THE MICIGAN DAILY SUTNDAY, OCTOBER 1,8,19 !25 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all memers o the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume 1'I SUNt1)A3, O" (()Izisl 12Number '21 To the Deas: There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, October 21, at ten o'clock in the President's oce. C. C. Little. To Mlembers of the Faaultis-Itaaagizaienof Pre~ideji Little: President Little will be formally inaugurated November 2, 11925. All members of the Universty Faculties r, cordially invited and re quested to take part in the academic procession and the inauguration ceremonies. It is expected that the procession will assemble at 10 a. in. and march to IHill Auditoriumn at 10 :30, andl that the inauguration will be- gin promptly at 11 a. m. Academic costume will be worn. Arrangements have been made with Mr. George J. Mo whereby memn- bers of the faculty may rent thr'ough him caps, gowns, and hoods. inagraion tComimite. To Members of the Universit-y faculties: As there will be a number of (delegates and guests of the University present at the inauguration of President Little, the Hospitality Committee very much desires to know the nalmes of members of the Faculties who are willing to receive one or more guests and be responsille for them during the day. Transportation in Ann Arbor will be furnished by the Committee. Probably few will remain over night. They will be the guests of the University at a luncheon in their honor November 2. Such faculty members will find an official list of delegates at the President's office which they are invited to-consult and sate their preferences. It will be desirable if mem- bers of the Faculty make it known to the Hospitality Committee, by leaving word at the President's office, if they have invited any of the delegates to be their guests: The Hospitality Committee will appreciate any co-opera- tion on the part of the Faculty. H.1". Tlieie, Chairman Hospitalitiiy Committee. Freshman Women: The first discussion group on Camipus Organization (letters A to H) 'will meet Monday, October 1, at 4:15, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hal. All women who were excluded from last week's meeting because of tardiness will please see Miss Hamilton at her desk after the discussion. dean Ilhimiltom, Deai of Woen. University Women, Upper Class: The discussion group on Campus Organization (letters A to M) will meet Tuesday, October 20, at 7:00 o'clock, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Blue books should be handed in at this time. Jean Iftiiton,(JI Deani of Woue. Women Students-Illinois Gahmne: All women students, including those living at omne, who expct to at- tend the Illinois game, are required t) rgster as early as possible in the Office of'the Dean of Women, and pay the fee for the traveling expenses o the chaperones sent by the University. All women purchasing tickets on the special trains must first show a registration slip from the Office of the Dean of Women. Any women student desiring to stay away over night must hav her hostess (whether a person or a sorority) write at letter direct to the Office of the Dean of Women. This letter must be filed before 5:00 Thursday, Oct. 22nd. Because of the distance permission for women to motor to Urbana is not being given. Jean Hamilton, Dean of Womie. Research Club: The first regular meeting of the Research Club for 1925-26 will be held on Wednesday, October 21st, at S P. M. in the Histological Laboratory of the Medical Building. In addition to the election of oiers for the coming year the following papers will be read: An address by the retiring president of the Club: Professor W. H. Hobbs. "Plantations with Slave Labor and ree" by Professor U. I;. Phillips. K11111 ____________________ -- The Council will meet at 7:15 P. M. T. HI.RHildebrandt, Secretary. tuh-e3rslty Schiolarshfip: 'A scholarship, value of $250, for this ycar is open to a woman student, preferably from Cook County, Ill., (Chicago) or from Philadelphia. This schlolarship has recently been founded by Mr. John W. Schell, in memory of his wife. Applicants should apply to the Secretary to Dean Effinger for a blank, and return same after it has been filled out to the Dean's office. The award will be made early in November. H. P. Thieme, Cimairmmmn Scholarship Committee. Faculty of the School of Education: There will be a meeting of the Faculty Monday, October 19, at 4:30 f'. M., Room 105 Tappan Hall. A full attendance is desired. A. S. Whitney. School of Education: Thie first weekly luncheon of the faculty of the School of Education will be held at the Lantern Shop on East University Avenue on Monday, IOctober 19, at 12:15 o'clock. C. 0. Davis, Secretary. Dramna Section, Faculty Women's Clumb: The first meeting of the Monday evening group will be held October 19, at 7:45 P1. M., in the club rooms on Ingalls Street. The group will gladly welcome new members. Mrs. C. C. Fries, Chairman. Tro Junior Women: There will be a meeting Monday at 5 o'clock in the parlors of Barbour gym for those junior women interested in writing lyrics for the Junior Girls' Play. Eaich girl brilig a sample of original composition. The best will be selected to write lyrics of play. Irene Field, Cthairnman. G~raduate English Club: The first regular meeting of the Graduate English Club wil1i~be held 'next Monday evening, October 19th, in room 302 of the Michigan Union at 8' o'clock. Officers are to be elected and other matters of general interest discussed. Professor C. C. Fries will read a paper on The Rules in Common Schmool Granmmars. All students t akin~g graduate work in English are Scordially invited to be present. Paul Muesebike. CJosmopolitan Club, Executive Council: The Executive Council of the Club meets at 4:30 on Monday, October 19th, in Room 302 University Hall. All officers and committeemen must be present. IN. M. Malik, Pres. Scalp anid Blade Men, Take Notice : Important meeting this afternoon at the Union, room 302; time 2:30. B. 1F. Wertman, Keeper of Records. Pilosophmy 31; There will be a make-up examination in Philosophy 31: (2nd sem, 1924- 25) Monday, Oct. 19, at.3 in 106 M. H. John Kuiper. R. 0. T. C.: Payment of commnutation for Advanced Course students amounting to $15.90 has been received at the R. 0. T. C. Headquarters. See the head of your Unit. L. M. Bricker. Lecture Course Tickets: Lecture Course Tickets will be av, torium, Thursday and Friday, October2 Busines cation holds luncheon at the Lan- Tailable at the Box Office, Hlill Audi- tern shop on Last University aye- 22, 23, from 3 to 5 o'clock, nue.. A: E. Sawyer, 4 :4-Faculty of the school of Edumca. ss 1Manager, Oratorical Associtiol. tion imeets in room 105, Tappatu I hall. -- cago, speaks on "Facing Prob- 1::3i?- l .ecutive c'ommuecil of the Cs CoseIms." imopolitan club meets in room 302 , 8 :00-Mtotione picture service at {'on- Uniiversity hail. Notices to apear in this column must gregational church. Betty Bronscn , 7Xt0.7 :3 0 - F'reshnmami friendlship be left in tpe box at the Daily office in"erPa.gousmtatLehll provided for tnat purpose before 4 in"eePa.igrusmtatLehl. o'clock preceeding the day of issue. MONDlAY ' 7:T-icia oivg.'s own 111ub - --- - 12:15--Faculty of thme School of 1Edi- ineets in room 304, Union. SUNDAY 9 :00-Student Volunteers meect inIi W\esley hall. ALO G E DECORAI ONS"3 9:45-Palmer Chiristian chIoir of tihe I)lake your arranigemmenits now for all llallowe'euntdecor'ations, Congregational church has rehears- faivors, and candies for that house-party, the week end of time Nav3- al and tryouts at the School of -ae Music. ~ale 10:30-Dr. A. WV. Stalker preaches on Phone 4744 1111 South University. Phone 471 "Our Lost Paradise," at the Meth- :.::::::::.:..:.: :".. :::.::.:.:::":..""-,:":: odist church. I T 12:00-Batptist guild religious educm-Q tion classes led by Professor Wat-tT D IF R erman and Dr. Chpa in the Guild house. 12:00-- Student classes tunder miss ___ Crane and Professor Anning meet in the Congregational church. hey hall led by Dr. Stalker, Margar- plS eStair, and Donald Timerman. n Aren'tu ,x :30-Scalp and Blade meets In room Thei Tavern CS111X11IN"all 302, Union. Hel hil :30-Baptlst guild friendship hou:r;;,; The answer lies in the fact that when our patrons get an in the Guild house. NO to the pies they're js too full to think of dessert. Andthy -I 5 :30-Student supper at the Congre- justitthey gational church. , won t save room for even the, best pies in the city.To 6:00-7 :00-Wesleyan guild meeting at I pll Wesley hall. Paul Rehmus speaks4 The Sunday Dinners will be served from noon till eight Vil on "Nothing New." j in heevn1ga1 6:30-Baptist guild devotional mieet-14Vli ,ing. A. J. Logan speaks on "Evan- ,'11LlENUS .p gelical Forces in Argentina." Ml 6:30-Fireside chat at time Congrega- .; Shrimp Cocktail Chicken Broth with Rice Celery and Olives Salad Ar tional church. Rensis Laikert, '261l w X141. lt speaks on "What I Saw of Student 1 THlE DOI I14hR DINNER TIlE± COMPANION (85c) Life in 'Europe." I ool Roast Spring; Chicken (Stuffed) Sirloin of Belef, Creole Sauce I on I% 7:00-7:30--Open house at Wesley hall. ~ Chicken a la King; Roast Young P'ig 7:30-Dr. John Timothy Stone, p~astor & Chicken Stew (Spanish Style) (Swoct Potatoes) of Fourth Presbyterian church, Chi- Hal Chicken Fm'ccasse, 1Mushrooms Prfim Bibs of Beef WI I n Tea-BIane Steak Brown Gravy " 4X_____________________ withm Brown Gravy Club St,_a!k (Broiled),N01 For Continued Good Health IwCemdCros GenPa Mshd otos ° a Consider Good Hoene Cooked CramdCaros GrenPas Mahd ottes- r FodsEsetlamdCake and Ice Cream ao' Pic and Che ee ~i Come1t Coffee, T ea or Milk N, Jo h lfs '/-Will 11140 NI" Dining Rooms nll 0X11 714 Monroe St.amFI One Block South of Campus WI la11 ')In'!I_ Just Off State IpI Rimi COME ONCE AND YOU WILL mll, ALWAYS COME I lf I I' Board by Meal, Day or Week ! Under New Management F-ll"A iraaunt jPttrr for 3futi jf CatiW'e pNt II Hill g VIII lIt's Not Vanity- Merely a Common Sense Duty- to be Photographed. "-A. -i 1 Sit for a new portrait THE PHOTOGRAPHE~R IN YOUR TOWN /.a 61g .E. Libetry ONE TRIAL Is all we ask, fo r we are sure that after that you will become one of our regular patrons. All your clothes returned soft and clean. The O(0E LAU.NDRY 11 i IIL 3916 I I Serve piping hot, golden brown waffles these crisp, frosty mornings. Quickly and easily made with an "electric waffle iron. $1~5 The Detroit Edison I Presents TIhe 'University Ramblers A Dance Orchestra Incomparable Yndier thle 1)hectiom of REUL E KENYON Formerly Pla~nist wth Ted Weents' 'Victor Recording Orciestra NOW rOPEN F. EN ( A. EMESI'NTS Seaison 192,)1926- Nair "AStreIEvryShp in tr 723SorthnverSityinAvene 219 South Main St. 217 North Main St. I Company Main at William Telephone 4226 I I Oflice Uumliversity 'lmHioiumse 691 Fast Wl ImIIIus Ann Arbhor', ichigan Dials: 8 427 (085 3233 i I I wv v ---- --- 'I i FIRST NUMBER OF LECTURE COURSE HILL AUDITORIUM - - - - - U _ UmtI. _, % AArlfh , .. f m I J ;.;