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October 13, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-13

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u' >. every morning except Monday
dL, , the 3nive, sit; year by the Board int
C(,. rol of Student Publications.1
Members of Western Conference Editorialt
The Associated Press is exclusively en- ,
titled to the use for republication of all news~
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise1
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Ewntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
:Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third \ sistant Post-
master (General.
Subscription by carrier, $3-50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phone: Editorijal, 4425; business, 21214.4
Telephone 4925
Cha 6r n, I:ditorial Board..-. Norman R. Thal
CityeJ'lit .........Robert S. Mansfield
News F: h,r............Manning Houseworth
Womeif) Editor............ Helen S. Ramsay
Sports 1 ditor.............. Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.......... William Walthour
Music and IDrarna.. Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors.
Smi~ H. 'jdv Leonard C. Hall
WLrI1.Crosby Thomas V. Koykka
,j .OV )re W. Calvin Patterson
\-,istanit City Editors
u rv.in an 'redei ick H. Shillito
1- 'rdeE.Bailey Stanford N. Phelps
I,(,u's R. Markus evelyn Pratt
'Jharles Behymer Marie Reed
P~hilip C. Brooks Simon Rosenbaum

there seems little justification for't
calling special attention to the numn-
ber of athletes who have been caught
cheating in examinations just because
there has been a tendenc'y to makei
examples of them.
The article also ojects to (lhe hero1
worship of athletes, esp..eciaIly by
freshmen. rThe l-icksville (Center
team is composed of 17 men, and( they
practice and play in a cornfield, but
we doubt if the author of the (limes
article would contend that th(,re isa
any less hero worship of the xule'n on
that team in their community thban
there is of the several dozen men en
ICoach Yost's squadl in the great com-
munity that supports their endea vors;.
It makes little difference whether a1
team's supporters numb~er one thou-
sand or one hundred thousand, hero
worship is bound to find its place in
the hearts of a certain p~ercentage.
Objection is made to the fact that
a larger stadium will make of ther
game "a great public spectacle." Is
there some rule of rhetoric -fat says
that a football game dloes not. become
"a great public spectacle" until the
attendance reae-h'c a m-rk over and
above, 45,000? Is there any juatifica-

elbelow you'll find a cont ribu-.,,
lion, which we have read six tlimes( f"i~
now, and we haven't lbeen able to T'I'lit t~;:( le~
make overly much out of it. So after * *


the six readling we decided to run it,
just to see if the rest of the readers
could. If you do finid anything really7
worthy to be called to our attention
fplease let us know by telegram col-l
lest. The style we think is sort of -
well, anyway read it yourself.
But before that we have something
to call to the attention of the student;
(-ouncil or someother organization.'
W~e just read in some paper that at
'the' University of Denver the co-edl
frosh wear green scarfs. Now that
strikes us as being a good idea. Of
course we realize that the scarfs
x. oculdn't match all the girls' clothes,
hut pots don't mnatch brown suits
either. Anyone wishing to carry this

tion for statements
an athletic contest
by 100,000 people is

to the effect that ulea any further
that is witnessed august p~ermission
any more harmful There could be

locally, has
to do so.
green woolen


IBFruickingham ARhamRosnatovsky than one at which less than half that 1 for winter and silk or something elseI
Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpsoun number are present? As a matter ofI thinner for fall and spring. Then they
Eugene 11. Gutelcunst Janet Sinclair
Dougls Doubleday Courtland C. Smith I fact, when we consider the conditions; could have red scarfs for sophs and
Mary Dunnigan James A. Sprowl I at the University, a stadium twice the white for Juniors and even blue for
James T. Herald Stanley Steinko
Russell T. Hitt Clarissa Tapson size of the present one would, in all' seniors. Perhaps no more women
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau
ti.Uuiti David C. Vokes probability, make things infinitelya would wear them than men wear;
al.ter H. 'Mack Chandler J. Whipple better. With almost 10,000 students toques, but then they could if they)
Ellis Merry Kenneth WickwareI
:itanton Meyer Cassam A. Wilson wanting to attend, and usually want- wanted to. And no doubt some w~id.
Helen Morrow Thomas C. Winter i obi
Herbert Moss Marguerite Zilszke ng t big one or more guests, wit;li *
Margaret Parker a large part of our more than 60,000 ,.ee If You C21I an a i'Tisz Out,
BUSINESS STA-ehogn frsatwthto-"ln with the belief that women
sands upon thousands of people in<
Telephone 2 r Eti atnery tte rynit e are vainer than men, and that all pro-
BUSINESS MA°',, - accommodations for every big game fessors are dumb, there lies deeply
BYRON W.. PARl'l every year, and with an increasingI embedded in the hearts of humanity
Adve°rtising ....... ........... ... Finnl number of supporters followingr the the quaint notion that the female of
A~~~~~~x~O rtsn.......T .1nsted, Jr. I
A :vertismag.............. raQtiI.i entz, Jr. teams of our opponents to Ann Arbor, I the species is the classier dresser.
Advertisine....... ...NV - I~ Mullin !w a adyfn n usadn
irculat ici........1. .H-. Newman wecnhrl.id n usadn But even a cursory examination of
Publicatior.............. Rudol ,' Bostelman evil in attempting to satisfy their de-
Acc' ' ~ stnt P I . rnldsires to see Michigan in action. the statistics and a vague thumbing
GeAsitat r r' i 1. Annbl. oHta. re If there are any evils in football,< of the authorities shows the essential
W to w- ier Julius C. eliskow they are inherent in the game itself, QIxoiusso h term
hil 1 3obrink Robert P.. hiissaniftearto eOnmasywthodngrfi-
Ide . Butzbach Wmn. C. ['risch adithy aeto eprooted to be Onmasywihodngrfi-
W, J. Cox Franklin ,J. Rauner extracted, without harming the game, volving himself in hazardous (oc-'
Marion A. Daniel Joseph Rera~ntrnshasadrsofbuyar
JAmes R. DePuy Margaret S3mith that is to be regretted. IFootball istie1htsadad5fbat r
Stariler .F ttThmA Sundern here to stay. If there are any definite definite. Postcard reproductions of
T.eneth Haven man.eH. Weanegd objections agas inst the constrction of, Niogra Falls by Moonlight have been
J ., ii 'a 1 enan anwadmoeaeutesaim hest sellers for uncountable prO'Ces-
Frank E.MotthWeimtn a ew nd orevenuae tahem
F. A. No- :aruist _______ students, faculty, and administrativeI sions of te. centuries, andee h
_____- officers would be glad to hear them,-I early B~abylonians sacarficed plump
but the mere fact that freshmeni idol- mtos h oesotsit n
TUEDAY OCOBE 13 ~ ize the Varsity man is hardly a valid( felt forty five years young, only toi
___________ - -objection.I the minor devils. Now when we put
___________________ Ion our linen duster and rubber gloves,
Nigh " and proceedl to the examination of the
i TH REWRDS F SCHOLAS111' ,subject indicated in the caption, what
THE STADIUM ~~~I It is a common-place, too often as- 1 id hne nsye o
'WlAt'L STILE OBJE( r1'OS serted, perhaps, that the honors of women's clothes every four months.
fit a rticle in Sunday's Chimes the scholar cannot begin to partake !Changes is a nmild word, upheavels,
-wihprported to be a discussion of the same enthusiasm of glamtnor tornadoes, devastations, wholesale
!i, recionof he ropsedthat surrounid the distinctions heaped reformnations. One year senile buiz-
ne sadium, but which, in reality, upon his more spectacular brethre'cn, zards will be givinzg interviews on the
was an excellent surrey of the argu- the business man, the statesman, orI healthfulness and good sense of the C
ments aganist intercollegiate foot- o thea politician. olr Too often s people tt look modern short skirt. The very next
ball , a prominent member of the upnashlra;n uiyetat only newsboys will stand on street
facuilty made a number of statements lutg wisdom from a nutshell, unmindl- cres nwny as nesme,,
and arrived at a number of conclu- ful of the vast worlds of ideas with creso id as n umr circus tents will be chic; in the fall
~ "r to which we might well take owihheidsronddtleisa-court plaster will beC the rage.
exception,-a number of things which, lwdt go his way,' unrewarded ex- WoTmen's styles undergo radical
from one point of view, at least, had cept by his own kind, who take their, changes periodically. Aesthetic prize-'
absolutely no bearing on the question ow euirwyofimraiig ciples are more or less fixed. And
of improved seating facilities for ath- J so far as man can be immortalized, then we're asked to believe that fe-
letc cntets.the adventurous spirit that casts manl males are nifty dressers. We're asked
letic cofteresea
In discussing these so-called falla- lose in the wilderness orearch. to admit that hoop skirts are charm-
cies, it is well to keep in mind the, Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross, for ing and in the same breath that i
following two statements, one of twenty-seven years a member of the$ knickers are cute. Watson, the bromoj
v"hich appeared near the beginning history faculty of the University, has; seltzer.I
+I. - r"n ot 1 . ,1 I been notified of his elec'tion as COI- '11 1 a nrlcl rnt,- .-.. ..

Mu Phi h,, ri1ln1i" top.1%'-c t aI\
piano concert by Lois and Cayr t l'
T u e sd a y e v e n in g , O( ff )oh e r 2 %, i 11nal - o la theVI , , ' l o . ' l
program'Inwill incluide, veral1 o'f te
out'4tandling niumber s played in Alr
Maier's Interpretatlion "('lats iast
spring, especially the Sz.Iain-Saecus j
Variations on a Theme of Beet hoven -11;'
which they do to a collossal perfc-
tion' -- and the Decbussy "La IBitea
Jon joux."
The program in detail is as follows:
For Two " in nos
-Minuette and Ca':oti e . .. Sat e1t-S lens
Six ''1 iebesliedcr "'1Ylt ze.
Iminironilpt tI ia(oco.o.........(" IL
Aariations on a T'hemne of
H I.t
'Ballet, '"La. Boite aJ.a lii~x .Dlehnssy
(:11r. 1Al aien will unIrralte the story of
the ballet as; he ph nys it..)
j For 'i'N o0'Pil os
P'relude................. ...PoYflen(',
At the ruins ot' ll~eizi:s
(,1 '0hertl............... C slella
Iuian eaa nt I1t-la.nt' . ...... WW;('e
B~lue IDantihe . ........
.t aass - ains
I 'niH YP11",1I 11. VI w'III
The fir st bill of the X'psi lamt i 1y-
ers, wh o (are Ott?>ilmtheir eleventh.
seaIsoll Xiondiiy. October 1'2(", ik)Ill
IPlayhouse, A' ',s jia liti, n lii]alii det
Bottoniley's 'Twld ny'"'irt clIic tnlln it z-
icr's ''The 's -c ..el Sup:' en'' ferom
"The AfI' fS i ,'airs od 'l
vage,''by ors 1i',a.t''Pads v''
is a. jazz 1farce a A '111illbein1 ;'eca
wvith syi' 'oe Iedinusi'', while "Sall-
vage'' is a" ('ilarca,.t; r (lri'ziia I te
I T illi ,see mo"Ift 11is. John 'i S-
bergen, formterly <Ia uemher of 0 'm e-i
('Club, will pla'. the part. otI) c n
j"Salv age."
Palmer C'hris:tian. Iiii '' iv r-i'
+garlist. will p' ')i Ile 1W lox-: lag pro0-f
gr<Uait omoi'row <aft e 1(0011 in hill
'au ditoiumm'imat 4:1];r o lock:
A ndnltoe ( ro,,nthe U>t rig Q;tr'-
t('tte).................... )ebu 'Y
CScherzo (Sonata V) ...... to nil rna ait
I Lento from ''nph'i;" to...Ilck
I''alt ai 81111 'agu Il Cu o

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io vo 'er hadtiyou r hat cleaned
r'11-' -ree fronti od'or and looking~
Fik !oicwf We CAN dootdiemi rightl
If ive wanut ryt to bring in your
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P'4- also sA~l hats MADEE 'BY US,
- m~~!te ti thie head fre: of charge,
it ~ i~ fi ~lWP ind l Ihem superior to
C'e fi -aei-made 1hats.
(HPackard Silreutthonae 7415).j
( = a:'i I). ET. IU. Stps -at State St.)

Wednesday, :October 14

Dancing Classes will be held on
Wednesday and Friday evenings
from 7: 00 to 7:45


Enroll Now !

Tuition $5.00
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Twelve Lessons.

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Rondl"'des l'i'iac ss', (1'l* oni
'' iiOisea u (d>Fll-'') . ...-SInhsc
Capr'iccio ............. ticendeol sohin
Serenade ..........Schlubert
A\larehe Aliliie...... Sc 1,tubtert.
jtli, EliIBaha l ebe -s;y and
St awinshy. . . It' 3yo;tc'are a ayt hinag
for music and these:' three inl"rish-
able modernists, do not allowyourself
to mis-s this concert. It sitoaild he a
little inastcrplee in (ecutrwAts.





t f the article, thUfiC lLIe' ar te lia:
'-I w cnclude that the sport as now
cenda. ted is helpful, let us further
<;is in a tendencies by building a
la reL.,dium; if it is injurious, let
sx frown upon the project." "But that
noln alter the unmistakable fact
that students could still be allowed
I hs h anie without the contests be-
coming a great public spectacle.''
.f( one- point, the article says, "Wie-
do not sit back and acquiesce' in the
killing of thousands of people by~
aiLOmObihes simply because we b~
Hbve that te, good in the automobile
more than offsets the evil." But on
the other hand, if those thousands of
people wanted to be killed, and there
was no good and sane reason why
they should not be killed if they so
desired, the more efficiently the ma-
chines killed them, the better for all
concerned. And this hypothetical
case applies to what the article
describes as the "greatest student in-
terest, "-football. If't students
want it, and there can be on hto
that score, and if there ,,yegod and
sane reason why they ; si , -riot have
it (and as yet none has _;x, advanc-!

responding member of the Massa-1 ma'xhrh.pek bu e
chusetts Historical society, to sue-! eyes, he hair, her tastefully molded !It 1)as ju'tJIe"> that ft-ri
ceed the late George B. Adamus of neck, her teeth, old man's shekels, if was decidlec! in -naeeson~e figur'
Yale. The appointment comes as a he's Anierican; her eyes, her hair, coninec(ted,;-ithi tl ilwat]'e fora this1
fitting reward of the many year sde- h er teeth, her dowry, hier kneecaps, year'is Fellowship 'int'rekCLiv yeAnts.
voted to the study and teaching of ( and toe nails if he's. Continental. Her God E'dwar.l Cordon Crai; xs em'-
history. It is peculiarly significant, gait, her table manners, her attitude ously conside^red for thle honoer. More:
in that Professor Adams has long !oil parlor dates, all these are given corn , poncr fle v:< s ;'C1Ii"Jyixnder--
been considered as the most fruitful attention. But nowhere a word about take),11nd ther e wasjiof e I ;aia.
and productive scholar in Amrerica, that beautiful -,,4r -lhan gown with pv "Lc ball of Ij~'l'i' U'- w1;ala.
and that election to the Massachusetts I that cunning effect. T]here is only oneI And then.I
society is always a coveted marks of p~ossible connection between women's 'Thie scandal n-,, t '-'ex r emared,
distinction. President James 13. clte and womanly charm. Ask but on. good at lioil v th'a :t is
Angell is the only other Michigan' Earl Carroll. 4''i2l za:edtn ~ammms
man to niave achieved the honor of And now as the oil i7 running low tra~tive' coiittpcfial. ly tssir c lthe
membershnip, just one more point. A towel wrapt ti'opo'-al ctown assI' tot, tao ;
The Daily, having looked upon Pro- around the midsection served to dangerous!
fessor Cross as a valuable friend, is I maintain the dignity of our pre-his- An so Jessie L> uch i tiilian:. .of
glad to acknowledge the honors which tn ancestors. But mant has p o (' ic., t4he ise oi'e' ccl in:l (~th'o
by this election accrue not only to grse.Hsclte o rIo !oentear.ln ther eh.-
< esd i lte oaeo*aimdr ltr . 'ohim, but redound immeasurable credit 1 complex character and based onl tie- I wnit tell two -,o0,I lpla3' oo
upon the University. chanical principles undreamed of int *!
--(those pagan times. Tfrotusers, waist- ".IIt t;" A ;
FOR ROOTERS ON1I coats, semi-soft collars, hygenic back Somnehow wve <ai all so haped and
Much of the effectiveness of theI collar buttons, wonderful examples twxit ed that whoa ii e1fr og ill 1hw
cheering section was lost at the In- of mlan's ingenuity. 'What has woman pond tries to g'a ii still anot lcr pond.
diana game through the resale ofj done to parallel this stupendous pro- his onl1y dncoai'a1gcni emit is at coll~ct ix'
student tickets. Nson-students, ladies, grass? What in the last analys is is Sii('kcr onf rse W"tlicim a mit ClIs
school boys, and even mail carriers a modern woiman's dress? What be0- ":;e(k to bcome i'ls, f e.pent of [lime
in uniform were awong those who sides an extension of the Paleolithic ci'oW l is to -a;thu.
held tickets for seats in this section. towel a little distance up and a little j Lionel Amies wan :a eacoeent lead -
Sm weeatted whleothers dstne rlon glady inlwoAl I f 'aiUno
were turened back, only to ~be unable diItsubmit my cage to the jury. operas, and Inow''or c t,;a f y in e: Iat+orI-e'li
to see the game Because they held D'Jongleur. is1 trying to miake a Itlet'for hlr el £
tickets which they should not have *to*ii legitimate v'ariety-, a pdnec that. is l
had. F1i thinks that te Inhalitans of 'oilhsly (lilh('lltto i'ei('li eve n bc ase
Although there is a Univ ersity rul- Crete are Cretonus. o1fi om'pplaiy l'ata
ing that no student tickets may hbe * * * demands years of actul,1
sold, there seems to be a sorry dis- LOAD) SONG FORIVWISCONSIN Natutrally he aIphirec 'iafIc;t.i e e
regard for this regulation. if' stu- , -thalnyois'i'tt'%t ~tcl-;
dents must break rules in this regard, (43A VIE lice l) oinf:ust ohsi y;"?£ li-
they should at least hav e enough l+Ford motors hot, It rifle weary - hut 1i s ('11 1't ;' r}{a,

Are'you -oingto the
-3 Then you will need some of our
y ~Suede: or Leather Jpackets, Corduroy Blouses
and Wool ]Blazers a
for Ladies and Men
:z ~Corduroy Coats, Wool Navacoatsg
Breeches, Moccasin Packs, Puttees
-.1Gloves, Fish Brand Slickers, etc.
Blankets, Wool Shawls, andV
c: Auto Robes
YuAll Kinds-For All Needs.
s YouSave Money by Coming Down.

ed), the more efficiently ,j athletic
system can satisfy thei: ,, .es, the
beter for all concerned. An here is
no re-aren why this shox'~ not be
exterdo4 to include alum ' and the
p c:' othe state.
(ho ids it hard to unde -,stand how
a s ;liu of 75,000 seats, or even of
125, G will have a more detrimental
effect on the student bodyh than one
of 45,000. Under the present system
every student car -eta"e at least one
ticket for eve c ;a, -and if the stu-


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