SEP IT'_I 'PER 24, 1925
--- . -
D~orothy Krauusc fi)(,airveIDance; IFahe-
Off oil "01t of the IRitelien",
to b1w OfferedI
charlotte Iagc'a
Stunts between each (lance will be
featured at the Y. W. C. A. gel-togcth 1-
er tea from ,3 to 5 o'clock this alter.-
noon at Newber'ry hail..
Dorothy Krause, '26, will give ai
.polo dance taken fromt her p~art in laststr
y-car's Junior Cis play, and Janlet
TremLy, '8,with 1helen Rutherfordc
'28, will give a take off onl "Comel Out o h ic e , y A i e D cr M l
Lenore Waldron, '23, and Lois Por- ic~'t'Hadn 2,Peieto
ter, '128, are planning an-act which iteWiwtsLau atyade
they tre beepingsaLeaguret, ant yearldied
the ae kepng scre, nd meiaat. her home in Jackson on August
Behirhorst, '26, and Pauline Bridge- 27, followini. al lles with which
man, '27, will give, a piano dialogue. slid had been afflicted since January
Thie music for dancing will be fur-1.1 1 u1'1g her four years on the
nished by Virginia hIobbs, '26. ' camlpus 1Mi ss1: lgdoni was one of
One purpyso of tihe party is, accord-4 the mzost promnent womien here, and
ing to Miss Ruth Deemer, secretary W AonIiSoc i~tl aid scholastic distinictionis
of thzc university Y. W. C. A, to 1;ivc which markl her easily as oine of the
_ an copportuniity for the new women oi nmost i N luential women within the
the campus to meet those wvho are al- memory of pr'esent school generation.
ready Qstablished here, and Kathzer- She was az member of Kappa Delta
ine Wilson, '26, president of the also- sooitofMrar0rd1atoa
.p ciation, says it is also a chance for honorary society for senior women, of
everyone to have a real good time. j Portia literary society, of Wyvern, of
Doris, Glines, '26. chairman of the 1;i gma Delta Phi, andl a member of
memibership committee of the Y. _ {'V Phi Leta Kappa, a scholastic distinc-
C. A., is in charge of the party, an~d iowihsewn ept e eo
wvill be assisted b~y the following: tion to e.,tra-curricular activities
Pauline Bridgemnan, '27, stunts; Alice 'hc aridhrinot'poiino
Perter, '26, music and publicity; Jes- President of the Wotnenrs League.
sanine Gray, '26, refreshments; and She was forced to abandon her work
Enizmalon Rea, '26, invitations.I whan a break down, probab~ly occa-
n sto ned by heer intense labors in the
T o Be H-ostesses j ntrests of the league, -occurred in
Tio Le"ague Board: He work for and with the Lea ;ue
r _______ inl the depth of its dlevotion andl thle
vigor of bor enthusiasin won for her
Membrs o theboar of iretor hte unwied love of her associates and
x of the Womens Leagute will be entei r czr
tained at tea at 4 o'nloCI( 'l.'5(slay
afternoons in the p~arlors of Relen
Newberry rsidence by Normna licd rvn 3 r~~t,
> nell, '2 , p resid en t of th e L ea g u e , a dCn t n e C ar , " 6 i e p e id e nt.j sf l~ i $ 1 i 1 1 t~f h 1)
~uS114 ier;4,ftcr Iii I~elly oa , O Iat~)P lr
g the oiiicA iM 'rcss I B~iliunA dv, 1)0 N. I n ifi-eslyIAve~ 1hlie 2121
League President Appoint Advisors Hockey Practice juniors, 2~ sophomore-, 2'1 nihi er will report for practices to
-r\viie the s~niors5 aged w i lz only i ake possible a second team totrnat
Looks Forward To To Aid ANew VWomen~ Conmmences Today etis pl ftJh'spIoleN citawllsafrt.Tswol
('bialinuioils (of lst year are {t to pros de an opportunity for more wo"I
Su c sfl~All during the suimer the advisor All womien interestedl in intrcl:.i s rticl;tp s Jai : C'toplay o teams
committees have been on the .loi ge- thockey should report at 4 o'clock to- Ioachl, it i hc',pd that a : uhhiiiiet ead the Classified Page-it pays'
"We are starting this year's League; tin the names of the entering wo- day t Palmer field, dressd for prac-
work with a great deal of faith in men from the offices of the Dean aind tipe. The class hockey (61i'llet. on ".1
Michigan women, and are asking from Eg strar, and making arrangements the bulletin board-cif Barbour gynin- _
them grea dealof trst", tatedwith the upier classinen for their care sium zi esterday showed 29) for the IobiiCuig
INorma Bicknell, '26, president of the whien they arrived. This year, fdln' I11
Leage i anintrviw ,yeserdy.,the first time, some sophomore wo-r"
Lege na itrie etedyAl Xl 1a- so "'air Dressing
"Fo aferall" MssBicnel aded imen who have 'seemed inter'ested in 1
"w~ r l nth ietr n campus activities, were chosen to aid,-(1
the mrembersonoftheiectrs a bout.25Suppeclassen Slms sumlr. ">
th ebr fteLeague." in the woil. Letters were sent toi flI [ !ITIR
3ecruse wve are to have an office ,ahwma ok{w rehe SC EARA ~Open D ab and N i(hts Except Satuday
of our own this year we are looking SER TRA -
forward to more actual personal con- women, nak xi a total of 450 women1 -=uiE ' Worle b Appointment-
tact between the members of thne1 who were taken care of when theyl FlS e r 21sta-l
of heWoens iv~ed in Annm Arbor. The total numi- Seall -t
board of directorsofteWmnserofrs enwmnerldinTTL+
League. Definite hours of meeting fher ofiresi his earwomen erolld 8in, H MILTONtA A1-iL:
as well as a definite meeting h e Uiest hsya saon 0,IAVITNIIL~ .-II
have been provided for this purpose., leaving at great number of thema with- Uii'SI SS I PhoUE l1ne 947 1 406 East Liberty
""Our definite aim this year," Miss maIteadvsos el ce orijun ito(ndS U e WImmG V I:Ss Siiglnf'Vv
Bicknelannounced, "is to divide the 9mkel'awoiecial pwh or juwin o act
work of the leaders of ?Michigan w- eiovwmn-h aeasligtoacsI11I16i1611661811registration;11111111101111111111illlti11111#e
men systematically and thoroughly inasdvor.Dinrestto;th1
order that more women will be given members of the com mittee conducted1-
'opportunities to work and to prevent an information booth in the gyna
thi vrwrigo n e. sium and aided as many of tha wo- h6e
With reference to the new League mien as they could.
building, Miss Bicknell commtented,A prograia of the events which willi
"Since our goal is ever growing near- be carried out this year will appear,
en it gives us just that much more as soon as the comittee can get it! q ' y.*
enhsamt okfri.Tedl-out. In the mean time, all advisrsl G reen etT reemtowokfoIi.nhedet
!nite aim of the campaign fund now is are ur ed to look up the'ir freshiblen
Lo egeilding constructioni of the u~d0 help them as much as possible.
to egbion e yarfrom next be uinavsrprywihhsB A T ilPLuncheon - - 11:30-- :30,
June." be held other years will be omitted B A T ,S O
Social functions for Michigan wo- ti'025bu)heewllb s Elimg %1asl iiwrty s. IDinner - - - 5:3-- :Q1
men are already being planned. The equally as interesting given later.I
annual freshman party is to be given We A(m istoPlease
from 8 to 11. o'clock Friday, Oct. 2 nual League bazaar." wig'-Xi(rIg pclP tesb Ara emn
by the Women's League. The party Ms ikelsae htwn n 1.r1oig-Hner pcu ate ragmn
will take the form of a social wl- tMihos B aick zlsatedn ontht wrkom had 1' (1111R11
'tehos ogniain omntechdFacials - lairing Ic
zcome and mixer. There will be danc-f been starnted, each house being prlo-
ing and refreshments. vided with ternporary officers in order hi utigPhoe 9646 205 S. Sate'
Miss Bicknell promised something' that immediate contact between the Olsen Friday Night.
new for the sophomore wonmen in board of directors and all Michigan I- _____________________
connection with' the League bazaar. women may be establishod A copy
"It has been felt that no campus ac-'of the constitution of the League,
Stivities have been especially pre- which has been published in booklet'
p~aredl for sophomore women, and for form is to be furni;hed each orga-y___________________I
this reason women of the sophomno"e nied house, and each house president - a - - -
! lass are going to be asked to pro- will be asked to read an(d discuss this r.;Kt"r
'ide' novel entertainment for the an- constitution with the house members. 7 _ _
#,n ... .
i ;
J f
'e '
J i
s j
s e
a :°n,.
" afamied for
Every Friday and.Saturday
Regular Priced Chocolates and
Boii-Boas in our Friday-Saturday
715 N. University Place
On the Campus
Eleven S em nlart ir2Ato
[I ef S t ore"s in C (1ev elanid
A Leaf from IAsiNA's Notdtook
The Evening-FrCk
Fluttering, flashling, like
a brillian' butterfly, is
the story of the newest
fla ming colors, with
dazling emnbroid-
ery, and the flow-
ing grace of
youth incar-
"'nate, they al-
1 inost dance
i ~of th'em-
. ..
Autum Ex psition
2:30-4:00, 7:30-9:-00 P. M.
New Frocs
Exceptionallyow Priced
When you see the wonderful styles and excellent workmanship of
these handsome Paris inspired moues you will readily perceive that this is
indeed a most unusual showing. An allursing array of frocks and coats
which embrace every new style detail that' has been proclaimed correct by
leading style experts.
ITHuse ofi 1-1m~)111l
Liii iiII