f PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAII.Y SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1925 ^ - "'"" l' wows ,#R ttwM Si':tl1's-Tow a, MicaHimlf'iscsn t INh TODtA N'WSeSAfern Tils In Conference Limelight WEST HOST TO EAST Games that will go a long wa determining the real strength of Western and Eastern teams wil played on football fields throug ithe country today. In the Western Conference, the ture contests are the Illinois- and the Michigan-Wisconsin Northwestern meets Chicago, in annual clash which is bound t tract a: great: deal of ,local inte 1 The remainder of the. Big Ten sci stack up: against non-Confer rteams. Grange will have his real test t in the Hawkeye homecoming gamy Iowa City. The eyes of all-Co ence schools will be on him, to whether or 'not the Grange of .year can come up to the Grang the last tw6 *easops. He was stop by the *Nbraska line in the ope game at Illinois but had little diff i In making some of his sensati runs against Butler last week. K the Iowa flash, is liable to stand as prominently in the game as Illini captain. Chicago's over-confidence and running of ""Moon" Baker may p disastrous for the Maroon team. is the Purple's big game of the y4 while for Chicago it is nothing in than a practice tilt. Columbia Ind Syracuse are 1 coming West to meet members of Big Ten, the New York City sc: tackling Ohio State, while the Ora: squad will pla Iiltiana. In the last two years Columbia risen from the depths of Eastern fI ball and is now near the top. 'I have won both of their games year by big scores and the game Columbus should be a battle to end., Indiana should prove no opposit (for the Syracuse'lridder s, After Hoosiers' overwhelming defeat Michigan they can hope for little n than alow score:. Both Minnesota and Purdue sh 'win their games with compara ease today. Rose Poly cannot be ured on for more than a practice go for the Boilermakers, while Wab although havinig defeated Purd should prove no* opposition for M nesota. On the Eastern gridirons the ture on the schedule for today Pennsylvania-Yale at New Ha Pennsylvania has one of the stiff schedules ever played by any sclh nleeting Yale, Chicago, Illinois, P: burgh and Cornell on successive l urdays. Neither team has the ( and it will be a battle to the f. whistle. Harvard stacks up with Holy C: at Cambridge and it should prov victory for the Red jerseyed team. their game last week they rolled the biggest score of the day in feating Middlebury 68-0 and altho the score today will be far from t they should win with ease. EHHARIEHRS +HOLD SECODNORN TO[ Members of the freshman cr country team will compete in t second trial run at 10:30 o'clock miorning over the regular 2 7-10 m yearling course. Tickets .to the grid graph at auditorium will be awarded the ten men to finish. Coach Furnassn has 175 yearlings reporting for pr tice daily, so that competition sho prove to be of a high filibre. Egb Isbell, '26L, veteran cross coun and Varsity distance man, and i H. C. Carver, of the mathematics partment, have been assisting coach with the first year men. Wuerfel, Monroe, Lamont, and Jc who finished -in -the order named w the Vr1st rice of the season, sh<- all mae }a tr iig'bid faor first p] in today's race. CHICAGO, Oct. 1 -William \ ley, Jr., chief Qwz}er of the Chic Cubs, declares les team will win pennant in"7 2 6 if 1ntoiieY and a manager has anything to do with Several new Iepiwill be seen in, Cub ranks next year. The U. of D. eleven has been gii new plays for the Georgetown ga FOLLOW THE GRID-GRAPH TOi 14 Hold Noon Swimming Classes .At Union Pool For Faculty Members { I Faculty swimming and calisthenics aLre interestedl in joining the instruc- classes pare now being held every h ton group are asked to see Coach Thursday noon between 12 and Y 1 Mann at the Union or call him at his o'clok atthe nion )001nudantnewas director of the Detroit tutelage of (Coach Mann. Ach ~(lub) 1ool1before lhe took up Several members of the faculty are; lhis wvork here as (director of the Union taking adlvantage of this opportunity pool and Varsity' swimmling coach, to keel) in good physical cond(ition,' but there is still room for a few more in the class. Faculty menmbers wh( 1"4)IL0IV rI Ii Ew( lD1-GI RAP3I I TODAY fl C6 llll Cifi "Nice "A ine Meal!" Ohio ic Place You've Goot Here!" chi MOO "Man, What Pie You Serve!" II:Iu CIAi .. ;1i 1101 am"You've Got Anothier Customer!" m UI These and similar comments gratify us at every serving. i Sg The proof of the pudding is in the secopd helping. Our 171 patrons are coming back, and bringing their friends. m HE mWNW n ill'WH NP- uCRT W!6 NU OHO I muN°gm~" oil mnn wom - mii B~~~ll~~ Ih, ~. n u "'I t,~~wu*t* tum.~ .* fu4tnn ".^'."'rA' WNWinmii 'Iii JQ A.44 A 4 1 Y. ,JJiJt' te4.147 I44 . m ,: f ralaut farefor ufksof 0ste a - - w iIE~ From left to right-Coach george Little, Wisconsin, Captain "Steve" Po- 'laski, Badger leader, "Bob" [Biown, Michiga n captain, and Coach Fielding H. Yost of the Wolverines. The principals in today's football encounter at Madison and Randolph field on which the.. battle will be held are shown above. Particular emphasis is being attached to this game because it is in reality a clash between teach- er and pupil. For three years Little acted as grid- iron coach at Michigan under the tu- telage. of Coach Fielding" H. Yost, so that the' first game between the Yost .coached and Little coached elevens is' attracting considerable comment from football fans, the country over. ANN --HOLDS-SEcoND SwigMEMET ATUNO Six medals were awarded in the second of a series of swimming meets held Thursday night in_ the Union pool. In the 25 yard crawl, Seage~r, swim- ming from scratch, was the ,winner' completing the distance in :12 3-5 sce- onds. The consolation heat in this event was won by Rogers in :13 4-5 seconds. Coach Mann held a special event in which skill in leaving the mark was the essential. Those leaving the start too soon were disqualified, as were those left at the start. Hubbell was given the prize in this contest. ( Spencer, with a handicap of five seconds, easily took the four width medley relay race. The diving was I won by E. W. Tilletson, while Hub- bell ended the meet with a first in I the bobbing race. EAST LANSING, Mich., Oct. 16.- Michigan State college must defegt Centre in their game here tomorrow if hope is to be kept up in the Aggie- squad. BETLSY ROSS SH NARBOR FOUNTAIN NICKELS ARCADE S313 S. STATE ST. -L. 1 SA111TRIDAY, OCTOBER, 17 No. 4 GOOD NEWS for CANDY LOVERS Hallowe'en SpecialIntroduci Beautiful Black and Orange. Hallowe en COLONIAL CREAMS Candy Boxes-One, two and three pound Candy Boxes. A new and delicious line of hand-rolled and Oeckrated with Black and Orange Ribbons hand-dipped Chocolate Creams. and cut-out designs of Black Cats, Witches, Bats, Pumpkins, etc. 60c Lb. All boxes will be packed fresh from our Made from a famous formula konwn from candy case wit our icious, fresh Betsy coast to coast. Never sold at less than 80c. Ross Candies. To introduce them we offer them this week These are ideal Hallowe'en Remem- endat brances for Father, Mother or Sweetheart. 39c Lb. Box Arbor Fountain Make your selection while the stock is large and complete. Your box will be --- packed later and shipped or delivered any We have just received another shipment of time you wish, those ever popular M-Book Candy Boxes. We de- signed this box several years ago and its popularity We Pack, Wrap ancb Mail, as a campus souvenir was instantaneous. Very few men or women go through the University without acquiring one or more volumes of these beautiful Betsy Ross Shop. Books filled .with Betsy Ross Candies. ARBOR FOUNTAIN BETSY ROSS SHOP 313 South State St. Niecels Arcade I !rd I "Style Is of Paramount Importance." I y; . I 6 I Overcoats I If you lave not as yet purchased a coat for the winter, we would enjoy showing you our line. They are all of heavy, durable material and of the latest models. The New Oil Tanned Washable Buck; Gloves are very soft and durable. They less than the Pig-Skin and wear as well. skin cost Suits I We also have the Pig-Skin if you desire. All sizes both in Cadet anl Regular, so if you have short or long fingers we will be able to fit In all the latest colors and styles. A three button coat is popular with the pants rather wide. Also, a complete line of furnishings. "Dress Well and Succeed." I I y ou. Tom Cobettis f_ South State St. at William St. Collegiate Shop 116 E. Liberty The Home of Better Clothes, Furnishings and Hats at Fair Prices. I-