THE MTCHTCAN DAILY . ... THF MICHIGAN DAILY TPE~DAY. OCTOBER 13. 1925 OVERWORK AND FATIGUE LESSENS APPROPIN To RESISTENGE TO 17VFECTIOUIS ILLS [9 0 H 0R Dr.Forsythe t 1so Says CrolJOFtigue as physical tr aining, ay increase the1 Al [N S Y Y T04, 4, to Icrea~s: Alty t sistnetocrai necin Z Plus Is nventory WoeState to cmu htteecnls shl Discover for What Purpose Soi1 Overwork and fatigue ae vry apt trueldhnwppried tothenn A rbo. f Is Best Fitted Ito increase one's liability to infectious cld nwretei cnditionrisA penc diseases, according to Dr. Warren E.lesialso liartdcoiinism h Tjj~~ B D~N Frsyhedixetorof he ~eath ess lable to colds than is one whof ____vice. Is statement substantiates the is fatigued or exhausted.1 Funds secured from the State Leg- I report in the Journal o the American isatrein194 il eabieth eon ?Medical association to the effect that RESEARCH FINTDS isaue n124wl nal heeo7fatigue lowers resistence to infection. r (,FAI~L 'T omic land survey to further its work Doctor Foryth ponte ot, ow-I OFJ In 1926, at which time it will be ne8- 9evr, that chroic fatigue in the fromnI 1A STE PRD ICT cessary to ask for another appropria-H of vigorous training tended to increase1 tion, The purpose of the survey, the resistance. It is the acute fatigue which is the only one of its kind in i n the formi of physical exhaustion De to the activities of the en gin - the' United States, is to inventoryf that makes a person anl easy victim ca~ing research deartment, another practically the whole state, with the Ito this type of disease. Experiments I Wst lproduct has been adapted to " plan of discovering for what purposel on rabbits at Harvard showed those, useful service. In the lirouction ol every ind of soil- is best fitted. Ethat had been subjected to sudden ov- ca-u cd hc stepiep. The idea of the survey was first erwork to have been'- easily infeclid contituent of the electrical insulta-- put into execution in 1922, when sev-f with the injections of pneumococci, ting material bakelte, thate remains~ eral members of the Academy of S- while the anima s that had been work-I a waste liquor containing Ithi:s same e.nee met with men from thie state ed systematically showed a resistance= acid, sdtum sulphate and sodium cx- department of aricuzlture, the conzser- vastly greater .than is shown by rab- I bonate. Last sp ing the town of ain- yation department, Michigan State col- 'bits under nornmal cnsditiglns. A set eville, Ohio, prohibited the ]saaelit e lege, and the University of Michigan. of experiments made at Johns Hop- company from emptying this residu For the first year, through the efforts 'kins seemed to disprove part of these i nto the river flowing through the of J. A. Doelle, of the :state agricul- conclusions, but Doctor Forsythe does ' Community. tursl commission, funds were secured not believe thtat the proper distinction After this, the concern appeaed to to start the work. The first county was made between sudden and chronic; the research department here, test; surveyed was Charlevoix. i fatigue. Hle agrees with the general 'were made, and an evaporator was Prof. L. J. Young of the forestry belief that sudden -overwork is detri- adapted to separating the waste eon- department, who took an active inter-$ mental, while continuous strain, such stituents. As a resul;thty yield of est in the work said, "the survey aims!- to, get a complete inventory of the ,_1,IIIti ll litX11 tlh lllljtithji.H2itIIII1"ll~ilIIlIgIIIIIIIi ;I1111llitllN= land resources and general economic C conditions in every county it covers." = Frog, C ik n ald Steak Dinner The basis of the plan is a series of~C ik n ~ AL1ll1 maps showing: the types of soil andSevda_ where located, the topography of the I evda county, the present condition of the T$ r soil from the standpoint of use and B3O U LEVARD 1INNT owynership, timber land, waste areas,- rass. lands, abandoned farms, water-! bok fo=ct"usln o acsnRod 1=Two bok rmct u ieo ako od power sources, game covers, suitable I from noon till minigt.- sites for summer resorts-in short I the survey is the complete inventory ~ Special attention given to parties. Phone 6534.- of the state from all possible econ- il11111111lil11111111Il""IukltlItii'lkflItl1111111= pm e a g e , a d t e r s l s h nthe survey is com pleted, will be the - basis for the state conservation pol- CAMERAS CAMERA SUIPPLIS icy. rAn illustration -of the conditions= that exist in parts of the state is O Mhown by the report of thie survey FO that in one county but seven per cent of the land was owned by residents, the rest being in the hands of the -i1 ls stato and banks. Some sections of land are not suited for farming, andii I the man who settles in that sort of 1 ev lp- ~territory finds hie has a farm that is an barren, and in many cases the land is!l- Cameras, n evptually taken over by the banks! ,who hold mortgages, or by the state ~because of the non-payment of taxes.Ca e a S p l s The survey shows that while some tans is entirely useless for farming, it!Gf CAqaitdWl mnay be utili2ed for forestration, resort I e Acui /d19il sTes"adgnmcvr:O N h program, has been gaining sup- L41INIJN NJI1I7AN fort since its beginning in 1922, and Ut is thought that within a few years 719 North University Ave. the survey will have been completed. Phone 451 4 TIhe results will be more resident vlwners of land, greater productive- ness of farms, and a general imrprove- - IM FILM1 DEVELOPINGi mrent in the economic conditions of the state. -- -- carbolic acid1 is made nearly perfect, andi more than 50 tons of sodium sul- phiate are salvaged daily. The latter! is subsequently used( in the produc-I tion of paer and glass.r Th-le work at the University was ex- j edtited under101the direction of Prof.I W. L. Badger of the chemical engin-1 eering research depa rtmenit PARIS, Oct. 12.-- A considerable1 portion of the lime of Premier Pain- leve's ministers this week is expected to be taken up b~y an examination into Finance Minister Caillaux's statement regarding his recent debt funding ne- gotiations in Washington. Little investment-big retun s, Thq Daily Classifieds.-Adv. M1CI('ifAN ME'N 01R WOMEN I wonuld like to hear immediately from two or three live-wire Michigan undergraduates who can use $15 week- l y in return for six hours spare time each week., Weoffer what is probably the great-1I ost v aliie in America in smart, dis- tinctive neckwear for college men. You merely take orders from your friends or acquaintat uces. We deliver and c:ollect.- If you wouldi like to connect with a leSlionisible concern on a dignified piroposition andlnmtde enough money to pay yo iir' col lege eixpenses, writel mne 1 'Y for samples and complete (14'! :d led inflormation. Isdwafrd ,. 1 iwlielis Director of SalIes ,I011 S.:111 H11AY (CO., Syracutse, N. 1' .. . .. . .. . .. . .. Cjhe Al "ARI- ~s w .wri 's i 'r1t, ' ,f4p ' - ,, ,., ''+sV'' s V I I SAMPLES: All our fmonuiar Lrogue Models orn dispilay at Guy Woolfolk & Co. 14 ~lSouth SIU30 l'. eetj Ann Arbior, Hlicth. Lasts and 1Patterns Exclutsively ( JJ wi' . gj esign ItI 'Pleonast ic -over-\ ou sli E. tipped " -iridiumt /Yrl14Mii a WH-ITEHOUSE & HARDY $ROADWAYxAT407'STREET 144 WEST 42"O STREE hampwouuTmOpum ItOwss DBuo, KNicnSRUocKnf bun atmo NEW YORK ai ' f TI 'C I f' R:' S S- I CLOTHES FOR THE COLLEGE MAN The DOUBLE BREASTED * Suit TRUE to conservative ideas, these suits are cut correctly of plain tone blues and greys in woolens of rich quality, and tail- ored the LUXENBERG way with that restraint of style ditc. tated by present fashions. $3250 to $4250 NAT LUXENBERG & BROS. SNext Sliowinz at Campus Boo-' , ery'. 304 S. Sbate St.,. ~Fri. and Sat..,Dec. 4th and 5th, Our style memo. book sent free on request BEN WADE PIPES Private showing by HARGRAFT & SONS CHIICAG;O AT HOTEL ALLENEL Tuesday and Wednesday October 13 and 14 2 to 5P.AM. BEN FRIED MAN, Local Eeprosentative Telephone 3540 I The uncon- ditional and per- petual guarantee of service given with each Conklin Endura puts more words into a fountain pen than any- bodye will live to write. Conklin Endura,t at $5 andt $7, in red, black, mahogany; long or short; clip or Ting' cap. A wide variety of other Conklin pens and pencils, in rubber and all metals- priced as low as $1.00 for pencils and $2.50 for pens. Conklin equality in every one. i EUEn A THE CONKLIN PEN TOLEDO, 01110 Chicago San Francisco Bostoa S tncondittona l, $r''Pcrpccuatllv Quanttc4d .4 Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today., Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. ... ,,. KODlA K S, 90 ilIRUG!( 0 NOW WA !,A i i I I a All Wool Pro=Shrunk in Reautiful Fabrics That Will 'Not Fade. SUITS ND OVERCOATS At Only Manufactured by I I oil'0et Goods. Imported and Domestic EVERYTHING FOR MILADY'S TOILET Lady in Charge at State Street Store Calkins,- Fletcher Drug Co.* THREE DEPENDABLE STORES We have served Michigan and leer Students for 38 Years. ".Style Is of Paramount Importance." 0 I I A. NASH The Famous Bolden R le & CO. Taiors of Cincinnati. Phone 9736 And ask that a representative of the NASH CO. call uponj you to show samples and styles and to take your measure for a suit or overcoat 'of whiok you wsill be proud. STYLE, FI-T, WORK4UMANSKIP AND WEARING QUALITIES QITABAl FTE ED. Your Best ressed Classmates Wear Nash Clothles. i a 'I Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.1 fCAN DY SODA S 1 J j WII 1 .- r ,r rir ; .r .19215 0. A. S. Co. The management of this store realizes the importance of style to the college student and therefore make it a policy to handle only the very latset in models. Our sits ,are tailored specially for us by R. & WV. We will be glad to have you drop in and look over our line. Prices moderate-$40, $45, $50. We also carry in stock an exceptionally fine line of 11 I ILE BIR" Os GOD S 0 r ams wnj~VYicn IweZ orre[ tor your inspection. I' "Dress Well and Succeed." I' CASH, TRADE O TERMS DIAL21120 I A