SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WAGE THREE M) . MOA , ',, Dormitory Sends CLUBS C'HOOSEFreshmen Women To Outside Games Betsy Barbour house will send four freshmen women to out-of-town games Manistee and Port Huron Competed this fall. Each year, it is the custom for Honor of Entertaiing of the dormitory to send a number, 1926 Convention of its women to the larger out-of- town games, but more are being sentl ANNOUNCE OFFICERS this year than ever before. Thea names were drawn by lot and chance rdained that four new women should Selection of Ann Arbor as the place for the 1926 convention of the* State4 Federation of Women's clubs was made yesterday at the annual meet- ing held in Benton Harbor. The federation, in session since Tuesday with more than 600 delegates in attendance, adjourned yesterday, afternoon. Three invitations for the 1926 con-I vention were received by President Mrs. George H. Hunter. Manistee, Port Huron and Ann Arbor all asked the federation to meet next year in those cities and competition among the rival delegations was keen. Mrs. Barbara Dewey, president of the Woman's club of Ann Arbor pre- sented the invitation to the conven- tion through the Ann Arbor chapter of the American Association of Uni- versity women, the Woman's club and the Women's League. According to the! arrangements made by the Ann Ar- bor women, the Women's League will take care of one third of the dele-! gates who attend the convention next! fall. The Women's League will also l be represented on the program com- Inittee. The Federation again honored Mrs. George H. Hunter of St. Johns, by ire-electing her president of the organ-i ization. Other officers elected for the coming year were: Mrs. A. J. Knapp, I Cass City, vice-president; Mrs. B. W. Wells, Grand Rapids, second vice- president; Mrs. W. W. Fish, Jackson,, recording secretary; Mrs. Otto A. Nig-! ,gle, Sturgis, treasurer. District presidents chosen were:{ Mrs. Frank P. Dodge, Adrian; Mrs. W. E. Chapman, Cheyboygan; Mrs. W. S. Crowe, Manistique, and Mrs. Leon Miner, Owosso. Grand Rapids invited the women for the general federation's biennial convention in 1927 through the mayor, chamber of commerce, and federated clubs. Announcement has been made of the engagement of Elizabeth Frazer, '28, to Edward X. Tuttle, '28A. Miss Frazer is a member of Collegiate Sorosis sorority. ' be the winners. They are Katherine Baillie, '29, who is attending the Wis- consin game; Katherine Ohming, '29, who will go to the Illinois game, and Frances Miller '29, and Margaret Beck, 1 '29, who will witness the Northwest- $ ern gane. Michigan To Be Debate Triangularl 'FRESHMEN TO HOLD GLIECLUBTRYOUTS University Glee Club to Broadcast Prgram over Radio, Qartet to be Organgized SANNOUNCEDATES LATER Tryouts for the Freshman Girls' Glee club will be held at 3:00 o'clock next Wednesday Oct. 21st, according to announcement made by Miss Nora Hunt of the School of Music. Miss Hunt expects to extend the tryouts over Thursday if necessary. The stu- dio in which the tryouts will be held will be announced later by notice posted at the School of Music. The University Girls' Glee club held its first rehearsal last Tuesday at the School of Music. The club intends to continue the radio broad- casting of its programs which was innovated last year. The dates and" engagements forthe year will be an- nounced later by Mary Kentmiller, '27, manager of the club. According to a regulation of the Dean of Wo- men only two ' out-of-town engage- ments will be permitted the organiza- tion. I Miss Hunt is planning to reorganize the glee club quartet, which has been quite an important part of the glee; club in the past. The membership ! in the University Girls' Glee club is limited to 85 members. Out of the 140 girls trying out this year there were only 28 taken to fill vacancies in the glee club. FOLLOW THE GJI.1D-GRAPH TODAY NOTICES Interclass hockey practice for sen- iors and sophomores will he held at 10 o'clock and for juniors and fresh-} men at 11 o'clock today.I A regular meeting of the board of directors of the WVbmen's League will be held at 10 o'clock this morn- ing in the parlors of Barbour gymnas- ium. Barbour gymnasium, and return to- morrow noon. Hikers should bring blankets and 75 cents. Masques will hold a rehearsal of Act II of their play at 10 o'clock this morning in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Practice for intramural hockey f teams will take place from 9 to 121 Io'clock this morning on Palmer field. The following games are on the in- tramural schedule: Monday, Oct. 19, Martha Cook vs. Nurses, and Deltal Zeta vs. Delta Delta Delta; Oct. 21, Alpha Omicron Pi vs. Kappa Delta, and Alpha Epsilon Iota vs. Outlaws. Intramural hockey games scheduled to be played yesterday afternoon were postponed because of rain. A notice will be placed on the bulletin [board in Barbour gymnasium Monday morning announcing the day on which these games will be played. First round games in the women's golf tournament will be played today if the weather permits. A schedule and list of rules is posted in Barbour gymnasium. Office hours will be observed at the W. A. A. desk from 3:15 to 4:30 o'- clock Monday and Tuesday. Louise Roberts, '26, chairman of the W. A. ?The Shop for discriminating Pan-Hellenic will hold luncheon at the Haunted day at 1:30 o'clock. its annual tavern to- women Tryouts for the League orchestra will be held at 11 o'clock today at Barbour gymnasium. An over-night hike to Whitmore un- der the supervision of the W. A. A. I peditions, says he may fly to the North FOLLOW THE GRID-GRAPH TODAY Pole next year. A. point system asks that those hav- ing questions about their points come at these hours. COPENHAGEN, Oct. 16-The well known Danish Arctic explorer, Peter Freuchen, who has taken part In sev- eral of Dr. Knud Rasmussen's ex- I I Work has already been started in th'e selected debating class from which the competing teams for the Ohio- Indiana-Michigan triangular debate will be chosen. Out of a class of twelve women selected by tryout sys- tem last spring for the debating class, six will be chosen to form the final teams. This class system was an in- novation in 1924. For the first tine the women who take part in this an- nual debate received university credit for their work. This is the first year the women's annual debate has been triangular. Formerly Michigan has competed in dual debate with teams from Ohio State university. This year however the field has been enlarged and and Michigan will debate both Ohio and Indiana. Delta Omicron, national musical sorority, announces the pledging of: Nora Wetmore, Ann Arbor; Dorothy Field, Detroit, Michigan; Majel Olcott, Perry, Michigan; Beryl Broughton, Jackson,' Michigan; Charlotte Griest, {Chicago, Illinois; Ethel Hauser, Buf- falo, N. Y.; Maldorie Field, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Frances Switzerberg, Al- legan, Michigan, and- Margaret File, Rochelle, Ill. LANSING, Oct. 16.-J. T. Converse, assistant attorney general, has ac- cepted a position as legal adviser to the federal prohibition director for Michigan and Ohio. SPRINGFIELD, 0., Oct. 16.-Arthur Gringle of Detroit was elected treas- urer of the senior class of the Wit- tenberg college yesterday. will start at 11 o'clock today from FOLLOW THE GRII)-GRAPI TODAY In this shop you will always find quality and style smartly interpreted in our ap- parel. Only the best fabrics are seen and we take pride in always having the latest authentic modes. I II~11t11111pltlpplptiltlplU p11piplll~l ipi llllilppi pNllpltilti111iH1it " _ We have a special Chinese Cook to prepare our famous Chinese Dishes. I Try them for dinner tonight. COLLEGE CAFE ANNEX 14 NORTH WASHINGTON-YPSILANTI MIIlIIIIII1IIIIill I IIIIIIIIIIIIIi IIIIIIlIlI IIIII~IIIIIIIlll IIIIIIIIII31111ti l e-l i t . IM ... [i ._ r ) }i! . , ,R i - _. ss, t _, fix'.4 .. .-4r .. __ r r-- i'' . It*'111t111111 tl1111111111t11l11111111!f1111111111111111111111111111111111t11111111111111111111111111111 I!. SMODERN - *in every detail. *Equipment the Latest. a - -I aw aw - w 1 wI 4. t /. iJ ~~-N.*t II 's > ;v j: FIX f J :3 >' _ C-C. n u T , . ..,. Special Today Saturday Jersey Dresses $9.75 6j' t. kk r' rr ,: W , ',. " ,. e0'4 t o p a c - a p yf a{ that whirl the COLORS se names fill pages of n "voguish" magazines day simultaneously with writer's prediction. For the myriads of functions college girl about from plac variously costumed as theI Advance Models Smart Hats for the Winter Season Chauve Souris. If your own part demands ar two-dresses that reflect the line and color - go no furth( Velvet Velour Felt Satin and. Metallic Jersey Balbriggan one and two piece outfits ravishingly fashionable now. High collars and ties in epinard, pencil " k . Prices $3.98 $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 year s. LINES Silhouettes that recently came off the boats in the form of Paris im- ' portations, now exist in repliqua at Goodyear's dress shop. and rust sha standard colors. des and Colors whc prophesy i are here to the fashion (SECOND FLOOR) Also New Flowers for Shop for One of These and See All the Dresses Today. 10"A 10% - a dob -". I #d-l I II t-4A Lc izx Ac ri " A I ( i4A I I I