FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y rAGE FrvVR ) ILWAVAN M =A, UM LN 16, -1 oil?) un~vrv POIITF~T WOMEV MAY BE HOCKEYI CUITISTI ACTIVITIES O FW I IR I toc r I -U AYI II flYD ENf P I LflI LUIII IflII Lthx,?t?; )@ Gn (hinna aScores Seven Point, Against Niwerry in First (alne PHYL HAEHNLE STCARS Paying little attention 1o a drizzlingf rain that fell (lring the gamnes played Wednesd ay afternoon, Alpha Chii omega contended with Chi Omnega and(1 Kappa Kappa Gamma with Helen Newberry residence in the first gaies of the intramural hockey tournam ent. Kappa Kappa Gamma, however, was the only one to score, Having seven point,, five of which were made by Phyllis Ilaehnle, '26, one by Irene Field, 27, and one by Molda Platt, '23. During the first quar ter of this game noHhing h ap penedl to sh ow the super- iority (of either team. It was in thef second quarter, however, that four1 points were niade. Following this, one goal was made in the third, and two in the last quarter. When the result: of the Alpha Chii Oniega-Ciii Omega gaine was found to le 0 to 0, it was decided to let these two teams play five minut e s lJoiier in case the tie could possibly, be broken. IBoth teams were evenly matched, though, and at the end of the allotted time the score still remained the same.. Miss Hodgson, who is inj charge of intramural htockey, an- nounced that a means of determining the winner would be posted on the bulletin b~oard of lBarbouir gym as soon as it could be dlecidled upon. Each team entered in the games hadl some fine offensive and defensive players. Phyllis Haehnle, '26, who seemed to resist all opposition in sending the ball through the goal- posts, Margaret Breer, '26, and Irene Field, '27, did some good plays fori That thiere is +a possibility of reor-ld " . iI U U gan ization of campus activities forI Iwomenl due to the large number of eto eere nTan ntering Juniors is the opinion of Arrives in -M1adison at Seven Mr's. ArmyHobart of the office of the O'cock in Morning dean of wvomnen. Acetording to figures compiled atl TO SEND CHAPERONES the de:,an's office, of the 760 entering fwomien, 192 are juniors, 410 are fresh-f Fot-iewmnaelvnb n men, 58 are seniors, and 10 are special' ot-vewmnaelvig n stude nt,,. "The fact that the numberI the 9 o'clock special train tonight to of entering juniors amounts to near- -attend the Wisconsin-Michigan foot- ly half the number of freshmen," 'ball game at Madison, Wis., according I oinmentc(:d Mrs. Hobart, "is almost 'to the list last evening at the office bound to effect junior and senior ac- tivities. The question arises, howi'of the dean, of women. are women going to be worked into The special section for University 1- - .u wmen wll bee('1nronodby A'-rq.c 7I1i4tr rniCin~n - - - -- - - n Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 27, and Char2eo str .,Ye tL~LL9 RbULN O T CE Bine fr nteclsshockey will be I [ t~ll IRPl~lI riai 1V J1J 't~held. Ofn Saturday, Oct. 31, the first f on inbrowdfmiieE i~ LLF DL9GUOu 1rui : of the series of interclass games will ,1 Lire R~oIert Bartlett, '.,6, with 'Cha.rles; be played when the freshmen meet the Lewis, '2 3, as his escort dei 'iist!itol all league house 'presidents are I - jnosadtesnosme h oh theChaleson t (aagrs Vedes-qu~ste I haA i cotriutins rom Iota Sigmna Pi, national honorary onlores on Palmer field. The tentative day nih.;terhue'oadteCa~ot lc chemical society, will holdall anil)oi't-1 schedul e for other games is: Tuesday, nitltght heirihoa esrto rs thenCharlote lie , a 7 oclc t d y o . . juniors vs. sophomores; arltgo i;iefrm isprt. !Bliagdlon scholarship from nthe hori'~an metng tr eci k today 'I'Thursdlay, Nov. 5, freshmnen vs. sell- in the Mvichigan Union oera, toi'a- of 10 to 4 o'clock at the Women's: at the alpha E'psilon Iota house,: bourne, anl crrl(I ~ ou 50\\ li ffie. Terewil bea uem- it)Par terac. Iiors ; Tuesday, Nov. 10, freshmen vs. League ofic._heewile ci- opilornores; and Thursday, Nov. 12, that even soame of bsis frt #ernty her of the house organization con- 1iuosv.snos brothers failed to recognlize himun- miteei chargedrigtstmeo I Miss Scean Hlamnilton. dean of irom- $jnosvi.snos til he spoke. Hie wore a tflming receive the contribut ions. Onl Sat ur- e n, will meet with the Sophomore sports drless and dark bobbed wvig, olday ?(e>i, nytehorbten circus committee at 7 : 30 o'cloco'k Inerclass hockey practice for sen- msaking aniost modern young lady. 1 10 and 11 o'clock will be for this pur- this evening in Barbour gyinna s- I~sand lsophmrswllbfeda 1"ose.Ii itm. 10 o'clock and for juniors and fresh-. -- men at 11 o'clock on Saturday. FR h hueprsdnt n drior 9Lai B11 rsidents are b~eing informed by 'Tryouts for the ILeague orchestra A regular meeting of the board of mean: s : o personal calls over tihe tele-i will he held at 11 o'clock Saturdlay at ieto fth on n' L ag ewl bnpoe ut the sororities are expec edolBarbour gymnasium. ir ed tor o the W omorreauw illn- ruJU IVIbto take care of the matter themseI es. ___ing__ethed ar0loctomarorowmon-s _____It. is suggesteod that the matter hig Rehearsal of scenes 1 , 6, and 7 of Will ''VanshingParth's''are bing iv-I 11sidel-et i oiiiing the ch1,1A1r meeting M asoques ply will be held in i- I________________ "Vanithein'ont t'ilsutaro btaken to the1 en all overi' ~ i~ii};l i}rlti;c.d the ee a "v as .t tanoerelo ae varitiLY 1011thids aftern'ioonlat 4 o'- mn itiun of Mu Phi Epsilon, na- of emniag mneyicr ho \eaiim' I ea giie offic'e before Thursday. Oct. 22. ('clock. Reheam'sal of act I will be held E oa ooaymsia ooiywl League bilding. Al these pa i, C,:?:ist 'i sorority urreside'nts are expectedl to toigh t at 7 o'clock. Ibe' h"ldJ on Friday, Oct. 16, a~t the res1- 'imore than svnpeea) r~'t at eii(It0o this s ~55(1 'o aspossible. ---(lent of' OMrs. Clement W. Gill on" each of the guests apayingnd f5evrycey te eotri 'A payingend>e) everday (lie1conFr Pal-lelleniic will hold its annual Cambridge road. The initiates are, the treasurer andI luoin I ing toc (~e "but iicas re('eivedl will Ibe tot aled and luncheon at thie H auinted tavern Sat- M.arjorie ('haveni(1le, "'28; Mary Am- tamn five fr'iends. a Lihcf ' I !mso eve o niiittii.iiit ~urday at 1:30 o'clock. imigs,:'27. and Angeline 'Wilson, '27. Jrietoetranfr we111No definite amiounit foir the scholar- - In this way the nihericr of gunests ' bl)l has bwemn set, hut effort is being ______________________ 'gradually decreases withi the nuinberlmadie1t) collect as mancl as possible, ' of functions increasing, until the lnlt so that. it may aid sonme deservingI stl2(left to) continue her studies. To the hostess. '' ('eivethe scholarshslip the applicantafarwllhv nl n j, t ~E ils'DAY& SALE , The plan has been we'o u \hnust. be of high scholarship, Active in fine spirit and intewrest in ;t enfj amils activity and must lpossess an gUE,'B L R G A 't ealr ac.ooi to i: usadn esnlt.a seiis having been cari ed t hrzsaph tocC comimitt ee from the office of the dlean! the end of the serie .of V~orflei and thle \\'ono'n's I leatue "iadRd, Lnsn," ~rmn-will deeide u oil reciprienits. G r a n d R a p i s , L n ~ i n : ; , B r n ri g -M is s R u b y ('am pus activities when they he~re :;o late? The large num) un termng;junior,, would seem ,dioat e that wom.en are going comle I ...SS..,IWlll Di C Uijfetl l''s $ i i-. hber of~ Louise Hastings, social director of to in- soMe- the Kapr '27, anc playedE Pauline '27, were Omegat strongd the Chi -Marian '-l ilnes, pa team; while Lucille Beebe d Vivian La Jeunesse, '26, wvell in (defense of Newberry. Diehl, '27, and Laura Barry, ,e noticeable on the Alpha Clii team, the latter putting uip a defense. Those opposing ion Omega team who starred wereI Du Brie, '26, and Margaret '27. The linieups wi Alpha (CliiOmn ) 1. Ricker, '28 P. Diehl '29 ... G. Welch '28 . V. Tice '29 .... PI. Ricker '29.. C. Oakley '27 L. Barry '~8 .. . J. Riley '28.. C. McCann '27. E. King '26 ... E. Campbell '27 a' .t , r 'r Ch iiOmega W.. L. Merner I... $M. Martin F... M. Du Brie I... E. Vaupell W. G. Schrader H.. M. Henckel I4... M. Geddes II... M. Mines F. 0 . Todd F... M. B~arratt ...D. Atkins The next gain be on Friday, 0( Alpha plays Zon{ plays Delta Gar vre: egg Kap aKappa, .L.F. Marston '27 . L. .C.V. Spain '26 .. .L. .R.I. Field '27 .... C. . R.M. Platt '27 . ... R. . L.M. Br'eer '28 .R. .C.E. Tuttle '2;7 . .R. Yerkes '29 ..,C.h .L.P. H-acehnle '26 .*R. .R.E. Berad '26 ....L .G.L. Briggs '28 . .R?. E. Ruyl '26 .....G. Helen 'Nwberry '27W... M. Smith '27 '291.. Jane Barnes '291 '26F7. D. Harrison '29 129I... R. Lambert '28I 127W... L. Beebe '27) '261... L., Soule '281 '271H... II. Carrol '29 '27H... E. Knapp '28 129F... E.I Glaspie '29 '29F.... H. Stone '29 '26 V. LaJeunesse '23 aes in this rounod will )t. 16, when Zeta Tau .e VII, and Pi Beta Phi rma. tiwhore odse for two) years, either to the junior colleges of Michigan, or eonlgm dirgct from other colleges. If this is the oc'ase, neither Miss Hamilton Sor' I see any reason why if a women cones vii l1 good recommendations, she need be prevented from partici- Pating in campus affairs, as she is ate present due to the custom establish- ed that entering underclassmen must lie on t he campus for one semester before they may be alloweod to take p~art in anyt campus activity. TheI Freshman Pageant is the instance of l a campus activity in which entering women are allowed to participate im- niediately." When asked if she believed it ad- vantageous for women to wait until. their junior year before entering i lvichigan?, Mrs. Hobart commented, "I do not know. In certain ways they are more niature and are better able to meet the problems of the campus. However, it is harder for them to Imake connections with things going I on on the campus because of their unfamiliarity with life at Michigan." IPLANS COMrPLETE H allowelen Barn Dance Will Replace Castflnary Forml Party of' the 'LPast ALL WOMEN INVITED' Jack o'lanterns, cornstalks, pump- kins and all sorts of Hlallowe'en ,dec- orations will contribute to the inform- ality of the Freshman Spread to be given from 8 to 11 o'clock Friday, IOct. 23, in Barbour gymnasium. This 'year the annual spread will take the form of an old-fashioned HIallowe'en barn dance, instead of the customary ,formal party. The gymnasium will be 1 divided off into several sections, each representing a group of states, and each woman will go on arriving to her own group,,'rather than to a formal' receiving line. Gene Buck's orches- tra will furnish music for dancing and there will be all sorts of special- ty and feature dancing and stunts. The entire class of sophomore wo-I men will act as hostesses at the spread, and junior advisors are ex- pected to take their advisees to the affair. The committee wishes to urge, howe ver, that all freshmen women at-l tend whether they have advisors or :sot, While invitations have been sent only to freshmen, all entering women, amid upperclass women from all -schools are inviteod. It is hoped that the frcshme~n from the school of 'nursing will attend. According to Edwina H-ogadone, '28, Chicago will return or section of the special leaves Chicago at 11: 0c night and reaches An Monday morning. chairman of the Fres sophomore women this sponded much better th, approximately $100 mn collected for the spree year, making an in cre cent. The 5 o'clock sectioi day-Friday riding clas for the first time, toe grounds. Knickers or may be worn. There is a few entries in the 4 II the second haimanid 14I.'Pleas ant h, i'e "1150)o('ii 11 train] whicis thusiastically started t heir atks o'clock Sunday Many hlostessyes ar.' t :t ink Ithis 01-> n Arbor early portunity of gViing u(] uHPIt 1111] 1''i0>.'i entertain m nts to smzall group~s oT frienods, not only gathem'ing iin the;)0 Asman Spread, I cent contribution beat rousing iterI- syear have re- est in tihe beagnue funld at the same ian last year, asI time. One iic stes,, siam-ed wi t a ('hII- ore has been I n('5C luncheon at her homne, some haveI gad than last I fall hiking p~arties, and many are g iv- ease of 25 pci. ing small infoi'mal (]inners. Each of the series when carriedj through successfully and according to n of the M~on- directions nets the fund about $600ut. sses wvill meet lay at the Fair' Three hundred ol lars was turned rriding habits f in at hieaodquarters last week from sstill room for the Grandl Rapids fall saile. o'clock section ! - A* NMILK PACK for ABeth 'r Complexion Marcelling and Manicuring The Stoddard Hair Shop Ne'wberry resioe; rand }I owe, sc'ial direct or'cf ' c car house. Helen Newberry residence, and Mrs. R. C. THussey. The special train will arrive at Madison at 7 o'clock tomor- row morning, giving the visitors am-I ple time to view the Wisconsin caim-I pus before the game. According to word receiveod froni the dean of women at Madison, due to the 1,mct that the Wisconsin-Michigan J,'s the home-coming game of the sea- ? on all hotel reservations have been spoken for, and any accommodations needed by visiting Michiganl womenI will have to be obtained at their sor-I ority or league houses through the dean of wonien.I The special rate requires the stu- )dents to leave Madison before mid- -night Saturday. Those who obtained{l stop-over privileges pertaining to)i i' PBar-j I "The House of Personal Service." Friday and Saturday we are offering unusual values in Jer- sey and B~albriggan dresses. These frocks are in one or two piece models with ia large vari- ety of colors. 'They are tail- ored in the latest mnodes. Truly wonderful values at I Monday and Friday, which will not M Aiss Jean Hamiltoj, cdean of wom-I meet today. Experienced riders should! en, will entertain inforiulally fromn 4 sign up, at Barbour gymnasium, for 1to 6 o'clock this afternoonl athe 'the section at 4 o'clock, Tuesday. home, 928 Olivia street, in hionor of Miss Aiva Fornerook, social director About one-fifth the population of of Martha Cook building; Mrs. ILouise the United States lives in villages. Hastings, social directoi' of Helen - . 707 N. University Phone 21212 . !f * .: THE GREY SHOP Cor. Liberty and Mlaynard Hot Lunches 11:00-1:30 TheAnArbor Floral News. 5:00-7:00y Afternoon Tea 3:00-4:00 Salads, Sandwiches and Ice Cream Service After the Dance Wednesday, Friday and Saturday N igJts waffiftolvo L ___________________ - . - - . - - - -'4 $ .75 , . ._ WI9AAEHINTS COTTAGES FOR WEEK END PATY1, Cottages at Wh'litmore lake have beeni engaged for the W. A. A. hiking party which will start at 11 o'clock tomorrow niorning from Barbour gym- 1 nasium andl return Sunday noon. AnI invitation is e ,tended to) all. Univer-.- sity women and any who wishl to join the party should sign before tonight oil tile "Overnite Hike" poster in B3ar-t bour gymnasiuml. The oinly require- nients are that " thie hikers birinlg blankets and ?5 cents to cover the cost of food. The party will be chaperoned by menmbers of the physical edlucationl faculty. The distanc'e is approximately 10 miles each way and Honor points in the Women's Athlletic , ,-ocnationl will be awardled at the rate of one point per mile. Show Interest Inz Social Service Laundry Service Dje Luxe I% i- can be obtained here all the tirle. Send your things to us at o'1:'- yi be convinced. Efficient, c our4,o us and prompt service. CHIANCE iFOR ONE C'OLLEGE GIRL1 Tpo earn $10 to $25 extra weekly in an interesting, dignified manner. One girl only-no room for more. Write i for details to L lint['ane Co., Book - ,i The MOE LAUTN V VOL. 1. No. D. Pu bihedI Every Friday by Ann Arbor Floral Co. Are y-ou satisfied wit h your preseiit> 1"bor:At? Ig)o yout get the highest . grade flow',ers? Is the price right? If not, snplpos2 you give us a trial. You will be pleased with our flour- . er's and dlelighitedl with our service. Ann .rb~or Floral Company main-1 tains one of the finest flower stores C in the state, located at Liberty 1- sI i'eet. one block from Main str'eet. Th'iis is their omly stom'e. Ann Arbor F'loral Company have no branches aud are in no way connected. Nor t doy tr:.y supplly any other local O n Y oua r B r h G floral stores with flowei's or plants. B rh a For years tis firm has trieod faith- fully to give inn Arbor the finestr-if2 Send Y ojur iN other flowers that can be grown.1 This comnpaimy is operating one s --~Flow ers of the largest greenhouse ranges in1 the country at 1021 Maiden Lane, where everything in, cut flowers Your birthday is the anniversary of one of and plants is produced. the most important occasions in your Moth- 'We are menimers of the Florists er's life. One of the nicest things you can Telegraph Delivery-thoroughly re- do to show your regard for your mother is to liable. W'ye grow the flowers we send her a bouquet of flowers onyorbth sellday. In these busy days we are all too prone M,,.ay we hlave the lpleasumre of to overlook the little things which, after all, seirvng you? count for a great deal in happiness. Let us Ya ~~~~~~~know your birthday, and we will call you up-cei salasgo.Js nliem r r 1)1717a few days before it occurs, so you will re- 204 N. MAIN. DIAL :'3916 a ... . d d 11 Novelty Hosiery is Smart for Fal Interest in Sociology and social work is being stimulated again this year through the Sociology Club} 1 which was formedl last year by the instructors in tha t department and Silk and wool hosiery, in plain and novel effects, is just the right weight for the brisk days of early Fall. 'The novelty stripes and plaids are jaunty and smart, the plain colors in good Fall shades are most attractive, while the clock effects are fast returning to popu- larity. Priced $1.25 to $3.25. ,, .-- / w ,r ,, . ': ,t . s ', I