ESTABLISHED 1890.< C, r Itr 41w at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 3 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS CHERNG SEC TIN Hoover And New Testify Before President's Air Inquiry Board " (By the Associated Press) (Commercial aviation w is presente Washington, D. C., Sept. 23. - The today as an industry of i'proven mnerits president's air board completed today and the story of its rogress as told the first day of its inquiry into avia- by Mr. New and Mr. lloover, was in tion by hearing Postmaster-General n s pevious testiminy dis- A NNOUN('E NSCHEDULE FOR FOURNew and Secretary Hoover and then contrast to p A OUOTBELLPEDI.)MEETINGS U it recessed until Sunday. closing differences of opinion between FO TiALL1 AEP EETIMGS Adding to the mass of information army and navy. Mr. New prefaced his THIS FALL already supplied by the War and Navy testimony with a statement that p0os- departments, the two cabinet mem- tal air mail had ino connection with APPROVE HOUSES bers avoided the controversial issues the military air dispute, but when ______ involved and discussed commnercial questioned as to his views on nifica reshmen Class Elections Postponed aviation and development of the air tion of the air service he joined Act-I F ne der las Ions M o e dmail service. ing-Secretary of War Davis aind See- In Order To 1dcsso MOre The recess was to enable the board retary Wilbur in opposing the pro- donteligent Votmg members to attend to private affairs posal. Secretary Ihoov r was not and also to reexamine the testimony questioned at all by the board and Rules governing the distribution of already introduced. Upon reconven- confined his statement to coinmerial tickets for seats in th'e cheering see- ing the board will hear from air pilots, air activities. lie advocated the rera-) tion to be formed in the south stands among them Col. William Mitchell, tion of a bureau of civil aeroiutie, of Ferry field for all home football former assistant chief of the army air however, and he believes that a self-t games were passed by the Student service, and whose attacks on the supporting air servie for cormenircal council at its meeting last night at government's military aviation policy transportation is now a psdibility the Union. largely were responsible for the in- within the United States for w hich the The special section will be located ception of the inquiry. He is expect- federal government should immediate- on the 50-yard line, in section H. ed to appear on Tuesday. ly provide.I Seats in this portion of the starnds - A will be limited to male students ofI &hI senior, junior and sophomore -classes. When students who desire to.. sit in the cheering section make ap- plication for extra seats, such seats ! fl will be located in other parts of the stadium. It was also found necessary, UI to announce that students who have --, already signed up for the cheering section cannot make changes in their Abd-El-Krim Plans Large Offensive to Fifty Gradu wie dent IRe;ster ticket applications, due to the com- Bolster Prestige Lost in Lafe, Br n1Ing ScHio N plexity of the system of ticket distri- Unfaorable Battles Agg'regaite to 1 1 bution. Plans for the cheering sections at SITUATION UNCHANGED AGGREGATE NOW 9,197 the Illinois game at Champaign and -- ----r the Northwestern game at Chicago (By The Associated Press) The U~niversity today has a ttal en- were not discussed and are still ten-1 e ne'n d st i l 2Quezzan,French Morocco, Se . rolrnent of 9,197, showing an increaset tative. 3.-Abd-EKrim, the ffan chief, is of 123 since yest erdoida thle result of Pep 14eet'lgs Annonced 2.AdE-rm h ifa hei late registratios, acordin to tiur s The special committee in charge of reported to have' offered rewards late r egistra rin to tigh. sisued by lZegist ra ~I ra it b. the arrangements for pepI meetings totaling $5,000 for every member of Wednesday's h'a.,iest" rei-tration preceding the major football games, the Riffian squadron, composed of was reported in the Graduat school which is under the direction of Charles f American volunteer aviators, brought where 50 enrollekd, brin,:ng the! Grube, '26, announced the following to him, dead or alive. shool's present regirato 4 to4n meetings, all at Hill auditorium: Fri- - --- The literaryeclleg r m bd scsonii day night, Oct. 3, preceding opening Fez, French Morocco, Sept. 23.-In- with 37 registoring; w hile 14 entered of the 1925 season against Michigan formation reaching Fez from Moroc- the Colleges of Entgineering and A- State college; Friday night, Oct. 30, can sources, gathered by the French chitecture. preceding the Navy game; and Friday intelligence service, says Abd-E- In the College of Arch-it e ure "sat- night, Nov. 13, preceding the game Krim, the Riffian commander-in-chief, isfying gains" have 1 e n , poirtel i with Ohio State. wants to make a successful attack registraCon, accotding to Prof. Emili There will also be a fourth pep against the French in order to bolster Lorl, head of the Colleg. EInol i gathering the week before the game up his damaged prestige. in 'Ut i arciitecture thj -a i\tt 1' te t with Illinois, but no definite time or This 1 tifria iion tends to show the i per cent greater thani .lat, a cording u place has yet been decided upon Riffilan leader is sending troops to the to best available estiiates. In tai- Approved Houses for lMen Tetuan region where it is understood lating registration returns, e rullint i Acting upon a resolution submitted he hopes by piercing the Spanish line in the Colleges of Engineering uand by the Student council last May, the and penetrating the Tangier zone to Architecture is combined and is now Board of Regents has approved the start international diplomatic compli-1,557... appointment of an inspector of men's' cations form which he would derive I Piresent registration in other school rooming houses. This inspector has profit. and colleges today is: litrary, investigated the houses during the Emissaries of Abd-EI-Krim are said Medical, 514; Law, 5l; Nures summer and the present list of ap- to be announcing to the tribes that he Training school, 242; Pharnacy, 8G; proved rooming houses for men is on is certain of obtaining a ,great success Dental Surgery, 406; Edutaien, 423; r file in the office of Dean J. A. Bursley, at an early date. Leaders of the Business Adninistration, t1. dean