TWVO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, S1&PT1IM, U P FW NLEVS IConducts survey Geology Instructors Paddlea ENIEx1GFCUT'Six Hundred Miles In Canoe Sxhundred miles i a canoe was and finally crossing Georgian Bay in-i ~Ias t doResarc Wok fr Ei-the expelien ce this suzmner of Dr. L. Jto the St. Claire raver to St. Claire. son Company in dew 'York M. Gould aud Rl alph T E.. dn2a of the, the tripsta rte~il July 15, and a care- ______4geology department, who p~r.dd:ledl that( ful survey of taco surrounding country Prf.Jme F airnr, 1~ ho"distance throughf northern Ontario1 was niaide alonmg the route. No at-ic has been with the elfch ical engineer- j ns 4 for geological survo y purposes. DrY.l tempt was wade to achieve rapid dearmet f heUnvesiy or>: i Could and Mr. Belknap both returned progress until thbe day before the final six earsresined ast zeek l fis sto the University this week after con-1 lap to St. Claire when a distance of Sasresign st e last ede H isluding their two months' trip on;1 0 1nis~ was covered in six hours andl teeatio st aeimeit f Sept. 16. a quarter. Theor Fairman left for Ne;w Ijyhe feature of the trip was the in-;'h trpws ad ia17foI Yay whee h isto o pection of the Sudb ury district inoewt lls~lescridpbad some seilrearc olfrte; Ontario where 90 per cent of ther~hr ~o~espcilreeachwokfo"tef i ::: ,' world's supply of nickel is mined.wsa a najeo xclet $87ooklyfl Edso e m any. *i t his ° : I fish ing along the entire route, accord- t'e nitdwzlicalfoantinsvestudy of the geo-l ing t C.ould, who declared that th ynie tae 'ari-:signia.c p ;oiclfomtin.was made by; Dr. basstond trout were particularly plen- for"sx months when hie received his CudadM.Blnp tiful. ",Thex trip was a success froms di"I4arge papers. 1He th,'n taught ~bk iaaiinnrhr nai every :standipoint," he said, "In addi-1 in the student course" of 'the Westing- .;.I was' Yhe starting point of the trip.# tion to making several important geo- house Electric and. Maifatu1. g{r = From there the two geologists pad- ;logical discoveries, it was most in-; copapny foie about eight months be- Id}J n orhwstrlIirctonf rucieand enjoyable, especially the fore the returned to Mdichigan in the } t itac f;0 ils he un fishing. After a few interesting ex- Capacity of an instructor,.lie also en- ____souththroughteheartofOntario_ periments with the canoe the first tered the Graduate school at that s part of the journey we felt much bet- time and in 1921, received his master i aeronautics for the department of! ter fitted to cope with deceptive rapids~ 'Of scienc~ egree. ~t: J Fark Van Zandt, United commerce. His report may, be valu- #and dangerous streams near the con-j l States air service, is making an in-; able to the President's aircraft prove elusion or the trip, and made rather Read the Classified Page-it pays. tern atlonal survey of commercial board, good time." FotjerC n tention,1Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,; Mexric o City, Sept. 23. -- The: Healthsevcdietrtad yester- gional Confe~d ration of Labor has of Entering d]I(,en dCay. f these,f he maljority are nlose c ided to call a general strike inp .~, v .i. aiand throat cases, with eye andl gen- test against the federal districtg N4eed IMedical tidlU ral medical cases second in import-!emainent decision that the walkout 1___ ance. !the cinployes of the British-owned IOf the 1,938 new men exam ned last, There are at present but five infirm- Aguila Oil company is illegal.7 week by representatives of the Health ary cases at the Health service and (late has not been fixed. service, more than 40 per cent had con- three student cases at the University ditions which' will require further at- hospital. Read the Classified Page-it p, I a ~~~~ U iiiiiiiiiii TODAY Every Tenth Woman Is Different-Do You Know THROUGH SATURDAY Why? 1A~ C Lfthe Scr t "*, I Admii on dNight IOe, 38c H ear Ant Arbor's J i r'".I,.~ ^."+d."II/"@p~*C." .°!.I.COCOr%.'A,'..:. r.-' P.O0c F SUBSCRIBE NOW TO ANN ARBOR'S, ONLY MORNING NALL THE DAILY OFFICE 21214 I . g r "" TUESD AY, SEPT. 29 - ICOLAI-"WELCH4-DE MILT, inc - brhV yu ? 6 des/ i/lS'CdI ~eya ' "7 Th~rc (rirnfrv-a r AT~k , itt} 2 I n I A - NIRE iKGUINAL PRODUCTION-THAT PLAYED FOR TWO YEARS IN NEBWYOtK ' ,, UY bOLTOI JEP.OEKENJI ; GEIIRUB = bw. AThngf of c arm. 5 eatity i c';ay ,igemed ; w&4ti eazzt.l Yoanl", k w.e 725 PEOPLE SPECIALOftCHRSh QN'7T DELAY,$ErC.URUP4G SEATS'AS'THE QED!'! 3Iail1 Now-Prices $1.10, $1.G , $-120, $2,70. i- F ox News I OUR GANG in ASK CRANM1DIIA -F W URILITZER ORGANI I 4 c rrr, rr,,sr«,.rr.rr... .rr.-r , .rr,.r.+' .a. . mum M a s N 'MPz 0 ® a®®®® _ y w El I, 4 i I e1 ip rwrrarrYrirrrrrrerrnr n , srrrr , YRi 11P Y Y i1MIJi YY I fY 1 Yril r I M'M M/ . ... i= / ..: - . , ... err' , . _ wrrr.. WMI/Il ii BMIN Ildlq VI IdMn111M s - r A r r w nr s n ri n iro nrsn nis .. ...... AT 'I 4 +"fi " _: ,.: .,, Ilii