0 CT0T-"EIZ 10, 1 e °' "COE~1,12 THE MICHIGAN DAILY M. ti Wilb WON No j0 UICNLASS IIE UI AT PN.ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. TEN1 R 'Soloist wanted for church LOST- Pu'l ,, I)Golod ,sil 3. . t i); sc ~ . . li' ian go-, E6if1iEfltl[lfllli111#9t191t4{i~ll1 l 1 1Tltl~1 I~l work. ;212 South Divisiop st. DMal Gains"' on barrel. P hone 2i82 . lie -1:0c li ~ccl'd i at ii wid ; = 6;2___..~~~~.~.~xa' ;7jC a di Tiro, C ickn a] d teaklnnr Tr'\O Ticher . N. 'vor (i) a ^j-necLOST-ual -- ctpot.G-,(i)I een e iudedbyte " Ply le t Ifrom 1R1oai 13 sI(. hal I> U1 ~':' ~t1G' a:vnEi 'i)It l C. '(Served at ._.,. __ Ino!l r lw! N't oll 10 :ul d ..;1 a lQ a 4 _ . . ) t:. lrkY -.. _:i Ti. - 21 ' :KNi Ufl. X' tot r7ati1 "dJ { 1. easB .a H .'2) i 1 t l."ix ' : t :i'ity.~ 'C:t 3lO I) 1 "+'1 Ni 82 '..t.lnonl as wVill do a nyt.hing.: Ward.(l~~urc ro h 11)1 I) - Two block:, fromu ciy lbus lno on J.etcson Road, 1,11 Soc eda .. lipan i fa w111 hold ai :111oo=tl mdigt LOST -- rmnontl ingt FO)UND--n-z\w illt w'i ith 1111111a1 F'e- 1 2 U l t t2 G C'~ W do Esd avS thiS lyer 'l"OST --woaoligoldI pencil. 1 i~tials C, ul1ty Womel's clubl, icbi,:mi nD1:n f . .;tic O!atefor the fnext = Se 24 a1ttet ion given to Iparties. Phone 6534. ''. I2eflUl(. 'Uaci 9717. (Call 8023._ al "' ) 111.111L1f1I1 111111il11111111111111 11 [ii-flItllliitl Yt t(, {$ f NOTICE TROJANOWSKI BEAUTY SHOP Expert hair bobbing, marcelling, manicuring, face and scalp treat- ment. J.AIN WATER SHAMPOO 1110 S. University Ave. Dial 5535_ BEESYL BEAUTY SHOP s Over Arcade Theatre Come and get acquainted You'll be pleased 711 No. U. Dial 21379 FOR SATISFACTORY work and prompt appointment call 21410-V. Loretta Beauty Shoppe Cor. State & Liberty. Open Thursday eve. a TAI LORI NG Students Tailoring Phone 5040 ("or. N. University and 'I'haiyer M4EN'S SUITS CLEANED) ANI) IVISE), $1.25 ''TROUSER.lS PlRESSED, 20c j CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING . AND ALTERING A SPEC"IA.LTY ALSO DADIES ID)REISSES AND) COATS REASONABLE PRICES Work Called For And D)elivered ,NOTICE 'We pay best prices for men's usedl clothing. Dial 8040. Students' Tailoring Cor. N. Univ. andl Thayer ,SCHA EBERLE & Son. 110 S. Main St. The popular place for all kinds of musical. instruments. It pays to trade h'ere. MOTOR LIVEiRY. Drive any num- her of people any where any time. Insurance on all passengers. Phone Ypsi 844-W or see W. II. Lathers. ~NESTLE PERMANENT Wave special for October $15. Bentley Beauty Shop, 106 E. Liberty. Phone '6373.1 YOUR CHARACTER Analyzed. Sendl me twenty lines of your handwrit- ing. Best vocation suggested ac- cording to your talents. Price one dollar. Write "The Character Man" care of Michigan Daily. MELL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- er, thirty years experience; banjos, mandolin, guitar and chord con- struction. Telephone 4757. WATCH REPAIRING Efficient work at reasonable prices. Edw. A. Clark 1121 S. Univ. BRING your Ford troubles to Tri- angle garage 222 Detroit St. FOR RENTf SIX ROOM Furnished house. 522 Elm Street. FOR RENT-Three room apartment on ground floor, also two single rooms, reasonable. Near campus. Call 3671. ! WANTED S'1iIl)EXT to sell insurance, good pay. Dl L' oxNo. 12. May Bring Pea ce ?, I~,'# 1 31;11#ii l#1i 1111111111I tlI!ilIfliI i11 111i1i 1i 11i 1111iii~ i 61i 1EiuhI l i #WIL -Extra large yellow and white, 75c each. Yellow Pompon 4wCorsages, each $1.00. For real flower service and promrpt (dlivery, just Dial 6215 or 21 715. ;rANN ARBOR FLORALJCOr j = Store 122 East Lilberty St. IiTelegraph Flrisise ,. e_...._._v_.._ a t E xru~N~ar~s z =ce~a~ne~~wr~ww- .a4 i FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS -At- A BO'S OK ST ORS~ - _- r.--, i i s Leather Jackets and Blouses ALLI, INDS-LOWI ST PRICES I __ Peace mlay be injected into affairs of strife-born United States shipping b)oardI ly election of E. E. Crowley, (above), Boston, as President of Emer-1 gency F+leet corporation, it is b)eliev- ! ed. MI~CHIGAN II" O1tWOREN I I would like to hear immediately from two or three live-wire Mvichigan undlergraduates who can usTn $15 week- ly in return for six hours spare time! each iweek.i SWe offer what is probably the great- est value in America in smart, dis- tinictive neckwear for college men.! You merely take orders from your friends or acqluaintatneces. We deliverl ant'i collect. If you would like to connect with f a responsible concern 'on a dignifiedl proposition and1 make enough monieyJ to pay your college expenses, write m:, TODAY for samples andl complete! detailed information. ~Edward J~. Tholens Director of Sales JOHN S. )TUaRiy co., Syracuse, N. Y., Everything ini Outing Sliders, Breeches, Noecasiii-Packs, etc. Coats, Shoes Q~ QUALITY. Q v ' 0 _o make dJays use an electric, $5.00, $5.50 an4 $8.00. Oil heaters, A complete and tools. $7.00 to the room life of You Sa-ve Money by Coming Down. Jn.C. Fischer Co'mpanyt 105 East 4 a ;bhinton St. Phone 414 Surplus Supplies Store Down Town 213 North Fourth Ave. P' A LMITDUMB'iER OF SEAO TICKETS bL eiIE A OEM 1 .. r FOR RENT-Excellent furnished t room in private home for man stu- Sdent. 509 Walnut. SFOR RENT-Single room with sleep- ~'ing porch.: Very desirable. Phone S6668. 1016 Church St. FOR RENT-Attractive completely Sequipped lighthoi.sekeeping apart- ment with kitchenette and private bath. Half block from campus. SRent reasonable. Call 609 East Wil- Slams St. .Ldttle investment-big returns, The ~Daily Classifieds.-Adv. FOR SALLE aFOR SALE-Ford touring car, six Smonths old. Balloon tires. In good condition. 426 E. Kingsley, Phone S6752. Frank Duris. SALE-PIERCE ARROW-5i Pa. ;n- Sger,, fully equipped, excellent me- Schanical condition, new paint and 4tiers. $500.00, one half cash. Call 7682 for demonstration. FOR SALE-Buicks, Reos, Velies, Fords, Dodges, from $50 to $125. ~Albert M. Groves, Phone 7414. 332 E. Washington St. FOR SALE-Pedigreed Airedale one year old. Leaving town will sacri- fi1ce. Phone 0752. 426 East Kings- ley. jFOR SALE-Two Indiana tickets, ad- jacent, 50 yard line call Starks 8017, 12:00 to 1:00, 6:00 to 7:00._ FOR SALE-Ford touring. Good maotor, New tires. Paint and top in good shape. Just the car to drive to Urbana and Madison. Drive to the games in a Dependable Ford. Call Waring, 549 Packard St. Phone 0510 Sunday afternoon and evenings. FOR SALE- LARGE SIZE~ VICTORI IVICTROLA, 'GOOD AS NEW. ONE 11UNDRED RECORDS. CHEAP FOR hCASH. ADDRESS, BOX 230, ANN ,ARBOR, OR CALL 751-F33 BE- ~TWEEN FOUR AND FIVE~ 0'- ~CLOCK. IUi 2 U 3Uf U so GU Noveber -.ohr orak movephon OSSIP GABILOWITSCHI Condluctr December I 1 -Lu G vere, I Jaury2 U Ule Geeing ins Marc 8-Deri i ony rohsr VICTOR KOLAR, Conducting OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH, Pianist iOutstanding Concerts By World Famous Artists and Organizations 1 e".October 15Newhony rhsr WALTER DAMROSCH, Conduc Itor GUY MAER Pianist PALMER CHRISTIAN, Organist XTRA CONER FIVE MtiAGW~IFICENT WORLD RENOWNED MUSICAL ATTRACTIONS AS FOLLOWS: ovemtper 14 1-- ecember 7 L4 ESCHUMANNMH-E~INCnrlo' wig CECILIA HA VSEN, Violinist C-Jauary1--THE LIXI OF LOVE _onizetti's Opera-Hinsaw OpCyera Co. .'; i febtuary 26 LONDONSRN URE E-prill 7-ST. OLAF LUTHERAN HIR-F. Melius Christiansen, Conduc Itor 0 F ___" CHO O USC Mya --__ I # ; r , r.