SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY w .. 1.,J A 11 v../1 11 \ M ._-_ \riL L I A. A lb 1 - r PAGE THIREEl I. 1 School Officials Approve Work Of High School Debate .league' Prominent school officials in De- troit and Lansing have approved1 ac- tivities of the Michigan High School' Debating league, and have signified j htii froil I)i po){s!iblO(champnlifship honor,,.,Ithe (contesting tdebaters not only acquire a t1 paining in sel'-expres- sion aend pob:e, but gain knowledge from the :subjects chosen for deb~ate. Forester' Surves West For Lasting P ulp Wood Supplyt IAt thle present ra te of con umptliof of pulp wood in the East the slip;4y, is rap~idly dimuinishing and will not: last longer than 20 or 25 years., said' John F. Preston, '07, fores ter for the; Hlam mermill Paper Co_, Ere,. Pa., y es- terdlayw, when he visited the fore~stry!1 '(depar'tment here. Mr. Preston has made a generg~I survey of Minnesota and i\1ichigali re- garding the possibility of, finding" a] their intention to cooperate with the I-____________ league to the fullest extent. In commenting upon tue league's le Syracuse football team is en- 1925-26 program for state-wide debat-! route to Indiana for the game Matur- ing contests, Frank Cody, superin- days with the Hoosiers. tendent of the Detroit high sclioolkp,_______________ and Thomas E. Johnson, Lansing, sup- erintendent of public instruction, 'urged state high schools to enrroll A Q A T RS debating teams on the league's roster.. ' The league begins its new season withF R the start of a series of debates Nov.ROR 20 in which most of the high schools of the state_ will take part., The final; WIIllt a Sioade Frames championship debate for the state will;I be held in Ann Arbor in the spring, Iremera ~f IPlaque Franmes and }kith individual and team .awards~ will be offered by the Detroit Free S? (,I14 1l (lulfils Press. O ,t 'llril The superintendlents pointed out ,,., peri urln ,i.sulpply of1)pulp)wood. After a g; ncr ul e';uuiinat ion hie was of the opinmiou lbAtt linnesota has more ex- tlISi VO soS 01", ofspruce for pulp W(24 lhu has ichigan. lie deie that the, only remedy i for t he p] : errvation oft he pulp wood ir~O~r a in.New York and I 'cnnrsylvyr nfl are taking t he lead in Iiiis anrd su pply fron, 10 to 20 mil-I lion fe"4tcif pulpi wood a year. Mr. P re;;t On special jzed in forestry wo~ wiil inthe1Unit rrity and has been in thme Fderaliforestry service for 1 e;r, this year being his first v it h the -Ilaivimerinill concern. lt 6L()iV T]I lP'ix (~ Iil l F'IQI)A( Y P0~ 4'QUALITY. AzBz V t&A GAERO 4 ' !f _ Q QAIT. Cuitlery Lamps, "'LI 'ocket K'nives .........50c to $5.00 ut ppers K.h$1.2y ,SG to '~.$4,5Q: Sarber's Shears .... ..$,1.15 to $1.65 Olarm Clocks......... $1.50 to $4.75 We feature an especially healoifv1t student , Ia 4., I p ....r .:_. . $3.25 Jno. C. Fischer. Hardware CO I [- I flET~fIT TMS:,&TrQ LOW 1Umw 1 1 U rU1r-14 r« a I ITHIS WEEK Bansteile Playhouse Thi ttt7 5a 7e to $ 0 JFNGAGENl T JIXTAORUINARY CH-AS. I, WAGNE~R Presents SIDNE'Y BLACKM~ER In Sabatini's American Romanc "~THE CA ROLINIAN"9 with Marth Bryan Allen G ARRIC I(Wed. at. 5cto 2.50 Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.00 211h Big Week THE MIRACLE PLAY ON AME~RICA ANNE NICHOLS' ABIE'S IRISH JROSE SEE IT! Youl Will Eventually! WHY NOT NOW? SEATS NOW for This and Next Week. 0AholhA..14 I ..L........Xi.. Lafayettea at Shelby iDovoc 'Jtlb() Colors l;w ill g Picture Fram ies Electric Toreliers Sign Wiriters Supplies Pain ts Varnish IE lianels Wall Paper tlass Window Shades Parchmnent Supplies II i I 1054 East Washington St. phop 4104 . 2.00{-3-.40( LAST TIMES TODAY 7 -04)-( -44) 4 UALITY. 67' KI 4 -7----T TI HI IEI i I _. .._ :. , : f - .--. !' ::: I I ._... ::.. ' '. --I _____ , .. .. . .. i. *7 A ~ 2 " _tr - 'l c 0f IM IMA N LDS L- .47 ,..,A1- A-: . . -- 1 . + ,.. - -__-1-___- .- J D Y T You 'W ant in I' A Picture Will Alway it to ('herlb. Your~ Ileiuo 1 - - -- s' ! H Ir.;' I WE DO0 PICTURE FRAMING i bCIIUUerIL'dlamile Nig~itsv, oc to $3 Bargain Mat., Thursday, best seats, $. Sat. Mat.,5oc to $2.00 Tel. Cadillac, 8705 The STUDENT PRINCE The Whole Town's Going!i Company of 150. Great Male Chorus of 6o. 2 X E'207 East Liberty St. '7ECL 0 EMILESPAPA2AO/N PICU Another of This Famous Author's Successes I RETURN MIOHICAN vs. WISCQNLI Play by PRlay 'Ii sa utaousty I I Cornwell --Coal-- Coke Scranton, Pocahontas, Kentucky and Wes t Virginia coal. Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret is. "GIVING ABlSOLUTE SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS." S U N D A Y A:I.PS lU'VAOR-!C;S!Lt SA'Y n..... MOVING FOOTBALL SCOT] BO 1 ' SPECjALJ LEASED W IRE "FR OM STlADIV TO STAGE Entire Movie Slitw - Keii Before' and'Afu'thmj,. e A 4Biti es oen ORCHEST#A 'A4 Tilt"TIME PP.AAP lse ats - 3c Il 0 ,,Oor ~1W Feaoure peen'; Halves Doors Open at 1 P.M. Cominlg 5unda #- Bebe Daniels in "tLOVERS IN Q UARANTINE" 11 I= . _-.. . . ... I I IA' A' 4 4 4 We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. think so too, let's get together. Cornwell -- Coal -- Coke If yo Phones 4551 and 4552 Office, Cornwell Block -W MERS&I'll i{ _J _ _ _ . 4, i1 I i I I AID SIW S11f6I, 203--"e :0)0--S',0 1) c--2ic -3, c ~VIUAMFOX Presents ~ ~Aroanc ofthemKigs and. Queens of the Turf, JA irdI~a~onald wetruh~s AND A CAST OF THE WORLD'S GR.EATEST RACE HORSES ~>"~ MAN 0' WAR--- NEGOFOL-,. MORVICK -.-FAIR PLAY ~THE FINN,-VIRGINIA'S FUTURE --,CONFEDERACY JO N' FORD kroducjolij. ~ 1it 'a-o4 Ia *' - - SoIWO St h * . 'A '. . . . . . . SLAZERS AI413-LOUSiS Are Bought- for IL:ess t Qur 'Store 4 A 'A- - 'A' ~ j i~'A~ A~'~ .."Ar 'K E- T We have them in. large assortment for ladies, and men. Cain he had in Suede/, Reindeer, Horse-hide, Corduroy arnd Wool Plaids of many patterns, lined or unlined, in, the best g rades only as produced by the leadini outing garment manufacturers. Priced from $4,50 UP. See our WOOL NAVAKOTES, the latest in ,Jackets. Ad all kinds, in, Corduroy, Whipcords, Serge;~ etc. , ,,.:_ " H O , ® ; : ." ' ' " :o. :o .,,, Also Moccasin Packs, High-Tops, Hiking and Hunting 13 pots, 11 I Shoes and Puttees. 0. D. Wool and Blanket Shirts, Underwear, Sweaters, Golf and Light Socks, Overalls and Coyerall $~4. TOWER'S FISH_ BRAND Hopse, Heavyr t Shoes The brogue is the shoe to wear W e are. l'eaclquartcrs 'Tor the mozst popular garment on the campus and are showing all styles in ..iILLC7 and QLIVE jIAKI for ladies, men, boys And girls. Our prie YO~~e~ jU. $e dTower's 4 A> this fall with the 100ose ,fitting OUR (GANG PAT HE ORCHESTRA OFFICIAL OFFICERS NEWSOGAN STARTING SUNDAY 'A5N newv transparent KiV-Coat. $15.00 up. Also Cralrent'.Y GLdu a nd Topcoats fro trousers that; are so popular. In black or tan Scotch grain Blanket, Wool, S'iw n Auto Robo All Kinds-For, All Needs. .i 4 m I I