rarWater Color Scenes FeatureTA Three Airmen 1-HPPR4'0vAODKA
p~C UFHNCEArt Association Exhibition TAX Killed VB hen ISS'ruw ,, RECORDS SHOWCOIi
IW S P0 IC A L atrcolors from the 5bush o0cal atistsehiition, when the prod- I15 S VDliII 0 Yyl( e Fa l, pr i hue a n te nty D
[ICharleston,S.C., will comprise th gapi arts will be presented to the 1~~~td 19 1h e w~illt l not be born for 25 years.
.T REATIES 9ADO PT E iO exhibition with which the Ann Arbor tendi[ng1 TO 10 110StaEt 'e amy avitfllM toedb lnsite- Aq
Atassociation will open its season year, members i of the At bi atiols.thi deaths hr today we h a- orsfldb tdnsi h f
SEVEN AVA'REP EN"'US REACHED at 1:30 o'clock tomorrow Iin Alunii characterize til,,;ttona h URTXICMERT OL tin bombing plane in whil y'h jicofRgsrrraMSmt
ATemoArialECRIT Mhiail.hil Nietnpetues npiranteertofshseso.wereTTINflAyingR1N fyrnofom MiMitlciel.elcrret.fielciodo.thNDeC
~scenes from telwadmrhso York. to Langley field, Virginia, crssosta h letsu
MTAEEiNG-teloln arhso During January an exhibition, the GIVEN BY OFFI1CIA1Lcase nt h maow fd~~(ent, now in his fifth century
the Carolina coast, the favorite theme nrubject of which has not been an- of-crthedtwo oUeiberty a motors, c on the after o o f ie a onJn 9 55
of this well known southern artist, Bounced wil be offered. The February ofETA NCrED parte heet(ea.Tede ile the yeungest forecasts his own
TO PREVENT W~AR will be shown for the first time to- exhibition will c'onsist of paintings birEthX Aug.D 7,retl 1960.d.Th mn iledG
_____morrow afternoon, to remain on ex- by members of the Scarab lub of I- were: brhAg ,190
hibition until Nov. 5. Beore coning 1 cri.Ati~eci btinhsbe 2 (QX1 ~u~oi Sig~e; Ca t . Robert A. lKinloch, (Charles- Twr~\o lay claim to the tender
Pact Guaranteing Inviolabihty ~o AnAbr hs wtrclr ee ragdfrMrcwe eis fceayQesiie lu onl, S. C.:Li eut Abotf.C Martin. a e of three, one card giving { of
erman, fueand Belgian xhbiedby teAtAlineof Phla etchings by fErnest i) o i -wvater Corporation 'Tax: Jtea1(lig, Mass., Ithe pi lot: tafi9.Scr. the student's (ate of birth as Da
Frotech esibFedrheerttllsnce Ihia-.. ,Joseph Coblton, Morristown, IFeb. 10, 1922, while another
}'rotic is oreostdelphia, the Boston Museumn, and theC colors, block prints and ceterisd (raw-
Art Club of St. Petersburg, Fla. ings by Horace 1ItiDean ; and an ar B AscaedPe=
By(y Associated Press) Seven other exhribitonrs have been ray of etching and Lt~ographs by J. IC soin1Pes Each aviator bad a parachuteI first saw light of day. Still an- tee Byde
LONDON, Oct. 19.-The fruit of the arranged by the Art association for Ernest Dean will 1)e shown. A group WAHNTN Oct. 1!.--A to r strapped to his oy. but the drop!I other, much in doubt, gives as eeg of t
Locanocecuityconereceaas.utFhelominwyer.gollwin thpoei--ofof c r 5nv ly tme ussan rtitthen Rutssilatnugaar-tisssshrt sitherrbiedteir e-ferbateof hirtJJnee , 0,in ye
inn presentation of bliss Siiith 1 1 5,viatoslov 1horieh, son of the famous uru o(fth axmu tir-Iax i- sr lu tothe-a--al theethe wa dc
on display tonight for all the world water colors, it is expected that a Nicholas oerich, will be displayed co,u~e rate lby on-half, and i'heet ushed 1.vw.,lbe heavy motors. The big.I- ---------____________-teJu
to see when seven treaties 'which series of 15 oils and 30 waer colors during the month of April. The fin al l 1)01 in comie levies by ; pproxiat- pasie carried a quantity of hoursehod rti
comprise Europe's newest and most by Henry G. Kellar, prominent Cleve- niumber of t he series -ill be comn- ly on-fourth was proposed to Con- effets (comprising suit ca.es, a 1)1fl- J-Hopf'
landari, will ocp the West ga- prised o1 selected paintings f'rom the gress today by Secretar Mellon. . ylc~ children's toys, chairs anI tew
'poiigpeettv fwar were Thserythutartistugs occujrg Th aior wr tohane) L MIEIT Often wi
prmsigprvnttvyo of Alumni Memorial hall from l annual exhibition of American paint- Thswtotoercagslohi. The avaor erJohaeI-HoL II!Ul
miade public in the various capitals. Nov. 924rrhe third linumber openinig osI e h r t Insitute, Chicao. Whchwresugetd t heoenngbe satondatLaglyfield fo pen q
The first and foremnot of the agree- Dec. 1, will be the second annual lo- (CniudoIaeTo of hearings on new revenuie legisla- the witer and they were moving the I c1111IIIl1 .[I ~ lass o
metpstescrtypcatet ion by the hlouse ways and means effecs as a favor to flow officer. ' ~Uj J l an asse
ofmta urneisrn h 111committee, bring about a perma net I apt. Kinlochr had been stationed1 at Flo
olmalty aofntee, fsronte te iYIfhl [ TID 'rdcto faouI2000,0 ntMIitchell fhld for two years. Lieut.I ae
reMuciGUESTSbotAMU0,000000 n e brs te vatonsuarn d i ie3 u
GeranyandBegiu an Grma VVLLLLU UII naio's ax ~il. he resur 5e'-IMlrting and Serg. (oniston were Seii Mleeig of Hoad ostpoed oro
GrayadBlimadGrayjM N S retary warned that it wouldl not mebr1)te0iffo qarna neiitl u oAsneo ing of\
Not MIidithell field. I Members Froimi City
and France is' fixed by the trea ty of SE IEAIIIIO TI T O HE f EIOII~ l~t~f advisable to go beyond $300,000,000 I_-______ redit
Versailles. It will be signed at Lon-~ ItUiIhII n n ii~ itri~nmkn eutoso h rsn hust
don onl Dec. 1 and, assuming that all IL1W LL ILJ iJIL out look for the next two years.nr iTl MAY CALL IN ALUMNI but not
the signatory governments ratify te ---Ite rpsl a, wr:Rpelo 1P C LT N O Itwr
pact, it will become effective when I lijhiam alaei rpbl,'86, Now ,Atic Explorer 1'1 - eStropi on ther proposalsx, edgegtre: ee of easeo tefatthtmebrsOtowrd
Gemn on h egeo ain.I President o lthe University of1 Pwfures to SupIpleDmt Lecture by 100,000,000 annually. Repeal o oeth rof dlr apel ilI'eSeeleuteetaetx euigtete fctr ftheminbersaeterw
France and (ermany Agree , aliforni, Will Almi At Hill Aud~itorm'iuim the tax on automobile trucks, tre and lLII ii1111i1 'II~ eeoto h iyls audy
By the treaty, Germany, on her lido, }-' accessories utting $35,00,000 an-' RUUU III IIIweUe.Iout ofThe efls audy
undertakes never to trespas s upon1 OF NATIONAL IMPORT WVILL SPEAK SATURDAY I nualy. Repeal of the git andl a nium- tshedul~ediforetingdoatheboar whi
the soil of France or Belgium or to 'ba__hr of mscellaneous taxes such as sceue-orStra noon was in- nounce
make any warlike gestures in thde de- Acceptances to send represent-I Sterecopt iconicituiresxiill e used( those on works of art brought from lihigmum('cintraxi Will Take Twice 1 defii tly postponed. Several alumni_
broast. Repeal of the Publicity see As Mny Shdst o d ItSOlliniswhpatclrylmi ____-
militarized Rhineland a'ea. On their atives to the inaug~urat ion of Presi- by Captain Roald Amiunsen to illus- ti fth noeya awwAhen o aio onding atheUionary a tie ea ing
side, rance and Belgium promise d (ent Clarence Cooks Little on Nov. 2, trt i x' rni)(h a ot. ino h icm a a. A ctt aio ointh io afwyrs
not to violate Germany's western were receivedl from 17 inst it Lti( nsi Iraeisxpincs inth fa No th, 'he new maximum sir-axirate1 -- had been ;asked to attend the meetingI
frontier. Should either party violate yesterday's mail. This niakes a total l whien heo lectures on Ouri airplanei proposed was 20 per entxwhich! TICKET1S SELLING FAST' in an effort, to obtaini expressions a 4:30-
the agreements set forth, 'the pactI of 48 schools, colleges, an(d universi- d (ash for the North Pole" next Sat ur- would apply oni ncones in excess of; to the studoent administration of the
provides that Great Britain and Italy 'tie, that have signified their inten- day night ini IHill iuito'iuui. The ex- $00,000. T1his compares with the ]'rovisions are being made by the organization. Albert B. Adams, '26,
shal goto ineaid f te agrivedtions of being represented at thne cere--pc's addes.wll*e heopein '1present rate o 40 per cent effectivejMihgnCtrlalodtowcm-jredntfteUnoetdse- 5:0
party, whether it be Germany, rance monies umi'ofteseao e rccoreat $200,000. mdt oeta wc h uue i day that no definite dlate had-been se-
1Among those whose acce ptances I Th le new normal rates would be ! faceed foi' thle net board meeting.
or Belgium. Iwere received yesterday are ]'es of the Oratric(.al ass ocia~io. 2 e etoIicmsu
The treaties of enforc [I arbtration ati mnsnrcnl ri .1uIWilifaam Wallace Campbell, 'hf, of the .(hti m nsnrcnl I iie ad of 1 2 per centincoes platof,0 adistolat wheoietwoperailroad t Te apoime:an commtther -:0
between Germany and Fiance, Gr-I in teTnt'dSae o biftu.i(
mn an Begu, er an ~d University ot California, Pres. Edward1 h 'ntdStates fo abreftor ento 2 em'crent 3i aetofadion4st4eekon0he to seci leati toft agan ortefurthe
rrrany and- I~~~iD Dimnent o J-ione colleg, Urel c vihl ive a riesof lectures n I- e em i.iicoe ewoi$,0)Itrais to Cf'ampaign riday night. _L I c.o oecleg,.rs n 800ad npaeo e onsiterti, oneof thichhmitteen
Czecho-Slovakia, and (lermaty anid -"I his findings inftle polar region, and 1$,00ai Ai lceo ~ prximatly O00made the trippin tietoncfwhhhaebnI_____
(,hales MeIKenny of Michigan State ii ~rs tAnAbrxilb 10cn i rcne bv 800 jrxmtl approved by a majority of the ive
Poland, provide that "all disputes of cNormalincocollege,8,00Pros.stdRalphecal[tlMadson
Nvormia"ih ear o hc et ll tegeU iesityaph onf w ftIirs st AnnfArbiswilub leure SceayMlo esnlypo Itesuetseilt aio committee members. At. a meeting of of delil
Heze o te nierit o 'wwhereas sonic 1,300 are expected to firte committe called for last Friday, cison,
tihe parties are in conflict as to their Hlampshire, Pros. Albert Bitt of Knox IiNMay and1( June of this year the1 sented his suggestion to 1le om--
- nda:s ineg ytai oIap nti ek Paul Buckley, fin~ncial secretary;' mentu,
respective rights, and which it may college, Prof. Andrew C,. Mvchauglinmm ittOntiol of the world was focsed onI mit ~eelie was questionda ob rnt 1ai~an- Richard Barton, '26, recording were-1 ent yea
ntbposbeto settle amicably by of the University of Chicago, Georgei the searches that weeo being coin- I length by imembers of the commiiittee bast year 1,500 went by rail. Thomtheca
the nrmalmethd of iploacyE. Vn Loo of nioncoll ge rf durcteol for Captain Amundsn, his as-;and agreed with several that tie cap- Representatives of the Michigan t ealamdThnaCanug
shall 1)0 submitted foreision either Bain.O. Fster of Stanford uni- I 5(citoe icoln Ellsworth and a party al stock tax of 1 1-2 per cent on oo-1 Cent ral will be at te non every g enerlprsetr, wceessthedl rag
to arbtral tribunal or to time perma- I versity, Registrar Clark L. Herron of~ scienitificlime'n. Im two airplanles, j po'at ions shiouldbe) replealedl and time afternoon untli Friday for~ the con- I apspnmn ftemeig tgsc
nent Court of International Justice, {of JHilsdale college Pres WilliamOthey had left Spit zbergenm for tbime' corporationi incciie tax of 12 1-2 per 1 venlec sue ntubdoter a pstoienitoftmemetign o
according to procedure laid (down. Jlotchkiss of time Michigan College 0;.f North P1ole oni May 21. After passingj cent increased by these figures with- muibl rg the trip in the special. Railroad consuilt
Thie Poish adCeh rayec ie.henCals M mlig vrepane fieadso o'~out working anly ham'dship. tcesmyb roue ntl obby IIOroi l[IIIIH LIIliT hiib
contain 22 articles, and thec. French 'acting chancellor of the University orfitac omoethn60 ies, i any time between 3 and 8 o'clock. IurLIIIIIL i l mentor
Geri, ieto lue'.Cure eam.ce syt doed omk The fare round trip is the same as class;
and Bega.1 eriDrco lueV ore 1 diOuce~1yt o0mo om]
BelgianT T21.V lat year, $11.24. Lower berths arcVP jlR AID llhIlengunec
Comminission Is Set IUptof Flint Junior college, Prof. Henry I ULIvatl forandr ouie thwmachnes.i A. Bu#x
Article two of the German-Czecho- M. Geiston of Butler' univemsty, aon The pilot of t:he plane in which i ERETUOU9HI gKIelngfr$,5onIaad ipr.TSTR ;WRS O NA u
Sloakin rbiraiontraty te frmRigt;Reverend Edward A. Pace, Amudsn as4 ridinmg hbeing unable Tfof$A0Drwig ccmmdaiosflSudn
provskiantabitrationmteatyntheunrmiRight Ito land his craft i a lane o watei' T R I j COae$35 newy B socae rs)posed
of which is followed by the other 1 presidento sofd iee Americanl-ICouncil oiu. UUU, IIUI $30o seilane way. leateiden'
three treaties, sets; up for the two Euainyrslclit)sld c nta _~ w pca r insdid sCAABocst 1-Aow leetp-cha
Po.MP.TleothEnlsimost wrecked. The plans, in whichj Arbor at 0 o'clock, itymine, Friday anidsomset. vrteu-Toa
commission l styleol the permanent d p r m n, wl ep e e t tKAn-I hr e mls a a a ag d b y n1 r- u gNtAS C ITYof.a ct . 9. Th er pe i su a tVSy n
Co clain C n msil" ii oy verstfy of Virginia at the inaugura- heIiesa a a agdby nr-ug n ne fa wae assystenif o clock, cenrtral trn0,0aturday morn - morning, doing damage estimated at lty mi
Contion Prof. F.nW. KelseyThof lie h air biy a similar miishapi. In ightingIo u)liie h alay n r-inmg: The return trains will leave at tens of thousands; of dollars to tele-thth
-will haveI.W . liveof th L membersp le en t eyraones an pfromha t
eil ach ofiv emeracinnonsfrandt lprmct ilrersntim ~i heir way across the ice lhunmochs to vdecheaer transportation for tue 10 o'clock, central time, arriving here phones, and telegraph wires and poles.hor
tahe other memrcin tonhree diffr-negie Institute of Washington, andot1011 oin CptiilainAnsei, tw'o) menbers I at 8 o'clock, city time, Sunday morn- I U~p to a late hour tonight, Marquet-oth
Mioo h ~lsot rwfl noteproducts of the middle west was -o h
thuaioteremofs theheeDetfr-oito uaf(, f th Deroi pulncof All specialrowfel ratete ticketdasattto iCsuanin- At speiaouatgtikonstandai-SaultoghSte.d SuMarie.Mamanmn o
libary wll e areireentt ea and ntarriowly (ea poohdrowning. Istressed oerentoday aetuthe onltheospecial
emt natiomns named by mutual agree- selibivearyanpwiltln onfrene.IrpeprmussbeusdaotthvspciafIwere cut off from telephone and ee-,ure
ietsevnfotheyar. thetieUniversity of California. I~tgeronhiofwt25t m temmmpi'atiiri12 a- hundreds of agricultural and ndus-'eu i ckt alInyb sd nterdnt c
appointments imay be renewed. When ItAftNorth itpenotngmpearlauthre. t'an,1alra2ofcildsyewie h raphi. om .pmiisfos. iti acott
aaoncie are not filerl in thrne niepat a trial leaders attended ite conferences,tikscaonybuednth telephone company employesetb dntC
monlL~ti apabmleu ttoshll eend Iin theI IDO1Amundsabeetnaicemo'cnltoek Sudsettrhicate eveninvg, ntafltetho'cockhatrdasevninllthughl lchomloaliommnictionbyusiguItheeg
made by lie president of Switzeramd.ULLLIWII L II UIU pL lamn. WithI double capacity tie air- Msor ie ioi t oV o they will 1be accepled on all trains j 15080 feet of emergency wires and matter
pelformed'eachedl civilization with all its Sioux City, Iowa, is iig sourght. 1 fromi Chicago to Ann Abor Sunlay replacing 50 broken poles. sired,
This com m ission is o b o m dn I ~ u r r u m
tv DOU IUIIII UlIU ii lii Iocuat.;alt nearly (exhausted fromn l Secetar'y (f Commecrce lerbeitI until 11:50, cemtral time, SundayI One man was killedl when his car!I other'I
tae ffc.Diptsar obe r l I ~l 1[h1L IJIIIweather conodit ions and lack (of food. I Hoover, addti'ssing the neolin tfo- I night. skidded on a snow coveed pavement of the
rgtanightfugedtco-oeration atwedto e One tain will be. restricted to men on highway M-12 near Manistique to- memtbe
bru hnbfrrt y rq ei o is ihoard and waerwa ys syb e mn tueentsthhe the ;il b o h a. S vra te uo oie ac-1
resident, who shahl be nanedlby the 1 NEW YORK, Oct. 19.-Rep. EaEn-man-TO I air airod, ndwtewassyte. stdnt.'h ohmrwilefoteda._eerlterauoobleac_
cotatnparisfo mngteI alCller of Brooklyn, announced t-I (fffll l'L W E LO IV E VB L j[sJ '-; I ccomnmodation of women students,pdn's were reported on the various Folki
three neutral menmbers made in agree-i day that hie would offer at the next n '( jf 111 h Vmst anf( y ebr, ihas Mr hn oto so edY
netbytetoprisorbeihrCongress a joint resoluitioni foi" a ail- I lfl lP11111 tiin IlIlBllll flflBBBl lfl11111 busnss en and their families. Ten ! was reported in Marquette county !of the
I tinal eferndu o2 p+ con (lay pulnan cars have already been char- with drifts sevra feet deep in many were i
or Bragg, Dean Patterson, and
n Bursley Consulted; More
Elections Today
cision of the election commit-.
:he Student council- at a meet-
terday, John Lovette, 127E,
fnitely declared a member of-
iior class and will therefore
his position of chairman of the
for the academic year. Lov-
iose standing as a junior had
uestioned, was elected to the
chairmanship by the junior
)f the engi ering college at
mbly Wed esday, Oct. 14.
wing hi election, it was de-
that L tte lacked sufficient
crc t to give him the stand-
j ior. A study of his
e led that he has enough
a e him in the junior Blass,
tal1 of the hours will count
graduation. However, Lov-
1ll graduate in August, 1927,'
rding the summer session.
Is Member of Triangles
ommittee of the Student coun-
chi studied Lovette's case an-
d its decision after four days
-Junior architects in lec--
ture room 1 of the Archi-.
tectural annex.
-Juniors of{ the College of
Pharmacy in room 151 of
the Chemistry building,
-Seniors of the College of
Pharmacy in room 165 of[
the Chemistry building. I
eration. They base their de-.
in addition to the above state-.
upon the fact that the pres-
r is Lovette's third year on
ripus, and he is a member of
les, honorary junior engineer-.
g the members' of the facult$
:ed with reference to Lovette's
ity were Prof. E. M. Bragg,
of the junior engineering
Dean G. W. Patterson of the
ring college; and Dean Joseph
sley, dean of students. The
t -council committee was 'com-.
of Charles G. Oakman, '26,
.an, Victor Domhoff, '27, and
s H. Cavanaugh, '27L.
erences held among these fac-
Lembers and students disclosed
cre is no stipulated number of'
of credit required for service
J-Hop committee, or as chai-
f that committee. Such a re-.
Lent is not mentioned in the
,ution or by-laws of the Stu-
ouncil. As the situation stands,
is no specific restriction in the
the junior class, if so de-
could elect a member of an-.
class to serve as the chairman
J-Hop, provided that he be a
r of the same college. f
equiremxents to be Stated
owing an informal meeting yes-
afternoon, at which' members
faculty and Student council
in attendance, it was announced
party in the absence of sucn agree- tiLrfrniu neccindy ~lIkiI llli'
11926 on modification of the prohibi- I LI L ~I ILIUI~H t ir I'itered for each of the two trains, with places htt
men. f nl oe ary aks h tion act. The President and the cab- ---- L nt vtnauw t
meusteohr hl entf etol a lxnm'I ad.ena- HCG, c.1.eTefr'tAmr;l1oiion,) for adoitional cars a theImet
reuste te hllb itfe ol a onrlsadrgl HCGOt 3 h is mr tirhtet sale warrans. One hundred IEment
without delay. Either contracting L ions for the referemndunm under lila icanm expedition to veruttre imt22 ehers( and fity tickets were sold at thoe sae
pary i alowe torepac it con-1proosa.nexplored Sect ionm of IDut cliNewx Amrthur 1Hender son, for 2 yUn ~l~ ion yesterday, which i; moe thani SI P9I ILsa
muissiomer having "special coupe-_____________merbe of Parliamnmt, will be timeI thle total numnbr of tickets sold toj{th o
tence in the matter" umder disput,1 #t plane for nC'. .~,, . aan I guet at a lumchebon to 1)0 given at Miso h istau ss f"h 1 (!(ry i.tar
within fifeen ays ate-hedspt-i e a y o ieynouncei trodiy by Stanley A. leob r.10 o'clock tolay by the Roumnd Table saM asont we first four oSCafs of thesta
is laid before the commni"siomi. the To Hold T Ouso Ciaohora f the e r . club. Twenty stuodents amd five fao- -! ___--Itsition,
task of tie coimissioni "shall be to l Y-''~ tmmao iltolmio a olei ulty menbrs will attend. MOCW c.1.MrIhn2;tiLC:aoa h on usa-iigh
1" I mMo.Breey 'Wi ioso mnnieneudo h Biihpr (cent (f usia's total export wventAnericani anit, will appear in re- Fr
collect all necessar'y information, ! All male students who are itr ona h frsvrlyasw Ifesoutmnnom-e h rts o h fR ttsintels.hl ia~ t 'lc ooro feno a
"ad. oeneao to bring the partiesI ested in pubic speakinmg as an ot-'vrmnbighoesceay n1znteasml alofteUin lse
an oenevrsiodeatvt will be given an op- sist ant curator of tie(division (f - Riniay MacDonald's cabinet, and Year, Nearly 60 per cent of Ltie total iand te asielhl of the Uatne io ll b
to an mgreemnty" ittthey toitryloState:-lphaautiomial If he tinieamountteofnfursalssecreduring mthisinp uioor ulder theouauspicesrsofodtderMatinee perwill"
I~eiitiinSi ontths portunmity WatongoutwilformandI s ci's tary ol mto America.-Z I Muicale society. This program will 1 Dean's
'P'cmisoi a fe no- lIterary society at the regular meet- msu tWsh gGm il omn eorge. Dumin- tie war he also) serv- a xoitI o mmia
The ommisio mayaftr anex-ing to be held at 7:30 o'clock to-. the expeditiomn, which will see data ed as leader of tie ritishl Labor par- ' al h einn fteana he
amimation of the case inform the lar- might ini the society's room on the amd specimems for a museum as wel ty. iTORIA, . C., Oct. 19.-- Tugs.(omno:Ot seres offered iby this rgani- the co
ties of terms of settlement whichfotirt.hmfloor cf Angell hall. Thxose as stuody tie land antd the races of H pk oaDtoi dec.7rtand. fislerie boat are se'rchmhmu ! ~ ,, rdov'splainnha rcen- der
seemsSuitable toi it and law odown a wishing to speak shoulod come prepar- pygmies, mrpmied to) be vemry ancient night on the "Rise and Fal of the I Niget sound for sev'eii illen beliov~dl'aoied cosdeal
peio ihi which they are to make dtogvatheemimtalors01anlxteuy primitive.' British Cabinet." ost when thle steamnem' ee ank ho'.inesttue
thirdciinsxhe mmsina sbet fthinhoc.In ddtontoM. trlniondM.ngx1019music lovers in New York city, will hi
their ecisins. Te OO~rflision asubjet of hoU' coice.In a~~iltiln toMm'. tirlig anoyMr.nIvespeialfyinhviwfoftimehfct thtesheceedi
11u1so conmplete its work on any os-'- A business meeting of interest to Hedoberg, eac.olmf whom is zumier itaff"Sets 7sanonlyinineteen years of age, though Me
put within six months. ?Il Alphma. Nu nmembers will e heldol tiii'ty years (f ag, tie party co'O-n"Infrtaifth Sageof fur sh has hown Myn
Proceedings of tie comnmision immnediately after the mreguar pr sits ofIt. K. 'eck, of St. Peters' IAs LaCst Cfay For Senior piCtulr e excptin~l mumnical abilty. sity n
shall not be public unless by consent kram n. trg, Fla., hoogia phoem, 11. 11. Ihoyte, sity___________I A ol no ' c n et M ss G a
of both) paities. Article 12 provides _______At_________________ etYmkcto ilm keows cete wconer
th t e c a t h l e r p e e ted INew I Y o r c , c ief , p inn., ch efd A . II 1 yten c
that;each partyoshall lienrpchiefnm e_ A ll senior mi tures to) a !Iiar in the sentially the sam e as in the p a ;t. pT e I-x4mo'i im sb)eypr ha -Dcl e;
ie indecision regarding require-
for membership on the °J-Hop
ittee will give rise to a definite;
ent of such requirements in
institution of the Student- coun-
here is no precedent for setting'
dar d of eligibility for the po-
but the recent misunderstand-
s been declared preposterous.
her elections will be held to-
The elections of the upper
s of th'e College of Pharmacy
4e repeated by request of the
soffice of that college. The
amid four year courses given in
)liege have created serious mis-
standings,, which will be rem-
by the placement of classified
it lists in classrooms. These
e observed in the election pro-
iwishing to run for office in
,chool or college of the Univer-
must hencefort1 present a writ-
,ertificate of eligibility , s igne d
;an Bursley, to the Student coun-
n in charge of the election he-'