PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY s a as. s all a AAU ' .w.. , \.iF 1 w-e" a a a ..s SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1925 f. Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.90. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board.. .Norman R. Thal City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield News Editor...........Manning Houseworth Women's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay Sports Editor................Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor.........William Walthour Music and Drama....Robert B. Henderson Nignt Editors Smith I. Cady Lcnard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thon'as V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants Gertrude E. Bailey Margaret Parker Louis R. Markus Stanford N.tPhelps C'harlcs lBehymer Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed L. Farnum Simon Rosenbaum Buckingham Ruth Rosenthal Edgar Carter Abraham Satovsky Eugene -1. Gutekunt Wilton A. Simpson Douglas Doubleday Janet Sinclair Mary Dniiigan Courtland C. Smith James T. Herald James A. Sprowl Russell T. Hitt Stanley Steinko Elizabeth S. Kennedy Clarissa Tapson Marion luik Henry Thurnau Walter H. Mack David C. Vokes, Louisr . Markus Chandler J Whipple Ellis Merry. Kenneth Wickware Stanto Meyer (assa tA. Wilson I'elen Mr-row Thomas C. Winter Herbert Moss Marguerite Zilszke BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER SBYRON W. PARKER Advertising.....................J. J. Finn Advertising......... .... D. Olmsted, Jr. Advertising..............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising.................Wm. L.LMullin Circulation..................-I. L. Newman Publication...............Rudolph Bostelman Accounts..................Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingred M. Alving S. H. Pardee George H. Annable, Jr. Loleta G. Parker W Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow john 1. Bobrink Robert Prentiss lden W. Butzbach Wi. C. P'usch W. j. Co . Franklin J. Raner Marion A. Daniel Joseph Ryan Tames R. DePuy Margaret Smith Margaret L. Funk Ruth A. Sorge Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland T. Kenneth Haven Wn. H. Wearne j. E. Little Eugene Weinberg prank E. Mosher Wm. J. Weinman F. A. Nordqu~ist SUNDAY, OCTOBER. 18, 1925 Night Editor-SMITH H. CADY, JR. "If we learned one thing dur- ng the World War, it was the utter necessity of unified corn nand. 1 _beliee Colonel Wllial Nitchell has been actuated by the purest motives of love of country and I think he deliberately chose a distteful method of attacking the fruits of bureaucracy simply because he felt that in no other way could lie focus atteniion upon a desperately important problem. Ile probably expected discipline." -- e n a t o r James Couzens of lichiga. 40,000 TURNED AWAY The Athletic association has an- nounced that more than $100,000 had been returned to prospective purchas- ers of tickets for the Navy game- and' yet the game is still two weeks away, and the' fact that tickets were not available has been known for weeks. Those who oppose a new stadium have a powerful argument to face in these figures. The students have their seats-the return of this money will not send any undergraduates back to their studies, but it will de- prive thousands of Michigan's loyal$ alumni and their friends from seeing their team in action. Just how hard such a blow is to the alumnus who wants to see Michigan play cannot be appreciated without reading the letters they send to the Athletic as- sociation, all begging for tickets and demanding a new stadium, capable of seating all of Michigan's sons and daughters who still have the desire to watch the school's team splay at Ann Arbor. can ways of thinking. Isn't it just possible that our aloofness from these foreign students thwarts a great deal of mutual broadening? They would not have been sent here from their native lands unless they had evidenced marked ability. Some day most of them will be intellectual leaders in their respective countri's. They are eager both to learn what we can teach them'and to impart to us the thoughts of their countries. By pursuance of only our own narrow paths, we at once retard the develop- ment of these vistors and deny our- selves an opportunity to wide great- ly our mental scopes and our sym- pathies. If it can be assumed that we came here to acquire a liberal education, it follows that we ignore a rare privi- lege when we scorn this offered con- tact with what is representative of the intellectual wealth of the world. Filler in the latest Chimes: "News- paper Directory records show that out of every hundred new periodicals started in this country, fewer than three continue more than two years" -We trust that Chimes is not fooling itself. BUT WHEN HE SPEAKS--- Our language is beautiful when it is properly spoken, but we are rapidly developing it into a decidedly inelo- quent lingo. If the college men and women do not speak our language tolerably well, what may we expect from those Who do not have college advantages? The present day collegiate dialect is nothing more than a combination of profanity, hackneyed phrases, sport writer's slang, and shop girl expres- sions. It is not the "Americanism," but the cheap and degrading word or expression that is the undesirable element of our modern speech. There can be no doubt as to which man creates the best impression, the one who speaks correctly, or the one who speaks incorrectly? A good im- pression is a big start on the road to success. The language which we speak in the class-room is entirely different than that which we use in ordinary conversation. If we were more careful with our common speech we would find it much easier to talk fluently in the class-roon. As condi- tions now exist, we often let the wrong word slip, thereby amusing the class, embarrassing ourselves, and displeasing the instructor. Correct discourse is a great help in college and an even greater aid to success in the everyday world. The more we use it the easier it is to use, and it can become a convenient and practical habit. CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communriiations will be disregarded. The nmmes of eommni- :ants will, however, be regarded as confidential tion request. ACADEMIC WEAKNESS? To the Editor: A geat laudable desire on the part of our faculty to spend much of their time in personal research work, or in the case of some, incapibility or laziness plain and simple, has result- ed in certain deplorable defects in the curriculum of some departments. To-wit: (1) a continued repetition of elementary material instead of of- fering work of progressively greater intellectual value; (2) courses, the names of which indicate anything but what is actually taught; and finally, (3) curriculum outlining a ser e' of courses of different name and numfber but each including a great overlap of material olrcred. It would hardly be a politic movea on tlhe part of the writer, a stuqcdnt, to become too definite in this Comn- plaint. Various reasons would natur- ally in trfo? -h at atth psan I imnt lo A5RDROL L mu sic " AND DRAMA AN 1) i &rllo and ourselves have decided}STOCK tlhit A" hat this town needs is more it is habit, the habit idea, that is and better parking space. We hunted saving the theatre for itself; that has all over the town yesterday to find made the movies an industry worthy room for Rollo to take a nap in while of Jewish monopoly; that has built we attended the Grid-graph in Hill the subscription audiences of the auditorium, well the nearest we came Theatre Guild and "Outside Looking was a little alley do.-n back of the !In;" that has packed the burlesque Whitney theatre wheel of the Beef Trust Beauties ever From there we took the buss back since the peep-show days of "The up to the Grid-graph. There isn't Black Crook;" that is even patron- even room enough to park a roller izing the weird variety ragouts of skate within ten blocks of the Can- M. Ablee. pus, in iall directions. On the hopeless collapse of the star1 Of course the space reserved for the system and its entire road business select few, the employees of the B. the eternal institution of the stock and G. department, there by "U" hall company throughout the country is doesn't phase us. We got a little gradually insinuating audiences back piece of brass the first day we met to the stage. In a recent issue of Rollo ind put in on his license plate. The American Mercury George Jean It doesn't say anything, but so far Nathan issued the following ukass, neither have any of the janitors j"While thetheatre in New York City dressed like cops who preside over 'is better today than it ever has been, Halloween Decorations and Party Favors G RAHA M' S BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK i XWOMMKOMOK REPAIRING A MADE IN ANN ARBOR by J. G. Rider Pen Co., RIDER - from factrydie nyou that sacred precinct. But there neverj is any room there either. Our -plans for the future are to carry. ;-long a block and tackle and hoist little Rollo up in a tree. ie says he's not a bit afraid of high, places. Even if he is he'll get used to it. * * * ZILCh UP IN THE AIR ---I Flies to Dextera ad Madison. Says Michijgaln won Uamane. Madison, Wis., Oct. 17.-(Special to. this Department)-. Joseph Zilch, America's foremost ace flew here from Ann Arbor this morning to witness the swimming meet and chess matches and caused much discussion by stating in theI the theatre of the rest of America has never, so far as popular taste goes, been in a worse state. Where a Mansfield once held the provincial stage, a Charleston hoofer now takes a dozen bows. Where Sothern was once brought before the curtain, a trained duck now brings down the thunders of applause. The theatrical taste of America at the present time is for 'Abie's Irish Rose,' which is the worst of the popular plays that have prospered most greatly in America; which is twice as bad as 'Way Down' East,' which is three times as bad as. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' which is five times as bad as 'Ben Hur,' and which; is ten times as bad as 'Charley' s Aunt.' Of "Abie," of course, there is no possible reply; but as to the rest, the answer lies witli Stuart Walker in, -fom factory direct to you. A wonderful pen backed by real service. Rider's Pen Shop 302 State St.. face of all current opinion that Mich- Cincinnati, with Henry Jewett in Bos- igan. won the game 21-0. ' "Wisconsin didn't even score," he said when reporters asked his opinion of the combat. "While Michigan scored three touchdowns. Isn't that proof enough?" The referee, the Um- pire and the Field Judge refused to comment. "Zilch ought to know" was all that Coach Little would say. WELL KMA KE Th, EL M AN1 A's C LOOK AT YOUR HAT EVERYONE ELSE DOES Coyne in and let us clean and block your hat right. We make acil sell all kinds of hats and they are SHAPED to fit! Save a Dollar or More at the FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Streel. Plione 7115. (Where 1). U. It. Stops at State St.) 24 HOUR SERVICE Frog, Chicken anrd Steak Dinners Served at BOULEVARD INN Two blocks froin city bus line on Jackson Road, from noon till midnight. Special attention given to parties. Phone -534. e1111111 U 11111ti111111111111m m11E111111111II 11111II ill In 19m 1111m 11H111111-m E Jessie Royce Landis Cynthia in "The Beggar On Horse- back" ton, with Robert McLaughlin in Cleveland, with Oliver Morosco in San Francisco, and vWith Mr. McGeeI and Jessie Bonstelle in Detroit. Through these repertory companies whole masses are re-discovering an interest in the theatre and making that theatre a potent part of their life They grow to know and appre- ciate individual actors. They make, possible the financial success of such organizations, and the organizationsI in turn soon enlarge their repertoires i with plays of surprising artistry. It is a game of catch-as-catch-can, and almost in spite' of themselves you find audiences accepting literature that they would starve to the ware- house as a road attraction. There is the point that the two most beautiful and modern auditoriums in Detroit are the Bonstelle Playhouse and the Majestic Theatre; the first much after the fashion of the Guild Theatre in New York, save possibly in better{ taste, and the other with its single floor modelled in the manner of the most advanced continental play-1 houses. It is also especially pertinent that the Majestic Players are opening with Eugene O'Neil's "Anna Christie" this evening and the Bonstelle com- pany are presenting Kauffman and Connelly's "The Beggar on Horse- back" tomorrow night. "Anna Chris- tie," of course, with the exception of '"Desire Under the Elms," is the author's greatest work, a powerful analysis of two fancy women and a deeply sympathetic portrait of a half- mad sea captain. The other work is even more inter- esting. Adapted from Paul Apel's "Hans Sonnenstoesser's Hohlenfahrt," it amounts to a devastating broad- side against - the American credo. Using all the tricks of radical ex-I pressionism it bludgeons the Ameri- can business man, his wife and his goods thereof. Its story tells of a struggling young composer, living in a hall bedroom and eeking out an existence by writing jazz instead of PLEASE DON'T PATHS ON THE CAMPUS i Wednesday Ni ght at Granger' s Throughout the whole of last year the Wednesday night dances at Granger's were popularly attended. The same has been true of the mid-week dances this year. Coming when they do they offer the students who care for dancing an opportunity for a few hours of recrea- tion during the week. The crowds at . these Wednesday night dances are of a nice size. The music, as on Friday and Saturday nights, is furnished by Jack Sc'ott's Club Royal Ten Piece Orchestra. Dancing every Wednesday, 8-10 Friday, 9-1 Saturday, 9-12 Tickets for these dances may be purchased at SLATER's BOOK SHOP and GOODYEAR's DRUG STORE (ain Street) MENI I'IIERE'$ IA4)t) MONEY iN TfHjS FOR YOU! Every fellow student is a natural: prospect for you because you can! save them considerable money on their clothes. We skip the middle- in an. We are now appointing college rep- resentatives. Every agent will receivs our complete and compact outfit of j samples, measurements blanks, tapes, style books, etc. WE PAY YOU CASH. No accounting required-you keep the stipulated deposit as your profit-we collect only when we deliver the clothes. Write immediately-there's good money in this for you! ROYAL SO 'IETY CLOTHES Tailored on Fifth Avenue Krown the World Over. 12 fifth Avenue New York au y 11Wn 1 e eD UL it ttl , L lilt s u- feels that anyone who has speltt a JOE ZILCH number of years on this campus, Mrs. Zilch left Madison late last must perforce agree with the above. Zlhh t MdrsoH wllst It is somewhat of a disappointment n . .w here to investigate the J-Hop chair- for our hypothetical student who has m .ih istion. spent a good portion of his ('arly manship situation. . When Mr, Zilch and his plane wereI life,-to say nothing of having wek 1 I All the tickets for the Navy game nigh depleted his family coffers in the .e thisgafteroon, .the enti Wis lield this afternoon, the entire NWis- were sold out in one hour; more than great old American scramble for an cin team stopped playing to cheer $40,000 has already been returned on education-to find in the courses ie tickes fo the hio tateAtitrica's greatest soft-shoe artist, tickets for the Ohio State game, has elected for his final year littleJ which is still a month away. The that is new to him or that is sufi- wsherenp b Joe an time ilanlo re- Minnesota game will be sold out long ciently different from work he has I Jhe-loop over the north stand. before the two teams meet on Ferry already had to stimulate his interest' t Nvas at this time the Michigan field. The present supply of tickets to a marked degree. Indeed some few team succetied in scoring four does not begin to satisfy the demand. of the men with whom I have dis- tea doslede itwscalln d o In justice to men and women who cussed this subject solemnly affirmic to the attention of the home team by have beer students at Michigan, the that a careful review of the notes . t proposed new stadium, recommended they had taken during their freshmanh by the Board in Control of Athletics, year was quite suffoient to eable rters. ? A inuerlw-with 1r. Zilch will i is apparently a necessity. What are Ithem to predict in advance the 5tliject aperi neryise I to ' appear in -,n early issue. the objections? mih r atter that was being thrown out to them in their courses in the same A i tI1L.EIIIiS These Arcade Caf eteria specials will. add to your enjoyment of Sunday dinner Baked Turkey with Dressing and Cran- berry Sauce .. ................ 5.. Roast Leg of Veal with Jam .........45c Baked Swift's Premium Ham ........32c Delicious T-Bone Steak ............45c And many, many others, all prepared by skilled chefs. 1 We have been reminded that there i department t11011senior year. are things to be said both for and Far be it from the writer of this against taking ,football trips. There affair to claim any vestige of intel- are also things to be said both for lectual prowess. Quite the contrary. __Z__ .- . .;Nevertheles it hn occurred even to, IX A critic of note with long hair At a ditty like this took despair S> he had his locks cut