T1ESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 125 Pr CLOSET AME AT 3 P.M.ADVERTISING A 3 PI THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA(;E rYfiN'r'V , - . e . esiding Bishop I LEASERS of fBESN RAN GROUPS MEET 1,0NIGHT1' 'Experiences Of Caribbean Cruise Outlined By Hall; NOTICE WANT ED TAILORING STUDENT to sell insurance, good pay. Students Tailoring Phone 840 Daily Box No. 12. Cor. N. University and Thayer MEN'S SUITS CLEANED) AM VANTED--Tiekets for Navy and PRESSEI), $1.g Minnesota games. Call O'Keefe. TROUSERS PRESSED, 20c Itone 8564. ,CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING A SP'ECIAI1'Y WANTlED-)Sax and cornet players. ALSO LADIES DRESSES AN) E' nerienced only. Call "Eppie" COATS 4752. REASONABLE PRICES Work Called For And Delivered WAN'TIDil)-Students going to Illinois , r t . ti NESTLE PERMANENT Wave special for October $15. Bentley Beauty Shop, 106 E. Liberty. Phone 6373. FIVE Tickets for Mich.-Ill. game.# Separated if necessary. Call L. Wetzel, 7817. MELL QILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- er, thirty years experience; banjos,; mandolin, guitar and chord con-1 struction. Telephone 4757. NOTICE;, We pay best prices for men's used clothing. Dial 8040. Students' Tailoring Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer STUDENTS-Who want tutoring in German 'call Dolberg, Dial 7829 be- tween 6-7 P. M. game who want to earn all or part of their expens(e(s. Call Fradenbmrgh Dial 8455 after 6 P. M. TWO Illinois tickets in MM, or will give three together in MM for four and cash or one Ohio Ticket. Call Pardo Ph. 9717. i i WAN''EI)D---Tiuree tickets for Illinois game. Dial 3764. WANTED-Five students, either boys or girls to earn way to Illinois game. Mr. Hoover, 548 Church St. after 0 P. M. WANTED--Five tickets to Illinois game. Call "Eppie" 4752. TWO Tickets for Illnois game. Dial 22342. 508 Hill. MAN over 25 experienced handling men. Pleasant congenial work for right party in Ann Arbor. Em- mons Co., Newark, New York. , > Rh. Rex. John Gardner Murray of Baltimore, bishop of Maryland, is the first elected presiding bishop of the Episcopal church in the United States in 150 years. Formerly the post was held by the senior prelate of the church. He is 68 years old. Undergraduates and faculty n1eui Rci)ort B. Hall]. of they geography begs who will lead the freshman dis- del)art.ment yesterday outlined }grief- cussion groups this year will InE et ly the experie'llccs of his sulrlmer trip, and discuss the year's program at a ; through the Caribbean, where he dinner at 5:30 o'clock tonight ill Palle completed a. geographical reconnais- j hall tavern. A leader from each j rancse of the ]del ulslic of Plaiti as tllc group of freshmen will also attend to; guest of th,, Pinit< d States Navy de.- .s isr. ill the discussion of the most partmeiiL He visited Santo Domingo, plausible and satista.ctory methods of I'or{;o Rico, the Ainer"ict;21 Virgin is- .onctuctin- the weekly meetrn rF,. lands and t3outh Cuba, and made an Two discussion nreeGing. a2 ]vld ~" c t{ x...it . c . uI c l cL co-hese M.eeting~ to i ecquaint ti.e fresh- ; (erect by Hall include a men w, . coIldUions as thoy exist czt. i :study life, types of 11 ow w"';, Miebiga.r. All freshmcli are urged to ,'ol'Ics _n( 1 cfs: ts of * agriculture, enroll in one of these g ou p and .2retil<~l of ,..,tnv.213iC oa gan zation and learn about the tradit]oh citstoul;; indastry and (.ho distribution of Hai- and activities on the campus. tian geographical phenomena. 111111110111111311[IllllllllIll fill Iif l[1iill IIll if III] Ill 1Ill 111111.IM Ill 1Ill Ill 11U111111illllllli, We have a special Chinese Cook to prepare our fia ous Chinese isties. W Try them for dinner. tonicrht, W Y COLLEGE FE ANNEX 14 NORTH WAS INOTON-GYP SILANTI - 11111111111tllllill111111116 Ui U 1111111111 H 1111111111111]11111111111111111t1111iIf111111l11t11t 11lli:-, A. tt£? ? 1211( I 4 # A3,4 ask flint, a1 rvjwa-vexfid afive q "Ie ,usif CO. call 31l)on you to a a;acv fata:;tla c awl A t? la aaod 1c; :: ya>nr a:aa-wmre f(,r as stilt or STYLE, Fur, QUALITIES Your 11P.(.4, D e!;: ea? Wear '. aasll (' l3attacs. All Wool Pre-Shrunk in Beautiful Fabrics That Will -Not Fade. SUITS AND OVERCOATS a At only i I N.A.S Gd(loil l"uN Phone Tg .. [[ , ii.llors of 9736 r y talza n enfor of time allotted for 'diIsian. pictures is early Life To Be Disclosed Through Rocks Editor of Forum Claims Valuable Information May Exist; Asks for Aid NEW YOLK, Oct. 13.-That valu- able and surprising information about shorter this year. Appointments must conk in faster to get them taken in time. .. at-the start, in order " FOUNTAIN PEN INK Our special Government Record ink when set is water-proof. No fear of its smearing when touched with a moist finger or being completely erased if your note book should get' wet. It has a fine color and flowsc well. A word to the wise is suffic- ient. ; ? Rider's Pen Shop x i+ The limit is Thanksgiving-about five weeks is all. PANCAKE SUPPER, Church of Christ, Corner Hill and Tappan, Wednesday, Oct. 1,5 5-7:30. 25c. HAVE YOU oily hair? A Pohaco treatment will surely help. Price 25c. BEESYL BEAUTY SHOP Over Arcade Theater HOUSEHOLDERS having rooms to rent to .members of the state press Oct. 29th 'and 30th communicate with William Breyer, 916 So. Main, St. FOUNTAIN PEN SERVICE Our service is your saving. Our brands consist of those that give -you the best service. for the, least, money. Expert fitting is our spec- ialty. We will give you unequalled repair service on any make of pen and service any pen we sell. Rider's Pen Shop 302 State St. LOST LOST - A LeBouef fountain pen. Name Ivar C. Johnson engraved on barrel. Finder please call 7982 or 210 So. Thayer. Reward. BETWEEN Granger Academy and Majestic Theatre, child's sweater. Dial 5822. LOST-AN ORLICK curved stem pipe in or near Majestic Theater. Call Mr. Sanford 7172. Reward. LOST-Sigma Pi fraternity pin. Find- er call Van Doren. Phone 6381. Re- ward. LOST-From ,taxi coining from M. C. depot a black handbag, Sunday night between 7:15 and 7:30. Re- ward.6L. R. Markus, 822 Oakland. Dial 6110. LOST-A pocket book between Meth- odist Church and Fuller St. Find- er please return and receive re- ward. Dial 22395. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Front room beautifully furnished for student, teacher, or couple. Phone 6528. 510 Catherine. FOR RENT-Suite, east, south and west exposure. Also large front room and garage. Steam heat. Dial 8544. 422 East Washington. WANTED-Opportunity b son to drive to Urban car preferably with fac Tel. Univ. 153-M, 9:00-1 WANTED-One Illinois 1 Sealby, 8517. WANTED-One ticket or Illinois game. Call Sac WANTED-Five Illinois gether or separate. Ca WANTED-Four Illinois Pauline Malone at 301 WANTED-Two or three O. S. U. game or Mini Call 4518 Ask for Dent; FOR SALE FOR SALE-Remington typewriter, new. Will 413 So. Division Phone FOR SALE-Poy Boston reasonable. Gussey 534 FOR SALE-For the gami touring, excelleit cond en less than 5000 mile: driver. Four new tires 3826 after 6:30.P. M. FOR SALE-Muskrat fu Hudson seal collar and 38. 214 S. Division. P FORD Touring in excelle: $36. Call Fritz. 22491. TUDOR FORD sedan. E chanical condition. Al accessories. $125.00. Le Dial 6857. 419 Hill St. TENOR Banjo and case. had it but five months very little. Phone 3292. son St. :ulty family. the prehistoric inhabitants of Amer- LO: 00. ica may be obtainable from the paint- ticket. Call , ings and inscriptions known to exist on rocks in various parts of the coun- try is the idea urged here today by tickets for Dr. E. E. Free, science editor of The 2lis 7137. Forum. The public is asked to sup- tickets, to- ply information of the locations of all 22191. such examples of prehistoric Aineri- can art, so that these examples may tickets. Call be photographed and studied scien- tifically before they disappear or are defaced. e tickets to Last year in the northwestern iesota game. corner of Arizona a scientific expedi- te. Lion headed by Mr. Samuel Hubbard, of Oakland, California, ,found some remarkable rock pictures supposedly n portable made by prehistoric man. One of these pictures looked much like a sell cheap. dinosaurone of the long-extinct rep- 9352, tiles which geologists have recon- n Bull z pups structed from fossil bones. Others looked like the . ibex, an antelope-like 48, 610LL For- creature which, lives in Asia but is nat; known, eve$ in fossil form, in e, 1920 Ford Anierica. ition. 1Driv- If these really are ibex, where did s by careful the ancient artist:~ see them? Has the $80. Phone Pacific Coast experienced some pre- Columbian visit from Asiatics, like the ancient visit of Lief Ericson to zr coat with our Atlantic Coast? This is by no d cuffs, size means impossible. Early settlers in 'hone 5716. California relate a story of the find- hig, years ago, of a complete Chinese :nt condition. junk, buried in the gold gravels. Rock pictures and inscriptions are known to occur in many places in the lxcellent me- United States. They have always been 11 necessary ascribed to the present-clay Indians, eaving town: which is no doubt quite correct for t:he majority of the examples. But Owner has possibly some of them are more and used it anccient and more important. The 320 Thomp- paintings on the walls of gorges and caves in Spain and France were ne- glected for years. Now the scientists are reading much ancient history from them. Possibly we are neglect- ing a similar asset in the United States.' All persons who know of prehis- ® taric inscriptions or painting which deserve study and record are urged, therefore, to send brief descriptions of them, with exact directions for 00 "jMd finding the locality to the science ed- itor of The Forum, 247 Park avenue, New York City. Such information I will be gratefully acknowledged. It rvocch may prove of great value to science. WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.-A gift of 1$1,000 each to Pitchers Coveleskie 1 and Marberry for their work during the past season was awarded today by the Washington baseball club. I4et The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified _columns.-Adv. by one per- a in closed Student Laundry is a specialty with us. We can save you money and give r f. you good service. Tryus once. The MOE LAUNDRY lu hone 5031 for appointment 204 --N. MAIN. DIAL 3916 :. ,' / Nrj COY. mot . p0 /+,z 4-e- =, +c r rCC rew ,p /v00 a F /a Oil WN- Qhe MAQ-G8P- kE4.u f CAT. [)[i. 1 ".. t :. ' Tc ' l ' _.... y t;fsy, I ,> r'' Q {i '> k4 . __. :, . ^......._..w..,, ® i vwwa Arr.Ma7iu YS fii Wf/' sIM B iV 'a iwwri®'r4r Ir Y 'G9aav wa + v+lvw s s 'a wwww rs Ylwwalir Abtpr (glothps Tir rr tllr ost of rlvosi g Writ 1TY [. 5 O value I = SAMPLES All, our popular Brogue Models on display at E Guy W001101k & Coo v'zG South Sia to Sireet Ain Arbor, Mich. Lasts and Patterns ]exclusively Our Own Design J H URPHY Photographer WHITEHOUSE & HARDY INCORVORATCO $ROADWAYAT40-STREET 144WEST42,,omRw MEMOPOUTAN OMM MMM BLDG, KNicuitsocuR BUILDING. NEW YORK -Frequent Sei ' e ','iW9a64 Cfi9w' Idi ' John Specializes In reasonably priced, home-cooked The fact that we Oversold our First Shipment of Overcoats, Saturday, proves that Our tyles are fight Our Fabrics are Right Our Colors Are Right Our Prices Are Right Just received a large shipment of Adler Overcoats in Blues and Lighter Shades. Vide Shoulders, Snug Hips, and Unusually Long. Prices, $33.50 to $50.00. food d . __= __ - - - of the finest quality. He assures balanced meals because lie always serves soup, vegetables and dessert with them. 0000 _EATS CAFETERIA __ ._. r MEW AND NIFTY 1'Iichian Stati*onery -Ac- UNIVERSITY AIIR' BOOK STORE 609 E. William Just off State 11 11 213 EAST LIBERTY Opposite Varsity laundry Out of the high rent district. Cooking Shat YOU Will LIKE lI W.M.-.000.0", 0..0<.0« . !I I Read The Daily, "cIassifiec " of mns r , ...