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October 14, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-14

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A 46F







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Dr. Lange Koch, Danish Exporer, Will
Collaborate with Prof. Hobbs
in Planning Stations
That the establishment of meteoro-
logical stations in Greenland by the
proposed University of Michigan ex-
pedition to that island next summer,
in cooperation with a similar explor-
ation by the Danish government, will
provide the means of warning Europe
of the approach of violent storms
from that region, is the opinion of
Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the
geology department.
Since his return from Europe this
summer, where he was the official sci-
entific advisor for the next Greenland
expedition to be undertaken by the
Danish government, Professor Hobbs
has been making preliminary arrange-
ments for the University expedition
which he will lead next summer pro-
vided the proper funds can be raised.
"At certain intervals," said Profes-
sor Hobbs yesterday, "air waves rush
out from all sides of Greenland with
hurricane velocity which appears to
be the origin of storms that travel
over Europe. If we can send forth
word by wireless, after our meteoro-
logical stations ha-ve been established
on the island, just as soon as thse
so-called hurricanes begin, we can,
give ample warning to all of Europe
of their approach.
Could Detect Storms
"Observations indicate that nearly
all of the storms which sweep north-
ern and southern Europe are these
hurricanes which have their origin
on the inland ice of Greenland. I
believe they could easily be detected
at the height which the stations
.would be located so that, the l~tter ,
would prove oftremendous value."
Dr. Lange Koch, Danish explorer,
who has already commanded two ex-
peditions through the heart of Green-
land, and who consulted 1Irofessor
Hobbs during the summer relative to
the next trip, will leave next July to
spend two years on the island with
other explorers from Denmark. The
base of his expedition will be Scorby's
sound on the eastern coast. In 1927
Dr. Koch plans to make a sledge
journey across the frozen wasteland,
directly through the middle of the
island, to the western coast.
Professor Hobbs expects to pene-
trate the island from the western
coast next summer at Holstenborg.
Ile plans to establish two meteoro-
logical'stations, one in the interior
at an elevation of 5,000 feet, and the
other near the inland ice east of Hol-
stenborg at an elevation of 3,000 feet.
The party will first explore the in-
terior before establishing any stations,
he said, to determine 'various alti-
Two Radio Stations Planned
It is Professor Hobb's plan to erect
complete radio stations at the two
bases, and to leave two men in charge
of each. He hopes to carry supplies
to the stations by means of hydro-
planes equipped with skiis. The lat-
ter detail he believes to be entirely
feasible. Amundsen and other ex-
plorers are also of the opinion that
this will be possible, he said.
The 'Norwegian government has as-
sured Professor Hobbs that he , will
receive full cooperation in the pro-
posed expedition with the establish-
ment of radio stations by that coun-
try on the islands of Spitzbergen and
Jan Mayen, east of Greenland. Den-
mark has so agreed to erect a radio
station in Iceland.t s
Dr. Koch has already established a
colony at Scorby's sound in prepara-I
tion forthe trip nextssummer.pThirty
eskimos comprise the settlement, and
arenow engaged in erecting a radio
ProfessorHobbs is planning to take
several members of the geology de-
partment with him next summer.
Few if any, will remain in the in-

tenor for any length of time, he said,
due to the intense cold, where the
temperature is frequently recorded as
40 degrees below zero during the sum-
mer. Experienced explorers will be
those stationed at the two bases to
carry on the observation work.

Continued Effort Is Advice Given
Legal Students By Regent Murfin
In Speech At Lawyers' Club Smoker
"Work, hard and sustained work- school, in his introduction of Regent
that's the best advice I can give to al Murfin, outlined improvements which
man entering the profession of law," he expected to be achieved in the
Ractivities of the club and urgedthat
Regent James 0. Murfin embodied in each member strive particulary for
his address at the smoker held -last that spirit of co-operation requested
night at the Lawyers' Club and at- by the donor of the institution, Wil-
tended by President Clarence Cook hiam W. Cook.
Little and members of the law school "Builded in Majesty," the new
faculty. Lawyers' Club song, was introduced by
Judge Murfin, who has recently Barre Hill, S. of M. The score was
been elected to the board of gover- composed by Milton Peterson, '27L;
nors of the Lawyers' Club, in gen- the author of the verse remains
eral, confined his talk to concrete anonymous. Barre Hill also sang a
suggestions of aid to those on the second selection, "Michigan Mem-
threshold of legal practice. ories," taken from a recent Union
"When you start practicing law, Opera. Three xylophone solos,- "Song
you will work five times as hard as of India," "Let Me Call You Sweet-
you do now. When you get through, heart," and Tosti's "Goodby," were
about all you will have is a reputa- played by K. E. Midgley, '28L. Other
tion-so take care to make it a good ( instrumental music was supplied by
one.!" Beta Theta Pi orchestra. The sched-
Among his several "practical point- uled program was concluded with an
ers," the judge emphasized the ne- act by Arthur Eltinge, a professional
cessity of getting all the facts of a magician. Refreshments were served
case before being concerned with the in the club dining room and there fol-
statutes applicable. lowed an informal social hour.
"The difference," he stated, "be- President Little, although declining
tween an honest and dishonest lawyer to contribute to the program, later
is that the former suits the law to the I stated that he had been much im-
fact, whereas the latter, twists facts pressed by the institution and was
to fit the law." appreciative of an opportunity to see
Dean Henry M. Bates of the law it in activity.





Diplomatic Washington Testifies
Admiration and Respect for
Former War Head


( !
Production Directed by Henderson
Presented Last Night Before
Capacity Audience

Captain Duncan Maneuvcrs DisabledJ
Plante to Safe Landing With
Broken Wing Strut


"Engaged," the three act burlesque
written by W. S. Gilbert, wgich was
performed in the Mimes theater last
night before a capacity audience, will
be repeated again tonight, as its final
appearance. The performace of this
play marks the re-establishment of a
regular series of legitimate plays, in,
addition to the regular Union opera,
inaugurated by the Mimes organiza-
tion four years ago.
A review of last night's per-
formance of "Engaged" will be
found in the music and drama
, column for today.
The production is under the direc-
tion ofpRobert Henderson, '26, and
was supervised by E. Mortimer Shut-
.en. The cast includes Neal Nyland,
'26, Barre Hill, '26, James Martin,
'27, and Valentine Davies, '27. Set-
tings for the play were especially de-
signed by Robert Woods, '28, and
were executed in the Mimes work-
shop. Music incident to the produc-
tion is furnished by a trio under the
direction of Joseph Ellis, '26.
"Engaged," which is a parody of the
Victorian type of melodrama, was re-
'vived a few months ago by the Stag-
ers in New York, and became one of
the most popular plays of the season.
There are still a few desirable seats
left for tonight's performance. These
iwill be placed on sale from 12 to 6 o'-
clock today at the box office in the
Mimes theater. '-
The Royal Veterinary College in,
London cares for domestic animals
in all their injuries and ailments and
is the largest institution of its kind
in the world.
Guests who plan dangerous moun-
tain climbs are requested to pay their
bills in advance by one Alpine hotel.

(By Associated Press)I
MITCHELL FIELD, N. Y., Oct. 13.-'
The 1925 national air races were
brought to a dramatic close today
with a superb example of an army
aviator's judgment, skill and cool-
ness in the fact of danger.
With the left landing wheel and its
struts torn away, against telephone
and power lines, from the large Doug-
las transport plane lhe was piloting in
the Detroit News trophy race, Capt.
Early W. Duncan, of Langley Field,
Virginia, faced with one of aviation's I
most dangerous situations, neverthe-
less made a safe landing in full view
of a breathless crowd.
Thousands stood transfixed as they
realized the position of the aviator
and his passenger, Sergt, William'
Morehead, also of Langley Field.
They burst into tears after the
plane glided slowly to the ground
with the motor throttled down, taxied
along for one hundred yards, balanc-
ed on its remaining landing wheel,
and came to a stop by digging its
nose into the ground.
The propeller was crumpled againsti
the ground, the nose of the plane wasI
bent and a wing dragged with some
damage. But the two fliers stepped
from their cockpits unhurt.
Elected To Fill
Union Vacancies
Through an inadvertency, the elec-
tion of Beaumont Parks, '26L, and
William Colman, '26E, as vice-presi-J
I dents of the Union was omitted from
the proceedings of the board of di-
rectors at its special meeting last
Saturday. Parks will replace Egbert
Isbell, '26L, who resigned, due to in-
eligibility, and Colman replaces
Rensis Likert, '26E, who no longer
represents the Engineering college
after transferring to the litrary col-
The Panama Canal Zone's average
temperature is 79-degrees.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-John
Wingate Weeks regretfully stepped
out of public life today, relinquishing
his office of Secretary of War to
Dwight F. Davis, assistant secertary,
world war veteran, and holder of the
distinguished service cross for gal-
lantry in action.
Mr. Weeks will leave Washington
1 tomorrow night to begin a six months
period of leisure and travel, which his
physicians hope will bring him com-
plete restoration of health. He de-
ferred his departure in order to be
present tomorrow when Chief Justice
Taft, at his personal request, admin-
istered the oath of office to Mr. Davis.
In neary a quarter century of pub-
lic service, Mr. Weeks has never
known a moment of greater pride
than came to him today after the an-
nouncement that he had found it ne-
cessary to resign. There was an im-
mediate outpouring from the White
House of prominent members, of his
associates in the War Department,
and of friends and citizens of widely
different political faith, testifying to
the admiration and respect in which
he was held and to the regret with
which his withdrawal from public life
was viewed.
In his letter of resignation, the re-
tiring secretary made it clear that
his physical suffering of the last few
months had in no wise dimmed his
keen interest in public affairs and
particularly in the problems of the
War Department.
Aircraft's Gas I
Valves Unsafe
Officers State
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-Changes'
made in the gas cell installation on
the airship Shenandoah were de-
clared unsafe today by the construc-
tion officers appearing before the
naval court of inquiry. Both added,
however, that, with a crew as skilled
as that of this airship, the alterations
were not necessarily dangerous.
Commander Ralph D. Weyerbacher,
who constructed the Shenandoah, said
he had known Lieut. Roland G. Mayer
and Charles G. Bauch, officers in
charge of the gas cells, had great
confidence in their skill and ability,
and would have felt safe aboard the
Shenandoah with them on the job to
look at the new valve arrangement.
Commander Garland Fulton, who
approved the change with a warning
that it would, not be as "fool proof"
as the original, installation, declared
the Shenandoah crew was one of the
most experienced that could be found
and that it was because of this that
the alteration was authorized. He
said the total gaf valve capacity was
reasonable, but that he would have
preferred to have more of it in the
automatic instead of the maneuvering
or hand valves.
Railroad Brotherhood Must Transfer
Teamsters to Separate Union
(By Associated Press)
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Oct. 13.-
The Brotherhood of Railway Clerks,
with a total membership of 91,200,
today was suspended from the Ameri-
can Federation of Labor, unless, with-
in the next ninety days, it transfers
to the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, all drivers, chauffeurs,
stable men, and garage employees,
heretofore under the jurisdiction of
the Clerks. The vote to suspend was
on a roll call 23,845 to 3,895.
In a signed statement given to the

s press, after the convention had ad-
- journed, five of the six delegates of
- the Railway Clerks declared they
~ would decline to give up jurisdiction.
n The convention transacted a mass

Eight Bishops
Nominated For
Chief Diocese
(By Associated Press)
NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 13.-
Eight bishops were placed in nomina-
tion by the House of Bishops this af-
ternoon for presiding bishop of the
Protestant Episcopal church in the
United States. From the eight a
bishop will be elected tomorrow to
act as presiding bishop and president
of the council.
Those nominated were: Bishop
Charles H. Brent, Western New York;
Thmas F. Gailor, Tennessee; John
Gardner Murray, Maryland; Edward
L. Parsons, California; William Ca-
bel Brown, Virginia; Alexander
Mann, Pittsburgh; James DeWolfe
Perry, Rhode Island; and Hugh L,
Burleson, North Dakota.
The House of Deputies today ac-
cepted a report of the committee on
canons recommending that the reso-
lutions presented it from the diocese
of Southern Ohio regarding divorce
and remarriage should not be ac-
The resolutions, while approving
the state's power to grant divorce,
would have made the ecclesiastical
authority of the dioces the final au-
thority for remarriage after divorce.
The House of Bishops by unani-
mous vote declined to accept the
House of Deputies amendment fixing
the salary of the presiding bishop, to
be elected tomorrow at $18,000. The
bishops insisted on the original figure
of $15,000 and appointed a conference
committee in an effort to reach an
Rare Copies Of
Books Shown In
Library Exhibit
Association copies of many old
books are now on exhibition in the
cases lining the Library. An associa-
tion copy is one which is valuable to
the bibliophile for the associations it
holds rather than for its value purely
as a book. Generally they are books
sent by the author to his friends.
Emerson's copy of Walt Whitman's
"Leaves of Grass" (first edition) prob-
ably holds the greatest interest of
the collection. Besides these associa-
tions it was given to Frank Sanborn
by Emerson not long after the latter
had received it. The Library secured
it at the sale of Sanborn's library.
Samuel L. Clemens' copy of a ninth
edition of Robinson Crusoe, which was
printed in 1748, is not without inter-
est. An autographed copy of a speech
given by Daniel Webster in 1850 is
in the same case as Mark Twain's
When Thomas Carlyle first had his
"Sartor Resartus" printed in Fraser's
Magazine not much notice was given
it. However, about 50 copies of it
were reprinted in a magazine type of
binding for presentation copies. In
the Library exhibit there is a copy
with the author's autograph and re-
marks, which was presented to Henry
Drummond, Esq.


:30-Literary college in Nat-
4:ra0l Scinceauditorium,o
4:00-Law school mn room B3 of
the Law building.,
4:30-Architectural college in
lecture room 1 of the A-
chitectural annex.
5:00---Pharmacy school in roomf
151 of the Chemistry build-
11:00-Engineers in room 348 of
th? Engineering building.
4:00-Education school in room
109, Tappan hall.
5:00-Dental school in lower
lecture hall, Dental build-
Union Library
Number Many
Standard Sets
With the contribution of $2,000 last
summer by Mrs. Edward Waldo I
Pendleton, donor of the Pendleton
library in the Union, for the purchase
of books, and a number of literary!
donations by alumni, the shelves of
the new library are now practically
filled. Standard works of fiction and
many biographical volumes are num-
bered among the collection.
A committee chosen to select the
books, following Mrs. Pendleton's
contribution for this purpose. There
are still a number of books to be pur-
chased, although the library is about
complete. The committee is com-
prised of W. W. Bishop, University
librarian; F. D. L. Goodrich, assist-
ant librarian; Prof. A. L. Cross of the
history department; and Robert An-
gell of the sociology department.
The library is now used extensively
by students and faculty members.
From 20 to 50 persons occupy the'
large room at all hours during the
day and night. It was given the'
Union by Mrs. Pendleton in memory
of her husband.
Wisconsin Seats
Will Be On Sale
Two More Days
Tickets for the Wisconsin-Michti-
gan game at Madison next Saturday
will be on sale at the Administration7
building of the athletic association
at Ferry field until tomorrow night,
provided they last that long, H=Tarry
Tillotson, business manager of the
association, announced yesterday.
The Michigan section contains 3,-
500 seats, practically all of which
have been sold, so that it is probable
that the supply will be exhausted be-
fore Thursday. Students desiring.
seats are urged to apply for them
today. Reports from Madison state
that Randall field will be entirely sold
out for the game, which is the feature
of Wisconsin's annual home-coming
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 13-The Mu-
sicians' Mutual Protective Association

Heath ani Cavanaugh Back Barton in
Declaring Executive Counil
Without Satus
That the recent committee appoint-
ments of the Union, as made by Al-
bert B. Adams, '26, president did not
all receive the approval of the ap-
pointment committee, as provided in
the constitution, was again asserted
yesterday by Richard Barton, '26, re-
cording secretary, with the sustantia-
tion of statements to this effect by
Homer Heath, general manager of the
Union, and Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L,
general secretary.
Barton's declaration on Monday that
the executive council of the Union has
no official status in that its entire
personnel, the chairmen of 13 com-
mittees, had not received the approval
of the appointment committee, was
contradicted by Adams who said that
four appointment committee votes
had been recorded for each man be-
fore the list had been given out for
Barton said yesterday that five
names had been definitely approved
by the committee as selections for
committee chairmen, rather than
three as reported Monday. Six others
were agreed upon by the committee
as acting chairmen, and not final ap-
pointments, he stated, while the se-
lections of the two assistant record-
ing secretaries was also temporary
rather than definite as stated by
Adams when the announcements were
made to The Daily.
Ieath Backs Barton
"The five appointments and the six
chosen as acting chairmen were
agreed upon by the committee at its
first meeting," said Barton, "whereas
the appointment of hairmen to two
other committees were not even men-
tioned nor were the assistant chair-
men named by Adams."
Mr. Heath and Cavanaugh were
agreed upon the point yesterday that
the appointments were handled in
precisely this manner. "The list as
it appeared in The Daily never re-
ceived my approval," said Mr. Heath.
According to Barton, the following
were the only definite appointments
as approved by the committee: Karl
Crawford ,'27, chairman of the re-
ception committee; Lawrence Buell,
'27, chairman of the entertainment
committee; Robert Price, '27, chair-
man of the lectures committee; Les-
ter Johnson, '27L, chairman of the
debt committee; and Elliot Chamber-
lain, '27, chairman of the life mem-
bership committee: In the announce-
ment of Adams, Johnson was placed
as head of the underclass committee
and Theodore Maynard, '27, was
named chairman of the debt commit-
Temporary Chairmen Named
The following were delared by- Bar-
ton to be temporary chairmen ap-
pointments only: Charles Spencer, '26,
publicity; Howell Russ, '27, house;
Hugh Chalmers, '27, banquets; David
Camnelon, '27, underclass; Earl Blaser,
'27, tutorial; Theodore Maynard, '27,
alumni relations; and Paul Starrett,
'27A, and Walter Kuenzel, '27E,. as as-
sistant recording secretaries.
The Union constitution provides
that "the president of the Union, its

general manager, its financial secre-
tary, its recording secretary, and its
general secretary, ox-officio, shall
constitute a standing appointment
committee, a majority of which shall
have sole power to appoint all stand-
ing committees and all other commit-
tees authorized by the board of di-
A meeting of the appointment com-
mittee is expected to be held within
a few days at which time the matter
will be gone into in detail, comnittee
members say.

VANCOUVER, Oct. 13.-Provincial has informed its members a boycott
lumber mills are finding a wider and has been declared against KHJ, the
wider market for their products as Los Angeles Times radio broadcast-
time goes on, the latest customer be- ing station, because of opposition to
ing Mauritius, off the east coast of union demands for a special rate of
Africa. pay for broadcasting work.

Officers on leave within a five-' Lakes naval training station will re-
state radius of Michigan have been present the Navy on the field before
given first chance to make applica- the game and between halves. The
touch of military color will be given
I tion for the 2,000 seats reserved by to the stands by the visiting officers,
the United States Naval academy for and students and faculty members
the Michigan-Navy game, Oct. 31. who have served in the navy will
These seats were disposed of soon appear in uniform. The Army-Navy
after sale was announced. Present1 clubs of Detroit and Ann Arbor will
j active members of the academy are send delegates in full dress.
allowed to leave Annapolis but once The night after the game a mii-
during the year for sport occasions, tary ball will be staged in the Armory
and this year it will be for the Army by time Ani Arbor American Legion
game. However, the sailors will see
Michigan in action next year, when A 96 page program will be ready
lMichigan plays the Navy at an east- for distribution before the game. Thi
Sern point not yet determined. is now being prepared under the di
Curtis Dwight Wilbur, Secretary of, rection of Philip C. Pack, '18, pub
the Navy, will occupy one of the licity manager of the Athletic assoc
hoxs at the game. and Adi. L. M. iation. Pictures of Michigan men

Students driving to Madison will
find below the complete routing, pub-
lished by the courtesy of the Ann
Arbor branch of the Detroit automo-
bile club. The distance of 402 miles
is all paved, with the exception of a
few miles between Chicago and Mad-
ison. !
Drivers are warned about traffic
regulations, as all the roads will be
heavily policed. A special warning
is given while driving in Madison,
that all traffic around the Capitol
building is one way and to the right.
Camp Randall, the field on which
the gridiron is located, lies south of
University avenue opposite the Agri-
cultural building. There will be signs1
and guide posts placed by the Automo-
bile clubs and many stations where.
information can be secured.
The route as logged follows:
00.0-Leave Ann Arbor on M-17 at
*courthouse, straight ahead on
Huron St., and beyond go under R.?
R. viaduct.
00.8-Fork left with pavement.
24.7-GRASS LAKE, through with I
27.3-Caution: curve right and left'
under R. R. viaduct {

35.5-Long curve right, and beyond,j
curve left with concrete joining R.
R. on right.
44.0-PARMA, pass depot on left.
51.5-Fork right at cross roads onto
Michigan Ave.
52.3-MARSHALL, keep ahead on
Michigan Ave.
52.6-Curve right half way around
park, and keep straight on M-17.
62.0-Go under trolley viaduct.
62.4-Cross bridge over R. R.
63.6-Cross R. R. onto Marshall Ave.
64.0-Cross R. R.
64.3-Cross R. R.


65.7-BATTLE CREEK, turn left
around monument onto Division St. S n.
leaving M-17. BusinessSenors
65.9-Turn right at cross streets on- Elect Offi
to Fountain St.
66.0-Cross bridge over canal and
beyond cross two R. R. Seniors in the School of B
66.4-Fork right with trolley onto Administration elected the fo
Upton St. men as officers of their classa
67.1-Go under R. R. viaduct. tions held Monday afternoon: L
77.8-Fork right with pavement onto nard Phelps, president; Fra
Avenue A. Case, , vice-president; Berna
80.4-Follow concrete straight Nagelvoort, treasurer; andA
through remains of Camp Custer. Chronowski, secretary.
85.0-Straight through cross-roads - _

at elec
D. May-
ncis B.
rd A.
Alois J.,

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