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October 13, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-13

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 19





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(~ernaai n I'Jegilt DA Ienand Iague
Alne31ust be Conipetent to
Interpret Co eat
(8y Associated Press)
LOCARNO, Switzerland, Oct. 12.-
The "gentleman's ,agreement" con-
c-rning the conditions of Germany's
entry into the League of Nations is a
collective statement which will be
signed by Great B]ritain, France, Italy,
and Belgium. By its terns Germany
agrees to join the League on the un-
derstanding that the League of Na-
tions alone is competent to interpret
the League covenant.
However, the powers signatory to
the agreement, all of which are repre-
sented in the council, informed Ger-
many in effect that in their opinion
the League of Nations cannot ask
from member states military, eco-
nomic, or financial contributions in
case of war which would be incom-
patible with their capacities.
Chancellor Luther and] Foreign Min-
ister Streseman promised the Allies
to give a definite answer to the
League question tomorrow after con-
sultation with Berlin, but they de-
parted with the assurance that it
would be acceptable.
In a meeting of the Allied and Ger-
man ministers tonight France an-
nounced that she wanted the right
automatically to intervene in case of
a flagrant violation of the integrity
of Germany's eastern frontier, but, as
a protection to Germany was ready
to submit doubtful cases of aggression
against IPoland and Czecho-Slovakia
to the League of Nations. If Germany
refused to submit the difficulty to the
League, then France would have the
right immediately to help her eastern
Students Appear I
In Winter Outfits
Fur coats and galoshes have made
their appearance on the campus dur-
ing the las: few days with the sud-
den attack of cold weather and strong
winds. Sweaters, heavy overcoats,
freshman toques and scarfs are also
very much in vogue.
The most severe part of the cold
spell came during the football game
Saturday. Throughout the afternoon
tl1 sun oppeared only for short in-
tervals to be followed by dark cloudy
periods and flakes of snow. Yesterday
afternoon the cold moderated and a
few drops of rain fell.1
Passageway Made
Safe By Screen
A screen has been constructed over
the narrow passageway between ni-
- rsil y and Angell hals for the proi
tection of students from articles
which are dropped out of the wi-
lows o the two buildings. The com-
.nittee en lbuildings had contemplated
d the work for some time, but the idea
was not put into effect until last week.
Considrable rubbish had dropped
out of the uvindows to hit students
who happened to be in the passage-
way. To avoid possible injuries from
heavy aricles, the committee decided
to have a screen put up.

Lecture Course
Tickets On Sale
Pu 1 c Ale of reserved seats for the
regular lecture course of the Orator-
ical association started yesterday.
The box olice in Hlill auditorium was
Open from 1 to 5:30 o'clock, and will
continue to be open during the same
hours every (lay this week.
Nearly 1,000 mail orders were re-
ceived this year for reserved seats be-
fore the piublic sale started. The
number of applications received was
especially large, according to R. D. T.
Hollister, faculty manager of the as-

Staging Of "Engaged" By Mimes This
Evening Will Mark Re-Establishment
Of Regular Annual Series Of Plays


Town Greets War Secretary
President And To Resign His
Wife At Dinner Cabinet Post
ii.i d b U adh b5 W Toll i 'rP ent That


Ticket Sale for Production is Large;
Lnited Number of Seats to be
Sold Todayt
The performance of W. S. Gilbert's
i three-act burlesque, "Engaged," this
evening in the Mimes theatre will
mark the re-establishment of a regu-I
lar series of legitimate plays by this4
organization, exclusive of the Operal
itself, inaugurated four years ago.
The final dress rehearsal was held
last night in the Mimes theatre with
all scenic and costume effects, in
order that the actors might be per-j
fectly accustomed to the atmosphere
of the play. The entire production,
under the direction of Robert Hen-
derson, '26, has been supervised by
E.' Mortimer Shuter, and the cast in-
cludes Neal Nylnd, '26, Barre Hill, '26,
James Martin, '27, and Valentine
Davies, '27.j
Tickets Nearly Gone
All tickets for the performances
that were placed on sale at the State
street bookstores have been complete-
ly sold out, but there are still a few
good seats in the center section of
th'e house and in the mezzanine left.

These will be placed on sale at the
I Mimes theatre box office today and to-
morrow from 12 to 6 o'clock and from
7 to 8:30 o'clock. The entire theatre
is scaled at 50 cents and all seats are
"'Engaged"was revived in New York
this spring by The Stagers, and
quickly became cne of the hits of the
season. The play, which wasgiven
unusually enthusiastic praise by the
critics, is a parody of the 'typical
sentimental Victorian melodrama.
With this in mind, Mr. Shuter has
directed the action to bring out all
the mock-heroic comedy of the scenes.
Settings have been specially de-
signed for the production by Robert
Woods, '28, and executed by the
Mimes workshop, while incidental mu-
sic will be furnished by a trio under
the direction of Joseph Ellis, '26.1
Costumes have also been ordered
from Chicago.
The play will be repeated tomor-
row evening as well, and rboth per-
formances are open to women as well
as men. ; The curtain will rise prompt-
ly at 8:30 both nights.





Thursday, Engineers Will Convene"at
2 O'Clock in Roomt 3M of
Emngineering Building
Juniors of all colleges and schools'
of the University will elect their class
officers and J-Hop committeemen to-
morrow and Thursday, following the
schedule of elections arranged by thel
Student council. The elections set:
for tomorrow are:
Literary college at 3:30 o'clock in
the Natural Science auditorium; Law
school at 4 o'clock in room B of the
Law building; architects at 4:30
o'clock in the lecture room of the,
architectural annex; pharmacy schooll
at 5 o'clock in room 151 of the Chem-
istry building.
Engineers Meet Thursday
On Thursday, the other junior
classes will organize, beginning with
the meeting of the junior engineers
at 11 o'clock in room 348 of the En-
gineering building. The education
class will meet at 4 o'clock in room
109, Tappan hall, and the juniors of
the dental school will meet at 51
o'clock in the lower lecture hall of,
the Dental building.
The medical class is not included in
the schedule compiled by the elec-
tions committee of the Council, hav-
ing been authorized to hold its own
meeting at any convenient time and
to report the results to the Council.
Ats pee1e,,-ac4-las

Universty iteaa Honorea iy t anier
of Commerce; Glee Club
On Program
President Clarence Cook Little and
Mrs. Little were.formally received by
the citizens of Ann Arbor at a banquet
tendered by the Chamber of Com-
merce last night in the ball room of
the Union. Covers were laid for
more than 600 guests.
The University Glee club, giving a
number of Michigan songs, opened the
program. Roscoe Bonisteel, toast-
master, introduced Mayor Robert A.
Campbell, who, on behalf of Ann Ar-
bor citizens, extended a welcome to
President Little and Mrs. Little. Other
addresses of welcome were given by
the Rev. Arthur W. Stalker and f
Father Michael P. Bourke.
Answering a toast from Mr. Boni-
steel, President Little responded to
the city's welcome. Outlining a few
of his ideals of the new administra- I
tion, he pointed out the great part
that citizens must assume in the re-
alization of these ideals.
Lieutenant Vettis Attains Record
Speed of 210 Miles Per Hour in
Pulitzer National Air Race
(By Associated Press)
ered with grim and glory with his
plane shooting flame into the gather-
ing darkness late today, Lieut. Cyrus
Vettis, army ace, won the Pulitzer
trophy race, feature of the national
air races, broke the world's speed
record of 240 miles per hour for a

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-John W.
Weeks has drawn up his resignation
as secretary of war, and it is expect-
ed to be announced formally at the
WXhite house tomorrow.
At the same time the president will
announce acceptance of the resigna-
tion, Mr. Weeks having insisted in his
talk with Mr. Coolidge today that his
health and his personal interests
made it necessary for him to leave
the cabinet.
The retiring secretary expects to
leave Washington within a few days,
after making a farewell statement to
the Army, to spend some time travel-
ing in South America.
New York Symphony Orchestra Led
By Walter Damrosch Will Be First
Clioral Union Attraction
With the opening of the forty-
seventh annual Choral Union concert
series by the New York Symphony
orchestra, Thursday night, Oct. 15, in
H-ill auditorium, Ann Arbor music
patrons will have the opportunity of
hearing an organization that for 50
years has stood as the pioneer of the
best music in this country. The pro-
grain will be conducted by Walter
Damrosch, with Guy Maier, pianist,
and Palmer Christian, organist, as ;
Director for 40 Years
The New York Symphony for 40
years has been under the direction of
Mr. Damrosch, who at the age of 19

Mr1f. 11(I [s "ell s re"t1 1iU
Ihealti iCondition Prompts
Ills Action

Secretary Declares Several Npmes
Were Not Approved, But Adams
Denies Statement
Taking occasion to censor the exec-
utive council of the Union for the
resolutions that body adopted at its
first meeting last Friday afternoon,
the board of directors of the Union,
in special session Saturday, passed a
motion notifying The Daily that the
resolutions adopted by the executive
council, the most important of which
appeared Saturday's Daily, were in-
effective in that they were adopted
by a body whose sole power it is to
recommend such movements to the
board of directors or the board of
governors of the Union, deplending
upon the nature of the suggestion.
The resolutions were given The Daily
by Albert B. Adams, '26, president of

Leon Trotsky Is Ordered to Take
Complete ]test After Breakdwoui
I)ue to Great Strain of Duties
(By Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Oct. 12.--Leon Trotzky,
his health undermined by his stren-

llouse Chairman Says Army and Navy
Acted Unwisely in Expending Money
Gor Air Defense Development
(BY Associated Press)3
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-Testifying
before the President's air board today,j


uous labors at the economic task as- chairman Martin D. Madden of the At the tin
signed him on his return to Moscow House appropriations committee, wil elect a
secretary an
five months ago, has been compelled charged the army and the navy with eembeas of
again to relinquish active participa- acting unwisely in expending money Each class
tion in the Soviet regime. ahloted thn afor the development ofiember of th
Already the former war chief of As chairman of the committee thatthe literary
the Bolsheviks is on his way to South appropriated moeey he declared le lect five, an
iRussia, whence he returned inMaywould "not let go unchallenged" the
after an "exile" which began in Jan- charge that Congress had failed to to te g
tuary. IHis physicians have ordered a provide sufficient funds for the two
complete rest to mend a breakdown military air services. FEITIoc
which has resulted from working at Mr. Madden declared the army and
high pressure ever since he was made navy have squandered millions of Andrew
chairman of the general concessions dollars in a"purposeless, meaning- elected pr
committee last May 27. He is going less, endless experimental orgy," in class of th
to Kislovocsk, a small health resort technical air craft developments, and I(it was re
in the Caucausis where he is expect- asserted in his opinion technical de- council ye
ed to spend a vacation of several velopments could no longer "be safe- Iofficers ar
weeks. ly left" to thme two military servicesI vice-presid
we rotzky has been spending eighteen if the United States were to take its secretary;
hours a day in work devoting himself place "among the countries in the air." tre surer.
intensively to ambitious plans for the In addition to Mr. Madden, the I _s____
dissemination of electric power board also heard Orville Wright, pio--
throughout all Russia, and to work- i neer in aviation circles, Admiral S.| The junior
ing out ways and means for improv- S. Robison, the new commander of 1 in the same
ing the quality of Russian manufac- ( the United States battle fleet, and sev- vote was co:
tured articles. He has been eager eral other officers and experts. cilmen will
also to receive his former political After sitting for more than six meeting and
prestige and to win his way back to hours the board recessed until tomor- will be used
the esteem and good will of his old row, when it again will direct its cast this w
associates in the Soviet government attention to the army air service with elections, in
and the Communist party. To this several high army officers called for I of the ("oun
en, he has bent his utmost effort to questioning. the J-Hop eg
Imake a success of his task as head of withI the recg
the concessions committee.
AIRr C-rinrkITCOCVr D 1rn M

nes specified, each class I
president, vice-president,
d treasurer, as well as
the J-Hop committee.
is entitled to select one
ie Hop committee, except


college juniors, who will closed circuit course, and established succeeded his father in the director-
d the engineering juniors, a new record of 243.67 miles per hour. ship. The factor of a permanent per-
ct two members in addi- Lieut. A. J. Williams, Navy pilot, I:sonnel which, having remained prac-#
eneral chairman. came in second with an average speed tically intact through many years of
of 241.71 miles per hour. Three other playing under the same conductor,
entries strung along behind, and the has gone far in enabling this group
G _EADS PIIAR3CS sixth was unable to complete the of musicians to achieve a unity in de-
C. F I race, having been forced down by en- tail and gradation that is rarely pos-
CFreitog, '26P, was give trouble. sible in younger orchestras.
esident of the senior Lieutenant Vettis' first question The program for Thursday night
he school of pharmacy, upon landing was "where is Al?" includes two numbers of particular
ported to the Student (Williams) "I want to ask him'"what interest to the patrons of Ann Arbor
esterday. The other was the matter with his ship." Wil- concerts: the Organ Symphony of
e Leonard D. Powers, liams, however, had left the field im- Saint-Satins in C minor, with Palmer
dent; Grace Collins, ( mediately upon landing. He had been Christian, head of the organ depart-
Robert A. Mitchell, considered a strong possibility as ment in the University School of Mu-'
winner of the race after he made an sic, at the organ; and the Concerto
unofficial record of 302.3 miles per for piano and orchestra in E flat byI
hour recently. Liszt, with Guy Maier carrying the
elections will be handled I Third place in the Pulitzer race I solo part.
manner that the senior ! was won by Captain H. W. Cook who ISymphony Unusual
nducted last week. Coun- received last minute permission from I The Organ Symphony is recognized
be present at each class doctors to participate. Ile was slight- by critics as an unusual type of com-
the sanme official ballot ly injured in an accident several days position, using the orchestra and or-
. A larger vote will be ago, and it iiad been thought that he gan with the added effects which the
'eek than in the senior I would not be able to take part. Lieut. power and color of the organ tone
the opinion of members L. II. Dawson was fourth and Lieut. makes possible. It is the only com-
ncil, due to the fact that H. J. Norton, fifth. Lieutenant George position of its kind, and is but rarely
lction is being conibined f T. Cuddihy, was the man forced down. performed. Mr. Christian played it
gular class organization. - last year in accompaniment with the
Detroit Symphony orchestra at Or-
v W ounded -chestra hall in Detroit.
SLaizst Concerto, which was first
I iI played some fifty years ago, has a fire
o m mu isisU f ld S M PI and poetry which have since rendered
m utAU O M A D a favorite with musical audiences,
itiate Strike I- - and is said to be especially suited to
Play by Play results of the Michi- Mr. Maier' s manner of playing. Mr.
ct. 12.--The general strike gan-Wisconsin football game at Mad- Maier has already performed this
by te cnimuniss tdayison, Saturday, will be given by thle composition with both the Boston and
by the communiststoday grid-graph at Hill auditorium, it was Cleveland Symphony orchestras.
eserious affair. than had anucd
fr Tur ar a1announced yesterday. Much interest The other numbers included on the
dJ'~1 10. iI~ £0f T d. d U0U

[0111ee l n iE Qi nUfllntc

FN OVt Mun Art Ntn

. ;

he Union, as having been adopted by
he executive council.
Resolutions Invalid
"It is moved that the iarticle, ap-
>earing in The Daily on Saturday
'elative to the adoption of resolutions
>y the executive council at its meet-
ng on Friday, be denied as to its
alidity," the minutes of the board of
lirectors' meeting read, "in that a
urely, unofficial body passed said
-esolutions, the board of directors
laving taken no action thereon."
Previous to the framing of the fore-
;oing motion at the meeting Saturday,
damns was definitely told by the fac-
tlty members pr sent that the execu-
ive council has no authority whatso-
ver to form and adopt resolutions,
nd that its power is restricted to
recommendations only. The execu-
ive council is comprised of the chair-
nen of the various Union committees,
iow numbering thirteen, though orig-
nally only five, and the president.
The resolutions passed by thecoun-
il and declared to be invalid by the
lirectors were: that no women stu-
Lents shall be allowed in the swim-
ning pool, that free swimming les-
ons shall be given student members
by Matt Mann, Varsity swimming
coach, that the coupon swimming
books shall be valid until Dec. 1, that
supper dances be inaugurated after
the three remaining home football
games, that an interfraternity orches-
tra tournament be conducted by the
Union, and that an orchestra be pro-
vided for the tap room.
Those who attended the directors
meeting were Dean Henry 11. .Dates
of the Law school; Dean Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students; Prof.
Henry C. Anderson of the engineering
cllege; Paul Buckley, assistant sec-
rotary of the University; Wilfred B.
Shaw, general secretary of the Alumni
association; Richard Barton, '26, re-
cording secretary of the Union; and
Theboard of directors, according to
the constitution and house rules of
the Union, has fullpower tor;super
vise and contre all the activities of
the Union; the board of governors,
says the constitution, "shall have full
control over all financial matters re-
lating to the Union"; the executive
council is not referred to in the con-
stitution and by-laws.
Appointments not Approved, Claim
In discussing the action of the exec-
utive council at its initial meeting
last week, Barton said yesterday that
the council not only usurped its pow-
er by forming and adopting the sev-
eral resolutions, but that it had no
right to meet nor has it any official
status because of the fact th'at the
names of several of its members, com-
mittee chairmen, as named by Adams
last Thursday, had not been approved
by the appointment committee. "The
names of Karl Crawford, '27, as chair-
man of the reception committee;
Lawrence Buell, '27, as chairman of
the entertainment committee; and El-
liott Chamberlain, '27, as chairman of
the life membership committee, were
the only selections which received the
approval of the appointment commit-
tee," stated Barton, "none of the
'other chairmen, nor any of the as-
sistants, named by Adams, having
been approved by the committee."
When interviewed last night relative
to the motion passed by the board. of


[Iluivi huLL Ur IJIIUI LI Burton t1. Sibley, '27L, has been
selected to speak at the annual all-
(By Associated Press) campus public speaking banquet as
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 12.-The name I the representative of the student body,
of William Montgomery Brown was William C. Dixon, president of the
ordered removed from the list of I Oratorical association announced yes-
bishops, when the House of Bishops terday. The banquet will be held
of the Protestant Episcopal Church Nov. 18 in the Union.
assembled today in general conven- Senator Woodbridge N. Ferris will
tion here. The most Reverend Ethel- be the principal speaker at the affair,
bert Talbot, presiding bishop, an-I and the officers of the Oratorical as-
nounced at the opening of the house sociation expect to name the speaker
that he deposed Bishop Brown from who will represent the faculty within
the sacred ministry in St. Paul's a day or two.
Church a few minutes before. No special subjects have been given
Bishop Brown who resigned as to the speakers. Each man will be
bishop of Arkansas in 1912, has been permitted to use his own judgment
convicted of heresy by a church court, in choosing a topic, the officers of
and the conviction was sustained byf the association have ruled.
a court of review and finally approved All students in the University are
by the House of Bishops. Today for- invited to attend the annual banquet.
mnal sentence was pronounced and his In previous years officers of the as-
name stricken from the roll of sociation said yesterday, many stu-
bishops. dents have felt that they could not
attend the banquet because they were
SPlans Are M ade not especially interested in the sub-
ject of public speaking. They pointed,
For Frayer Talk out that the association is trying to
discourage this feeling, and wants all
students to feel that they are invited
At the meeting of the board of di- to attend the affair.

was a more
oo b. i

aeen uargained or. iw o are aeaa
and thirty wounded in consequence of
clashes between the police and the
strikers. Three of the wounded are
policemen and they are not expected
to recover.
Seventeen persons were arrested
including Jaques Dolriet, communist,
deputy, who only today had been sen-
tenced to 13 months in prison for in-
citing French soldiers to disobedience.
Reports from Havre, Toulouse, Stei-
cne, Strassbourg, Lyons, Marseilles,
Rennes, Grenoble, Toulon, and many
other places show that the commun-
ists failed to arouse the workers and
I that law and order prevailed.
The Paris suburbs "the red ringI
around Paris," as the communists;
style them, were the scene of the most
sanguinary clashes. St. Denis, where'
the tombs of the kings of France are
situated, but which is now a hot bed
of communists, witnessed a pitched
battle between police and strikers.
One man was killed in this place
and 15 were wounded.
BALTIMORE, Oct. 12.-Baltomore

in the grid-graph has already been
shown according to John M. Bennett,
'27L, who will be in charge of the
board. Numerous inquiries have
come in to the Alumni association of-
fice concerning the reproduction of
the game.
Tickets will go on sale today at the
Union, Wahr's Bookstore, Van Boven,
Cress & Thompson, Huston Brothers,
Calkins-Fletcher drug store, and
Graham's Book store. Prices will be
35 and 50 cents for the balcony and
main floor respectively.

program are: Academic Festival{
Overture, Brahms; Entrance of theI
Knights of the Grail, from "Parsifal" I
Act I, Wagner; Dance of the Old
Ladies, Casella; and Entrance of the
I.ittle Fauns, from the ballet "Cyda- ,
lize," Pierne.
. I {
An international essay contest to
encourage better housing for intellec-
tual workers is announced by the In-
ternational Federation of Building and
Public Works, whose headquarters are
at 17 Avenue Carnot, Paris, France.
The first prize will be $500; the sec-
ond, $300; and the third, $200. Awards
will be made in February.
Papers should be typed in English
or French, not exceeding 5,000 words,I
and may be accompanied by sketch-
es. The contest closes Jan. 15.
Subject matter should cover admin-
istrative or legislative measures to

- !

" I rectors of the Cosmopolitan club yes- i

Blue Key, the society organized un-
der the Union for the purpose of wel-
coming and entertaining visiting ath'
letic teams, announced its selection
of. men from the junior class yester-
day. The following men will be in-
itiated at a banquet at 6:30 o'clock
tonight at the Union:

terday, plans were laid for the lec-
SOur~Teather .1a j ture to be given under the auspices
- of the club by Prof. William A. Frayer



Orioles, seven times champions of the


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