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October 21, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-21

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VOL. XXXV. No. 26








Urges Increase of Religion as Aid in
Comnbattinjg Prevalent Evils of
Society Adequately
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-More law
observance and more religion are
needed in this country, President Cool-
idge told th'e annual council of Con-
gregational churches in an address
"Lawlessness is altogether too prev-
alent," he said, "and a lack of re-
spect for government and the conven-J
tions of an enlightened society is al-I
togethertoo apparent.1
"If there are any general failures
in the enforcement of the law, it is
because there have first been general
failures in the disposition to observe
the law. I can conceive of no ade-
quate remedy for the evils ,which be-
set society except through the in-
fluences of religion."
The President said there is no form
of education, government or reward
"which will not fail;" that "redemp-
tion must come through sacrifice, and
sacrifice is the essence of religion."
He bespoke untold benefit to a broad-
er comprehension of this principle by
the public and continued preaching
of it by the clergy.
People are Government
Asserting that, if the people arel
the government "it will be what they
are" and "will be able to get out of,
the people only such virtue as religion'
has placed there," the President con-
"If society resists wrongdoing by
punishment, as it must do unless it is
willing to approve it through failure
to resist it, for there is no middle
ground, it may protect itself as it is
justified in doing, by restraining the

Ralston Senate
Seat Filled By
Indiana Lawyer
(By Associated Press)
INDIANAPOLIS, nd., Oct. 20. -
Arthur R. Robinson, Indianapolis at.
torney tonight was appointed Unites
States senator from Indiana to suc-
ceed the late Samuel N. Ralston.
Mr. Robinson, Republican, wak
named by Governor Ed Jackson tc
serve until the state elections in Nov
vember 1926, when a senator will be
elected to serve the remainder of Mr,
Ralston's :term, which would have ex-
pired March, 3, 1929.
Governor Jackson has had the mat-
ter of naming Mr. Ralston's successor
under consideration during the last
two days, while he has been ill at
his home here. Mr. Robinson is 44J
years old and was born in Pickering-
ton, Fairfield county, Ohio. He has
lived in Indianapolis during the last
21 years.
The new Indiana senator is a grad-
uate of the University of Chicago and
of Indiana Law school.
Ninety Water Colors by Charleston
Artist Comprise First Display,
In Series of Eight
Ninety water colors, scenes from
the coastal lowlands of South Carolina,
by Alice R. Huger Smith of Charles-
ton, will be shown for the first time
at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon in the
West gallery of Alumni Memorial
hall. The exhibition, first of a pro-
posed series of eight, is presented by
the Ann Arbor Art association.
Miss Smith, one of the best known
of Southern artists, is said to display
a definite mastery of technique, with1
a tinge of the Japanese tendency for!
the decorative. The artists' method


Goi eri~nmen". M Atitue TOw ard New
Arni Limitation Agreement
IUn deciided as Yet

Directory Sale
Starts Monday
Student directories will be placed
on sale at 8 o'clock Monday morning,
according to an announcement made
yesterday by the Michiganensian staff.
Booths will be placed at the two ends
and the center of the diagonal for
the distribution. Three thousand'
copies of directories will be sold at
75 cents each.


Awards Will be Made for Best
Pages of 3icliigan


(hy Associated Press) 1 Complete programs for the three
WAShINGTON, Oct. 20.--President A. T. CoyLe Actin Editor of Loco-
Coolidge sees in the Locarno security AFtive EnpctngErs' Jourlal,eMcillo
pact a gratifying evidence of Eurpoe's Jiscuss oral Import of imbo r vention to be held here Oct. 29, 30,
ability to help itself, but still is un-- and 31, have been announced.
t able to say what the action of the IS SECOND IN SERIES Thursday morning, Oct. 29, mem-
United States will be regarding pro- ;bers will register at the Union. The
posals for bringing about a new arm- opening session will be held that af-
ament limitation agreement between A. F. Coyle of Cleveland, acting n-
the World powers.,editor of the Brotherhood of Loco- ternoon, with addresses by the pres-
It was made clear today at thedmotiv Engineers' Journal, will de- dent of the organization, A. L. Mil-
White House that the attitude of the liver a lecture on "Temptation of l or, editor of the Enquirer-News of
Washington government respecting Organized Labor," at 4:15 o'ciock liattle creek; George R. Averill, pub-
particonfernce oEuropean arma- Thursday in Natural Science auditori- lisher of the Eccentric, Birmingham;
at conference in this coulntry osud urn. 1\lr. Coyle has been associated in Charles D. Cameron, editor of the
a conferencel a this country could various capacities with labor organi- Church department of the Detroit
inot be foretold at this time. A spe- zations for several years and is said News; <.nd Prof. Preston W. Slosson,
ifopre a pdeisionotw t o intr old e-to be eminently fitted to discuss the of the history department of the Uni-
fore a decision on that point could moral import of organized labor. The versity.
be reached, and no such proposal as lecture which will be open to the At the traditional "President's Ban-
yet has been made to or by the Wash- public, is given under the auspices i quet" Thursday evening, the princi-
ington government. of the Michigan School of Religion. pal speakers will be President Clar-
The Locarno pact, the President be- (Following Mr. Coyle's talk the enee Cook Little, Secretary Shirley
Neves, has an important Huence on meeting will be opened to general dis- W. Smith, Regent J. E. Beal.
the itmant onlyuesastep. in a - cussion of questions suggested by the Editors Speak
sty sn lecture. This plan was carried out Friday morning, Oct. 30, announce-
of the Dawes' plan, but as evidence successfully two weeks ago when ment of the various committee ap-
that European political leaders have President Clarence Cook Little dis- pointments will be made, and ad-
been able reach an agreement of cussed "Moral Issues of Modern Edu- dresses will be delivered by J. E.
t work hahbenedorever thelir cation." Paper slips will be passed Richards, editor of the News, Alpena;
Inwork has been endorsed by public about and interested listeners may and by Prof. Edson R. Sunderland
submit questions bearing upon the of the Law school. In the afternoon,
factors mean that Europe has be- material of the lecture, which will be the speakers scheduled are Prof. J.
armiste sforinthe sersneth n discussed by the group as a whole. L. Brumm, head of the journalism de-
Prof. Kirsopp Lake of the School of partment, and Harry Whitely, stateI
people as w ell, to give the world Religion, has been chiefly responsible senator, and editor of the News, Dow-,


Rocks Reveal
Old Practices
Among Indians
Carvings of figures and symbols
discovered in sandstone rocks along
the banks of Cass river near Bad Axe,
Mich., have been examined recently
by E. F. Greenman of the Anthro-
pology museum.
The carvings, some of which are
two inches deep, were found in four
rocks ranging from 10 to 45 feet in
length. Various images are depicted,
some being of men, animal, and bird
effigies, and some resembling theI
tracks of a hoofed animal. A quartz
boulder nearby suggests that chips
from it may have been used for chis- !
eling purposes, Greenman says.
The significance of the carvings is.
not known although- they are thought
to be totemistic. It was once thought
by the people living near the rocks
that they were an indication of the
presence of buried treasure although;
none has ever been found. It is like-)
ly that they are similar in purposeI
to the rock paintings of the paeolithic
period in France which are known to
have been totemistic, scholars - say.
Totemism is a primitive practice
known all over the world, and it is4
believed that the carvings of the ani-I
mals and birds were made during aI
period of food shortage with hope of
attracting animals and birds to the
Other Indian carvings in the stateI
are to be examined soon by the An-I
thropology museum.f
Believed to be Highest Ranking TA-t
bunal ever Assembled to Try E
a Coi'onel

Architectural and Pharmacy Classes
Arrange Accurate Methods For
Re-electing Officials


Balloting yesterday for the second
ime, students of the junior class of
he architectural college elected Ken-
neth Michel to represent the class on
he 1927 J-Hop committee. Michel re-
igned the vice-presidedcy, which he
Won last week, in order to run for the
Hop position ,and Russell Radford was
chosen to fill the vice-presidency .
The second election was made ne-
essary by the fact that the Hop com-
mitteeman elected last week was de-
lared ineligible because of grades
by the office of the dean of students.
Furthermore, written nominations
were not made before the election,
s had been done in all other colleges
where only one representative was to
be elected to the J-Hop committee;
nd the councilman in charge of the
lection released the ballots before
hey had been passed upon by the
Council election committee.
Council's Statement
"The Student council, regretting the
nconvenience caused the junor archi-
ectural class in selecting its J-Hop
ommitteeman, saw that every pre-
aution was taken to secure accurate
nd expeditious balloting to prevent
he recurrence of the situation caused
y the previous election," the election
ommittee of the Student council an-
ounced last night, following the sec-
nd election.
(No candidate will be allowed
to run in future elections unless
he has a statement issued by
Dean Bursley's office certifying
that he is eligible to hold office
if elected.)
3:30-Literary college in the
Natural Science auditori-
4:00-Freshman class of the
Law school in room B of
the Law building.
5:00-College of " Pharmacy in
room 151 of the Chem-
istry building.
11:00-Engineering college in
room 348 of the Engine-
ering building.
4:00-Education school in room
109, Tappan Hall.
4:30-Architectural college in
room 1 of the Architect-
ural annex.
5:00-Dental school in the low-
er lecture hall of the
Dental building.


clear proof that they had overcomeI
suspicions and hatreds engenedered[
by the war.
Disaster Quiz;,

I is rXrti ('11,1-i. -isuited tofriher sen jo I

for the arrangement of the series of agiac. Discussions will be led by
lectures upon the moral tendency of Howard P. Jones of the department
various aspects of contemporary life. of journalism, a former managing
The material presented in the lectures editor of the Evansville, Ind., Press.
is integrated with the work of Pro- At the dinner that evening a brief f
fessor Lake's seminar in the moral jaddress in memory of Dr. Marion Le- t
issues of modern life. Roy Burton will be given. Otherset
who will speak are Grove Patterson, I
~editor of the Blade, Toledo, and Dr. i
MorrisFishbein, editor of the Journal 2
} Cht th American Medical association,

criminal, but that end of itself does ^" "'' a" L)''' ,
not reform him. It is only a treat-; the shadowed depth of .southern
ment of a symptom, it does not eradi- swamps, the drooping luxuriance of
cate the disease. It does not make' Spanish moss, and the sujilit spaces
the community virtuous ' of the marsh.
"No amount of restraint, no amount A colorful element is injected into
Miss Smith's water colors by the fre-
of law can do that. If our political:qeticuino teclrulny
and social standards are the result of muent inclusion of the colorful, lanky
an enlightened conscience, then their sswamp birds, the blue and white
herons, to be seen in the picture
perfection depends upon securing a "Great Blue Herons," and the sea
more enlightened conscience. Iscene "The Pathe of the Moon." l
"If we are to preserve what we Students in the University and the
already have and provide for further schools of the city will be admitted to
reformation, we must become partak- the exhibition free of charge. The
ers of the spirit of the Great Master. pictures may be viewed each week-
This way is outside the government. day afternoon from 1:30 to 5:00
It is the realm of religion." . o'clock and from 2 until 5 o'clock on
The government can and is aiding Sunday, until Nov. 5.
in the solution of some of the pres- -
ent day problems, Mr. Coolidge said,
believing that the law undoubtedly 12 Inch Snowfall
acts to deter wrongdoing and to re-r I
press rime.Reported In Ohio
press crime.
"But this," he held, "reach'es its


highest application only when , there (By Associated Press)
is a very healthy and determined pub- YOUNGSTOWN, Oct. 20.-A 12-inch
lic sentiment in favor of the observ- snowfall early today blanketed the
ance of the law. The utmost ingenu- section around Kinstown, in northern
ity on the part of the police power Trumbull county. Some telephone
will be substantially wasted, in an wires were brought down by the
effort to enforce the law, if there does snowfall.
net exist a strong and vigorous deter-1 Several inches of snow was report-
mination on the part of the people to ed at Bloomfield and four inches at
observe the law. Such a determina- Portland. Reports said that trees
tion cannot be produced by the gov- had been blown down across roads,
eriment. My own opinion is that it and that considerable property dam-
is furnished by religion." k age had been done.
The executive explained that he was
not referring to religion in "any de-,
nominational or any narrow and tech- Four AmeriCans
nical sense", saying: ILeave For W4ilds
Sees Clergy as PowerL
"While I regard the clergy asthe,
greatest power for religious preach- (By Associated Press)
ing that we have, I do not refer to CHICAGO, Ill., Oct. 20.-"our young
them alone. I aim conscious that the Americans bent upon exploring the
example of devoted men and women, new Dutch Guinea wilds in searc of
the result of the inevitable social re- a race of pygmies, took off in a spe-I
lation, and above all the influence of cial constructed airplane at 2:25l
piety in the home, are all forces of o'clock today for San Francisco. They
enormous sigmiflcance. While certain are to meet 1\1. W. Stirling, connected
formalities of the past may have lost with the U. S. National Museum, who
the hold they once had, I do not see will lead them by ship and air to the
any diminution in the steadfastness New Guinea jungles.
of the religious convictions of the
peo pe very fact that amid all the Gitta Gradova Pt
complexities and distractions of our
present life we are still maintaining Ma,/i t2e con
umniimpaired the foundation of our in-
stitutions, constantly increasing the
rectitude with which the great busi- Gitta Gradova, the one young Rus-
ness affairs of our country are con- sian pianist who has spent nearly all
ducted, all the while improving our of her life in America, will play at
educational facilities, answering more j
eductioal a ite asv rniglnir 3o'clock this afternoon in the Union
and nmore generously to the calls of 3ocokti feno nteUmo
public and private charities, contin- ball room, for the first number of the
ually enlarging the field of art, giv- Matinee Musicale program.n. Miss

(By Associated Press) I .d..-,- - '>1'-;'-'. cc
BOSTON, MlYass., Oct. 20.-The Na- I The program for Saturday forenoon,
val inquiry board assembled here to D m sc s Oct. 31, includes "round table" dis-
'investigate the ramming of the sub- I mcussions, reports of the committees, n
marine 5-51 by the steamer City of DAMASCUS, Syria, Oct. 20. - An and election of officers. In the after-
Rome, adjourned its hearing late to- revolt in the Moslem section of noon, members of the Press club will
open rattendinofethesPressetclubofwill
day until October 26, when Capt. John Damascus, into which bands of rebel attend the Michigan-Navy football
H. Diehl, master of the steamer, and Druse tribesmen had infiltrated, was game, through the courtesy of Field-
his officers, will be called to testify. put down by the French late, today, Na a H. Yost. The Secretary of the a
During the session, Lieut. Comnman- but only after artillery armored cars Navy, and Senator Arthur Capper the b
der Lockwood, the judge advocate has and tanks had been called into ac- latter also a prominent publisher, !
attempted to introduce evidence into tion and heavy damage done in the in- may be guests of the club o11 Satur-~
the records to show that the sub- surgent quarters of the city.
marine's lights were burning when Moslem insurgent leaders, at theI Select "Best Page"
she was rammed. endl of twenty-four' hours of fierce re- As a special feature of the conven- I
Severalrnitnesses, including the I tion, awards will be made for the best!
steaer' rado oeratr, avetesti- sistanice by the rebels, offered to sur
steamer's rad"o operator have -render to General Sarral, the French front-pages of three groups of news-
tied that Captain Diehl waited almost ig commissioner, and lateracce papers published Michigan: the
two hours before he sent out a mess- ed his terms. These included a heavy large dailies, the smaller dailies,an
age relating to the disaster. The fine and the delivery of several thou- the weeklies. The page submitted, l
testimony showed that the Navy de- sand rifles, only one entry being allowed each'.
partment was not notified until three paper, must be selected from issues d
hours after the submarine was sent f between Sept. 23, and Oct. 4, 1925, d
to the bottom. Alpha Nu olds I and should be sent to Howard P.h
These last two points were brought Tr £ Jones, 1025 Berkshire road this city, h
out today Vwhen the steamer's radio irI r j ut Meeting, before Oct. 22.
log was produced by George W. Nich- Selects Ten en t
ohs, Boston manager of the Radio IiS. N yG"
Corporation of America. Illsf&&, N vvG meJ
TTWith the speeches of tryouts con- Tickets Sold Out; p
stituting the main portion of the pro-,
T hreea Day Driegram, Alpha Nu literary society held Others Available i
Three Dav Drive iits regular weekly meeting last night
in the society's room in Angell hall.
For 1926 E' fnsial The following men spoke on subjects g Tickets for all seats, boxes as well d
- of their own choice and were elected (as grandstand, are entirely sold out u.
Tas pledges to the organization in the for the Illinois game next Saturday v
thre yic rivanensian staff will hold business meeting that followed liter- and the Navy game here the follow- c
la three day drive, beginning Tues-19 ye snes meeting Chae B el e - ing week, Harry Tillotson, business f
ay, for the sale of the 1926 year book.Lyle piserma:n, '28, Jar es Pollock, manager of the Athletic association, p
From Tuesday to Thursday inclusive, '28, Edward Denice, '28, Joseph Far- announced yesterday. Applications t
stud(ents may give orders for the an- Irll, '29, -ubert Thoipson, '29, Paul lcontinue to come in and the associa-
nual book at booths located at five iIerm, '29, and Albert Cain, '29. tion is unable to fill orders for either
I places on the campus. Payments on Further tryouts for membership to game. (
l subscriptions will be received at a Frthetyoil be hembers1:0 to The great majority of student ap-
booth in the lobby of te library. 4:00 o'clock Friday in the Alpha Nu Iplications for the Ohio State and i
- -:room on the fourth foor of Angell I Minnesota games have been received I
Nearly half of the 1,600,000 square hail All male students who are in- and from present indications the l
miles of area of Brazil is covered with temest.ed in public speaking or deba- ticket supply will meet the demand.
forest._ie es invie to speak at ths Tickets for the Northwestern game
I trials, which will consist of three at Chicago are still being sold, lim-'
r raO e s minute speeches of the student's ited to four seats for each purchaser.
.-y___._BENTON HARBOR, Oct. 20. - The
C ert cries Today;sE:ARS OCTOBER 27ship Petoskey has gone into winter '
Due to a tvographical error, the quarters here._

.WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 20.
Vhat is believed to be the highest
anking court martial ever assembled
or the trial. of an army officer in
he grade of colonel, today was ord- '
red by direction of President Cool-
dge to convene, in Washington, Oct.
On that day or as soon after as pos-
[ble Col. William Mitchell, storm
enter of the air service controversy,
vill be brought before the court on
iarges specifying violation of the
inety-sixth article of war.
Under the provisions of this article,
onviction could, in the discretion of1
le court, be made punishable by dis-
issal from the army. Presidential
pproval, however, would be required I
efore such a verdict could be put;
nto effect.
Fighting Ceases
Along Bulgarian
And Greek Front
(By Associated Press)
ATHENS, Greece, Oct. 20.-Fight-
ng between Greek and Bulgarian sol-
iers on the frontier near Demirhis-.
ar ended today when the Bulgarians
oisted a white flag. The fighting had -
i nn fn- lr a.lrnnst 24 hours.

teen goingOn uLon orLUL alL, 4 R . r
the Bulgarian commander explained
hat the firing was due to a misunder-
The trouble began when .4 Greek
ost on the Belesh was attacked by
Bulgarian regular troops.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-Settling
own to the consideration of individ-
ual and business appeals for tax r-
vision, the House Ways and Means
ommittee today listened to requests'
or reduction or repeal of most of the
resent income and miscellaneousa


At the elections, also repeated, of
he senior and junior classes of the
College of Pharmacy yesterday,
Charles S. Waggoner, '26P, and Roy
A. Patelski, '27P, won the presidencies
of their respective classes. The first
elections were thrown out and a new
vote authorized by the Student coun-
cil when it was shown that several
members of both classes had voted in
the wrong group due to confusion re-
garding class standing.
At the elections yesterday after-
moon complete lists of all members
of both classes of the Collage of
Pharmacy were posted by the office of
the dean of that college. Only stu-
dents whose names appeared on the



proper list were allowed to vote.
-- .Accompanying Waggoner on the
6lfE TRYOUTS NEEI)EDI winning ballot in the senior election
ON DAILY BUSINESS STAFF were Leonard Powers, vice-president;
- Andrew Freitag, . secretary; and
There is opportunity for a few Thomas Pasternak, treasurer. In ad-
more men'to obtain practical ex- dition to Patelski, the juniors elected
perience on the business staff of loyd Park to represent the class on
The Michigan Daily. Second se- the J-Hop committee; Harold Grieve,
mester freshmen or sophomores vice-president; Grace Collins, secre-
mesiterafraehmenC"orbsophomore tary; -and Thomas Mills, treasurer.
wii a gradeork Cr better aOther Offices Filled
Daily office in the Press building Patelski, Grieve and Mills were all
Dail oficein he res buldig Ielected ,at the first balloting of the
any afternoon this week. junior class last week and were se-
lected for the second time yesterday.
Miss Collins defeated Robert Mitchell,
who was chosen in the first election,
Logs Urbana Iwhen she won the secretaryship. The
LU eligibility of all the new officers has
uce Is 354 liles been passed upon by the office of the
I dean of students except that of Mills,
who is stilltdoubtful.
states through which (drivers will Two of the officers elected by the

From the age of four, when Miss
Gradova began to show exceptional
musical skill, she has worked with
various teachers, but not until she met
her present advisor, Madame Djane
- Lavoie-Herz, did she become known


date set for Mayor Robert J. Camp-
bell's vocational guidance talk was
announced in, The Daily as Oct. 22.
The (late should have read: Oct. 27.
O W therMau

Automobile Cluba
Route; Dista
For the convenience of the great s


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