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October 14, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-14

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110itan Dail~
Published er morning except Monday
during the Unive ity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
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Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
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_rank E. Mosher Win. J. Weinman
F. A. Nordquist

of 40 per cent spirit were sold in
Moscow, and in the evening the
crowds began buying the more ex-T
pensive 60 per cent cognac, many ag/A
of* the liquor stores having sold F.
out of the less expensive drink. R.
Police stations were soon filledII.
with persons under arrest for fighting
or for being found senseless, and This column this day will be given
ambuliances and hospitals were over- over (or devoted) to the part of being
worked taking care of those who. had a freshman rhetoric instructor. The
over-imbibed. art is very simple and is practiced by
Already there is talk in Moscow of a large majority of the students who
new restrictions or of temporary pro-'
hibition. The only restriction which are freshmen laws and have lots of
is at present existent is that n) one spare time. Those who have partici-
under the age of eighteen may pur- pated in this form of deversion or
chase vodka. pedagogy or murder, depending upon I
Simultaneous with the report from the way you look at it, claim that it
Russia, Rev. Ivan S. Prokhanoff of
Lenigrd, president of the All-Rus- is quite amusing.
sian Union of Evangelical churches, We have been deeply interested in
speaking at the Disciples of Christ this matter ever since we were a
convention at Oklahoma City, made frosh and pondered upon what our
the assertion that: "Present Russia's r. i. could, had, or hoped to be. With
salvation lies in the recent lifting of this in mind we formally interviewed
the prohibition lawby the Soviet gov- one of this unique' specie, and our in-
ernment." He claims that instead of terview follows:
having one drunkard in a home, as THE INTERVIEW
was the case before . prohibition,
every home became a distillery fol-. WE: Pardon, sir, but we are fron
Rolls, we would like an interview.
lowing the ban on the sale of liquors. HE: Oh, yes come in, won't you sit
Parents made vodka and even served .How.Ohees oe nteuhs hat
it to their children. As a result, the but is unable to do so since we ad-
law was producing a rising genera- dressed him.)
tion of drunkards and lawbreakers. de Cod upstls m
A prohibitive extreme, after the ban thing aCou y u pleasehtell us sohet-
is lifted, is generally followed by a oric instructor? an
reactionary extreme lasting for some HE:i Wellutre
months before normalcy can again be E: Well, there is very little to
attansed. Re no~a' etur nagainor- b tell, all we do is sign enough themes
to keep the youngsters happy, and
malty, following her unsteady regime, throw them in the waste basket.
will naturally be gradual, and she
must suffer the reactionary dificul- WE:eBt hat do u do h
ties Inthi liht, he utbeakof the waste basket is full?
ties. In this light, the outbreako HE: Oh, it's emptied at times you
drunkenness in Moscow is nothing to
regard with gknow.
rgrwihgreiat alarm. WE : Oh, how do you mark the kid-
Considering the amount of agita-
tion which is present in the United dies?
States for a lifting of our prohibition HE: That's huite simply, really.
law, ad the rowWef doereadinthe exanms, you know!
law, and the growth of feeing in WE: Well, that certainly is simply,
favor of the sale of light wines andbuwhtdyotakaotincs?
beer, i migt b wel fo it tobut what do you talk about in class?
HE: Talk about? You don't seem to
watch the Russian situation care-
fully. By studying the results of
laws in other countries, we may be that necessary. You just start and
say you are going to talk +about some
'abledto avoid circumstances which dignified subject. Then you just
string together a lot of long words
and that's all.
"What the Knock-Test Proves!" is EE: But where did you learn all
the title of an advertisement in the this? Have you being to Teachers'
Boston Evening Transcript. We College or some other institution?
didn't read the fad, but there's a lot HE: Oh, no, I am a freshman law,
of food for thought in that title. but you learn all this at the depart-
mental luncheons at the Union. It isI
WHEN A CRIMINAL FAILS- all traditional, you know.
Can the number of crimes be re- WE: But you must have had bril-
duced to a minimum? Represent- liant marks-
ative Prout of the Massachusetts leg- HE: Oh, no, not at all. You see I
islature thinks it can, .and has intro- used to work on the Gargoyle, but
duced a bill into the state house of I've been ineligible for two years, so
representatives which embodies his I decided to do this instead.
plan. WE: Well, well, that's too bad. We

TilS A,'it'!O : The Organ
Recital in hill auditorlui1 at 4:15
TONl(CllT: 3lMICs present W. S.
Gilbert's "Engaged" in the iines
Theatre at S:30 o'clock.
* * *
A review, by Robert Mansicld.
Amid a loud jabber of (on.,crUstion
on the part of the audience, Ahimes of
the Michigan Union made a most
noble attempt to start their opening
production of the year last nigl
Their greatest inistake undounotdly
lay in the fact that they not only
tried but succeeded in starting the
performance on tine -.n act whic
so injured the tendier feelings of the }
audience that there came the only-to-
be-expected outburst of indignalion.
And so the first few lines were lost.
But Mimes is notei for its reco v-
eries. In a most a brupt and unseem-
ly manner, the (mains were drawn.
Finally the audience set tled down. To
the surprise and delight of those who
came to witness a play, the perfor-;
mance was begun again, and from the
begiiing. This time some of the
lines were audible, reuenered indis-
tinct here and there by too much
practiced broad Gaelic accent.




.. ,.

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Have you ever had your hat cleaned
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(17 Packard Ireet Phone 7415.
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Wednesday, October 14
Dancing Classes will be held on
Wednesday and Friday evenings
from 7:00 to 7:45


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Enroll Now!I

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Vice-President Charles G. Dawes,
crusader in any field in which a cru-
sade is needed, is preparing to storm

' I
tE. vncrtImer snu ~er
All of which is more or lesi ntro-
ductory. The unfotunate event oc-
curred, was ably dispensed wh, and
the play was presented most excel-
As adv'ertised in the hand~hill,%
"Engaged" was perloried P":x<--cly
as presented (with great applmu:se) in
1877." The foothimp lighter of the
early stage was present, and although
his taper served only t) lig'at h 1" way
to the modern electrical appliances
which he forthwith turned into their
sockets, his part serived well to put
the audience in a frame of mii cal-
culated to give the play a good rccep-
tion. ,
As to the acting, the palm undoubt-
edly goes to Robert H tenderson in the
part of Belinda T reh-rne. As a con-
spiring near-spinister of the period,
he made the most of his opportnni-
ties. In fact his acting was so na-
tural and convincing that when there
came a slip of the tongue in one of
the lines, there was a considerable
question in my mind as to whethe le
had made the slily andicorete it,
or had followed Gilbert's copy to the
word. To say the least 1his em-
barrassment was quite natural.
There is no need to discuss the play
itself. Advertised as a burlesque, it
most emphatically meets the require-
ments of that type of play. The coo-
edy is excellent, the lines elevetr-lr

the redoubts of the venerable tiate The new bill is nothing more than
of the United States, abolish its time- an amendment to the present law of
honored rules and regulations, rele- Massachusetts dealing with robbery
gate "minority control" to the limbo, under arms. The present law, pro-
and transform the Senate chamber vides, in the case of actual robbery
into an efficient business office, spe- while armed or with the aid of arms,
cializing in wholesale legislation. a term "of life or for any term of
The Senate has safely withstood all years." When robbery is merely at-
assaults on its dignity for some time, tempted by an armed man, the sen-
but in the fighting general, they have tence is "not more than twenty
a Nemesis who has an enviable record years."
in the way of accomplishing things. Mr. Prout, in his new bill, regards
He 'lives to fight, according to his attempted robbery and the actual
friends, and, the European situation carrying but of the act in the same
being settled under, the Dawes plan category as far as the sentence is
to his approval, he is planningan ex- concerned. He wants to change the
tensive. campaign against the un~ law to read "for life or for any termE
fortunate Senate. And he carries of years in excess of twenty years."
popular approval, which is the real This appears like a drastic law, but
kick behind the "Hell and Maria" is it too drastic?
speeches which he hurls at his op- This country has , a great many
ponets at intervals. "stick-up" men who have a great
It is true that the deliberations of contempt for the laws. We certainly
the Senate are bound by an enormous have more than enough laws, and
amount of governmental "red tape," Mr. G. A. Parker, former head of the'
enabling the minority to hold out in- Massachusetts State police, says that
definitely, blocking all necessary leg- the law in that state is being well
islation until the majority is forced enforced. But is it so peculiar that
to capitulate. There is a need of re- the law holds no fear for the crim-
form-perhaps not in the bombastic inal, when we consider that, with the
manner in which the general goes aid of a good lawyer, he can usually
into action, but in some way that will get off with a light sentence? A
bring about the desired results. And. maudlin sentimentality has seized
after all, if Dawes takes his objective, citizens and judges in the last two
what difference will a little profanity decades, and a maximum sentence is
here and there wake? a rarity. The judge hates to be hard
Although the Vice-President is hearted, so he gives the condemned
muzzled while he is presiding in the little more than the minimum sen-j
Senate chamber, there are no rules tence, and the governors and the
to keep him silenced when that body pardon boards also feel sympathetic
is in recess. His plan is to take his for the convicted man, so they pardon
campaign back to the people, contest- him and thousands of his cellmates
ing the re-election of those who op- long before their sentences should ex
pose him in their own districts. The pire.
fear of having the Vice-President of In the days when highway robbery
the United States delivering his en- I was punishable by public execution,
thusiastic orations in behalf of rivals robbery was not a common vocation.
in their home territory is liable to When most major crimes in England
bring the balky senators to time in called for the death penalty, the
short order. courts were not kept busy with major
At least, the United States has a criminals. Modern civilization finds
Vice-President who is too energetic to this type of punishment lamentable
be politically buried for four years, for its severity, and so it was, but
and who is willing to lead the attack humanely drastic sentences seem to
on the Senate even while he is sup- be absolutely necessary under the
posedly resting in the presiding chair present conditions.
of that body. Although the sixteenth and seven-
teenth century laws were much too
Lest we forget-football players severe, Representative Prout's pro-
are only human. posal suggests a remedy for the ex-
____________+___~1 ..-.vifs-.o. - xr 1 - T~c.. .-.t


mean that was fortunate for you
wasn't it.
HE: Yes, and it pays more than
the Gargoyle does too.
WE: That seems strange-Such at
variety of salaries for the same kind
of work!
And that's that.
* * *
A stylish young coed was Jane
For her new hat an ostrich was,
But the feather, you know
Her neck tickled so
That she's now in a home for in-
* * *
A new agent for this department is


We upholster and repair all
furniture. Quality and -work-
manship show in the product.
21S E. Huron Tel. 3432

Private showing by
Tuesday and Wednesday
October 13 and 14
2 to 5 P. M.
BEN FRIEDMAN, Local Reprcsentative
Telephone 3540


Rollo. He is very nice for a Ford. p t fC:
And very speedy and quiet. He less interesting in suspense. The oft
neither charlestons nor shimmies. We repeated "line," to use the word in a
are just getting acquainted, as it quite modern and campus sense, of
were, there is little to be said for Cheviot Hill provides a. local interest
him. Or against him, for that mat- which evidently met with the anprov-
ter. al of all students present.
Neal Nylund as' Cheviot 1111,th
Rollo is very much like many of his heo of the p s di Hll, the
brothers and sisters, around here, and So also did Thomas Denton as r
at times we have difficulty in dis- Symperso, nill's uncle. The IatA
tinguishing him, but at any rate he is was selected witb praiseworthy care
not without companionship. And and the result highly desirable.
there is something about him-per- There were, of course, some Slips.
haps its just the way the fenders are If there had not been, many of the
bent, that gives him, even in im- audience would have been disappoint-
bent tht gveshim evn i im ed. No college show Is complete with-
maturity, a dominating little person- out Nhe sut V isoving its
I ality. He is also a well set-up little worth to the campus. Whemi "The
fellow. Well, we like him, anyway. Cloister" was presented two years
. * * ago, Mliimes brought to this country a
This show at the Mimes tries to get first presentation of that unusual
away with "The Miracle" stuff all the I lay. la bringing "Engaged" they
time. They have people running up have given the campus a treat and an
education. Traditions of the earlier
and down the isles and everything, stage were shown through careful ad-
The second act set was swell, but herence on the part of the director to
we never saw such tremendous flies those traditions. The effect of per-
as they have painted on the walls. sons entering from a dist ance and out
The girls parts are simply screaming. of doors by means of bringing them
The one who raves about her beauty. in through the audience was one of
Maggie, we guess her name was. She i the most conspicuous of these tricks.
reminded us of the ladies they have There is one other thing. Either
. Mr. Gilbert had a knack for coinin-
in these song and dance acts at the slang phrases fat in advance of his
Maj.. j time, or some local hand felt the need
of tou:ching up the playwrite's lines.
A Prefect Rhyme for during a heated argument, Mr.
What rhyme's with Smith Symperson (I believe it was) was
The poet said heard to exclaim loudly: "And So's
your old man!" True enough it was
and scratched his head, funny-ridiculous in fact--but it rang
Nothing but Smith-- harshly upon ears attuned at the mo-
H-is on t ni l~n I...,_L <. _ ___ , .

By White



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