PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY t..nDAY, O TOBJER ITi, 102r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume VI SUND)AY, OCTIOBER{ 119 1925 Number 18 To the Deans: There will be a Conference of the Deans on Wednesday, October 14, at ten o'clock in the President's Office. C. C. Little. University Women, Upper Class: The first discussion group on Campus Organization (letters A to M) will meet Tuesday, October 13, at 7:00 o'clock, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Jean Ham iton, Dean of Women. Freshmen Women: First discussion group on Campus Organization (Letters A to H) will meet Monday, October 12, at 4:15, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Jean Hamilton, ])ean of Women. University Women: There will be a make-up lecture for all entering women, freshmen and upper class, on Tuesday, October 13, at 4:15, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. All women in their first year at Michigan are required to attend the lectures or to repeat the entire course in 1926. Joan Hamilton, Dean of Women. Women Students-Out-of-Town Games: All women students, including those living at home, who expect to at- tend out-of-town games, are required to register as early as possible in the Office of the Dean of Women, and pay the fee for the traveling expenses of the chaperones sent by the University. All women purchasing tickets on the special trains must first show a registration slip from the Office of the Dean of Women. Any women student desiring to stay away over night must have her hostess (whether a person or a sorority) write a letter direct to the Office of the Dean of Women. This letter must be filed before 5:00 Thursday pre- ceding the game. Any woman student desiring to motor to any game must make special arrangements with the Office of the Dean of Women. Jean Hamlton. Oratorical Association Leture Course: The box office in Hill Auditorium will be open for public sale of re- served seats for the Lecture Course from 1 to 5:30 on. Monday, October 12, and at those hours throughout the week. T. R. hornberger, Treasurer. Inter-Fraternity Council: The first regular meeting of the Interfraternity Council will be held in Room 302 of the Michigan Union at 4:30 P. M. Monday. Annual dues are due at this time, payable to the treasurer. All senior and junior represent- atives should be present. Phil Rowe, Secretary. Women Interested in Writing: Black Quill Society cordially invites all women of the campus who are interested in writing of any kind to meet with them Monday at 4:15 at the Green Tree Inn. All members are urged to be present. IHelen Whipple, President. Rifle Practice for Women: There will be an important meeting. of all women interested in rifle practice Monday at 4 o'clock in Barbour Gym.. Lucille Walsh, Manager. Faculty Women's Club: The first meeting of the Art Section, of he Faculty Women's Club will be held on Tuesday afternoon, October 13th, at two-thirty, with Mrs. W. C. Louisell, Washtenaw Apartments, 332 East William St. At this meeting plans for instruction in painting and other creative art will be made. The Section will welcome all members of the Faculty Women's Club who are interested and further information can be obtained from Mrs. Louisell, phone 3689. Mrs. W. C. Louisell. Mathematical Club: Regular meeting will be held in Room 3003 Angell Hall, Tuesday Oc- tober 13, at 8:30 p. m. Prof. Lbve will present "A Simple Method of Ob- taining Asymptotic Expansions." Prof. Poor will present "On the Double Layer Potential." All persons interested are cordially invited to, attend the meetings of the Club. W. W. Denton, Sec'y. Cosmopolitan Club-Board of Directors: The regular meeting of the Executive Council will be held at 4:30 on Monday, October 12th, in Room 302 University Hall. All officers and com- mittee members snoud be present. Nur M. Malik, Pres. R. 0. T. C.: Advance Course students who are in possession of Advance coursb uni- forms will bring their uniforms to the R. 0. T. C. Headquarters for inspec- tion by Sergeant McIntyre in order that they may be cleaned and repaired if necessary. This will be done before 10 o'clock Thursday morning, Oc- tober 15. L. M. Bricker. Choral Union Ushers: The following names are men chosen for Second Balcony Assignments. Friday and Saturday's Dailys contained the names of men on tickets, Main Floor and Second Balcony. On Tuesday the list of Extras will be run. All men chosen as extras are requested to report with the full time ushers at 5 p. m. Tuesday in West Lecture Room, Economists Biulding. SECOND BALCONY D. J. Foster, In charge Faulks, William S. G. H. Evans, Assistant Jekell, L. Allman, Walter Keye, George Armstrong, H. C. Laing Arnold, P. W. Lindell, Ernest Brooks, Tracy McCall, Robert Behm, H. C. Nelson, Ralph B. Barker, G. H. Pollock, Russel Curtis, Roy Roth, Norman Clark, W. B. Sandburg, W. G. Cook, Fred G. Shaw, R. K. Cornell, H. K. Stout, E. M. Carson, R. C. Swanson, Carl Donnell, L. H. Smalley, L. M. Diehl, C. Tucker, H. A. Gast, Joseph Taylor, Ralph Hall, Don E. Varnum, O. R. Hard, A. B. Westcott, G. W. Kaylor, R. B. Watland, G. R. Kelley, Earl Burba, Joe Potter D. M. Ward, Steward W. A. Davenport, Ass't. Supt., Buildings & Grounds. Subscribe Now for the Michigan Daily STJ OT Work On Lighting !E City plans provide for the installa- tion of a boulevard lighting system on P11i iAiiIN I T S I State street and the conduits are nowl being laid by the Detroit Edison Co., it was announced by city engineer Large Delegationi of Studenits ickeed! Sandenberg. to Increase University Interest _andenberg__ Throughout the Statej I ONG BEACH, Cal., Oct. 10.-Two REPRESENT ACTIVITIES unidentified airmen were killed when an airship crashed to earth at Daugh- erty field Tuesday. More than 35,000 people in practi- cally every county in the state were reached last year through the depu- tation teams sent out by the exten- sion department of the Student Chris- tian association, according to Ezra Young, '26, chairman of this year's committee. The committee this year proposes to send speakers throughout the state ADJUSTABLE to address high school assemblies, Just the thing for your desk luncheons and Y. M. C. A. groups on d ing away with any possible e the various phases of university life getting shorter and lights must i in an attempt to create further inter- est in the University. As a matter of' Phone 4744 1111 South preparation for this extensive pro- gram, the committee has secured the services of a group of foreign stu- dents, athletes and members of de- bating teams from which the person- nel for each trip will be drawn, ac- cording to the requirements of the .1 1. particular program. One of the features of this year's;ter program will be the student rally at Tecumseh, at which a delegation of, nearly 35 students from the univer-'Salads sity will present the program. This H o p delegation will include representa- SO tives from nearly all of the student'Se and church organizations on the cam- pus. Student leaders of the various Cor. Liberty campus activities will talk to the and Ifaynard young men of Tecumseh on subjects which are of keenest interest to them.___ Underlying all the speeches will be the four major principles of student relationships which are being stressed strongly by the members of the cabi-! tion: intellectual honesty, clean speech, clean morals and clean ath-! HOOV ER AYE. letics. The committee has been called up- on to furnish two Chinese speakers Sunday Dinne and one Chinese musician to. form part of the program of the initial 7 meeting of the year at the College Y. M. C. A. at Ypsilanti on Oct. 14. This will mark the initial participation for! ME the year of any members of the depu -(' Ci11ihicken Broth with tation teams, but shortly after this! Head Leti event, the committee will send two Roast Chicken native born students and one mu- 'Fricasee Chicken sician to the Webster Congregational Mashed Irish Potatoes church at Webster, Mich. Apple and Butterscc Tea, Coff Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Flat Feet Remedied by Arches Made from Impression of the Individual Foot. Louise M. O'Brien Featherweight Arch Supports Appointment by Telephone 10 21579 410 South 1)ivision ANN ARBOR, )ICII. Read the Want Ads STUDY LAMPS k~ Miake your striying easier by *yesiranm. now l0,t he days are be turned on earlier. = as= = a ea ase - s . aS . - a..e as - Cosy Corner Tea Room 330 MAYNARD STREET ' Opp: Nickels Arcade II (U U U iU Sat. Dinner - 6:00-7:30 Sun. Dinter 12:30-2:00 Supper 5:00-9:04 Ii c"' Ha U6 U U I ~w r rW"Wfl . ..,, . -- -- ItUiversity. Phone 4744 4' unches noon Tea 11:00-1:30 5:00-7:00 3:00-4:00 Any room can be warmed in a hurry by the com- forting rays of an elec- Sandwiches and Ice Cream ervice After the Dance Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights tric heater. to any socket. Will attach $ $to$9 1 Dining Room AT SYBIL ST. The Detroit Edison Company r, 12:00 to 2:00 5c Mai at William Telephone 4216 ENU home Made Noodles ;tuce Salad n Dressing with Tea Biscuit ss Hubbard Squash otch Pie or Ice Cream ee or Milk Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today. i IN III - -- =- ,. SAVE YOUR MONEY- You will find plenty of uses for done more economically here than returned to you in perfect.condition. it. Your laundry is elsewhere. And is Give us one trial- .s.. ti. i i E i i f ._, t pox OFFICE SALE that is all we ask. The MOE LA UNDRY 204 N. MAIN. DIAL 3916 TICK Oratorical Association Send a Real Message to Your Friends- Send Yourself in a Photograph. THE PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR TOWN 619 E. Libetry imt #m m; For Your Sunday DinnerUMI The Tavern Offers, Besides the Dollar Special A Companion Meal at a Trifle Lower Price. ,mGlance Over These Menus-- Oyster Cocktail Creamed Chicken with Rice mE Small Combination Salad (with Mayonnaise) THE DOLI AR DINNER Roast Spring Chicken, Stuffed THE COMPANION (85c) Chicken Fricassee Roast Leg of Veal, Dressing , "ga Chicken Stew, Spanish Style Prime Rib of Beef, Au Jus ao Breast of Chicken Sirloin of Beef, Spanish Sauce loo Country Gravy Broiled Club Steak Teabone Steak, Mushroom Sauce Stewed Corn and Mashed Potatoes Pie, Cake or Ice Cream Coffee, Tea, or Milk. AInI IN - mpm Nit 141 w #' l m SE 'It' In im U,'. OURS RI. Ten Numbers Good Seats Left Hill Auditorium Daily 3-5 ! . .