's Le~ague building with
a successful garden luncheon. Notices
of meetings are being sent to all al-
umnae in the Seattle district. These
ar'e followed uip with personal tele-
phone calls which have receiveda
very cordial response.
Each teacher member of the alum-
nae is on the look out for former
Michigan women who will be attend-
ing the State Teachers' convention at
Tacoma this month. The Seattle grout
a.; planning to have all alumnae in
Washington west of the Rockies work
with them. Notices and booklets oia
the Women's L~eague building are be-
inrg sent to them.
Matinee Musicale
Holds Receptior,


nounced in i nursciy s janIL,.
17cFr everry article for sale, tlmere is
rIa buyer. IReach h Iim .thin CIa o:siliedls.
I Flat Peet Blemediedl by Arches
p I Mad~.e fron inipression of the
k !I ndIividulal Foot.
1!Louise M. OT~rion'
I Fejtlien eiht Ach Sppoils
A ppointmnt by Telepionle
ANN 0 {l)4Oi, 3iIU 11.T~i
I 1

A 'Wonderfi-l Collection (of,

SILK and


n I

Silk and wool dresses predominate is
values offered tomorrow in thL iC
These dresses also predon-.e in
quality and are only tailored in tin
latest modes. They would be corn-
panionable in any repertoire of the
finest dresses.

Cashmere scarfs of bright
color tied around the
Plaid wool hose-chiffon
hose and bright gar-
ters (also in evidence).
Velveteen jumper dress-
es everywhere.
B~rightly trimmed small
hats of velvet and
Handkerchiefs fluttered
like little colored flags.


The Student League of Matinee I
Musicale met yesterday afternoon at M
the School of Music building to make
S plans for the year's activities. The
meeting was given as reception for
S all new members 'and a program was
given which included a talk by Mrs. 1
S 0. J. Campbell on the plans of the r
City Matinee Musicale. Mrs. Harry!
Percher reported on the National Con-

Offers You

price of

will be surprised at the low


fl II,,


I i I a- o. - - d- - - .I-

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