2A, 1 t.._,_ft_,_ HETMIHGAN- DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. ~ - m t.n - oto tin t .Ctoday aind ltwror~oxV. 1halealreadIy shigndAs~ii NV(1 ~CW~d.t. T o ,'n h ld fr; 430 tosaiat. t. 50C to $ 5 _____TSREOT -t2d '~m-1' i a!3t.'We o r'tad7:8 o8:,,0 o'clock in roolu ASex,. N!, NI'liOL , flU flkf.rP - h i a poitet ori ' Spt. 23.---l' w DOi U L[Ri~i F I t maY«;, +11 be Wade with . I jlte Utr(Rihi lei{ ;1'- S-LITY wlEvtaly ret isxy:ue aer-K~leili h, '2i,,from :<3:00 to 5.: 30)o'clock, i ~r Sept. 18. - Wily NOT NOJW? )retim stf.' .tu r i~shae r- n roam t808 f the -union. ded to) tieocallI iSSUC(1d by the Tani- Thtuetitryouts a;-e also boin chbt 'ra.,* ty Glee ciluh for tryouts, which held for fl)w orchestrational Sec(l ion " Ra NI n y Sterday±,rand whichi will eon~ of the (11Th. M~ore than tenll4U(iits Nighta at 8:15 ma .,7, .s HIGH- GRADE MADE o.__ _0M__090___a__i___m__r____ ___ ___ ___ _rl,__z___ ___ ___ ^ to 6rsellePIaybuusei at-1e.C WVoo, ward at 14I lot Thild Wrek The Bonstelle Compai F it the Astonishing Comnedy TO MEASURE MEN'S .. , %,., ., 1 1 : ". 1 '.v(^ " ' R .: % ' %' , w ( i E THE FIRST NATIONAL BANKF OF ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Member Federal Rcserve fpank,3i ommercial, Savings and -rrust Depts. % OLDET 8AK INTHECIT OLDEST B3ANK IN THE, COUTY gOLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN % T wenty-second. Bank Chartered under thes. Natona BajoAct Wildest Wild Flower & Societ's Swiftest Stepper 4AOOIPI ZUORR r+ SSE L. LSKYE WITH1 1aOD LA ROCQUI SUSAN waas a slave tothrills with a C id~ And when Susan. went out ito the world to get dgeM~ she GOT them,-and then some! Nothing buat death and taxes can keep I Wild, Wild Susan" from making11 you ho JCALLYN LICE TYRELL And heir Apaes -In- A PARISIENNE NOVELTY With Peg'gy lie inan SAndrj a Ilosdieli J1Wesav 1ukoiie)i And a Great Added Bill COMING SUNDAY zn Il °z greatest p 4~role as the l Ventriloquist, Prof. Echo 15roduction wt ORE amazing even thtan hish work In' M {AE B US C H "The Hunchback"' and"4HE who Gets Slapped!' As the man who could throw MATT' MOORE his voice from behind doors, together with a Dwarf and a' Giant he led a life of fan- ___ tastic crime until a girl of the underworld SH1ORTHAND) .SECREARIr L Fall Term ep.21 st BUSINESS C -11-1,,- State and Willialal At 7 eIb i } rE }iD L 3 rr .a- y e ' n 11rt.S . Eve .sa33 Sa.Ma5a0. S IS an Popular Mat. Tlurs. Best 'Sa ?s . M04' 3 Manufactured by A. NASH. &C O. T i 1 i~e~oo ( ~11.11 ;A)E '' IGr 1 Viv tiinaI.'h ne !1936 a3 n4tha s emant1 h4,1e ofic Comps iijany Calli 11-pollToll ~o shw ~ds, n i sty's, alid tok(') your nienstre for a stit or ®""" .. ... ... )VERCOATS Only, 3.50 T Cig ur C. mpaigin of Super-.Marvelous Extr avagan cy ~ IfYoa esire Happiness-, IfYo U Crave Pleasue MEETTHIS GENIIUS FACE-TO FACE-' s u N D A Y E P p T7 III in His Super- Comedy, of Comedies k ..een z II I1 l f - ,P -' ..- N ' .,.. - ; .....__.__ , . . _ , .. es_3si.'" By iid f~ If (.'' I, I. i ' i I.: I I I a I a i I {I i 1 3 7 } j w , RINCES CANTACUZENE, LD grand-daughter of General Grant, LIgited writer and lectu~rer, wiIJ be here December 8. LEXA DER WOOLGOTT, LEANDrtE cQR of the New YFork Sun, lectures Jarna'ary 22. ~PARKES i CADMAN, unoted Preacher-Lecturer, head of Fed- era hon of Churches, £QIa$ 0on February 2. ~gARLOW HAPLEY, £cienhisi author, ;Direc tot of Harvard Ob- serv'atory, lectures February 11. [HIDELAH RICE, / celebrated reader of drama, will be here Feb- a ruaiyl. SDDITIONAL nunlber to beai nounced within .a few ,dys. ORATOR ICAL ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HILL AUDITORIUM ANN ARBOR~, MICR. LECTURE COURSE DOALD AMUNDSF.N Arctic and [~Antarctic explorer, discoverer of LIthe .South ,Vole, will oper the course October 24. SAUREINCE DRIGS Founder and President of the Amercajp NY~- ing Club, will speak October ,27. SLEFRED NOYES, famous Eng- lish poet, will present an interest- ing pror4m, November ., 0 ---4 .BULLETIN ILLIAM N. HA' K.ELL~. head of American Relief A4minisirci- ioa in Russia, will lectureNo vember .24. 11 Dtiv'gthi exr -,:-,,eait not mo;,e jan teas tickets f'a114:: i r-x u. .Ai .++.' . aw ' y w.. L -s, p _,T TT. "F. YUIE, IW rl i T )n'T . N I'l 2:00-3:49) SARTiNG,,TODAY r 7:00--- 8:40 I -- -~ ANNOUNCMENT OF SEAT S'ALV MAIL ORDERS Mail orders for reserved Course tick~- ets will be reteiyed up to an~d jnclui i Saturday, October 10th. ,A self - 4- dressed stamnped envelope, -together wit check 'or money order should be sent t~o TIreasurer, Oraitorical Association, Roo 3211 ], Angell 1H1all, University .of Jlfb- igan~. Application~s will be filled in order of receipt. ' ;' -s ': I - :, .- -'j _ , E'; {. 1 1Y .. } ": " I . _+ Nv; ; - I COURSE TICKET (IndIvidual reserved seats, for -'ten lectures.) Main Floor: Three central sectkns, row6 a to x. First bl4cony, three central sections, rows a to d. Single admnission~s to each Iecoure, $1.00. "{a S a;y L) i 7i I LI Paljn Floor : ruws y to ct ros 'I to. d sctlhon " . ws row a to g. lecture, .75c. $3.00 Three central 1. Two outside; First Balcony: Siglc admissionis Sections, sections. Central sections, to each~ First B3alcony, all sections, rows to o. Second BalconIy, front. Sjrngle adns- sl n t a h l c ur , 0 . ."ox office sale opens O ctober 1 t1II '7 -7 1'riees -"-4.- - .~ 3~C. ~q3(' 1 ~N//f '-..-. CIONRAD NAGE L PAUINE STARKE WILLIAM ;C. -DIXON, I