TUESDAY, OCTt7DrR 13} 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FI'v E TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1925 PAGE FI'vE THE MICHIGAN DAILY pr l START CANVAS FR0 Actiiy to be Conducted by Memblers of lItiise Organ iaioy Coianiitte of Womaen's League _,,EGINS ON WEDNESDAY HI ouse to house canvass for contri- butions toward the Charlotte Alice TPla gdon Scholarship' fund will corn- :. mence 'Wednesday and extend until Saturday morning. The activity will be conducted by the members of the House Organization committee of the W omnen's League, each organizer sup- S e rvising 'the zone assigned to her. ' A letter wil be sent to every house presidlent expl'aining the canvass so that she may read it it 'a special house meeting and ;acquaint the mem- l ers of her house with the plans. A con'tribution frd-,i every woman is re- quested. If the minimum contribu- tion of 25 cents would be given by every one of the 2000 women on camn- pus a loan fund of $500 would -be rtaised. It is expected that the older women who were personally acquaint- ed Nwith Charlotte Blagdon and who N"' League President Sets Office Hcu, s Beginning to lay, Norma Bicknell, '2% president of the W\\omen's League is to have regular ofhice hours from 12:15 o'clock to 5 o'clcck at her new office oin the seconfloor101'of Barbour ,ynilnaSium. A new teleplhone is he- iug used in connelCct ion wifth her work thiere, anid the number is 22170. 9 SI C f As a part of the work of the nem- bership committee of tihe University Y. 'W. C. A. a system whereby women may e:, lress their interest in Ihe as- sociation active'y has been worked out. This year° one women is in cha:, e of the office at Newberry hall 3ne hour a week. She is there to talk to anyone that may conme in, and do clerical work andl typing as well. One thing they are doing is getting together a temnporary directory of all the women students onl the campus, prior to the publishing of the oft cialI student directory, whiich is available to anyone coming into the office. Jessamine Gray, '26, is in charge of developing this type of work. H-er special niche as a member of the cabinet i to "connect every- member of the association who wants to do some Y. W. C. A. work with the par- ticular kind of work she is most in- terested in doing. Tfhose who are doing this office work wvill meet at 4 o'clock Thursday at Newberry hall to discuss their plans for the working out of a more definite system. Dramatlic Society To Hold Tryouts 1Tryouts for Mummers Dramatic as- sociation have been set for Wednes- day and Thursday afternoons at New- berry auditorium. This was the first meeting of the year, and committee chairmen were appointed by the president, Kathryn Clarke, '26. They include the follow- ing women: Makeup, Janet Vanden- burg, '26; pulblicity, Lila Gang, '26;. properties, Mary White, '2S; and cos- tumes, Abigail Noon, '26. (The purpose of Mumnmers is to give one-act- plays, especially for enter- tainment at Women's League parties. Miss Clarke requestedl that the wo- Uro1 wh A' t 'JLcht have'some selection fl~ tIfDE f e d ~ ok G idB tyBarbour To Sophomore women who are Inter- Ne de o kG il B tyIIa b u ested in planning a tumbling act for RRIVIUI~i USlct Garments Have New Library+ the sophmrciuswlmeta5 1_ I NVOTICES o'clock today, in Barbour gymnasum E T R 9NFor Lode, I Charity : hcbetfcio fmoenw iter Experience is not, necessary. EN ED AI- O E will comprise the new house library - plyn ! Tomxorrow is the last day on which x r ee~forsthe women'sa golrfbtourna- Progrc.'siie Party Rcheeen Iiues I1',.ve 1'gi he ww'k 01 ijof otifyilig; committee h as been formed, with the intramural hockey teams mustm tma be ad onhe ulti hdmr fFnto o 1creir r ft:_ )na ole-Jdt Beebc,'26, aschairman, I ieajboard i abu ynsu.Vr Fetr fFie infrfI'ilgSo 'I ii~i olc ldlhBetnah shave hatand lung examinations at.Brorgynsu.Vy Enterhig Women tu0017 of gai'ont s Whi has becit SOW- which will choose from the books sug- h lttle experience is necessary and the dufled for he lat of October, no- the H'ealth service at o'clock anyI tounm t is open to all women of todn 'v v"~ 'tm~ ested by the women the best and day the University. The list of opponents MA O RR O Sa~~'most popular works of the presenti j for the first round will be .posted Fri- Mrdet ~l of I he eors.ia e - clay Rehearsal for Masques' .play is .day. All new women on campus are in- spnsibrle for the gatheruvm;of con- It is the plan of the committee to scheduled at the following time. Act vited to attend the inforumal tea (lance trilblioulS which aire distributed for start the library on a limited scale I, scenes 6, 7, 8, at 4 o'clock today in Seniors and sphomores will report which will be given by Betsy Barbour !leil charities Each director has ten ;and to add new books each month. University Hall. for interlass hockey practice" at 4 mnemabers ;froar whom she wvil1)e ex-1Thie surplus from last year's treasury o'clock, and juniors and freshmen at houe ad ele Nxvbrryreidecepectcd to collect either two new ar- hxas been appropriated to the library There will be a very important 5 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday of from4 t 5:0 oclok ths ateroon ties of clothiing; or a sume of money, fund and this will probably be sup- 'meeting of all League house organz- this week. Guests will go first to Betsy bar- T o missiie the earrly colectioni of plemeonted by a small daily charge rs at 4:45 o'clok 'Wednesday in Bar- - -____ ___ hour house, where refreshments will articles and to avoidl mi .sig any' for the use of each ook. hour gymnasium.' Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. be served. Miss Jean Hamilton, dean memibers the ~irectors; are begimmuig - of women, and Mrs. Amy S. Hobarti net oiytermubr n itIlil~~11IIill{H1I{1iltl{{111 llilonce{{{lIIto{1inotifyi{{11111theirllII11memb11{111rs111tandl assistant dean, will assist in serving., to sece n iew contributors. ~Ms= At Helen Newberry residence, dance ' uisH ea. ertr of the or-m .music will he furnished. Bth houses ga'niiz' io, will take t he mntes o will be decorated in Maize and Blue residlent, of Ann .Arbor who hatve not *.ret o n. and tours of the rooms will be made, beomue nembller;, of the guild but who B en o li to gv h wome nisgtit nol(I contribute either garments orB e o ie r a i n dormitory life. 1 money.= No written invitations will be sentI ~ -- out but every new woman on campusj i te~dially invited. 'TO OflIRElH ullsI I N~!~ I UwL~t CAREFULLY adapted to the natural AN O NEFNA EO TFOMN=OKE E M ; lines of the figure Bien Jolie creations [ANN NCEFINK HIPO HT FOH ING M--are the most satisfying brassieres made. They of ME BERHI DRVE With the first ga me~ in the intia feature original modes in youthful styles, some ?~mural hockey tour'nammet Only a day of which are narrow but nevertheless efficient. Final reports from tie membershipI away, the Jmmagr avo e een asked A strapless bandette of lace, favored for _ drive of the Women's Athletic assoc- to observe thxe following regulations r wear with evening gowns,. is reinforced with- ,ainso.ta pixiael 0i omn hi e s net for proper firmness and has a narrow elas- per cent of the womzen eligible for First, o m w' ioiammree to lieaie( activ e imershi have taken Out orer house in whih ho y ar e living, andr tic back as pictured. Other popular styles are rnwdtermembership this yea.shoulld play w ithli I h untse if a. teaum= fashioned o ae glove slbse weave, All women who hv'earnedth 100 !is e't~re I11,u w] is reiilne-I -o ae slbse athletic honor points by tie end of men may play on their.3.orority teams. w and fancy brocade. Priced 59c to $2.00. thme fall season and are thus eligibleI Second, all juniors; and iseniors are(EODFOR -' to join the association w ill he given j eligible for .i 'ar~ n iu "a It otam s. F resl- j( E O D F O R l p o t n t o d o a h t d n , cn a d s h n n~ e l y n; o No credit for points won beyond 100! class teamx may not play on ani t ra- Iwill be given to any wonman 'who hasimiural eanm. Third, all wommen must': not paid the active membership dues have passed( a medical examinat ion ; - of $1.4 before thle first game. ' Juiiors and! Points may be won in any of the1 seniors may tale this examination at elective sports and a record of thei the Hlealth Service any lay after 3 should be deposited in the. W. A. A. o'(lock. box in time corridor of Barbour gym-1 The frt games, tapinglpiace XWed - nasium, as soon as the activity is :nesday are.: Kappa Kappa CamiuaE= completed. with Helen New berry residence, and,° FEZG, French Morocco, Oct. 12 -Ap- The olc mt'llia ' Liflm5 1{nII~l11111Illlllll1{1Il{11111111{illIlllllllII1111Ihavel{gl{I{1RII{l proaching dissolution of the Sherilmtime opportunity to practce oni the escadrille, comxposed of Amnerican avi-1 lower fi(eld while these games are go-I ators volunteering for service againstjinolatheuprfld the Moroccan rebels, was annmounced't todlay in aim offcial communication. Patronize Daily Advertsers.-Adv. t~C \I \f t \f ' Se i 5 ' a l' appreciate the value' and significance of the plans to raise the fund, will contribute generously. The scholarship award, though not definitely decided, will depend to a great extent upomn unusual scholar- ship, personality, and wide participa- tion in campus activity. It will be a loan scholarship, payable one year after graduation, and will be con- feired by a specially appointed coin- mittee from the off"ices of the Dean of 'Nomen and Women's League. WILL GIE RECEPTIO FORl PRESIDENT LITTLE, Michigan women will be offered their first opportunity to meet Dr.1 Clarenmce Cook Little and his wife, at { 7:30 o'clock tom row night, in the main ballroom o?'the Union. Dean and Mrs. Effitnger, Dean and, Mrs. 'Whitney, and Dean Hamilton will .also be in the receiving line. Thme reception is being given underl 'the auspices of 'the Women's League. I Marie Van Osenbruggen, '26, will be in charge of the reception, assisted by a conimnittee' composed of. the 'Board of Directors of the Womien's League. NormaPBicknell, '26, Con- stance Clark, '26, Jean Kyer, '27, and Doroth~y Currie, '27, officers of the League will present ;every woman at- tending the reception to President' Little nd Mrs. Little after the speech. Athena Society Athena Literary society will hold 'its annual fall tryouts tonight at 7 :15i o'clock in the, Athena rooms on the fourth floor of Angell hall., All we- mien on campus are eligitle and urged to try out. Thie memorized speeches are to be two minutes in length and mxay be on any subject whatever. MONIHIGAN ISLAND, Me., Oct. 12. -The schooner Bowdoin and steamner{ 'Peary of the returning MacMillan' Arctic expedition, maroonedl here since Friday on account of wind and storin, sailed safely out of this port at 5:30 o'clock this morning for WVis- casset. They are due to arrive at 19:30 or 10 o'clock. Watch Page Seven for real vahues.] l I f r «I ; (I, k i l ready to read, and that all members be" present. - ".Beauty char-is more when well groomedl Women Sign For Rifle Py~ractwce E EUGENE PERMANENT WAVING More than 7 0 women have signed PE FE T MA C LL AV N up for rifle. practice this year. FromHA R B BIG- this number a team of ten is to be chosen for telegraphic competition with other colleges amid unmiversities. ;" ' "' Challenges are being sent to 93 in- stitutiomis and the matches will in- j 1 e k ~ a ty dlude several in the sitting, kneeling I =y and standing as well as the prone -I position. 330 Maynard St. Phione 7171 Last year the M'ichigan women'NcklsArad teaum, in a regular match, defeated= Opposite NcesAcd thxe winner of time National hItercol- legiate match, but could not claim the time 1111III~11I111~ 11111II1I1llIIIUIIInIIIIIIIIIIII champions hip because lvchi gan wvas- --- not entered in the" match. Thxis year __________________________________________ Itihe Michigan teamn is cnter'ed in thme miaiomalmath.T~ke Nerv Yorlker inclujles in her warrobie The, rifle r-ang e is: room 330, old, Engimering lnuildimmg amid ten rifles I .tat least onie are at the disposal of the team. '', '' l-Readl the Classified Page---it pays. I1,UUUUUUUUU Annual Loss Through Fake Investment Schemes' Astounding as it may seem, the American public is yearly mulcted out of more than one billion dollars through fake investment schemes that have little or no chance of turning out successfully. This is exclusive of highly speculative securities which have perhaps an outside possibility of 'being successful, but which should be avoided by all except men wiLh plenty of moncy to lose in. case of failure, for the sake of possibly great profits. The pity of it is that a great share of this loss is borne by people of modest circumstances who can ill afford the loss of their savings, accumulated, perhaps, through a life-time of toil and deprivation. H-igh pressure salesmen part them from their money, leaving in its place gold--stamnped certificates, masterpieces of the engraver's skill, but of no other value. mill, DRUGS SODAS STUDENT SUPPLIES ml Blue Books Stationery Note Books Fountain Pens Pencils Open wutil 12:000 P.Mt. ar l i 5 i : VBLVBT.HA "R,1 5 FASHION favors warm, rich, \tuim colors for these soft veby r~'.--Castillian Red, Blond, and1 inresngy oulrNavy-- chancing theirintterest and beta ingness by a brighthued feat: flower, or chic quill. LTp au- vets the xom-h ther sof Ions Ivet .e in We have blue sky laws to cope with the evil, but they are either money. If a house is reliable it will doubtless be recognized as such at once. If not a few inquiries will quickly appraise one of its standing. The banker is called on every day in regard to securities and he must. of necessity become familiar with a great many aspects of investments. 'While not infallible, his judgment is of great value. His services 're free. They should be availed of in every case.' ineffectively enforced or insufficiently stringent to deal with the situation. However, there are two safeguards of which the individual should avail himself. standing, and They are, 1 st-Dealing only with a house of recognizcd 2nd-Consulting with his banker before parting with his All the skil and modishnes yVogue Hat Company creati is evident in the smart ye] hats received today.,_Do comn4 4 I S wift' s 2 Is /; Drug Store ;and see thiew. Off t t 1. ' 4" . ... 340 South State St.I Ii I I ThP Ann A rhnr q I inrc PRo nlr v it if