p p SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1925 THIS O3 SEADCROTS AT 5.MeADVERTISING AT 3Pam THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN III llwawl ! News From Other Colleges Goes To Europe Over 500 Laundry B Mdd D .' t i i NOTICE T A~ILORI NG Studteis Taiaoriiig Phone 8040 Cor. N. University and Tihayer MENS SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSEJ), $1.25 TROUSERS PRESSED, 20c CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY ALSO LADIES DRESSES AND COATS REASONABLE PRifCES Work Called For And Delivered UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA - Four gifts of money are announced lOT !by tho board of regents. These total $64.200 and the money will be used L)ST-A Leionef fountain pen. foi suecial research in medicine, ame Ivar C. Johnson engraved on ischolarship prizes, and the building barrel. Finder please call 7982 or fund 210 So. Thayer. Reward. LOST-Sliderule on Oct. 13 near UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. - Wuerth theatre. Reward. Ken- iThe memorial tablet for the new nethI H. McLean, 1327 Forest Court. stadium is completed and will be ded- icated on homecoming day, Nov. 14. 14OST-Black leather pocketbook with gold monogram marked 11. M. A. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA.-A new Finder please call I-I. Adler, 5618. device by means of which the human 1319 Cambridge Road. I voice transmitted by radio can be FOR RENT photographed3 has been perfected hero. This instrument, which will be i 1 r NESTLE PERMANENT Wave special for October $15. Bentley Beauty; Shop, 106 E. Liberty. Phone 6373.1 I i ' DANCING , Thursday, Saturday, Sunday,,Evening at SHELDON COMMUNITY HALL On Michigan Ave. 7 miles East of Ypsi Admission 75c. Ladies Free PERMANENT 'WAVE-Special $10.00. Nestle Lanoil Process. By appoint- ment only. Phone 21865. WILL PERSON who took topcoat from Law building Oct. 16 between' 8 and 11 A. M. please send keyj in pocket by mail to H. A. licks. 1223 Hill St.I FOR RENT-Large modern frontE room with Victrola, warm and con- fortable, newly and completely fur- nished. Strictly private, no other, students. Cheap. Dial 3059, or, 3292. 320 Thompson. FOR RENT-Front room beautifully furnished for student, teacher, or couple. Phone 6528. 510 Catherine. FOR RENT--Suite, east, south and west exposure. Also large front room and garage. Steam heat. Dial 8544. 422 East Washington. M lI)DIlE-AC E) LADY would likel used in the study of voice emotion, is the work of professors in the school of medicine and music and a student in the graduate school. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. - The United State Marine band will play a benefit concert here on Oct. 23, 'he proceeds to be used to buy new uniforms for the university band. The concert was arranged following the refusal of the members of the local crganization to appear at football games this fall unless they were pro- vided with suitable clothing. T. C. for the coming college year, nearly 100 of these being men with experience in military traing who have enrolled in advanced courses. The majority of the remainder are freshmen. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY-More than 30 candidates reported to try out for the men's debating team that will represent Ohio State in the tri- angular debate with Northwestern and Michigan late this fall. Although there were only two veterans of last year's team present, an abundance of good new material appeared and Ohio should be able to put a capable group of orators on the platform. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAC - Teaching women the duties of Citzen- ship is the purpose of a school in that' subject to be held here by the uni- versity under the auspices of th, Illinois League of Women Voters. Several members of the political sci- ence department will be on the pro- gram. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA-In accordance with an ancient custom the senior class will wear the little! black derby and carry a cane at all occaions of importance. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA-The Cam- bridge debating team will meet a team representing the University of Iowa here on Nov. 27. The subject of this debate has not yet been an- nounced. The Cambridge team will be captained by C. E. Sparrow, presi- dent of the Cambridge Union, who was with the team that debated in the east last year. The same team is later scheduled to appear-in Ann Arbor. Campus Landscape Nears Completion Work being carried on to remove the last evidence of incompleteness from the campus landscape is near- ing conclusion. All the walks have been laid, the drives are completed, and only the lawn is keeping some 12 men busy at levelling and seeding. The lawn is being seeded with Can.- adian blue grass, which is a hardy variety, well adapted to the campus. Thecompletion of the approach to the William L. Clements library of American histor fr f h i h j LJUs iV.L(teuf " al./U y e Approximately 500 laundry bags are mailed b~y students every day, post office records disclose. Most of these , are addressed to post offices within lr "' a 300 mile radius. Of the 3,000 cases -.which are sent each week, it is esti- im2'o mated that considerably more than Mila half are mailed on Thursday or Fri- (ay. f " < First Church of Chr AIInoIuinces a Free 1 , Y. . } ..Christian Sc ........SU.JEC: "CRISTIAN 54 WOIRLu'S RIEDE~ By PROFESSOR IIERMiANN S. Boston, iassacl Member of the Board of Lecturesh 'The First Church of Christ. Sci NEW MASONIC Jesse H. Riddle, chief of statisticsE section, treasury department, is going T uesday, Otbr to Hurope as special assi tant to S. t :0 O'clock Parker Gilbert, American director of'The Public is ('ordially the (German reparations lIayment ma- ehinery. liIiG Oct. 17.---The war prep- ons of the governor of the prov- of Chekaing have arou ,ed liveli- s p ci laions as to whether the "tenig conflict' is likely 'to in- Snorth China. I3SANE, Italy, Oct. 17.-twelvo ;ons were killed and 20 ihjured y , when a freight train crashed a iassenger train bound from n for Genoa. tronize Daily Advertisers. rist, Scientist llICIlAN Lecture on science CIENCE AND THE IPTION" HERRING, C. S. B. Ausetts ip of The Mother Church entist, in Boston, Mass. TEMPLE 20, 1925 P. 3. Ivited to Attend w . sa .e, -, . '. r°sr.-.n^-t' r'°e s r'-, .r..y". saP sr-.s ,s+i . -r .rnP .,r r,.-mar. -. -r_.r! '_.. s. r FIVE Tickets for Mich.-Ill. game. Separated if necessary. Call L. Wetzel, 7817. WATCH REPAIRING Efficient work at reasonable prices, Edw. A. Clark 1121 S. Univ. MELL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- er, thirty years experience; banjos, work of any kind afternoons or 01IO STATE UNIVERSITY-Stu- night work. 3671. dents taking biology here will soon have the historic Gibralter Island in FORD Trflingy all ready for Wiscon- l ake Erie as their laboratory, if sin and Illinois. Four brand new lak s hed ararid cords. Engine just completely over-i Plans now being formed are carried ]alied ('y ovrnrilhvrne 1mie cu. phe island, formerly the summer mandolin, guitar and chord struction. Telephone 4757. con-{ ..i NOTICE We pay best prices for men's used clothing., Dial 8040. Students' Tailoring Cor. N. Univ. and Thayer ._ 4 a R1 s' eI 1 a1 A l1 R1 I4 MIRROR BEAUTY SHOP 19 Cutting Apartments Special 'Treatments for the Hair Dressing Shampooing Bobbing Our service givessatisfaction STUDENTS-Who want tutoring in German call Dolberg, Dial 7829 be- tween 6-7 P. M. WANTED TICKET or tickets for Illinois game. Call 7070. AM VERY anxious to get two tickets for Navy and Ohio games. Phone 6412. HELP WANTED-Woman to clerk in candy store. Some experience. Mac Diarmid's Candy Store. 715 N. University. WANTED - Experienced laundress. Want student and family washing. Will call for and deliver. Phone ,4972. WANTED-One ticket for Illinois game. Call Schwartz. Phone 6744. TWO TICKETS for Navy game. Please leave address with anyone answer- ing phone. Dial 7117. WANTED-Resident of Detroit, fel- low or girl with sales ability to in- terview business executives. Must be sure of yourself. Salary and commission. Wonderful oppor- tunity for spare time work. Box 16 Care of Daily. WANTED--Responsible young lady, upperclassman preferred. Clerical work in spare time. State whether typist. Box 16 clo Daily. STUDENT to sell insurance, good pay. Daily Box No. 12. WANTED BOYS TO SELL DAILY EXTRAS SATURDAY. COME TO PRESS BLDG. STUDENT wants work for Saturdays or afternoons. Will do anything. Call Doerge 4418. lIdII . . 5 ie y m clanlc $75. Dial 9588. Esthonia Will Ask For Debt Funding RVAL, Esthonia, Oct. 17,-The government has decided to authorize the Esthonian minister at Washington to conclude an agreement for fund- ing the Esthonian debt with the United States along the lines of the Polish American debt settlement. The debt amounts to about $14,000,000. Music And Drama (Continued from Page Four) the symphonies that his genuis de- mantis. Drugged into a sleep, the rest of the play shows his nightmare in the home of an American thous sand-percenter. From this moment the fantasy as- sumes weird and grotesque propor- tions, deep in satire, and shifting from actual melodrama to strangely subtle romance. In the midst of his dream comes the famous pantomime, "A Kiss In Zanadu," for. which Deems Taylor composed the scorerand through -which the cloying Gretta Nissen rose to her celluloid fortune. 'ne present cast will present Miss Bonstelle's re-organized company, in, cluding Donald Cameron in the title role, Jessie Royce Landis as Cynthia, and with Walter Sherwin, Gale Son- dergaard, Martin Burton, Melvyn Douglas and Mary Hall as the other major characters. Carolyn Ilumph- reys will take Miss Nissen's role in the pantomime and Martin Burton, the new juvenille will appear as the Prince. Belinda Treherne also carries dish- es and a spear across the stage. PARIS, Oct. 17.-French losses in Syria since France took over the man-. date from the Ledgue of Nations, have amounted to 6,042 men killed or wounded. i home of Jay Cooke, was recently pur- chased from his heirs by Julius F. Stone, a Columbus manufacturer, and presented by him to the trustees of the university. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY-A poultry farm,made possible by an appropriation of $40,000, is now being constructed north of the university campus. It is proposed to make this farm ,which will be completed within two years, an experimental station where the most advanced methods of poultry raising may be studied under ideal conditions. TULANE UNIVERSITY - Pathe News service will produce a one thousand foot film in natural colors featuring Tulane University as the greatest university in the south, ac- cording to an agreement made be- tween the Harcol Film company of New Orleans and the Pathe News ,. .. LANSING, Ot. 17.-Tiae state in- surance department is investigating two ('omanies said to have been is- s-iig policies in connection with the,. sale of Florida lands. Make our store your shop- ping place forI Unique Gifts We have a large assort- mer t of plaques APPLIED ARTS 2 Nicke s Arcade INEW AND NIFTY fltichigan Stationery -At- WAH RCS UNIVERSITY VVP~iI~~2~BOOK STORE3 -ueziaa isoy, for winci t e con- service. Most of the photography has crete base has been placed await- already been done. ing the granite, will finish the lawns ind walks program for this season. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA More than 500"stftdents have en- I Want a room? Read Page Seven rolled in the local unit of the R. 0. and use the Classified columns.--Adv. a- - '!, Home Cooked Meals None Better Twenty Meals, $6.50 Lunch 4Waffle, BIcon HIots pecials THE ARBOR FOUNTAIN 31: "South State St. Students that eat here tell us we serve the best meals in Ann Arbor. We have room for ten more students. Hasselbach's Dining Room 337 Thompson Bring this ad with you. It' worth Sc on your first week's meals. r EP WR I ! I FOUNTAIN PENS 1kiLerlL SKoes zNCOP.POP ATZD ai-' P. .BJ. PAX. 0FF, 11 A fine line of typewriters YOU haven't been up to for sale or rent. see our new two-in-one pen demonstrated. Rental price, $2.25dCoetate! pe mnhup Come at once ! per mont up Fill it with water and it Purchase price writes with real ink. We've $20.00 Up tried it out for a year and it Look 'em over. works fine. A . M O R A N 711North University Avenue Room 2, Second Floor 11 On Display by WANTED-Tickets for Navy and Minnesota games. Call O'Keefe. Phone 3564. WANTED-Opportunity by one per- son to drive to Urbana in closed car preferably with faculty family. Tel. Univ. 153-M, 9:00-10:00. WANTED-Cook and porter for fra- ternity house. References neces- sary. AddressBox 14. WANTED-A garage, in the vicinity of South Fifth, between Williams and Liberty. Dial 4318, ask for Ryan. VERY Anxious to get one ticket for Navy game. E. Kieswetter, 621 For- est. Phone 21844. FOR SALE A FULL dress suit like new. Half price. Size 38. 711 Granger Tele- phone 5496. SCHAEBERLE & Son. 110 S. Main Mr. C. P. Lathrop Tues., Wed., Thurs., Oct. 20, 21, 22 at Cartier's, 306 S. State St. INCORPORATfD - aEG.U.S.PAT. 0FF. Stores in New York, Brooklyn, Newark and Philadelphia '-Q9Address for Mail Orders, 291 Hudson At, New York City'- Delicious in taste, pure in substance, you find Ann Arbor Dairy Ice Cream that way always Dial41,1y. Ann Arbor Dairy Co. I i Read the Want Ads I - -- i I.@1 r u L V LT *1 M V nr U TT D ) T: A I T T TI I f! I !H Ill ri' -, T~1LIT ThTT br ITTTY I iIluH