PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESD)AY, OCTlOIER', 20, 19',- Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master (General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ntard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board...-Norman R. Tha City Editor..-.........Robert S. Mansfield New~s Editor........... Manning Ilouseworth Women's Editor-.........-gHelen S. Ramsay Sports E'ditor...............Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor........William Wathour Music and Dram....Robert B. Henderson Nignt Editors Smith rd. Cady r ecuard C. Ball Willard B. Crosby Thonas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editos 'rwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants Gertrude E. Bailey Margaret Parker Louis R. Markus Stanford N. Phelps !harles Behymer Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed I. Farnum Simon Rosenbaum Bckinghamn Ruth Rosentha Edgar Carter Abraham Satovsky Eugene I. Guteknst Wilton A. Simpson Douglas Doubleday Janet Sinclair Mary Dunnigan Courtland C. Smith James T. Herald James A. Sprow Russell T. Hitt Stanley Steinko Elizabeth S. Kennedy Clarissa rapson MIaion Kubik Henry Thurnau Walter H. Mack David C. Vokes Lois R.Markus (handler J Whipple Ellis Merry Kenneth Wickware Stanton Meyer Cassarn A. Wilson lielen Morrow Thomas C. Winter Herbert Moss Marguerite Zilszke BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising ...........Finn Advertising...--------T. I). Omstd, Jr. Advertising..............Frank R. Detz, Jr. Advertising.........-.........W. L. Mullin Circulation. ..... ...........IL. L. -Newman Publication--........Rudolph Bostelman Accounts----.......-. ..Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingred M. Alving S. H. Parde George Ii. Anable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow JtnI. Bobrink Robert Prentis Eden W. Butzbach Win. C. fusch' W. J. Cox Franklin J. Rauner Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan Slames R. DePuy Margaret Smith Margaet I. Funk Ruth A. Sorger - Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland T. Kenneth Haven Win. H. Wearne 7. 73. Little Eugene Weinberg Fran k 7. Mosher Wm. J. Weinman F. A. Nordquist TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1925 Night Editor--SMITH H. CADY, JR. "FINGER-PRINTNG" THE NATION Congress at its next session will be asked to "finger print" the nation. Because of the mass of legislation which will come before that body, this proposal probably will meetwith but scant consideration. Neverthe- less, the plan has its merits. The measure has the support of Police Commissioner Enright of New York City, who suggests that all prints be kept on file by a national police bureau. As a means of keep- ing record of the nation's citizenry, such a plan could not easily be sur- passed. Such a method has been used with marked success in some of the Eu- ropean and South American coun- tries, notably Argentine. That country has used tact in putting into effect this plan. Not law, but convenience and practical business considerations have made finger printing practically compulsory. The law does not say that every one must be finger print- ed-it merely provides means for tak- ing and recording the prints. In return for a fee, the police may issue a small certificate to the appli- cant, bearing a brief history of his life, his address, signature, photo- graph and right thumb print, with the police chief's certificate that he has investigated all these details and vouches for their accuracy. The cer- tificate is known as a "cedula de identidad," or identification card. That the proposal has several dis- tinct merits is at once evident. Ques- tionable characters are unable to ob- tain these certificates, so possession is in itself a recommendation. The bearer has ready means of identifying himself, and so popular have the "cedulas" become in the South Amer- ican country that they are in constant requisition, even in cases where positive identification is not neces- sary. The inldividual who is unable to produce such a certificate when asked for it, is immediately regarded with askance. Argentine's experience also shows that seldom do these .cer- tificates get into wrong hands. It is probable that when Congress considers this plan, it will not receive approval, largely because it is radical in nature. The fact remains, how-I ever, that the scheme is practical; and as the need for positive identifica- tion increases, demand for some such CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The nimes of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential uan request. rI WHAT ARE THlE OBIJCTiIO.frT To the Editor: Many great objectives have been realized because of the comparative inanity of the arguments of those wlho opposed them. Determined, but 'ill- directed opposition has often been the principal means of recommending a cause to that great mass of persons designated as the public. This was true of everything from Christianity to prohibition. And it seems likely that we are to have a present day counterpart in the local controversy concerning the advisability of build- ing a stadium. Certainly nothing could recommend the project more adequately than some of the articles which have been published in Mich- igan Chimes, especially the most re- cent attempt. As one who has been, theoretically at least, opposed to a huge stadium, I feel justified in pointing out what I deem to be deficiencies in the argu- ments set forth. I accept without question the statement of those who say that football, on its present tre- mendous scale, is decidedly inimical to the purely academic interests of the University. Mr. Angell is entirely right when he contends that there is too great emphasis on the sport, that it monopolizes too much of the atten- tion of the student body (and, I should like to add, the faculty), and that if this interest could be diverted into more productive channels the University would more perfectly ful- fill what should be its mission in life. These arguments are good as against the present over-emphasis of the sport-they are those that I, as a student, would advance on a purely theoretical basis. I am not so sure that they are arguments against the building of a larger stadium...... But to contend, as does the editor of the "Chimes," that a bowl, seating upwards of 75,000 people, would have a bad social effect on the student body is little less than nonsense. This is summed up in the article's fourth "point": "the emphasis on amuse- ment, because of the crowds, because of the added i centive to win, be- cause of the wi er publicity, because of the higher strung emotional pitch, the hilarity, and the brawls would still further discourage intellectual intentness." The writer's logic is somewhat as follows: we now are devoting too much time to football, we are now doing too ,inuch drinking at football games, we are now on the verge of an intellectual collapse be- cause of football. Ergo-if we build a larger stadium, we will devote more time to football, we will do more drinking at football games, and we will collapse intellectually. I do not believe this conclusion is justified. I am fairly certain that the reason for the abnormal interest int football, as such, in many of our stu- dents and in the general public, is due to the character of the students who make up our universities and colleges, not to big stadiums; and that if there was not football to mon- opolize the major portion of this group's attention, there would be something else, just as unacademic, to take its place. It is undisputable that the amount of revelry and in- temperate drinking connected with these so-called Roman holidays is the result of the eighteenth amend- ment, not of big stadiums, and that a bigger stadium would in no way aug- ment this public disgrace. I am cer- tarn that there is just as great a pro- portion of the people on the campus as there ever where who have a real and sincere interest in matters in-} tellectual, and that this interest will in no way be diminished by a biggerI stadium. Football, and its attendant eveils, is only one of the manifesta- tions of a basic instinct in every man. As I said in the beginning, I am not sure that a bigger and better stadium is for the best interests of the Uni- versity, but there are a few argu- ments which I have been unable, so far, to refute. As a state university, we cannot exclude the public which supports that university from the only functions in which it has a real interest, if it is within our power to provide the necessary facilities. A new stadium must be built, assuming, as everyone must, that football is here to stay. Is there any real rea- son for not building one, sufficiently large, that the annual squabble for tickets will be eliminated to some ex- tent? The only answer is total aboli- tion of intercollegiate football. Such is not possible until the time, which many think is approaching, when football's very size will prove its handicap, and it will die a natural death. It is a curious anomoly that a nub-s OASTED ROLL clIIfII11 MANIit AND DRAMA I ___________________________ ____________________________ i Some unmentionable in the so- called Chimes has done more to aid to stadium campaign and gyp this depart ment, than anyone in years. If you don't think that this fulfills its purpose as a humor column, just1 read the Sunday Chimes and see what competition we have. We read this column every morning and we think it pretty funny (some-t one has to) but Sunday morning ourt fun was entirely eclipsed by the lead-_ ing article of that, well,-pamphlett which by the Grace of God is sent outj with The Daily once a week. Wet remember having read funny stories,t Bob Benchley, Ring Lardner, Donc Stewart, but we never can recall hav- ing chuckled so loudly or so consist-_ entl y. We have learned since that was not strictly intentional humor and so we feel chagrined. Instead of praising someone we are razzing him. Never- theless, we are still not convinced' that such phrases as "But I am pro- voked at the effect the revels have on University life" and "If you think I am miscon- strue me," could be taken seriously, let alone be written in that mood. Another feature of Chimes which has, and apparently will forever arouse our deepest envy is the way they fill space. We have since the beginning of our regime, prided our- selves upon the fact that we could fill more space with words which conveyed less meaning than any other organized institution in the world. We even stated that fact in red ink upon our letter heads. And then, lo, a body is created which makes us feel like a kid throwing snowballs at an avalanche. We also formerly cherished the be- lief that ours was the oldest material seen in print in any publication. For instance, some two weeks we naively discussed Mr. Stewart's "The Crazy Fool" which had then been in print and on sale at least three months if not more. And' again, lo, Chimes comes out last Sunday with a review of that charming novel. All our hopes are ruined; our most cherished laurels snatched from our brow. "But we carry on........ we've forgotten just why" it's got something to do with "If each day somebody's life is bright- ened by a few minutes of laughter" and also something to with "pay to the order of." So yeu see, ladies and gentlemen that the life of a columnist, is not all just so much fun, that even in this game we have, crushing, overwhelm- ing, yea disheartening competition. And that it should be Chimes-O tempora 0 mores! * .. * O NEWS FROM ZILCH Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 19-(Special to Tiffin).- Due to the snow, rain, wind and sundry other elemental disturbances today all wires are down between this city and Owosso, Mich., where Joseph Zilch, World famous, slack-wire per- former, has gone for a rest. T he rumor that America's outstand- ing velocipedist was killed trying to gain admitta nce to the Majestic the- atre, here Sunday night is entirely false, as the body found on the steps after the show had started were con- elusively proven to be that of Bel El Schmelled, a local rug merchant. * * * We feel that we have omitted one of the outstanding candidates fromn roster of the Board in Conrtol of Rolls. At least, from our position in the rear of the room, which is peace- fully out of hearing distance, he sounds indeed witty. The class seems to be in a continual uproar. Thea slides certain are funny.t FREE VERSE A man we know bought a Ford Second hand from a dealer here r In town and the damn thing Ran fine. Now we just did1 The same thing but somehow It does not work as wellI We realize that this is not fit Subject for blank verse, butt We have a one track mind And then, what is?t * * * PERSONAL PERSONALe Allah: We are glad that you willi soon be among us.I * * * Dear Tobey: While you and some of the other irresponsibles have been engagede with the mystery of the strange Mr.! Zilch, it appears that you have entire-. ly overlooked a sinister figure whicht is creeping into the columns of The Halloween Decorations GAHYiTA 'S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK THIS AFTERNOON: The Organ Recital in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 o'clock. TONIGR T: Mu Phi Epsilon pre- sents Mr. and 1AIrs. Guy Maier in a Two-piano recital in the Assembly hall of the Union.", MR. AND 3MS1. MATER A two-piano recital by Lois andj Guy Maier will be given tonight in the ball room of the Union, under the auspices of the Mu Phi Epsilon. The program will include many of the numbers taken up by Mr. Maier's in- terpretation class last spring, par- ticularly the Saint-Saens Varations on a theme of Beethoven-a composi- tion which they are said to handle tremendously well,-and Debussey's "La Boite a Joujoux." This is the de- tailed program: I. a - . __. , SKILLED REPAIRING Exchange that Misfit Pen for a RIDER MASTERPEN The Pen of the Past--Thu Pen of the Present--The Pen of the Future We will make you a good allowance. The "Rider Masterpen" made by J. G. Rider Pen Co. Ann Arbor, Mich., is in a class by itself-nothing like it or to compare with it. If there is such a thing as a "non-breakable" the "Mas- terpen" is that pen and it holds a whole barrelful of ink (230 drops). Fitted and serviced by Rider himself at For Two Pianos1 Minuette and Gavotte .... Saint-Sanes Six "Liebeslieder" Waltzes ...... . .. .. . ... . ... . .. .. Br ahms-Maier Impromptu Roccoco ........Schuett I I. Varations on a Theme of Beethoven..........Saint-Saens III. Ballet, "La Boite a Joujoux".... Debussey! IV. For Two Pianos Prelude.................... Poulen' At the Ruins of Rheims Cathedral ...............Casella Russian Peasant Dance ...... Gliere Blue Danube WaltzesC......... s .Strauss-Chasnsj r*r* * MR. WIll OWGERS It was announced yesterday that Mr. Will Rogers is to appear in Hill auditorium, the evening of Wednes- day, November 25, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor branch of the American Association of University Women, and for the benefit of the Womans building. While none of the details for this really significant entertainment have been learned as yet, it is known that Mr. Rogers will bring with him the Dereszkie quartette, which is prin- cipally famous for the fact that it is a "single-voice" quartette, and is therefor a spectacle of no little in- terest. It is said further that Mr. Rogers will himself provide about two thirds of the progrm. Gum-chewing, I a r i a t-swinging, knowing gentleman that he is, Will Rogers stands certainly as one of our most American institutions. His look of keen awareness, his genial, pierc- ing wit have all become rather a part of our national life. . . He has ap- peared heretofore in the Ziegfeld Follies. . . At all events, he is a capable cowboy, and manipulates a rope deftly, neatly.. . * * * THE ORGAN RECITAL Palmer Christian will present the following program at the Organ Re- cital at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditorium: Concerto for Organ, No. V.. Iandel To the Rising Sun ........ Torjussen Capriccio .................. Faulkes Choral Prelude ............Sowerby The King's Hunt.......... John Bull Consolation .................. Scott Fugue in C.............Buxtehude Avia Maria........... Bach-Gounod Allegro-gioso ...............Dethier * * * "TOPSY AND " An appreciation, by Clarice Tapson This delightful musical version of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is paying one of its perennial visits to Detroit this week at the New Detroit Opera House, as usual drawing a crowd; and any show that can draw a crowd into that barn-like edifice must of necessity be out of the ordinary. "Topsy and Eva" is one of those shows that must have its stars or it simply isn't. So it continues to roam around with the two Duncan Sisters, Vivian and Rosetta, playing the name parts, and to make itself heard as well as seen. These two girls have personality and you must be satisfied with that explanation of their pop- ularity. There is no other. The only offense you receive from this piece, if you are a stickler for remaining true to the themes of the classics, is at the end-when Topsy instead of Eva ascends-a mere de- tail. * * * FINALLY; Richard Brinsley Sheridan's com- edy of English manners "The Rivals" will play an engagement of one night1 at the Whitney Theatre, Friday, Oc- tober 30. The cast includes these1 brilliant actors: Minnie Madern - Pen Specialists *0"02State 24 HOUR SERVICE IrvingWar OitsDSC CIIIROP IOIST A D 011TH 4JPEIDIST 707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 MAKE EL MAN N'S Mas G l l c - M E LEARN TO DANCE at Beginning Wednesday, October 14 Dancing Classes will Le held on Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7:00 to 7:45 LOOK AT XYOUR HAT EVERYONE ELSE DOES Conte in and let us ecean and block your hat right. 'We make and sell all kinds of hats and they are SHAPED to fit! Save a Dollar or More at the FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street. Phone., 7415. (Where D. U. It. Stops at State St.) Enroll Nowi Tuition $5.00 per term of Twelve Lessons d v FIA i "Style Is of Paramount Importance." PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATHS ON T HE . ay i f 4 f r N NSSr6 I and C&fidelcc ABOUT OUR CAB SERVICE We have built up our cab servicej on merit. Our cars are new, staunch' and dependable. Our place of busi- ness is open all hours day and night. Our drivers are experienced and cour- teous. They know the city streets and the best country routes. In every particular our service merits your r-- ni-i onnidrtn NA-h- .l Overcoais The double breasted i3 popular this year, especially in the extra long models. The material is heavy. durable, and warm. suits Our suits are all specially tail- ored for us by R. & W. The three button sack is being worn with rath- er wide pants. The prices are mod- erate, $40, $45, $50. "Dress Well and Succeed." I l II