THF, MICHMAN DATT Y SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10. TI-IFs:. vJICI-IaTxlANI V~-' ~z \JIV. .:i... . i ,.xn'm~v~ n ~ u "' i x ' w V 'M ,. w _ -3 Freshman Squad I Is Smallest To1 Report In Years. BASKFT MEN STA.HT FARR ELLS MEN RUN! T'ryon Of Colgate Is The Leading ! 01110 STA TE MEE TS CHICAGOIN FEATURE GAMESOF CONF'ERENClTE 1r~~ - - - Ohio Yfu ei RState university's football tear years frshma fotbal squd will meet Chicago, last year's Con This fyear'e fhepshmanafsotballt squael is the smallest one that has reported!I NEW YORK, Oct. 10.-Eddie Tr on toC~Cach 1~'1 11''in mnyyears. Al-bs f C'eofg g geryLeaives Hole Finial ice Before VflOisulfl eet y ti feno.Te nyohr f totoCo, hilUwrem mns. l, 111,11Wil4 DficlYt) Will lbe ltiuii (lver Var,.;ii (ours~e of Colgate, is the leading scorer on Ten teams that will clash are lltliara oete tlere av nw eren7590iioutat ellllwe ) At10: i), O'lock the eastern intercollegiate gridiron. and Michigan, ,the remainder of tie working out daily in the past two:ji In gaining 102 yards against Clark-e Buckelye-Maron-onfee gameslll weeks of practice. No cuts will be3 SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED HAVE VETERAN 'SE AM snTc audy ro crdfv~pae nSagfedadpoie made and(1the men will report until pain totggfel tdhemiest the Wlednes(i.ay lbefore the Varsity!Cal Mte todausudaclcim rast eemietenr ihdiowns i addition t bootingth be an interesting combat a Coach ensisSa~ ih Mneo .for Varsity basketball canidaU~s to sond of thle Varsity cross country! for p)oints after touchdown, this year, while that of Coach St agg oftems esa'istart piractice at 7 :30 o'clock Monday team wvhich will mmet Wisconsin a Tryon is in a class by himself at is sail to be as toga atya' f~ themot gymnasium, the court at t ihe head of the field. Second to the c:hanmpioniship squad. Several men have alreadly shown:tefedhuentbigraefo wekrmodya ai;o ,i b olaecesOelneDrmuh thiemselves to be the possessor-so tefildhoslnthengredyfr ktrhis a a .ml ilCogaeac i Oeladeaatmut l1niwilstck5 us ayt.Cadiatsmuist biring edti onng t1:5ocokha lf~ack, who has' scored six touch- aantBtea raa nes some talent eii the gridiron and the the eiow ots, wnithate pin over the Varsity course. downs while Oberlander is one be -jaintBletUrnan as class of'2shudirethmevsomebroflsyer'qa. Providing the limes are good1 enoughi hind him with five. temailt ut'm ofIieae valuable to the Varsity in the future. tefrttnmnt iihwl ersol eqieoesdd Th lacfil~ ciiidte a~lthAmn though the gradluation of George th is e e otns ilrp- C arr, of Syracuse, and Mlakofski, of sol ~ ut n Tryingcfrld t natied aosthae menTHaggerty has left a hole that will be resent Michigan in the meet next Unionl, are tiedl for third place with Franklin will furnish the opposi- trig o tetake otshvet Edffcltt fl,)rspcs.o a i-week, Eight mn will surely be tak- x.26 poiints. The latter mnade all of his! dat~e excelled their rivals. Thiree jnmng five loom promising itoher-ni andl probably ten will be the final ! pints in the opening game of the 1 Peaz, Columbia. .. .. .. . .3 0 6 24 tac~kles, Mees of Toledo, Shelt of Cin-nlii.Coc arl hol u- season against St. Michael's when the Kirchmeyer, Columbia . ..4 0 0 24 cinnati and~ Runenetz of Harvey, Ill., tr fsvnltemn n w M atclravnae players. Several promisig freshman fered the loss of one distance mani,I athletes of Peary Leary scored 63 Lane, Dartmouth ........4 .0 0 24f have shown to 1ariulr! vat ,e stars will also make a strong bid for Mason. Thle rest of last year's squad 'points. He failed to advance this rez Pein..............0 4 22 In the backfield a wealth of prts i will lie on hand, weekoevrwenS.L rnc T-Touchdowns. FGC-Field goals. tehv aeilhs ie ioeeje team. ,hwvr hnS.Lwec peciv mteialha bendis-oerd. Capt. D~ick Doyle is certain of hold- The lettem men available include held Union to a scoreless tie. TfP-Touclidown points . Rich~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~a ofCeead itCo E-IoetestosBigs ene n alhn iltheReefer, is a former Michigan man canaba and, Hoser of Muskegon all fg dowhne of +heguardlposition hgonee Ve urallast XiCallahan.,lo,,i r, Vf~I_ _ in fLion for Wisconsin this afternoon ait - Madison and Coach Little's cha- l er's honie groundIs andl this contes n too should prove a victory for. t he gCon fereiice team. s Minnesota will meet Grinnell t his afternoon at Minneapolis., while Uur- d fue stacks up against DeI'auw at Y "loomington. The Boilermakers lost, their first game to Wlabasw lst ee andl 11er e is little hmope for them going, thmgh a successful season, asthe i:° not a man on the teanr who weig-hs: I!m re than 180 pounds. tiNorthwestern will mecet Carlet on oni Itheir homie grounds and the effec tienl" l~ fMo Bkra~ teanm~nates are expected to crMpleI11 the Car leton (defense. 'A^ ,A A appear to be good halfbacks. TheJ latter bailsx from the saine town as! Oosterbaan of the Varsity squad. 1 TruskoWski, a teammate of Molenda's in high school looks like a strongj prospect for .the fullback assignment. The flankmnen have had little oppor- tunit~y to show their' calibre, however,I Storen of Detroit has made a good showing. Mannc HolIds First ICampus SwimMeetl Fifty men competed in six events+ before 280 spectators at the firstI 'weekly swinmming nmeet held undler the auspices of Coach Mann at the Union pool last night. Starret won the starting race, Dris- coll, the four width race, Shafer, the [novice race, Hughes the two length breast stroke, De Vries, the free style,I and Bennet the back stroke. I Starting next week the meets will lie field every Tphursday7 night, andl as last night the Intramural dlepartnment will award medals to the first place winners. but his presence will add an uncer- tain qnantity because of his inex- perience.3 Harry Maloney, of Stanford univer- ; sity, was recently elected presilent of+ ,the Pacific Association of the Amateur Athletic Unioii. Walter Christie is handicapper. Want a room? Read Page Seven { ne may be used at tue tip-onf position, and then dropping back to guard, thus ~,taking full advantag of his size. "Red" Cherry will hold the other (he-j fensive position, and that clever guardl should have a banner season. !Ry Hutzel, who was used at both forward and center last year, looms as thme most likely pivotman at the present time. "Sonny" Kuemizel andl Ed Line, both M men, are candidates for the forward berths, while Ken IMogaridge, an M man two years ago, is another forward posissiblity. Doug Ginn, Nick Rasnick and Knen- zel are guard candidates who earned their AMA's last season, Martin. I Weiss, Petrie and Schroeder, of last year's freshman squad, are likely look- ing players. Benny Oosterbaan and 1Bo Molenda, at th~e present time on the football squad, have both earned great reputations while playing in high school. Sam Babcock and Gil- bert, also on the football squad, are also considered likely nmaterial. Ohio Wesleyan will open the court season here Dec. 12, this being the earliest opening date for a Michigan court five in many years. On Dec. 17 the Varsity will meet thme Univer- sity of Pittsburgh five at the field honuse. Michigan State college will play here on Jan. 16, and on Feb. 6, time Varsity will travel to Syracuse to imeet the Syracuse quintet, the Or- ange team playing here next season. This schedule gives Michigan four non-Conference titlts, with one muore contest yet to be arrangedl. The new 'ig Ten ruling permits of five ?.ion- Coniference games, as contrastedl with three of a year ago. .-vvtic s uv "E t« ; caA I I *c 7 Woo 2U yULIOn YJO)L sivzzearn ias a and Reinke finished among thle first halfback.' If Keefer's total gains of 15, while Callahan t olt a first ini the, this season were added, amid divided M. S. C. meet of 1)24., In addition I by the number of times lie carried the Baiter, Jung, andl I oi'nberger, all b all, we would find that lie made an seasoned runners will be omj, handl. average gaiii of eight yards revery Coach Farrell is well p~leasedl with, tiiie lie carried the ball. Compare his sqluad of distance men and p lre-I this with the record of Red Grange. (hets an excellent season far exceed-! Players ;,coring more than 20 points ing the record miiade last year. Only follow: one than has been lost and~ the Others F FG TP Tot all have ilhe advantage of mio-e exper-! Tryon, Colgate .......... 6 0 0 44 ience amid have a str'ong chanfce of cop- Oberlander, Dartumouth 5 0 0 30 ping the hovemrs at Wlsconsiim and lat- Carr, Syracuse ..........4 0 2 26 er in the Conference meet. Makofski, Union .........4 0 2 26 Keefer, Brown .........4 0 1 25 Want a rosin? Read Page Seven Kitteridge, Hloly Cross . .4 0 1 25 andl use the Classified columns.--Adv. Gassner, Cornell.......4 0 0 24 "m U I, I fild ' vvvv vvvAYtlFG vv.Yl Y"3Y+Y'i/ i' iWN !tl.11aP'tl9 vf6.'>id'"LIV+ . I IS IIVO v vv®p, AbI rr VottIr :purer t4r Toot of Br.esaing rtt b ITY CtA1'H l3A eS Of 9 Vrxltle "Style is of Paramount Importance." "Ink;K 0.(. y S vC. , a i and use the Classified columns.-Adv. ____________________________I-Iowardl H. Jones, fornmer Iowa1 coach, and now mentor of the Univer- BASKETBALL T'RYOITS I }city of Southern California team,j --- ( I has roundedl up a formidable teamb in All sophomores wishing to try ( the few weeks that he has had the out for assistant basketball iman- IE Califorians under his tutelage. agter report at the Locker Room I Southern California trounced Wbit-j in Waterman Gym Monday night, I tier 74-0 and California Tech 32-0 on Oct. 12th, at 7 P. M. lIthe sanme afternoon two weelrs ago and F rank P. Weaver, B~asketball Mgr. last Saturday the Trojans rolled over 1 ___________________ 'Pomona 80-0. YES, IT'S GETTING COLDER And for such weather we are. featuring the same qual- ity workmanship, merchan-.., dise, style and fit in our Adler overcoats that has made our success in our Adler suits. Better equality for less money. Prices, $35.00 to $46.50 .r i- WII-1 j 116. . .; ' < And As For HABERDASHERY SO('KS: unique plerns in wool and lisle inllhorto(i fromi , xoiny, at$ '~.Three pairs for $3. s1). TIES: Silks, and sills %nd wool in strip~es, chiecks figures and fanl a~stic designs, $L.0%. Thrte S~ifUIt S Beamit ful English Rroadchlits at $11.65. All Colors. I 'I k I ~iI ,k 0 I You are probably going to the game at Ferry Field this afternoon-if so you will need your heavy winter coat to. really enjoy the game in comfort. We carry a large stock of coats which we offer for your' selection. Come in and look them -over--you wvill find the' prices very moderate, andi the quiality exceptional. i -11 "Dress Well and Sueccccd." .What Wc Save in Rent, You Gain. :,,. ,,t ., , ® 5 .i 4 !:i .oyo : ,.aio p .. O: 213 EastLiet St. Opposite Varsity 1 m 1136 E. Liberty - To- - - - -e lt-- - - T 9 I t.'/. . °..l"./. 1./.. . B.o °.. ".J".ro",ur nr w ", " ''.J'..e J."d". 9 "'/' ',.0"r ' .J"rI." ,.0"'./:i / aOcoa i i® 59 0 ff so inThe brogue is the shoe to wear this fall with the loose fitting trousers that are 'so popular. In black or tan Scotch grain 11 7 'I I 11 !1