PAGE, EIGHT THEI MICIGfAN DAIL.Y SA'TURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 19 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Will. Try Four Day Endurance Test, ........ Volume VI SATIJI{1Aty, OCTOBER 10, 19°25 'Numiber V17 lMlusic And Drama ma nce should be. It is all excellent! Football interest has greatly in- theatre. Moreover, it is-Sabatini.j creased at Minnesota since Dr. Spears (Continued from Page Four) h~L5 taken over the reins of leader- Martha Bryan-Allen gives her usual BELFAST, Oct. 9.-The population ( ship. Coach Sherman Finger of the I delightfil, sure performance as Myr- of Achill Island, off western Ireland,' yearling squad announced recently tle Carey, the Royalist daughter who is being ravaged by tuberculosis and I that over 200 suits had been issued to its never entirely free 'from th-3lnay aspirants for the freshman grid team. shadow of suspicion until shortly be- luay fore the final curtain.I Bridging some one hundred and forty odd years in speech and trap- pings, the piece has nevertheless a11111 dramatic tenseness and variety which lends it a powerful modern appeal,! Ld tr We see swords and flintlocks; chal- lenges are flung in reckless pro- fusion; our hero fights desperately,I tremendously, but always suave, self- Cus contained, as your gentleman of ro-ous J. University Women: The lecture sections on Campus Organization will hereafter report in discussion groups as follows: Upper Class Women whose last names begin with letters before M will meet Tuesday, October 13 and 20, at 7:00. Those whose names begin with letters after 'L will meet Thursday, October 15 and 22, at 7:00. 1Freshfiien Women whose last names begin with letters A to HI will meet. ~~cl , October 12-19-26, at 4: 15. Letters H to R on Wednesda.-, Octobepr 4-21-28; at 4:15. Letters R to the end of the alaphabet Thursday, October 1522-29, at 4:15. Jean HIamiltion, Dlean of Women. University Women : There ;will be a make-up lecture for all entering women, freshmen and upper class, on, Tuesday, October 13, at 4:15, in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. All women in their first year at Michigan are required to attend the lectutles1cr to 'repeat the entire course in 1926. ' ~Jean Hamuiilt on, Dean of Wonicn. In the tse'conid semester Mr. Rob( rt Frost will offer a course designed especially, for students actively engaged in writing (prose or poetry). The class wijl neesarily be limited in number. Those interested in the course will . Wa,elve their names with the Secretary of the Department of Eng- lisli, 4oo1,2209 Angell Hall, not later than October 24th. Opportunity to eonfer with Mr, Frost will be provided for other students through member. of the Departments of R~hetoric and English, whose names will be an- nounced later. L. A. Strauss. University of Michigmt Band: The Varsity band will meet at Morris Hlall Saturday, Oct. 10, 1:20 P. M. to play for the Indiana game, and will form promptly at 1:30 for roll-call and inspection. Section leaders will meet at Morris Hall at 12:45. T. C. Schnieirla, Pres. Varsity Band-The Honorary Frziteriity, 1(appa K(appa Psi: There will be a very important meeting of NuL chapter, Kappa Kappa Psi on Sunday, Oct. 11, 2:30 P. M., at Morris Hall. It is imperative that every member elected in June, 1925, be present at this meeting. T. C. Sclhucirla, Pres. Women's Research Club: The first meeting of the Womci, s Research Club will be held Monday evening, October 12, at 7:30 P. M. in room Z-242, Natural Science Building. The meeting will be of a social nature. All members are urged to be present. T1heodora Nelsoni, Secretary. Cercle Francais : Members of the Cercle Francais are requested to be present at an im- portant meeting which will be held at 7:30 p. in., Tuesday, Oct. 139, in th3 Cercle Room. Business of the coming year will be discussed and informal talks will be given, followed by refreshments. E. N., Karay, Pres. Craftsmen Club: There will be no meeting of the Craftsmen Club this week, but members will please watch this bulletin for notice of 'a special election in the near future. Russell Pryce. Phi Delta Kappa: Phi Delta Kappa will meet at the Green Tree Inn Saturday, Oct. 10, at six o'clock. President Kenyon L. Butterfield of the Michigan State College will address this meeting. Members are urged to be present. Egbert ILI sbell. Naser, H. F. Nook, E. J. fNorquist, F. Porritt, I11. B. Price, R. Seidell, IH. Selmeier, H. L. Stevenson, 1H. R. Stone, Keith Schoettley, T. J. Tiedke, G. Washburn, R. L. Wild, Oscar Taylor, Earl Zeisler, Karl F. Eddie Stinson (inset), Detroit, n oted civilian pilot, is preparing for an attempt to establish a new world's e ndurance record for planes. Ac- companted by two airmen, he will go aloft with the intention of remain- ing up four days. Fuel will be take n twice a day in the air, in the man- ner illustrated in the photo. Monday, October 12th, in Room 302 University Hall. All officers and com- mittee members shoud be present. 'Nur 11L. )Ialik, P'res. Cosmopolitan Club: The first of the bi-weekly luncheons will be given on Saturday, October 10th, from 12:15 to 1:30 o'clock in Harris H-all, corner of State and Huron Streets. Initation of new members will take place at this meetin~g. Note the change of address. Tickets obtainable at Harris Hall. Nur X. Maliik, Pres. Choral U~nion Ushers : The following names are men chosen for First Balcony assignments. Yesterday's issue gave the names of men on Tickets and Main Floor. Sun- day the Second Balcony list will be given and Tuesday the list of Extras will be run. All men chosen as extras are requested to report with the full time ushers at 5 P. M. Tuesday in West Lecture Room, Economics Buildhng. FIRST BALCONY M. H. Waterman, Head Lay, Clifford Ralph Allen, Ass't. I Lyons, G. Barber, C. H. ( Lyman, Robert I W. A. Davenport, Ass't Sunpt. Buildings & Grounds. I PAY BEST PRICES For M1en's Used Clothing. Phone 4310 115 W. Washington 11. BENJAMIN - CHARLESTON TAUGHT NOW Open Daily r, 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Private Lessons Daily Adults' Class every Monday and Friday. Fifteen 'one-hour les- sons, $5.00. TERRACE GARDEN STUDIO 22' Wuerthi Arcade Phone 8328 [Ir Ten Distinguished Speakers IIIIII"" R OAILI AML'NISEN, Arctic and Antarctic explorer, discoverer of the South Pole, .will open the course October 24. I AIREINCE D)RIGGS, Founder and President .Lof the American Flying Club, will speak October 27. A IREI) NOYES, famous English poet, will Apresent an interesting program, Novem- ber 5. 1111AM N. 1lASK.ELL, head of Amern- W~ Relief Administration in Russia., will lecture November 24. PRINCESS CANTACUZENE, grand-daughter Pof General Grant. gifted writer and lec- turer, will be here December 8. A LEAI)ER WOOLJCOTT, dramatic editor of the New York Sun, lectures Janlu- ary 22. S PARKES CADMAIN, noted Preacher-Lerctur- en, head of Federation of Churches, comes on February 2. fITARLOW SIIAPIEV, scientistj author, I-D irector of Harvard Observatory, lectures February 11.4 P I1JI)ELAII RICE, celebrated reader of Pdrama, will be here February 18. A DDITIOIAI1 number to be announced within a few days. Course Tickets Available by MAIL ORDER Only During the Next Five Days Prices :$3.50, $3.00, $2.50 (Individual Reserved Seats for Ten 'Lectures) Address your application to TREASURER ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' , I, jBarkovich, J. IBishop, D. R. Bowerson, N. Bugher, John Chadwick, W. L. Curtis, Howard Elder, Livingstone Elliot, J. %I.l Fosquelle, Rowan Galley, J. E. Griffith, 0. K. Gibbs, Vein Hedetniemi, Thomas Holm, D. A. Johnson, C. W. Little investment-big returns, The Daily Classifleds.-Adv. Aw- I "A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH SPEAKS A LANGUAGE ALL ITS OWN!" When May We Photograph You? 619 E. Libetry THlE PHIOTOGRAPHIER IN YOUR TOWN f ,n ,,: . t Cosmopolitan Club-Board of Directors: The regular meeting of the Executive t '1 { Council will be hield at 4:30 on m "I r WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to a ppear in this column must be left in the box at the Daiy' office provided for that purpose before 4. o'clock preeeeding the day of issue. { SATURD)AY 12:15-1 :30-Cosmopolitan club has luncheon in Harris hall. 1 :20--Band meets at Morris hall. 2 :00-World series by radio ait the Union tap room. 3 :00--Michigan y s. Indiana at Ferryl field. 6:00-Phi Delta Kappa mieets at the Green Tree inn. 7:00-8:00-. Upper Room Bible class meets In Lane hall. 8s00-Ch1iese club holds reception at Lane hall. 9:00-Dance at the Union, preferenice!I all seniors. SUNDAY 8 :25-Student volunteers mieet in tip-I. per room, Ibane hall. 11:00-Reverend Karthl speaks on "You Cannot Dream Yourself Into Char- acter ,You Must Hammer and Forge Yourself Into One," at the Evangel-' ical chu~rch. 12:00-I~oiscussion classes at Presby- terian 1;church. 12;~1$d-,-pt guild religious educa- ti~u,,,a~ dsmeet at the Guild hou ; pr Waterman and Dr. Chap- man leaders. 12:00-Congregational student class- es meet in church parlors and Pil- grim 'Hall. '2:30-Kappa Kappa Psi meets at Mor- ris hall. :00 :-P'hilippine-M~ichigan club meets at Lane hall. 4:30-Harry. 1pke speaks at the Pil- grim.'. hall, Congregational church. 5:30 -4iongTgational student supperlin p a e o C n e c nf r c . 5 :30--Social hour at the Presbyterian church. S :30-Dptist guild friend ship hourw at fble 'i4hfd house. 5 s i0-iitlieran Student club lnects at- Pfrrisff <; all, corner Washington( and Filfth avenues., 6:30-Fireside chat on "The Spirituall Message of the Open Air" at the Congregational church. 6:30-Baptist guild devotional meet-- ing, "Echos of the Genera and of the Indianapolis Student Conven- i ;;;Iun6a, Oburcb .cervices 1 FIRST METH 061ST CHURCH State and Washington Streets. REV. ARTHIUR W. STALKER, Pastor l)O1'AI:) TIMMERJI1AN, M1ARGARET I1. STAIR Associate Directors of Student Activities 10 :30--Pastor's subject: "Religion as Romance." 12:00 to 12:45-Student study classes at Wesley Hall. led,; by Dr. Stalker, Margaret Stair and Donald Timmuerman. 6:00-7:00 P. M.-Wesleyan Guild meeting at Wesley Hall. Ruth i'.rr rai will lead on the subject "Campus Activities Pro and 7:07 30 O e ou e ig t rfes m ns 7:30 P. M.---Evening worship. "One Increasing Puzrpose." A review of the latest book by the author of "If Winter Conies." DISCI PLES CHURCH OF CHRIST Corner Hill and T.appan i~o lock Ban o~ ie Lw Club., o~~~~~~~~~~~~.j ::---oi g .r~h .Iv.F firwill lr$piI thth fclap ruooIt 5:30 Crist in 1~>ea vatSocialflour 6:30--Christian is' mi dvtinlmetng nc' eeeleader. 7; !{) .4f~itit~rie M-La ueConrad will givc _.hfe address First Congregational Church "The Church of a Thousand Congregational Students" HERBERT ATCHIINSON JUMP, Minister E, K'YNX1J'UH"J J F ~ivyersity Pllas r +ANET ii, t d ''<. , lI'es vloin ' llhisc{~'?;]'1u i" ' l:ii? II):45-Sericeof wrchllSotinonby id . Iump A Ihieey th 4 ea' rt' ~iignni Ifall u oIthe Ct a l Ptrlor? 5:3 0-'-ReuarSudn S e"'.;Scalfou ntefad If: ,li, a Cronfer.'o 6; :31---FII'+ 't ( Thi sj;i U it1AO fl "fu IW tiI ii-a' d01 the 87 ! .e" I t i FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron Street Between State and Division 1R. ED)WARD) SAYL2ES, Minister 110 WARlD '"R. CHAPMAN, Minister of University Students 10: s;0---"Miiust Religion Growe-?' 12: 00-Bible School. 1, ~ R al IMiister. 0 -i A. M.--German service. 10:00-Bible C'lass and Sunday I 0[u -EnEglish service, "l'he Bibles :30- :0 1,\.- Thie Student (club nt= a'hboparsonage for social hoitr and supper, lFen- si'- Filter t will speak of y re ivithedr.e. iJhi;Jng~ St. and Fifth Avt. E. C. SEL~ON atr TO THY' . TUD)ENT: You need thlliOleQ theiurch at- fords. Others ngeed the help your example affords. 9:00-Bible .,turd} hour. 10: 30--.service withseon n- 'f Believe In the 'FrhiiineoL' Thlis will be the hid f t'series of rios nte Apostles Creed. "a 90-Student supper. 6::30-Student forum, UNI.1 i.IN(.-U~- "Cili~ r 1; .. INFI,. i. A'4. N i $ '"l jA I iO S", t 12:0--Student Classes in Guild House. Two classes begin - "iiow the Bible Grew," talk by Mr. Chapman. Bible Has Reached Us," by Dr. Waterman. -work today. "How thbe 5:30-Students' Friendship Hlour. 6 :30-Devotional meeting. Ted Trost, Anna Louise Buck, =is Florence Leonard and Ruth Gleiss will report the late G~eaCot-i- once on the Indianapolis Young People's Convention. I w d Corner Division and Catherine Streets HIENRY LEWIS, Rector 11. L. LONSI)ALE, Associate )IRS. F. IV. PETERSONi, Student Secretary 3:00 A. M.-Holy Communion. Fl~S'f CHURCH OF CHRISI SCIENI ST -109 ~,gd l)ii Moit St II): '}0 A. M. ---Regular morning ser- - .~ilfl ~'~-t, "A e~' Sin. Jr I Snn(lav School f~j- i 1~1 Slid Ileadli I~euii ~ )WiIILr I lI~ niol'niflg service. CAL CUC Vortli rAve. etwe n iD ma a clas. I10:00 A. M.-- nls e~iC 11I Fl STPREBYERIN ANlRC 1 ' ormaad 'f o hl ia ;Sulili ~ihM I , :.