ESTABLISHED' 1890 7j~ i!3Uf Ar att ASSCATE D PRESS VOL. XXXXVI. No. 21 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PIUCE, FIVE CENTS t GERMANY AND ALLIED POWIERS A9KE HISTORY BY APPROVING ALTREATIESOF SECURITYI RHINE PACT, AMONG OTHERS, DESIGNS TO MAKE IMPOSSIBLE ANY RE-OPENING OF WORLD CONFLICT (By Associated Press) LOCARNO, Switzerland, Oct. 15.-Just as the armistice ended the great war, so today, making history, treaties were adopted at Locarno designed to make impossible any reopening of that great war. Germany and the al- lied Powers approved the text of the Rhine pact of security. This pact, which will be initiated tomorrow or Saturday, pledges its signatories, France, Germany, and Belgium, not to attack or invade one another's ter- ritory and to abstain from war. Great Britain and Italy stand as guaran- tors of this engagement and promise to throw their forces against any of the three parties which violates its terms. France is allowed to keep certain rights embodied in the Treaty of Versailles, and, notably, take immediate action should Germany commit a hostile act by constructing fortifications either on the left bank of the Rhine or within fifty kilometers, about thirty miles, of its east bank, or keep armed forces withing that area. The pact ceases to hold when combined penalties against any aggresor nations are ordered by the League of Nations, or when by virtue of Article Once Poor Lawyer ARRANGE DETAILS FOR iNAGURATION OF NE*W PRESIDENT PROFESSOR GRAM NAMED CHARGE OF ACADEMIC PROCESSION IN BAND WILL ASSIST Luncheon At Union And ReceptionI Alumni Memorial Hall Will Follow Ceremonies In PIIARMlICS MUST HOLD NEW CLASS ELECTIONS.. New elections for the senior and junior classes of the school of pharmacy were authorized by the elections committee of the Student council yesterday, fol- lowing charges that juniors had voted in the senior election and seniors andsophomores in the junior election. The confusion resulted from the failure of members of the classes to know their exact scholastic standing. The elections have beendset j for 5 o'clock next Tuesday in room 151 of the Chemistry build-j ing. A list of all students in each class will be posted by the office of the school of pharmacy before the election and this listI will be used by the council inj conducting the vote. The new election in the junior architectural class was set for! 4:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoonj in lecture room 1 of the Archi- tectural annex. At this time a new J-Hop representative will j be elected, and perhaps other officers, depending upon thej eligibility decisions of Dean I Bursley's office. LITTLE TALKS AT ILLEGAL NO TINATiONS FORCE J UN[OR LAWS TO SELECT TWO INEW MEN CHOICES REVERSED, ELIGIBILITY OF LOVETTE IS3 DOUBTFUL IN 1-HOP [[ELTID BOYLE WINS LAW PRESIDE C y George Meads, President, and Junior Dental Officers Approved Other 15 of the League Covenant, or by rea- son of the failure of the Council to reach unanimity on any dispute, the 10,000 ILLINOIS TICKET League members may take such' ac- | ALLOTMENT IS OVERSOLD tion as they deem necessary for the(--- maintenance of rights and justice. Michigan's allotment of tickets The permanent court of interna- for the Illinois game at Urbana tional justice, boards of conciliation, next week has been oversold, it and the League council are all possi- was announced last night by bilities for arbitration of all disputes Harry Tillotson, business mana- under the pact, and arbitration is ger of the Athletic association. obligatory. This includes all the student and - Germany and Foes Agree alumni tickets, the last few be- Besides the Rhine Pact, an agree-1I ing sold yesterday ,afternoon. ment was reached on collateral ar- The total number of tickets bitration treaties between Germany, sold to Michigan alumni and stu- and France, and Germany and Bel- dents was 10,000. Each allot- gium. These interlock with the pact ment was 5,000 tickets. In view I itself. of this fact, students are re- ' There will be in addition, arbitra- quested by Mr. Tillotson not to f tion treaties between Germany and apply further for tickets to this her eastern neighbors, Poland and game as to do so would be of no 1 Czechoslovakia. These are expected avail and would only hamper to be concluded tomorrow, and will the work in the administration follow the same scope as the western offices, treaty. There will also be separate con-_ ventions between France and herl ea'stern allies, guaranteeing France' tudentsM ay the right to assist Poland or Czecho- May in case hey are subjected Wire Mad"1son" to unprovoked flagrant attack. i Gentlemen's Agreement To Get Seats Lastly, comes the gentlemen's agree- ment, whereby Great Britain, France,{ Italy, and Belgium inform Germany Tickets for the Wisconsin game ats that they interpret the covenant in the d tomorrow had not been sold sense that no penalty contribution can out when the ofices of the Athletic be expected from members beyond lout we h fie fteAhei thex e r members'needs.Bythis sta- association closed last night. A few the members' needs, By this state- seats in the Michigan section were I ment, which will take the form of a set in th e i kgn to were letter, Germany is relieved of theI still left and were taken to Madison] fear that the operation of League by Harry Tillotson, business manager sanctions might embroil her with of the association, who left Ann Ar- bor with the team. IsStudents who wish to get these seats may purchase them from Mr. BITT Tillotson by wiring him at the Lor, FREC d ULIl TIraine hotel, Madison, Wisconsin. It Iis impossible to guarantee that tick- ets will still be available today, but TDQIU as long as they are left Mr. Tillot- 1son will fill orders received by wire., OFAthletic association officials pre- NICE,France, t.'idicted that the Michigan section at war debt to the United States will the Illinois game would be sold out play an important part in the pro- ceedngs of he ongess of he adi today, although a few seats remainied coedings of the congress of the radiunsoldlast night. Students wishing cal-socialists, the session of which be- s gan today. A resolution, proposed by eek are advised to get their applica- Henry Franklin Bouillon, president of w a iedatoly. the foreign affairs committee of the ons Chamber of Deputies, was adopted by C _a .- DAWES TO ATTEND RALSTON FUNERAL Vice-President to Head Honor Guard At Burial of Junior Indiana Senator TO BE HELD TOMORROW (By Associated Press) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 15.-- Samuel Moffett Ralston, junior United States Senator from Indiana, who died at his rural home here last night, will be buried at Lebanon, In- diana, Saturday at 2 o'clock. Thirty years ago, unknown and with only a few dollars in his pocket, Ralston went from Spencer to Leb- anon to open a law office. Saturday he will return to the familiar sur- roundings of his early struggles, an, escort of distinguished statesmen at- tendant at his bier. Today, from At- lanta, Vice-President Charles G.I Dawes wired he would come to head the guard of honor that will accom- pany the body to its final resting place in the little Boone county city. After a brief funeral service at "Hoosier Home," suburban residence of the dean of Indiana democracy, in which only the immediate members of the family will take hart, the home- coming journey will be started in automobiles. At the Lebanon Presby- terian church services will be con- ducted by the Rev. Orton H. Car- michael, of Ithaca, N. Y., former pas- tor of the Lebanon church, and the Rev. Harry Lamb, present pastor. Then the man who served his adopted state as governor and senator will be buried in the Lebanon cemetery where sleep many of the friends who coun- selled and encouraged him in the days that were darkest. General plans for the inauguration of President Clarence Cook Little on Nov. 2 are nearing completion and arranjements of the details began yesterday with the appointment of committee chairmen to care for the various phases of the ceremonies. Prof. L. M. Gram of the engineer-' 1 ing college, University marshall, is in charge of the academic procession which will assemble at 10 o'clock at Angell hall. The band will probably take part in the procession, and an honor guard, similar to that at Com- mencement, consisting of representa- I live students, is being considered. The inauguration will take place in Hill auditorium at 11 o'clock. Fol- lowing the ceremonies the guests of the University will be entertained at luncheon at the Union. The Presi- dent's reception, which will be heldl at 4 o'clock in Alumni Memorial hall, J while tickets will be required for ad-) mission, will be open to everyone who secures a ticket in advance.I The chairmen of the other commit- tees are as follows: Prof. C. W. Cook of the geology department, platform seating arragnement, Prof. H. P. Thieme of the Romance language de- partment, hospitality, Prof. A. 0. Lee of the Romance language department, reception, Palmer Christian of the' University School of Music, music, Prof. Wells Benlett of tl~e archi- tectural college, decorations, Prof. H. A. Kenyon of the Romance language department, luncheon ,and W. A. Dav- enport of the building and grounds department, the committee on usher- ing. Shirley W. Smith, secretary of thc University, will make all arrange- ments in connection with the distri- bution of tickets to the inauguration. The committee making general plans consists of Secretary Smith, Frank E, Robbins, assistant to the Presi- dent, Paul Buckley, assistant secre- tary, and Edward C. Pardon, super- intendent of the building and grounds department.i STUDENT DIRECTORIES ,TO 60 ON SAILESOON (Uassification of Telephoie Numbers Will Be Omitted 'Lhuis Year President Asks For Co-operation All Detroithin Speech Before Michigan Club Of I n Iv i t o a 7 C t t s (Ic t i k 1 II fE IS, I 1 INTRODUCED BY MURFIN DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 15.-Fulfill- ment of their hopes for a greater uni- versity rests on their own unselfish and intelligent support of its activi- ties, President Clarence Cook Little, of the University of Michigan, told alumni of the institution here tonight. The President was chief speaker at a banquet tendered him by the Michigan Club of Detroit. The banquet was .a welcome from the Club and Detroit's residents to the sixth president of the University. President Little was welcomed by several persons prominent in the civic life of Detroit. Regent James O. Murfin introduced' President Little. In matters of co-operation with the University and of citizenship, it is particularly important for the De- troit Alumni association to take the lead, President Little pointed out. Co-operation between the alumni body and the University, President Little indicated, can be effected best by moves from both sides. "It is the happy duty of all alumni," he declar- ed, "to find some basis of contactI with the University as it exists and, having found the contact, they should keep it and develop its possibilities." At the same time, the University can help in bringing about this co- operation by keeping the alumni in- formed as to the activities and prob- lems of the University in all its di- verse fields,, President Little ex- plained. In conclusion, President Little said, "The University has some ten. or twelve thousand students, the city of Detroit a million and a quarter souls. These are facts, but the nature of the thousands which will come in the future generations to the Univer- sity, or of the millions who may come to Detroit is not a fact. It is a living force capable of being shaped and di- rected by your efforts. "The size of the task both at the University and in your city is appal- ling, staggering. You as alumni must aid in both-noblesse oblige-and in the strength of the spirit of Michigan, which is your rightful heritage and pride, you must not and cannot fail." Freyb erg Is Chosen Head Of Blue Key James Boyle was elected president of the junior class of the Law school yesterday afternoon at the re-elec- tion made necessary .by the action of the Student council Wednesday night, when the offices of president and J-Hop committeeman were de- I clared vacant, due to illegal nomina- tions. Boyle defeated Louis MMath, 50 votes to 39, reversing the decision of the first election. John Conlin, a third candidate, was eliminated on the nominating ballot. In the contest for the position of J-Hop committeeman, Lester Johnson defeated John Witherspoon 50 to 41. The same two candidates ran in the first law election, Witherspoon being victorious at that time. Johnson's scholastic record could not be found in the files at Dean Bursey's officet and question of his eligibility will be settled today. The election of these two men providing Johnson is eligible,1 will complete the junior law ballot-t ing. Dental Elections Legal V The junior class of the dental school chose its leaders for the year yesterday afternoon, and all the win- ners were declared eligible last nightf by Dean Bursley. George Meadsf took the presidency by polling 35 votes to 34 for Elmer Ettinger anda Rudolph Larson defeated John Bie-I lawski for the vice-presidency, 36N to 33. The treasurer's position went to Frank Koepel who defeated HenryV Moore by the same count, 36 to 33. Stewart Ward finished one vote aheads of Herbert Heuhl in the balloting ong the secretary, 35 to 34. Lee Fowlet captured another close race when he was elected J-Hop committeeman byI the class, beating out David Collon, a also by a voteof 35 to 34. 'j Voting Nearly 100 Per Cent t The highest representation at ant election thus far was recorded, when 69 votes were cast by a class inc which only 70 students are registered. The junior class of the school, of education met at 5 o'clock yesterdayc under the direction of the Studentj council and the following results werei announced: 1-I. Leroy Selmeier, J-Hop representative; Harlow Tubbs, presi- dent; Laura Craft, vice-presidnt; G Elizabeth Campbell, secretary; and Mae Keller, treasurer. The office ofi the dean of students passed on all of the winning candidates except Tubbs, whose scholastic record could not be found in the dean's office. His election will be passed upon by Dean1 Bursley today. No final decision was reached yes-I terday in the case of the junior archi- tects, all five of whom were declared ineligible by the dean's office Wednes- day. Four of the men, Earl Meyer, president, Kenneth A. Michel, vice- president, Walter E. Thulin, secretary, and Arthur J. Zimmerman, treasurer, were reported to be eligible under the standards of the architectural college, but no statements concerning the mat- ter had reached Dean Bursley's office last night. Jack Deibel, who was elected J-Hop committeeman, is defi- nitely ineligible, and the office will be filled at a second meeting of the class. Grid-Graph To Follow Every Play Of Game RE CORDS SH01W E NG FERING COMMITTEHA I ACKS SIX(CREITIiS BAKER PRESIDENT Defeats Stvcuson in Close Race for Junior Presidency; Three Medic Officers Ruled Out COUNCIL RESPONSIBLE The Student council and not t.e office of the dean of studens will make the final debion re- garding the scholtic standing of ,ohn Lovette, 1)ean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of studets, an- nounced ii an interview after the concert at hill auditorium last night.. The dean's office is re- sponsible only in regard to the grades of students in cuaipis ac- tivities and does not delermine their standing in respwet to class- es, which depends on the number of hours of credit, he decided. The council will take action on the question today. John Lovette, who was elected gen- eral chairman of the 1925 J-Hop at the meeting of the junior class of the engineering college yesterday morning, had not been approved -for the office late last night, due to an irregularity in his credits in the Uni- versity. Lovette is credited with 54 hours by the records in Dean Bursley's of- fice and at least 60 hours ae required for membership in the junior class, according to Mrs. Camilla B. Green, assistant secretary of the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, who was undecided as to whether this method of determining class rating was final. Dean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, 'who is the authority on eli- gibility for student activities, referred the matter to Mrs. Green when he was notified of the irregularity at his home last night. No definite decision as to whether Lovette is or is not a junior was reached last night and it will be brought tip for final action today. The Student council took no action on the case pending the final decision on Lovette. Seet Other 1temnbers The other two members of the Hop committee elected Iy the engineering juniors, who finished second and third in the balloting, are Harley J. Bell and George Stanley. The exact re- sults of the 'balloting, as aunouneed by the Student council, were: John Lovette, 114; Harley J. Bell, 92; George Stanley, 62; Robert Van Duzer, 47; Paul Arnold, 42; Harris, 41; Cbon- nor, 40; Weldon P. Hare, 35; Henry Dickinson, 28; Walter Berger, 27. Russell Baker was elected to lead the junior class, defeating Howard R. Stevenson, 98 to 82, on the final ballot, two other candidates having already been eliminated in the pri- mary. Leonard Finkler took the vice- presidency from a field oa four can- didates, rolling up a total of 109 votes against 73 for Andrew Kramer, who was second. Walter Kuenzol was chosen to fill the secretaryship, Stev- enson again being defeated, this time 97 to 89. Walter Berger was elected treasurer when he received 92 votes to 88 for Harley J. Bell. Medical Officers Ineligible Three of the four officers elected by the junior medical class were de- clared ineligible to take part in cam- pus activities by the dean's office yes- terday. The new president, Gordon T. Brown, was approved, but F. Min- ton Hartz, vice-president, H. Morti- nmer Bishop, secretary, and F. Bruce Fraelick, treasurer, were all found deficient scholastically. Unless the three men are able to ob- tain special permission to continue their work today, steps to fill their offices will be taken by the Student council. No Jl-Hop committeeman has yet been elected by the junior medical clss. FRESHMAN ENGINEERS H, OLD FIRST ELETION I i X ,__---ta~at- -, . nl,. . nm..:.i f)l N1 E r~ti "'S the political and uzlau'.zu1 m IHIJ-, 111b l l and will be presented at a general( session of the congress tomorrow. It Lend Support As reads: VriyLeaves "The congress invites the present Varsity government and all future govern- ments to enter into an undertaking Watching the antics of a confident pay the allies any more than, dog trying to catch his tail while France received from Germany." Iwaiting for the band to assemble, Upon the acceptance or rejection stumbling over the piles of bricks of this resolution by the full body in the middle of State street, shout- rests the attitude which the radical ( ing Michigan's yells to the cart- and radical-socialist party, virtually wheels of a yell-leader on the roof of controlling the majority in the FrenchI a pullman, and finally singing "The chamber, will adopt toward the Amer- Victors" as the team entered the ican debt. train-so the 1,000 rooters that gath- M. Franklin Bouillon announced ered at 9:30 last night at the Union that he was ready to defend this sent the Varsity football squad off viewpoint respecting the debt rela- to Madison to meet Wisconsin tomor- tions of Franee with Great Britain row afternoon at Camp Randolph. and the United States. This arrangement of giving thea team a send-off instead of holding a LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 15.-Wil- Ipep meeting was decided upon by the liam F. Knebelkamp, owner of time Student council, as it was believed Louisville Colonels, champion Amer- the former to be the more effective. ican Association Baseball club, will A shortened yell for injured play- manage his own team for the remain- ers or players leaving the field was dler of the season and all of the next. given to the crowd last night, and Sheartily approved. This will save yelling time in the second half of the C ur eath r an t elydgames when many substitutions are made. f " It I f 1 I Sale of the 1925-26 Student Direc- I tory will begin about October 26, ac- cording to Allin B. Crouch, '26, editor FOR nleC1m1iof the publication. Printing of the directories has already started. _JThis year's directory will not dif- fer much in its form from that of There are still a few railroad tick- ( last year. The .customary list of tele- ets remaining for the special stu- phone numbers classified by street dent train which leaves tonight for addresses will not appear. In pre- Madison. These, as well as accom- vious years the list was available at panying berths, may be procured at I the telephone company office. But the Michigan Central depot today. such a list is not existing at present More than 575 tickets had been sold a nd if the proper information was to students when the sale closed at secured by the Directory staff a long the Umion last evening. At least 10 delay in publication would result. pullman cars and day coaches will All of the class officers will not be comprise the train for the men stu- included in this year's issue since dents, railroad officials stated. A sec- the book went to press before many ond train of 10 pullman cars will' of the elections had taken place. carry the Varsity band, women stu-, The lists have been computed as dents, and members of the Chamber accurately as possible and great care of Commerce and other townspeople. has been taken to avoid mistakes. The trains will leave at 9 o'clock, Those errors appearing will generally Ann Arbor time, arriving in Madison be due to the illegible handwriting on at 7 o'clock, central time, tomorrow :1the parts of the students. morning. Those wantingdirectories should purchase them as early as possible Hayden To Speak ashonly 3,000arebeing printed of / lRapis, hich a certain number is reservedI At Grand Rapids for members of the faculty. The exact date of the sale will be announced in The Daily. Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the pol- A cover of light green will dis- itical science department will give tinguish this year's directory from two lectures this afternoon before the ,last year's publication. Grand Rapids National League of Wo- mnVotes I men voers. !Naval Reserve To His afternoon lecture will be on thesr subject, "Control of American Foreign Hold First Drill Relations," and his evening talk on "International Politics and Interna- tional Justiee." Naval reserve students will assem- _______._ble in the drill hall of the R. O. T. C. .t . (n nn, R -n .. Richard Freyberg, '26, was elected Better service than ever before will president of Blue Key at a meeting be given by the grid-graph at Hill of that society at the Union last night. auditorium tomorrow covering the re-I The election of officers for the cur- sults of the Michigan-Wisconsin foot- rent year and the appointment of ball game at Madison, according to committees to handle the two impor- John M. Bennett, '27L, who is in tant entertainments this fall was the charge of the board. A complete over- principal business disposed of. hauling of the board has taken place. Fred Hill, '27, was appointed chair- Three or more cheerleaders willsbe man of the committee which will en- on hand to lead the crowd in yells tertain 16 visiting cross country teams throughout the game. Reports of oth- at a luncheon at the Union the day er contests will be given between the of + -a --a I a , halves and during any intermissions. I SI