TUE ISI)AY, OCTOBER 20, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .___._ __ - . --- K[ltOGInclude~d on List From WWicO ieni. orsof 'Central AmlI(rician Arhj- tr atitiji1Tribunids Will be Chosen ONLY 15 MEN NAMED Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the politi- cal science department is 'one of 15 Americans included in the list of Secretary of State Kellogg from which selections will be made for service on the recently created Cen- tral American arbitration tribunals. The list is composedi of James M. Beck, 'of Philadelphia, former solici- tor general of 'the United 'States; Prof. Edwin M. Brochiard, professor of international law at Yale univer- sity; J. Reuben Clark,' Jr., Washing- ton; William C. Dennis, Washington, D. C.; D)avid Jayne Hill, Washington, former ambassador to Germany; 'Prof. Manley C. Hudson, Cambridge, Mass., who has been active with the work- ers of the League of Nations at Gen- eva; Charles Chaney Hyde, Washing- ton, a writer on international law; Nathan L. Miller, New York, former governor of New York; John Bassett Moore, Newy York, judge on the court I at the Hague l Jackson HI. Ralston, Washington; D~r. James Brown Scott, Washington, now with the Carnegie foundation; George W. Wickersham, New York, former attorney general of the United States and Prof. George Grafton Wilson, professor of interna- tional law at Harvard. Feri is Clubs Are Asked TO Banquet Here Will Take Rest 1HOBBS VITS ' WA SHING TON TO University. It is the plan' to estab-1 lish , g 7 two large meteorological sta-" F U TH I GRENLAJVD XPEDTIO tiours equipped with radio, one in the ____________________ the other nearth west-j Ops I I Ill-, I 'W' o ;,I fi e AitA w h o NviII lecture here on thne Ora- i2aft? tP'idb 7 h'y a. 3'V, s aed Itorical program inext Saturday night. Ji. to -A I ( Itni wSi be I ho'gunest of Professor lI' )lWlJ - --4 ,onlSaturdi'(ay at whicai time dtiails Prof. 'Vi It n im la. Jojcb ,of Ithe c1 I lie expedition will1 he further lis- g eology; ; IS rt incen I; ret i ru101 ed s- ' QI t erdayfi rm \Va,,o infoii, lure he1 II's'iiient funds can i)8 rai:,e cd Spent 1the ;eV er nid fa i' ti i i ugpants ;I rofes:"or hobbs will go ton t' Oe - l for iaThu (rect r uc . e iwol U ion o e -t 'l.- nJ d mn, t ,,, 1( rwtil Sa11,1-t c .,-- 2111W coast, whose chief purpose will be to warn i uope of approaching 'u12rri canes. In coif meit ug upon is Waslig- NIa t',ii visit, ['roffe1s-r 11 ohhiS remarked t U'at 5iV 'alI- overn itil1lI lii eai 0; have pro-" o isdlnomte m upr in. carrying out. the pro(pf fl~s~ os laud icxped:fi ion "old I l. the ii fIll(-A t f .co-c; smation has been ahued11un bV teea& ("At'tFcr 11 o3 ig f 1"C r il:; S;U re - efi how i 112 l re i.}l'1 End H I 'iil (f Mlichigan (I I i l C i g };rfei v-t cd by governiliin 1)11r , .;>,''r , i Professori 15,'1P i ' p niastic than c 'se t~vo : a}1Q'li' 'it ability cf Othe iiemm'its ;.1wa,-; inl- 1 6 edE i'd ShY tisod tIh a rwi i which the plyansM ha e O la me; l b1yl * :C : q:.:.',1: X ob s l in ,> as i i m e , P o e s o " { te antf~itt ii feid i lti :0 E.: I cyto ter r (cii nde ".lmi i r t~ U. S. N., who wz:s i i ~ha # E' of I tie aeoatclfeature,. ",he L-.letf Alit -'._ ,:. s.s"c . _ I wr an expedition w1hich '~' j n! ri ed from n mothboo :oi a.iI.t!n "T look better than I feel," John WV. fessor Ilobb's plan of c-ari-yi mo;1p- Weeks confided as this nhioto was plies by airplane to the expeditionlary taken in Washington, following his base; in G reernland were diseii.scd at resignation as secretary of war. H-1e come length. is out again after an illness of six j Ro-,--d A, :midsn, I'ainoas e:dire months, but physicians have ordered ( - - ---- - Eosetl largely of geologuits oflthei ~ T Y +"C i1 ' A a A TB D o - J T t2 E 3O U . B.3 A T . O0 5 5' On Display by Mr. C. P. Lathrop Tues., Wed., Thurs., Oct. 24, 21, 22 at Cartier's, 366 S. State St. $7 XICORPORATElD r.-' REO. V.S. PAT. Opp. Stores in New York, Brooklyn, Newark and Philadelphia IWp Address for Mail Orders, 11 Hudson dt, New York City~ a complete rcst. Rome, Oct. 19.-The name of the Most. Rev. Edward J. Hanna, arch- bishop ,of San Francisco, is being mentioned in Vatacian cricles as the next American cardinal. Invitations will be extended to all high school students in the state and members ,of the Ferris clubs in this vicinity to attend the annual all-cam- pus public speaking banquet which will be held in the Union Nev. 18, in accordance with an agreement reach- ed at the bi-monthly meeting of the Oratorical association in Angell hal yesterday afternoon. All students on the campus have been cordially invited to attend the affair, and with the prospects thait ,nany high school students will at- tend indications are that the banquet will be the largest of its kind in the history of the University. In past years, it /was stated, many .students have felt hesitant about at-' (ondinig the banquet due to the fact that they have taken no special in- terest in the subject of public speak- ing. Off'icers of the association hope. to discourage this attitude, for no student is to be excluded from the banquet hall. Sen. Woodbridge N. Ferris will be the principal speaker.* His subject has' not been announced as yet. Prof. Oscar J. Campbell,, of the English literature department, will be toast- master. Burton B. Sibley, '27L, has been selected to speak at the banquet as the representative of the strident body. Frank P. Weaver, '28L, vice-presi- (lent of the association, has been ap-1 pointed to take charge of the ticket sale for the banquet. Gladys Eastcott,, '26, and Margaret Pollock, '281.; have been selected to make arrangements. DETROIT THEATRES I THIS WEtEK j h N19ghts 75C to $1 50 onseil PlyhosQ Tes. Jmrs~&iiaf Bonstlie ~dJIIU TU ats 5oc and 75c Wvooeiward at ,liot Tel. Ge iidale 99 The DtNSTELLE 4CO. In the Vautastic, Wise, Witty. satiric Conmedy? "The Beggar en Horseback" GARRI K Eves, - Sa to $2.50, ~ARRIGtWed. Mat.SUc to $150 Sat. Mat. 50C do $1,00 25th big Week THIC MIRACLE ~;PLAY OF AMiERICA ANNE NICHOLS" AMlE'S IRISH ROSE SEE IT! You Will Eve ntually! WRY NOT NOW? invest In health andt Colds, chills and dis- comforts are poor returns on an investment in un- derwear. Wear Health Underwear' Be warm and comforto able in light winter un- derwear. The two thin layers with the film of air between, do the work. Come in and see it! For 3-en, Alomen anid Children . F. Wuerthe Co. Fashiont Park Clothiers Next to Wuerth Theater Downtown Save Those questionis about words, people, places, that arise so freqluently in your reading, writing, study, and speech, are arswered instantly in the store of ready information in T le Best Abridged Dictionary- Based upon WEBSTR'S NEW INTERNATIONAL Hundreds of new words like dactylogram-, electro- bus, Rlechette; names such as CabelJ R.Hover, Smuts; new Gazetteernentries such as Latvia, Vimy, Monte Adam ello. Over. 106,000;:-words; 1,700 illus- trations; 1,256 pe~es, printed on "° Bible Paper. See It at Your College Bookstore or Write for information to the Publishers. Free specimen pagesifyou naue this ,paper. G.& C. Merriam Co. Springfield, Mass. A0 A 'A i r } 7f - .I t3 F5°. i p 11 r Chip Off the Id B1ockf r '4- IV Ii I." I I McubOM L Lafayette ih ahtShelby _______________ Batrgain Mat.,E Thursday, lest seats,$2. Sat. Mat., goc to $2.i O The Tel.Cadillac,S8905th TeSTUDENT PRINCE Readhth Want Ads~ The Whole Town's Going t C muipany of iy,. Great Male Chorus of 6o. go: I CAMER1A S CAMERA SUJPPLIES FOR Films Film Developing Cameras, and it s a M I hi m"lC ci iv'dy ro w ) ------------- r I i(IIN('l1 et iig'"1T TY r r T I 4'111I-1a JULL.F1t..2 'I a Ui, .IE i I O ' m ~r 1~ I k-Aa hill d OUuUllUN I i i I I 9 __ ..