'moft FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial, Association. The Associated Press is exdusively en- titlod to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- , pnaster General. SMe'hpti on by ' carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.0,0. ces : Ann Arbor Press Building, May- iiard Sfrcet. P'hones : Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. 'I EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS a_, Chairman,' Editorial Board...Norman R. Thal City Editor........... Robert S. Mansfield News Editor............ Manning Houseworth Women's Editor...........Helen S. Ramsay Sports Editor............. Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor.........William Walthour Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants Gertrude E. Bailey Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed L. Farnum Ruth Rosenthal Buckingham Milo S. Ryan Edgar Carter Abraham Satovsky Katherine Fitch Wilton A. Simpson Luen H.Gutekunst .Janet Sinclair sles T. Heratd Courtland C. Smith ll'T. Hitt James A. Sprowl J. Munro Innes John H. Thurnau Elizabeth S. Kennedy David C. Vokes K~i11niubik Chandler J. Whipple Walter H. Mack Kenneth Wickware 5taton Ieyer Howard S. Williams. Helen MNlorrow Cassarn A. Wilson Margaret Parker Thomas C. Winter -itanford N. Phelps Marguerite Zilszke BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER. Advertising ..... .......... .... J. 3. Finn Advertising . ............T. D. Olmsted, Jr. Advertising.............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising................Wim.LL. Mullin Circulation............... .H. L. Newman Publication.............Rudolph Bostelman Accounts ........ ........... Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingred AT. Alving Frank E. Mosher George I..Annable, Jr. Julius C. Pliskow W. Carl Bauer Robert Prentiss John H. Bobrink Wmn. C. Pusch George P. Bugbee Franklin 3J.Rauner Elden W. Butzbach Thomas Sunderland James, R. De~hiy W m., H. Wearne Myra Finsterwald Eugene Weinberg Oscar A. Jose, Jr. Wm. J. Weinman J. E. Little THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1025 Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL BUTTON, BUTTON, WHO'S GOT THE BUTTON Year afteryear the campus is con- _, And the system seems equally bad from the standpoint of the man who is already in the fraternity. He is forced to return to school early, and to devote much of the time at the be- ginning of the year which should rightfully be given to his personal af- fairs to the business of rushing. Added to this personal inconvenience on the part of the members is the additional expense of intensive rushing. Most fraternities work on more or less close financial margins, and this added expense is anything but welcome. This last matter, fraternity finances, has been advanced as ont of the most potential arguments for intensive rushing during registration week and the first week of school. Many houses maintain that it is absolutely neces- sary to their continued existence that they pledge freshmen at the outset of the college year. At present this may be true, but the necessity for early pledging could surely be overcome in a period of a year or two. The present system is fair neither 'to the freshman nor to the fraternity. There is no doubt but that a change is necessary and vital, and that if this change is not made by the fraternities themselves, it may not be many years before the matter is taken out of their hands. Some remedy must be found for the situation, and found be- fore that movement which was started last year gains too much headway and forces the postponing of fraternity pledging for a semester, or even a year. Conditions at present do not seem to warrant a change of such moment, and such a change, all at one time, would probably play havoc with the fraternities, but since the present system has brought matters to the point where a change is essential, some type of deferred pledging must be accepted. In order to make any change, and carry on any new system success- fully, a strong central organization will be necessary, an organization that will be able to enforce rules ir- respective of individual houses. But such an organization could be built up, everything necessary could and would be done were the fraternities willing to cooperate. And that co- operation is bound to come when they realize that only by adopting some method of deferred rushing can the present position of fraternities on the campus be maintained. THREE PRESIDENTS Three of the largest of the western universities resume their activities this month under the direction of new presidents. Dr. Clarence Cook Little, of the University of Michigan, Glenn Frank, of the University of Wisconsin, and Dr. Max Mason, of the University of Chicago, will take control of their respective institutions during the same month. Three distinct types of leadership are offered by these men, selected from the educators of America to di- rect the growth and expansion of the centers of learning of three neighbor- ing states. They were taken from varied fields to assume their new du- ties, are possessed of widely divergent qualifications, and will bring three distinct attitudes to their new work. Dr. Little is the administrator. A graduate of Harvard, he has assisted in the administration of that college, the Carnegie Institute of Experimen- tal Evolution, and for the past three years, the University of Maine, where he was president. He earned a repu- tation in the East of being "not only an educator with far-seeing vision, but an executive in business manage- ment." He has been trained in uni- versity administration as well as in the distribution and advancement of learning. That, in the opinion of the committee which selected him, must have been the prime requisite for the President of the University of Mich- igan. Glenn Frank is the journalist and student of the theory of university problems. As editor of the Century magazine, he wrote and studied the present situation of American univer- sities, having for a background four years spent as assistant to the presi- ident of Northwestern university, his Alma Mater. At the 1924 commence- ! ment exercises here he delivered the principal address, speaking on the relation of a state university to the state itself. He is an educational theorist and at Wisconsin he will have the opportunity to advance the theories which he has championed and to prove them practical in actual experience. That was the type of man needed at Madison, as exemplified in the choice made necessary by the re- tirement of their president. Dr. Mason, who left the faculty of' the University of Wisconsin, which was his Alma Mater, to assume con- trol at Chicago, is the scientist and scholar. He has spent his life in teaching his favorite subjects, mathe- matics and mathematical physics. During the war he achieved fame through his invention of submarine detection devices. Thus far he has !i r r TED OLL HOTSY TOTSY A ____ . rrrrrriirrraarrirriian rrrrrrr This morning our attention has been called to the burning question of the hour.-Football. We can't re- member just what called our atten- tion to it, but nevertheless we un- covered some facts which we think the public ought to know. A vast ma- jority of thesefacts we foundin our own paper "THE MICHIGAN DAILY" -Adv. For instance on.the sports page we find that: "Coaches Wilt Hold Secret Practice." Now there is something- We have often heard of the team hold- ing secret practices but, when the coaches get to doing that means something! It means a lot of things, in fact. Its meaning is so obvious, however, that we do not feel free to take up our space or your time in any further discussion.-Besides it's se- cret. Another thing of interest is this new rule about a blocked kick. The de- scription of it which was given, was a bit muddled, we fear, so out of the kindness of our heart we looked it up and this is how it goes: THE RULE If a kick be partially blocked before it reaches the line of scrimmage by either side (or the middle) and there- after crosses or does not cross- the line of scrimmage and is recovered by a player on the other side or this side the ball shall be played as though the blocking has not occurred and it had been recovered by the other side, unless it has been touched by a player on the kicking side. This eans that if a player on theother side blocks the kick on or before the first of May, we mean the line of scrim- mage it counts as if neither side had kicked and is a free hall for both or either side, unless it hits a man be- fore crossing the line in which case it is played just as if the player had touched the ball instead of the ball the player. One can easily see what a radical effect this will have on the end runs this season. * * * PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATHS ON THE CAMPUS Thus reads an unsigned ad in a lo- cal newspaper (see above for name of paper). Now we don't want to say anything, but that looks to us like those foxy B. and G. boys again! We gather that some one else is making paths on the Campus and they are jealous. Plerhaps that ex- plains why the old stamping ground is so torn up these days. It looks to us as if some other gang in the neigh- borhood decided that if the B. and G. boys could make the new paths on the capus they could., We wonder which gang is which. We also wonder why the old reliable ones didn't just go up to the new invaders and say, "You get away from here, this is our campus, if you want to make paths go find a campus 9f your own." We are sure that their sense of fair play would have come to the fore and fixed things up long ago. Personally, we don't be- lieve in this subtle kind of propa- ganda. * * *M POEMS OF THE PEOPLE My Dear Toby:- We have just been thinking that we ought to contribute a little poem, small "L" (Hey, cut that out!) We got the inspiration from hearing one of the boys singing the "Daisy" song, and of course Toby, you know the "Daisy" song. Well, it goes "Daisy long, long trail awinding," etc. That's where we got the inspiration from, and now for the poem: Hotsy Totsy' Tweedle dee dee If dresses go higher I'm sure of one "E" -West Side Henry. To which we might reply: Hotsy Totsy Tweedle dee dum If you get an "E" You must be dumb. We just found out that those 5 whatchamacallems at the Maj really do dance upside down. Funny no one "THE RIVALS Prof. 0. J. Campbell has just an- nounced the definite engagement of Richard Brinsley Sheridan's "The Rivals" with Mrs. Fiske as Mrs. Mala- prop and Chauncey Olcott, Lola Fish- I er, and Tom Wise in the surrounding cast for Friday evening, October 30, in the Whitney theatre. The production is under the man- agement of Hugh Tyler, who is also to present an all-star cast in "The School for Scandal" this season, and was scheduled to appear in Ann Ar- bor last spring when it was cancelled on account of a booking conflict. Un- less the actors die between now and the thirtieth of October, however, "The Rivals" will absolutely appear here under the local management of the Michigan Theatre League. The engagement, .of course, will be one of the high lights of the season. Mrs. Fiske, herself, is among the greatest artists now on the American stage, the past master of a technique that is both sophisticated and conti- nental. Her last appearance in Ann Arbor was in an erotic melodrama called "The Dice of the Gods." The play was a prompt failure in New York, but her characterization as the half-mad dope-fiend was a very mas- terpiece of nervous passion. While the present company has not yet appeared in New York, it insti- tuted something very like a triumphal procession through the country last year.E 1 I ! ! } ' -OM 4 i I' K a MUSIC AND DRAMA ]C LL QE ) m MAKEm .L~ MANN S cAr7 WI CAMERAS CAIEII iLSUPPLIES * * * THE CHORAL UNION f I ,) I I SERIES-I. LOOk AT YOUR IAT Eieryone else does! Jfeep it lookinig FIT.; We Clean and Block Hats and do l them RIGh T. You will appreciate. your hat (done over free from odor; and in the workmanlike manner in which we do work. We ako Make and Sell Hats equal to th? bc;t. Ti; st'l: of latest shapes always en hand in all size s. :lats FOR Films Film Developing Cameras, and Camera Supplies Get Acquainted With LYNDON AND COMPANY 719 North Univeruity Ave. Phone .4514 slhaped to fit the hel free of charge. ti e a Dollar or .More at the ' FACTORY HAT STORE ( 7 lPaE .ik.r Str le' t Ste 7410.) (1)r . 1". 1. slops at state St.') TWO COMPLETE COLLEGE STORES- BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK FILM TS 'FILM DJAIETEOPING p . " "di', ". '. ",I',/'".0". e'"1.I"11,. .o"1'd.I./".1aI";i'. ' i'i,' ". f ; ". ",.F". "../, r'"". '"° '°~^. ""rJ". ". '. /m. "~"..A"'.N".E"". . I.o''.e i i fronted with, the seemingly eternal problem of fraternity rushing. Men ' return to school a week and some- times two weeks before registration in order to prepare to "rush the freshmen off,'their feet. And it is in this very thing that we find- the great- est trouble with our present system of fraternity pledging. When the average freshman arrives on the campus he is arriving in a new world, a world of new manners, faces, responsibilities. A world in which. he is hardly able to find his way physi- cally. And the University system of physi- cal examinations, registration, and classification, instead of attempting to alleviate this confusion, serves to heighten it. Had the system been de- vised with an intent to confuse, it could not do so more effectively than it does at present. 'Added to this is the excitement and thrill of 'new living quarters, quart- ers away from home, where "one is one's own boss." To the freshman this is one of the most attractive features of college life. This and the entire and complete handling of his own funds. It is not to the freshman's discredit that he should be in a constant state ofmental disorder. Any healthy hu- nltnnbeitng possessed of a full set of human emotions would be subject to the same effects. And it is while the new man is in this mental state that he is confronted with that great ma- chine-like organization of which he may have heard much, but which he has never actually encountered-the fraternity rushing system. Swooping down on the unsuspecting freshman as he alights from the train, fresh from home and mother, and ig- norant of the life he has come to live, this system carries the man away, amazes and perplexes him more than he ever thought is possible to be amazed and perplexed, and does not give him a moment for rest and thought until he has accepted the lit- tle pledge button and written home for more money. Those men who are the best "pros- 'pects," from the poilit of view of the fraternity men, are never given a fair chance to stop and survey their sur- roundings, they are never allowed to get acquainted with Michigan and col- lege, never until they have pledged their affiliation to a group of men for the four or more years that they ex- pect to remain in college, and for the Jon11 cC rnmaek ON T AK ONT HE Appearing Tuesday, November 3, as the second number in the Choral Union series, John McCormack will give his third recital in Ann Arbor. The first, some ,half-dozen years ago, was the Friday' night concert of the May Festival, and has since grown historic for its sensational climax. The second, conversely, is remember- ed for its astonishing lyric beauty. It was an example of taste and restraint, a program so sincerely artistic that the recital by the negro tenor, Roland Hayes, in Carnegie hall is the only concert I can recall equalling it. Mr. McCormack for years has been recognized as an outstanding lyric tenor, and since Caruso's death he is' proltably the greatest living tenor in the world. In the last few seasons he has also turned in a measure from the purely sentimental ballads that first made him famous to the more purely classic songs. His diction, finally, i, unequalled by any artist, and his in- terpretations are at once the envy and model for all singers in his field. * * * "SALLY" Mr. McIntyre has just announced the engagement of "Sally," the mu- sical comedy by Guy Bolton, Jerome Kern and Victor Herbert, for Tuesday, September 29, in the Whitney theatre. This revue, as you know, was pro- duced several years ago in New York at the Amsterdam theatre by Florenz Zeigfield with Marilyn Miller, Leonj Errol, Walter Catlett and Dolores as the stars. It was an instantaneous bit. enjoying a success-for once, more than justified-because of its genuine comedy, its delightful music, and really gorgeous settings and cost- umes. Now while "Sally" is as splendid a comedy as there has beem in the field;, for a dozen years and absolutely de- serves a capacity horse, it.s ridiO- ulous as it is stupid to expect anyone to accept the statement in the adver- tisements that the present company includes "the entire original New York production." It is just tis type of penny publicity that has all but killed theatrical audiences on the road today; especially as Ilarilyn Mil- - , - h ... .,..1_ Fraternities and. Roomnm, H ouses! ,vc a'l fYour oH mur. 3 r d ir' n C' i n Our '.hI P". Th.i (ality of onr upl'olscnlg ad repair WTrk iS jI iUnqusdti~n1ble. P. 1. H ARDING 218 E. Huron Phone 3132 l 1 4219 THE 4 'I I i Laundry Service That Guarantees Satisfaction I I Corner Liberty St. and Fifth Ave. C,/.././:/./: W. jN told us at the time. found out before we tor's. Well, anyway we went to the doc- 4 tr * * * You'll notice i; everyone does how much better our foods are this year. tha.n list. And last year, even, we were '.way in the lead Wonder Little. what Dr. Lovell said to Dr. Sir Toby Tiffin. bination of types, most essential to university administration may be de- termined by watching the growth and development of Michigan, Wisconsin and Chicago. No, freshmen, it isn't a game. It's always impossible to locate all your classes for the first couple months. A i A 1 10" Ar r 0 - * -low AL 'ft-