ESTABLISHED 1890 .&L .anAS atI Ei hL[ ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVL No. 23 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS . ... SCIENTIST REIURNS SARCTIC SPECIMENS TxOiTSANDS OF FISH AND BIRDS COLLECTED ON POLAR EXPE DITION TELLS OF ESKIMOS Bureau of Fisheries Expert Studies Flora and Fauna for National Geographic Society Bringing with him more than a ton of specimens of Arctic life, Dr. Walter N. Koelz, of the Bureau of Fisheries, has returned to Ann Arbor from his! trip to Northern Greenland with the MacMillan expedition. Ile was in- vited to go on the journey by the National Geographic society. Leaving Wiscasset, Me., June 20, the Peary, which carried airplanes of the U. S. Navy, sailed past Nova Scotia, between the island of Newfoundland and the mainland, up the cost of Labrador, and then through Davis Strait for Greenland. Dr. Koelz was on the Peary for most of the trip up, but changed to the Bowdoin later. Godhavn, a Danish town, was the first point touched on the west coast of Greenland. The boats followed the coast line to South Upernivik, from where they headed into Baffin Bay. The second day out they encountered ice, and for three days, the ships bucked the ice pack. Battle Ice Finally a "lead" appeared in the pack, and the party was able to go on. After its struggle with the ice, the ship was in good condition, though all the paint was worn off by the pieces of ice, three feet thick which continually imperiled the craft. At Booth Bay, the expedition reach- ed the first Smith Sound eskimo set- tlement. These eskimos, according to Dr. Koelz, are of a pure stock, those in southern. Greenland being part Danish. Etah, the summer headquarters, was reached Aug. 1. It was from here that the airplanes made their flights over land to the west, in search of a suitable advance base. They were unsuccessful in this effort, as on ac- count of adverse weather conditions,' no landing place could be found. 1 Dr. Koelz pointed out that one's physiological reactions are greatly altered in polar regions. The chief evidence of this, he says, is the fact that less sleep is needed. The eskimos sleep only four or five hours in 24, and seem extremely healthy. The "Arctic waste" myth, he found, is without foundation, as it is possible to pick as many as 50 different kinds. of flowers. The temperature was be- tween 32 and 45 degrees between Aug. 2 and Aug. 21 These figures are based on maximum and minimum temperatures for each day, taken on the shaded shore, "so they prove that it is not as cold there as most people believe," Dr. Koelz said. While the planes were carrying on their attempts for the Navy, Dr. Koelz made two trips to Refuge Har- bor, 40 miles north of Etar. The journeys were made in a small dory, the. leaders of the expedition allowing Dr. Koelz enough' gasoline for a one way trip. He had to row on the way northward. Three white people and two Eskimos accompanied him the first time. Kennett Rawson, son of a Chicago banker, who shipped as a cabin boy, went with Dr. Koelz on his second trip to Refuge Harbor, as well as two eskimos who were on their wcy to a settlement farther north. Study Bird Life The trips were made primari- for th., purpose of obtaining peci- mens of the Greenland Redpoll, a bird which is rarely captured in the plumage which Dr. Koelz was seeking. I1« succeeded in getting specimens vhich are considered excellent. Yr. Koelz was invited to go on the, epedition to investigate fish, but as t!Les' were scarce, he spent a large part of his time with birds and plants. lHc obtained, more than 500 birds, more than 1,000 fish, 1,000 plants, liv- hig and dead, and a fairly complete .nthropological collection, including c l.thing, playthings, and even musical instruments. The latter were obtain- ed from the eskimos by barter, neck- laces, fishhooks, and tobacco being the chief desires of the eskimos. Mem- bers of the expedition bought a stock cif th se articles before leaving Bos- Vn. Co the way back to this country, Lovette Eligibility In Doubt Dean Patterson Will Decide Whether Reported Lack of Seven Hours Necessitate New Election-Johnston, Tubbs, Meyer, Nichel, Thulin, Zimmerman Approved I 'ili' Final decision in the case of John was approved by the office of the dean Lovette, whose. standing as a mem- of students yesterday and is eligible her of the junior class was questioned to hold his position. Harlow Tubbs, after his election as general chair- who won the presidency of the junior" man of the 1927 J-Hop by the junior: class of the school of education and engineers, will be left to Dean George whose records could not be found Fri- W. Patterson, dean of the college of day, was also declared eligible yes- engineering, the Student council de-1 terday. cided last night. Four of the men elected by the Lovette, who has only received 47 junior class of the architectural col- hours of credit in the University, ac- lege, Earl Meyer, president, Kenneth cording to Mrs. Camilla B. Green, sec- Michel, vice-president, Walter Thulin, retary of his college, and not 54, as secretary, and Arthur Zimmerman was previously announced by Dean treasurer, were approved by Dean SECRETARY MFLON, GARNER, CONFER ON TAX REVISION PLANI WO'LD RELIEVE THREE MILLION PERSONS OF ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES DRAS-I IC CUT SEEN Contemplates $,00,000,000 Reduction, Twice Total of Treasury Department Scheme Three Records Dis WOLVERlINE ELEVEN "OPPOSES STRONG BADGER TEAM TODAYI IN FIRST REAL TETOF1YEAH Bursley's office, is now in Madison 'Bursley yesterday, following the pre (y Associated Press) with the football team. No action sentation of the necessary credentials WASHiNGTON, Oct. 16.-A tax re- . t will be taken by the council until from their college. The office of J- .W Si z:un er hic ,;0,0. Monday, as several of its members, Hop committeeman will be voted on iion plan under whichi3,000,000 including Kenneth C. Kellar, '26, pres- for the second time at 4:30 o'clock persons would be relieved of all fed- .:;..«" ident, and Charles G. Oakman, '26, next Tuesday afternoon. eral income taxes was discussed in- chairman of the elections committee, No decision was reached regarding 'formally today with Secretary Mellon j I left for the Wisconsin capital last the eligibility of the three officers of I night. the junior medical class whose status by R eprs rat ner, of s, ngtC(ranking Democrat on the H-ouse comn- ;... " Lester Johnston, who was elected was in doubt yesterday. T hey will m>ttee which drafts tax ;egislation. miittee which drafts tax legislation. I ::f>r J-Hop committeeman by the junior present their case before Dean Burs- After the conference, Represent- law class at the re-election Friday, ley today. a ;.ane;:i.he.;ruy..- aetivarneraidthetresur;se-"I. ...~. ..;<, retary's plan provided only for thek'" reduction of surtaxes and inheritance taxes. He made no statement as to how his counter-proposal was re-OK:. ceived at the Treasury. :'f: "" : ;, r :"' The Garner plan, which he said had : . ' ;;>;: been drafted without consultation :;;:' k , ' withAis Democratic colleague, con->: templates a tax reduction of from Braind's Brilliant Speech Declaredj Continent Shoiws Encouraging Re. $450,000,000 to $00,0000,000 ora Greatest Effort of Long covery From Wa r amage; Eng- proximately twice the amount which 4. Political Career land Has Labor Trouble t1he treasury department is expecteds to recommend Monday when the tax PEOPLE ENTHUSIASTIC LAUDS TRAVEL SERVICEu hearng g nder way before the e.y .B ways and means committee.ILiet. Crus .J. Bettis The whole Garner program is pre- LOCARNO, Switzerland, Oct. 16.- Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- dicated upon retirement of the na.I Army and navy aviators now salute Europe's great security conference i tory department. spoke on "New Im- tional debt in 62 years instead of 25, Lieut. Cyrus J. Bettis (above), army, ended tonight with a victory for pressions of Europe" before members as proposed by Secretary Mellon. Mr. as premier U. S. pilot. He shattered peace. At exactly 7:20 o'clock the of club in Lane hall Garner said he favored the longer three racing records in the Pulitzer European statesmen who made this o the Cosopotanperiod because he said debtor nations trophy race at Mitchell Feld, L. I. victory possible, threw open a window last night. would be given that length of time inj on the second floor of the palace of Professor Frayer told of his trip which to pay off their obligations to justice, and, rejecting decorum, an- through Europe during the past sum- the United States, which representsI nounced to the waiting multitude that mer and of the social, economic, and more than half of the total of this na-9 the Rhine pact and other treaties had political conditions that he found ex- tion's indebtedness. H O been formally approved. One of their isting in England and the continent. The relieving of three million tax- number held aloft the final protocol "In general, conditions in Europe aesfo l noetxswud bearing the signatures of all the dele- with the exception of England, make be brought about under the Garner gations as proof that the conference one optimistic as to the future," said proposal by incr'easing the exemption=-- had succeeded in its mission. Professor Frayer. "For example, to $5,000 in the case of married per- Army And Navy Officers Who Had Not Instantly the crowd gave vent to travel service has never been so ex- sons, and $3,500 in the case of single Yet Given Testimony enthusiasm. Rockets were sent into cellent, either on trans-Atlantic ships persons. The cut would not stop Questioned the air, balls of fire narrowly escap- or on the continent, as this year. there, however, Mr. Garner advocat- -_ ing entering the windows and falling Hotels and railroads are much better, ing a. reduction of the maximum sur_ i on the shoulders of the delegates. and motor transportation is exceed- tax rate to 25 per cent instead of 30 SUBMIT REPORT SOON M. Briand's speech at the closing ingly cheap. In the Chateau district per ceit as the treasury is expected session of the conference which ad- of France, an exceptionally good mo- to propose. (By Associated Press) journed with the understanding that tor car can be hired for about $4.00 WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.-The Pres- the treaty would be signed in Lon- per day. ,I, , ident's air board held protracted ses- don, December 1, was qualified, by his "The people have been reasonably ! Lm it Hghway 1 sions today and tonight so that all colleagues aftefwards as the most successful in forgetting the 'war. De- j {witnesses summoned might be heard brilliant effort of his long career. vastated French houses have been re- Expenditures and its public hearings on the air- Dr. Stresemann had spoken first. paired and in some cases towns have craft situation adjourned. Summarizing the work of the confer- been rebuilt, even better than they g Ihd e A Appointed by President Coolidge to ence and emphasizing that its sue- I1were before the war. On the continent Codi- conduct a sweeping inquiry into all cess spelled a new era in European there is little unemployment due to --- phases of aviation, board members relationships, he declared solemnly the building of roads, factories, and (hBy Associated Press) were satisfied tonight that a thorough that Germany would loyally live up public works. In Italy most of the WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.--Federal ' examination of the situation had been to the peace pact. He made a distinct people are apparently satisfied with expenditures for highway improve- made. They plan to determine when allusion to foreign occupation of the the government, work hard, and take muent, in President Coolidge's opinion, they will begin the drafting of their Rhine land. pride in their labor, should be kept within reasonable f report which the President has re- In response, M. Briand said that "However, in England there is a j bounds, and applied only to work on quested them to submit prior to the Locarno was not the end, but the be- feeling of unrest. About a million main market roads. convening of Congress. ginning, of a new epoch-an epoch and a half of the unemployed are The President does not look with The board today devoted most of of co-operation and friendship. supplied with doles by the govern- favor on the policy which provides its attention to the questioning of ment. Most of the men are now bet- that the federal government, under army and navy officers who had been Campbll NaedIte off financially than if they were 1 certain conditions, contribute as unable to testify in the time allotted working and consequently do not much money as states for better to military witnesses. Toast master At seek employment. This naturally roads, but he recognizes that it is Brigadier General Fox Connor, fin- causes dissatisfaction among the i committed to such a program and lie ance officer of the army, declared "the Speakers'D D'ner working people. England will have is willing to continue it. economy policy" of the government to adjust herself in a radical way to During the past year, however, had prevented the war department meet this situation. Yet, in general, $170,000,000 has been expended by the from increasing the size of the army Prof. 0. J. Campbell, of the English) conditions in Europe are normal and Washington government on highways, air service as recommended by the department has accepted the invita- the idea of international co-operation and the President thinks that some board headed by Major General Wil tion extended by officers of the Ora- J and friendship is found almost every- of the work thus paid for should have Liam Lassiter. torical association to be toastmaster where." been by the states without assistance. "So long as the ammunition re at the all-campus public speaking I________I "oln aste muiin re banquet which will be held Nov. 181 serve is disappearing, all money de- in the Union. The banquet is open TerrificStorms nnrn rrn l hI-aR- mads increasing due to exhaustio to all stuents on th campus. of stock, animals retained in the ser- to all students on the campus. .lSweep Kentucky vice beyond their usefulness, and 40, Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris will 00officers admen living in wa be the principal speaker on the ban- i e s a nd," henassiviedghin wa quet program. The Senator's subject (By Associated Press) dIUUL IS LiS time shacks," he asserted, the wai has not been announced as yet, but HORSE CAVE, Ky., Oct. 16.-Two _ department would, in my opinion, e it is believed he will speak on somej persons were injured, a dozen small (By Associated Press) quite unjustified in urging the Lassi national political or social issue. Mrs. towns were hit by strong winds, I NEW YORK, Oct. 16.-After having es "e Ferris will accompany the Senator to numerous farm buildings were torn been lodged in the Tombs for 13 ." Ann Arbor. down and telephone communication I days, Ildefonso Kerreirra Correia, for- . Burton B. Sibley, '27L, will speak at was disrputed by terrific wind storms mer student of the Vnjiversity of Mich- Caravan Of Tin the banquet in behalf of the student which swept over this section of Ken- igan and son of a wealthy coffee HJ yI tuckylatetdaylanter of Rio de Janerio Brazil as T k Wa W s DAILY WILL TELL GAME'S PROGRESS BY PHONE, EXTRA Results of the Wisconsin- Michigan game at Madison today will be told by telephone and extra by The Daily today. ,A few minutes after the final gun is fired on the Badger grid- iron, The Daily extra will ap- pear on the streets, telling in detail the progress of the game. Latest reports of other games the country over will also be, given in the extra. During the afternoon, those in- terested are invited to call The Daily for scores. Phones 4925 or 21114 may be used. I I GRID-GRAPH. WILL REPRODUCE GAME Union Taproom and Privately Leased Wires of Local Theaters Will Give Results TICKETS SELL RAPIDLY Play-by-play results of the Michigan- Wisconsin football game at Madison today will be given by the grid-graph at Hill auditorium, by a radio at the ! Union taproom, and by privately l di xirp nt lnol th ntp M Yq ch fa BE Ile to Ia st ti si tc it a t, li a p d i jfl r (i t bl K; 1 t ieaseu wires a iocai neaers. Better service by the grid-graph than given at any previous showings is believed assured by the complete overhauling which the board has re- ceived and by the private wire fur- nished by the Western Union to Iihll auditorium. Reports will start at 3 o'clock, the doors being open at 2:30 o'clock. Immediately after each play has taken- place on the Wisconsin field, the man making the play, the yardage gained or lost, and other information will I'e furnished to the crowd by means of lights on the board. Three l { cheerleaders will be present to lead I in yells throughout the contest. The 1 Freshman band will be unable toI play as previously announced, because t i the Varsity band is using the essen-t tial instruments, including the basses C and drums. { Latest reports of other games will E be announced between halves and during intermissions.' The sale of tickets indicates that t the attendance at the showing today1 will be large. Tickets are on sale , at the Union, Wahr's bookstore, Van Boven Cress and Thompson, Slater'st f bookstore, Huston Brothers, Calkins-, Fletcher Drug store, and Graham's bookstore. The box office at Hill d auditorium will also sell tickets in£ the afternoon up to the time of the contest. Seats are priced at 35 and 50 cents for the balcony and main t floor respectively. t iReeves To Give -Six Talks At - Johns Hopkins - I Prof Jesse S. Reeves of the political r science department, has accented an r: invitation to deliver a course of lec- e tures at Johns Hopkins university for - "The James Schouler Lectureship in 1 History and Political Science." The I course, is to consist of six lectures f on the subject, "Recent Developments 1 in International Law," to be given some time in March. "The James Schouler Lectureship in I History and Political Science," was I founded in March, 1908, by Dr. James Schouler of Boston, who had, at that, time, lectured annually at Johns Hop- r 1 kins university since 1891. The lec- n tureship was to be permanent in the e university and the donor expressed e the wish that, "such lectures should e be given annually, if possible," and - that "persons of promise or promin- o ence be selected to lecture who are - capable of interesting as well as in- dI structing an audience." e Among the lecturers of previous years are: President Lowell of Har- h vard university, Judge John Bassett sI Moore of the World court at theI 3- 1 Na~gno he 1i-~tP Prnfor'Dnnnin yof# ICHIGAN SQUAD TARE' LIGiT WORKOUT ON CAMP RANDALL GRID)IRON WET FIELD FEARED ost Announces Regular Team lii Start--Littlec Undecided On Lineup (Special to ,The Daily) MADISON, Wis., Oct. 16.-Michigan's ampionship aspiring eleven will cte Coach George Little's strong adger team here tomorrow in its first al test of the season. Both teams are primed for the con- st, the result of which will go a ng way in determining the future atus of the respective teams in estern Conference circles this sea- on. The Michigan team arrived here at oon today and was met at the sta- on by Coach George Little and As- stant Coaches Irv Uteritz and Butch" Slaughter, who were on hand 0 offer the first greetings to the Wol- Brine squad. The squad was taken at once to the :tel Loraine, which will serve as ts headquarters for the week-end, nd at 2:40 o'clock the players were aken to Camp Randall field for a ght workout. Hold Short Drill A cold, brisk wind greeted the men 'hen they took the field and they ere ordered to wear Eskimo jackets 1A during the practice. Forward assing, punting, and a short signal rill constituted the workout. Light rain fell intermittently dur- ng the afternoon and dark clouds athered over the city as darkness ell. Prospects for a clear day tomor- ow are none too promising tonight. Coach Yost announced this evening hat Michigan's regular eleven, com- osed of Oosterbann and Flora, ends; dwards and Babcock, tackles : iaw- :ins and Lovette, guards; Brown cen- er; Friedmann, quarterback; Gil- ert and Gregory, halfbacks; and Mo- enda, fullback, will start against the Badgers. Coach George Little, arrayed in a Badger uniform, led his squad on to he field for its final practice before he game at the close of the work- )ut of the Wolverines. Despite the fact that the Wisconsin eleven has already played two games, Coach Little is undecided as to what players will fill several of the posi- ions. Captain Polaski is certain to play one end, with Burrus at the other, and Cameron in reserve. Nel- son and Straubel, veterans, will play the tackles, while Larson, Kasiska and Vonbremer will handle the guard po- sitions. Larson was varsity quarter- back last year, but has taken on con- siderable weight during the summer, now tipping the scales at 190 pounds, so that Coach Little has shifted him to the line. Lineup In -Doubt_ Wilson and Wilke have been fight- ing for the center position, and both are still on an even basis. Both are certain of seeing service tomorrow. Crwfoot, a sophomore will start at quarter, with Doyle Harmon, and either Leo Harmon or MAnrews at the halves. Radke and Kruz, the lat- ter a brother of the Pennsylvania star, are both prepared to receive the full- back call. Wisconsin's greatest homecoming has been planned for this weekend, with the greatest football crowd in the history of the gridiron sport here scheduled to view tomorrow's con- test. Alumni have been pouring into town all day and excitement is run- ning high. A monster pep meeting will be held tonight. Following the pep meeting, the students will gather on the lower campus where the "greatest home- coming" bonfire demonstration will take place. A structure. a,7t Feet high, with a pyramid frame work, will form the huge pyre. ADEIP HI AGITSSVN Members of the dlphi s of Represemntativ's lM ve amitted sevem men to nmbnm-rh i T:y a:e: 'Ted Ryan, '28L, ate .I -3n ~ I I poay._ t, u t.; y la , . r e : r r. a, .c vuu.,y. i r ... Chinese Civil War Threatened As Upaid Sailors Attack Army' Airna.i i E (By Associated Press) TSINGTAO, China, Oct. i6.-With Chinese sailors threatening to bom- bard Tsingtao and with Chinese sol-I diers bringing up artillery to oppose Our~eakherMan this threat, American and L-rits res-i idents of this Chang-Tung port last night sought refuge in their con- ,sulates, mission compounds, and other# places far from the water front. To- day, with three Chinese warships on ! the way here from the northern port Chinwantao, possibly to join the mu- I tinous sailors, the outcome of the sit- pc.1C ULru U u ti, Irui, Was! . ~v ""v released today when authorities dis- To See Contest covered that they had arrested the wrong man. Scores of cars left Ann Arbor Nine Air lanes last night for Madison, Wis. Open !p i Fords, containing anywhere from fiv Forced To Earth to ten students, rumbled along Stat street in a triumphant march before beginning the long trip. Cheering oc- NEW SALEM-Pa., Oct. 16.-Nine cupants yelled promises of victory to of the 20 planes which this morning passing pedestrains and huddled clos- left Washington for Dayton 0., en- er under slickers, overcoats and route west from the air races in New blankets for protection against th York, have been forced down in wind-driven rain. southwestern Pennsylvania and north- The spirit of song gathered strength western West Virginia. One of them among the motorists as their numbers crahed o erth nea~r New Salem.n I inerc~d r]_ mid doutful melo~dieq dis-