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October 10, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-10

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Amnerican (G01eiiiinent Acepelts Lump
Siuit of I tI A~ As Basis
OF AdIstment


KiryPage Considers World GRAYDCAE
Peace Unlikely At resent;HRRSRAIN
"'t'here is no chance of keeping tesilit was IIa l totr a iser Wil-
peace ill the wor1ldl as it ris todaSy"'I 1Vel III, hut I(his WV 5 i5 1( I yl inpi - !~i~ l r~ hE m r n
sad ibyPge re aneclr y b1 l c llic .t V a a no Istatute iiiakiiigaIII II1I
said Krby Pae, fre lancecleriy ilegalfor hluau to Nw:lg e WV 1'. UnIt il HJLIII!
truin, writer, and athTority on war gFtt asiat uteoutlIawing wear, we


(fay Associated Press)
WASH!INCTON, Oct. 9.-Establish-
ing a record tor speedy solution of
such a problem, the American and
Czecho-Slovakiapn debt commission to-
dlay agreed upon an arrangemnent for
funding Czecho-Slov~akia's dlebt to the !
United States.
All -differences were swept aside.
the formula of settlement worked out1
and an arrangement made for sign-j
ing the formal (documents within a
week after the Czecho-Slovakian mis-
sion had arrived in this country. 1
The American --govern ment accept--i
ed, subject to Congressional approval
a lump sums of $15,000,000 as the l3asi,
of the settlement upon01 which the anp--
nual amortization payments will 130
made, conceding a redluction of $2,-,
6711,095 from the obligations as shown_
by treasury records. It; also agreed
to a rate of four and one-half per
cent for computing accrued interest
in advance since they were made at
the rate of three per cent from June
15 last to June 15, 1935, and three per
cent for the remainder of the 62 year I
amortization period.
Czecho-Slovakia was given terms
which their representatives said
would enable her to carry out the
contract without disturbing her gov-
ernment's fiscal affairs. She will be
allowed, bieginning next December, to
hay. $3,000,000 annually on p~rinciple
and interest through the first 18
years of the agreemzent's op~eration
after which the payments will ap-
proximiate somethinag over $60,000,000.
The total she will have pail in prin--
cipal and interest when the debt is
du~ally extinguished] will be in the
neighborhood of $300,000,000.
Architects HearI
Onderdonk Speak
On Construction}
"Rcentoi cod concrete is being used
more every day in artistic buildings
and it will not be lonig before it is
used almost exclusively by the builder
of beautiful homes;" said D)r. Francis
S. Ondcialenk of New York city in a
spleech to the studlents of the archi-
tectural college yesterday afternoon.
Pr. Onderdonk who received his ar-
chitectural training in Vienna belongsl
to the mnoderni school. In his speech,
he advocated the use of reenforced
concrete in artistic b~uilding and not
merely in the factory type of building.1
He cited examples where concrete
has been used for decorative effects
and has produced beauvtiful buildings.I
*Wth an imp~rovement which be feels
can be mnade in the cement gun, mar-
velous effects could be produced in
coloring con crete buildings. The clay
of the highly ornamnlfted1 building is
past lhe said, "For in our days of
rush and hurry, people have no time
to look at small ornanments and (deco-


In his add ress on ''The Need for World! ci n nelver mov e vw'ry fa r owar'dS
Organizzation'' given before the St ate j r enzti ugftit lr e coil i(t . To11 ar
Student council of Y. M~. C. A. associa- m!tlind, thi'i'e are 1two)Steps which st and
tions last night at Lane hall. "los- outt as iinmedif e n ecessities in any
tility b~etween p~eoples is increasing, p~lanvwhich this (sauntry can adopt
the weas)fl of war aiie becoming toward tihe elimiiiat i( ,) of futunre wa rs.
more and more deadly. Thlie explauI These are:e at ry inut o hle XWor d (Court.
at ion is M4h,: the 60 or more mlt ions and psaeof <an ut erna ti')iiil lawl
of the world are economically inter- fial, jug war illega.l. ,-1
dependent lbut politically divided."' "If t hese' 1 wo t Iin.-s could be ac-1
This coun try's entry into the World.- (5J1p1 she--d thle problen. would nlot be
CortMr Pgecosierd ssnlngt irely reslyed, t bua t we ,4 v would be)
atone of th e firs t steps lforcaes progrlaml on a s t w r o ui n h
of peace. Anotr important ste-p is srtrsi,!:y in thle plan lies in the fact<
that of mnaking it illegal for any nit- tfhat it could lie rsupporttl lby e'vcy-1
totowgwanmatrwathI ne"provocation. Quarrels should be stl)- Last night's iu('etilig was part ofR
inittedl to some authoritative boidy - thle programusam' l's 'gedl for the visit ing
which has power to act," 110 said. Idelegates to the Y. M. C. . State SI u-
"An international treaty, declaring dent Counil who heave comle from all
war to be illegal, would form a legal the collegiatte instil t 10115i in the state
basis upon which a court could deal for a conferience whichl will 1)e con-
with war. After the World war an at- chided Slundaliy.

Plan Perm its G(erma'ny to Abstain
From iPuitive - Expeditions Against
Ag-'revisor Nations5
(:Jy Associated Press)
LO( 'ARNO, Switzerlandl, Oct. 9.-A
";e at leznians agreement" for Germnany
designed to lessen her responsibilities
sas a memiber of the League ot Nations
was the pa5rticular problem wrestled
with today by the Locarno Securities
conferenc,-. It 1isUnot an easy matter.
[tra nce c oes luot like it ; Great. Britain
would prefer' to havye nothing to (10
N-it h it', bat GCermany pitsed the idlea
oif such an agreement vigorously.
'I'he plan is that t he allied powers,
all1 of which are members of thle

Truth?- It's
Stranger Than
Fiction _--Read,
('l.EVl ANDI, Oct. 9.----George
Solkolowshi, a newcomer inl this
country, decidled to invest leis say--
ing nothing of Ixnisiness, lie sought
riing nothing, of la uiness bhe sought
time aid of several rien who pose~l
as realtors. Now lhe is $1 ,3;0
Sokolowski asked to be shown
some lake front property. I~k,
jwa ; taken to Brookside Park: by
the men, who said th-ey were leav-
ing Ithe city andI were willing to
sacrifice their holdings for cash.
Afterimuchi figuring they ''sold''
him the park, lagoon andl Zoo for
$ 1,500. The mhen pointed out a
p)olicemnuonl guard and told Sok-
olowsh i that he also was includIed
in the transaction. When the men
departed Sokolowski informed the
officer that hie was the now owner
and wouldl keep the officer to
guard his p~ropert y. Not until he
was t aken to the police station
Sdid he learn that ht was duped
(J ut ot' his money.
LOS ANG IELES,('al., Oct. 9.-
Armand TI. Nichols, director of
the recent A.tlantic City beauty
p~agemnts, (dropped a remark in
Seattle that his experience with
beauty shows had taught him that
{ the witticism, "beautiful butl
dumb,'' was "a mouthful."
Today Nichols, who was in Los
Angeles, is a crushed and chas-
tened man. "I wras misqluotedl,"
lie said, ''andl ev(er since I have
had to pa5y andilpray and pay. I
never said all beauties were
dumb). I said the gag 'lea utif'ul
I nt dumb,' ran true to fract in
cases. But all beauties are not
dumb )--ab~solutely not, and as for
Anmerica';; beauties, they are
growing more beautiful every



Mrs. Eli'za Shepherd(, 'Sister of.
Jack London, Chosent Read
Of 'Women's Auxiliary
(By Associated Thess)
kOMAHA, Neb., Oct. 9-Thc An
can Legion's seventh annual con
t ion closed today with the eleva
oJonD"G-e e7 cugEast Cleveland, 0., white haired,
year old lawyer and banker,
1wounded over-seas engineer, to
office of national commander.
His election was assured long
fore the end of the first roll cal
states was announced, andl his

Late Aled iln i sized Q('I'mwd sees
Iton (dight C(ommnercial
I Only E eztt Staged




Iy ( agule council,{would jointly and ini-
(lividlually un~dertake to bring into ex-1
istence at Geneva some reservationi to
HIIIIUArticle XVI whereby (Germnany would1
be tree to abstain from puntive ex-
pediltions ordained by the League
agaist ar essor nations. Tonlor-
( oailefi- row's plenary session dloubtless will
l Crft, throw some light on this issue, which
Snlayle, referredI to as a crucial ques-
tion of the conference, for if G ermany
V INS can get into tile League, it is goner-
ally presumed thlat France "wonuld be
content with a special act (declaring{
her Eastern 'alliance inviolable.
Oct. 9.- Secret coinversations b~etween the
ent until leaders, including Count Skrsynsk,
hrogranl the :Polish foreign minister, andl Dr.
Ater ne hldouard Benes, foreign minister of
inftoSlvaia brugtfeers
that th activity. Everybody was optimistic
111 izedl excepit the Germans.
1 O l i -_-

0,1.31:3AY EXC'EED 0,,000
AtI ciuance at the Indiana
gamee today will pass the 25,400
PrinK iovidinug the wveathewr is
favo(rs 1)1, 11-arry Til lotson, busi-
nessa Manarger of thlh Athletic
I aiirocia tion said yesteirday.
Sf An un limited numnbei' of seats
are still available and will be
sold( at Ferry field until game
time. All studlent tickets were I
1mailedI during the past week.
j A larg e number of thme tickets I
Ifor thle Wiscomnsin - Michigan E
game at Maidison next Saturday
Swill be0 returned to Wisconsin
Monday. Mi'. Tillotson said. For
this reasonl it is important thatf
all students who intend making
thme ti'ip and who have not yet
purmchiased tickets, do so at once.
iAfter Monday, the number avail-
able here will be limited.
elm: ide Wornn I Ito ilfool---Iat
in-mi is (jio eni Swiim npug'rTeacher
----tO~ipoa emin iValid
That no women students shall be
' allowed the use of the Union swim-
fning pool at any time, was one of

Michigan Backfield Has Eight Pound
Weight Advantage-Two Lines
Approximately Sanie
Coach Yost's Wolverines will line
up on Ferry field at 3 o'clock this
afternoon prepared to battle the U'ni-
versity of Indiana football eleven in
the opening gamze of the Western
Conference gridl schedule.
Both Michigan, and Coach "Navry
Bill" Ingram's Hoosiers, fresh from
triumphs in their opening games with
non-Conference teams, are hlopeful
Iof gaining victory this after-noon. The
I Indiana aggregation proved that it
has an able team by handily defeat-
ing Indiana Normal 31-0 1st week.
Coach Ingram made many snbstitu-
tions in the opener and might have
run up a larger score if the regular
Varsity men had seen action tihrough-
out the game.
The Michigan coaching staff has
made every effort to correct the
errors evident in the Michigan State
game, and hope to present a smooth
running aggregation in today's bat-
tle. Emphasis oil forward pass de-
fense has been particularly stressed
in order to prevent a re-occurence of
the avalanche of passes that was
usedl last week by the Lansing team.
New confidence has been instilled,
in the Michigan team with the return
of Captain Bob Bi'own, who will play
in his usual position at center.
Brown was kept out of the opening
tilt because of an infected toe, but

( By Associ:tc'd Press)
lAi T' I !I I L 1 'I l ), N. Y.,
Ra iii toily sy i'asetl 1)051poimemu
Mondlay of the second day's
of the national air races a
event haul been held. I topiiug
clouds woulhd break, a med ii


The one (eveiit staged, was a comn-
pet it'lou of light ('011151 rc is I c r~aft for

opponents, H~oward1 F. Savage of Clii- 1 tihe Aviation tomwn ill countr'y cl)
cago and Edward Stafford of New of Det roit t rophiy. This wns won by
York, successfully moved that theI C. S. "Casey" JTones, piloting a (',urtis
-election be made by unaninousI vote.I Oriole.
The vote was McQuigg, 661; Staf- Jones averaged a speed of X128.42
ford, 224; and Savage, 55. Thus end- 3 miles Can hour'.It. 1L. Rowe in an S'A
ed what was termned by many, the I took second lahce xwitl 'n<iver'Sge
Legion's most lharnoious conveni- { speedl of 117.8 miles anl hour, while1
tion. Fredl Becker in a Wright.-Bellati ca
took thirid lionors w.ith a ii a vers ge
tThe niatter of commendation for I
Col. William Mitchell, severe critic speed of 111.91 miles per~ hour.
of the nation's aerial defense, was the TIomorrowi will futrn ish the suiraenie
hidden rock of dissension which never, moment, of thle tliree day meet, the
was healed. The able hands at tile IArmzy-Navy ('ontest, for the Pulitzer
fhelmzl of Nthe Ltt:ion guided a cour se3 trophby.E
1which. kept so clear, that the um tter'
was not brought to the floor' of the Begin Public Sale
con vention. It was dislposed of in Cours e
committee meetings by recomni enil- Of Lecture C u s
itg adoption of onie of MAitchell's pro- Tc esO ln j
posals, that for a department of (he- Tck tOnM da
fense with control over thr'ee c~h talI
branches, aii', navy and army, but IPulifc sale oIf reseirveul 50eason tick-
without naming him. lets for the r(-~tttsr heelturle coum'se of
Trhe next meeting will be lv'ld in the Orator ical c ssociat ioan will start
Philadelph~lia in 1926, and that of 19~27 Monday. lime sale will be ('ondute d1
in Paris, France,.1111(nde'time ;super visioli of Theodor'e
A sister of Jack London, thme late I elrnrar,-r, '27, tr'easurer of tlie as-
j niovelist, was ('hosenm to head the sociation.mI The box office at H ill
{Women's auxiliary of the American auditorium will lie open fi'onm 1 to 5: 30
ILegion. She is Mrs. Eliza London o'clock.
Shepherd, of San Fi'ancisco- The mail order sale of ticket:; has
-been "'graiti fyi ng" Ic'* Prof. R. D. T.I
Ilfoli ster. facult y ma iager of thme as-!
IJOIN MUSIC FACULT . Jat on. Nearily 1 ,000 applii'ttions
1 have been r,_'eived to date, and these
1 will be sent. out next week.

Bowdoin Party
IWelcomed By
MaHine Friends

( B Y A s s o c i a t e d P r e s s ) 1 T N l N A I S A D M e , C c . -
Time steamer's Bowdloin and Peary of
thue MacMillan-Navy Arctic expedi-
tion arm'iv'edlhereI' today, thme Pea ry
docking at nioon and the Bowdoin '
Nv ith tLieutenant Commanuder Donald
I). M ac, tillan arr'iving Just befor'e 5
o'clock this evening. T.[he Bowdoin
party wras greetedI at the p~ier withj
cheers ami( welcomling words by rel-
olve"~n s.1 1 ', in-ld" Who, onlyrton n ,in,- I




It i s before had handed oni this little
island 20 miles off the mainland.
Commander MacMillan usually staysI
her'e over night before enteming Wis-
cassett, his homie port, upon return-
( ig from is.. Arctic expeditions,
which now nunmbiler nine. He and his
party will he put ump for the night in
the hlies of the island residents.
lIntensive study is beinig conducted
by the Chamber of (Conmmerce on thme1
compar'ative prices of commodities
sold in Ann Arbor with those of other
college t ownms, it. was announced by1
tha;.t office last night.
Six college towns, which corre-
sp~ormd closely to Anmn Arbor in gen-
evil ciai'acterist ics, have been select-
ed foi'tihe comipa rison of r'etail prices.j
I )ala will lie coinpiled as soon as time
necssar'y mater'ial is recived.
Trans vaal Gold
Believed Foundl

ALLOW HIS NCKNAM the principal resolutions adopted by his injury has healed, and he will un-
ALL W _HINCK AM jtime executive council of the Uniion at doubtedly see action today.
TR~ENTON, N. J~.,Oct. 9._-To ;its initial meeting yesterday after- Indiana will probably resort to the
, aerial game because of its unusual ly
call a man a "souphead" is (quite noon in time student offices. Motionslihbaked.TeMcgnbc-
p~ermissible, but to) call hinta it for a number of innovations were field will have a-m eight pound ad-
"bootlegger", is an sact of dlsor- passedl by thme council and several pro- vantage over its opponxents,' while tthe
denly conduct, in the eyes of the visions wer'e made for improvements lines of the respective teams will
New Jersey Supreme court. in time building.
The court so riuled in anl opin- The moti(qii carried in connection
ion upholding the conviction of ; with the use of the swimming pool The probable line-up for to-
Charles D. Kirk of Weehiawkeni on ;retas: "It is resolved that the present day's game is:
a disorderly conduct charge, he ;I Louse rles be strictly adhered to inI Michigan Indiana
having applied both terns to a I thme matter of excluding women from ;I Oosterbaan . .LE~........ Nessel
member of the :Town council, the swimmling pool and other such I Edwards, ..LT..... -. Fisher
"Pootlegger" mlay b~e accepted I lahice'sinl the building which are main- I Lovette......LG....... bishop
andl highrly regarded as a- tithe in tamned for men only." Women were Brown (Capt) .C.:........ Kelso
some circ'les, time court held, but allowedl the use of the swimming pool IHawkins .. . .RG..' Bernoski
(time fact remains that such a per- { at certain hours duming the summer R. Babcock . . RT..W. Fisher j
son is a criminal. As to theI session, and, it is said, thiere was Flora ....... RE... .. Lanman
other title, Justice Mlintutrne said some agitation for the continuation ofI Friedman .. .Q....Salmi
"' souphead' cannot be deenmed I this policy. I Gfregor34 ... RH.Marks (Capt)I
either undignified or offesive." , In regard to time swimming pool, it I Molenda.......F......... Byers
1was further resolved that Matt Mann, Gilbert ...... LH...... Prucha
ST DYMO K Y' LFE 'Varsity swimming coach, should give l I Officials:-Eckersall, Chicago, .
S-ST DYMO K Y' LFE Ifree swimnilg lessons to all student Referee; Ksennedy, Chicago, 1
-mnembersl' of the Union twice weekly. # Umpire; Ray, Illinois, Field
BjALTIMORE.,, Ofec u 9.- The plan calls for morning classes Judge; 1Huston, Parsons Col-
Twentysre monkeys of eo the heMa ayu of 30 minutes each, to be divided into i lge, Headlinesman.
Reeu{re aeo h a three groups of ten students, consist-I
iaomtoh imsalayapintaUniesity ing of beginners, mediocre swimmers,
Asiato ohn Hokin Unverity and those wishing to become profic weigh approximately the same. Larry
for exhaustive study in evolution. leint in speed swimming and fancy Marks, captain of the Bloomington
Records of births and deaths will delegation, has. had two years experi-
be kept. In order of offset the 27 extra days ence and is rated as one of the best
The Macaque Rohesus has been fit required last sluring to finish the backfield men in this section of the
selected, chiefly because lie 1 Isi3mn olduigwih ietecountry.
1thought to repr'esenit a strain 111- swinmiming b~ooks, soldl on the campus, The Michigan line-up will be, prac-
tinet froum othmer momnke's 1 andi 1 were supposed to have been valid, it tically the same as that which ap-
Sseems definitely a closer relative was decided to extend the time limit peared on the field last week. Gilbert,
!of nxriin on the books for one month. Tickets who played a sensational game
' - ill these books may nmow be used until against M. S. C. has been selected to
QUEN CHI11 YEAR THIRS r. Dec. 1, instead of Nov. 1. ! start as left halfback. Gregory will
A motioni was passed to inaugurate appear at right 'halfback. Oosterbaana
1\ OCOW Oc. 9.Pubic o- supper dhances in the assembly hall will start at left end, with Flora ait.
mimndl for aleooloic stimulant, of thme Union from 6 until 9 o'clock tergtfak
aftem' 11 years of partial prohii- on evenings of importanit honme foot- -___________
t ion, still is :so great that each.m ball ganmes, including the Navy game,; Wisconsin Game
dawn finds long line opleople in Oct. 31, the 0. S. U. comntest, Nov. 14,I
Ifront of the winxeshol)5. andl gre- ;and the Minnesota game, Nov. 21. In- a l oa#p c a
eer store, sllng he ewl Ivitations will be sent t alumxni and
legalized 40 per cent vodka. isuet.Tepa st rdc
cab~aret effect in time dance hall dur--___
ing the specified hour's of the three Railroad tickets for 'the special
EDevenICUSS qings. wet o reordasnps to Madison netFriday night
11 c c un i en n re o d as a - ae now on sale at the M ichigan Cen-
n~provin of a proposed interfraternity tral depot and may be obtained at the
~IHI~II Sorchestra tournament for the near fu- Union next week, starting Monday..
HIGHSCHOL POBLMSture. r The lplan is to have two fra- Railroad officials ask that students
-~ Itcm'nity orchestras; compete on Tues-, buy tickets at once that a sufficient
jImstitnting; a new service for pub~lic fday and Thursday evenings in the I number of cars may be provided.
amid private schools, :Prof. J. 13. Ed- -'Uion tap roomi each week, time win- The roumnd trip fare is $13.6t a
I monsotin mspector of high schools for ncr to be chosen by. popular~ vote. special rate for next week-end. Lower
thme University, amid G. L. (iooilnich, A. tap) roomi orchestra will again berths may be reserved for $4.50, one
I highm school imnspector 101' time state' be engaged to play between the hours way, and upper berths for $3.60, one
department of public instruction, 'call-' of 6 and 7 o'clock each dlay. way. Trains will leave Ann Arbor
ed a series of conferences dluing Sop- at 9 o'clock eastern standard time,
tember for discussion of high- school n~n iiarnur Friday evening, arriving in Madison
Iproblems. Attendanmce was restricted 1lNWI1D VINE' COMPS at 7 o'clock, central time, Saturday
' to high school superimntendentsofmrigThspcatanswllev
towns of umnder 2,500 population aiud Madison at 9 o'clock, central time,
county school comnmissionem's or their, Rev. Kirsopp_ Lake, D.D., Winn pro- Saturday evening, arriving here at 9
srpres entatives.; fessor of ecclesiastical history at liar- o'clock, eastern standard time, Sun-
Tic which were presented iichnd- -vard D~ivinuity school, will be the day morning. Return tickets will be
Il ed analysis of material i high school Isp~eak~er at the nmormning service in St. good on all trains leaving Madison
- manuals, recommendation standai'ds' Andrew's Episcopal church Sunda.Stra evening, llwn stop-over
r___.__._- I .. _r ~..-. <. 1;.,~ _ _ A . 1 -* ,' .r __ .. fwl-3. w... - ~. -1

IThree new members have been add- , I-


as they pass in time crowdled l
'loam' simple outlines, large
of eveni surface, set off by,

-r t ut:;tAiimigu feat ures, alone can stand
thec test of the a utomobilist who
flashes' by or thue business mnan wvho
rnsup) a quick glance.-
Dr.1 m nry W. SinkIas,1beenmmde-
liverinmg lctlures to classes ini electri-
cal ('igiuei urn during time last two
weeks on the subiject of fimst aid to
people suffterinig fromn electric shock.
The great damnger fromt shiocks is
not the heart trouble or thie burns
often accommpanying it, but fromn the
x - paralyzation of time respiratory organs
and the resultimug stoppage of breath-
ing, Dr. Sink said. The correct
treatment is to accelerate breathing
as saon as possible, using the same,
method of resuscitation used in reviv-
ing a drowning personi.

Sed to, the University Schmool of Mlusic B a s a dL a e
faculty this yeai', it was announcedj ln ha d e v s
yesterday. Albert Lockwood, of time I ---
piamno deparmnent, recemitly retuirnedl Pro'(f. 1Branid 1hlslull-di, formuer-lynof
fromi Europe, will mresume his instruc- thle phuilosophyv depar'tnment, this year
tional duties this seinoster'. James i s 1Pi'ilssm' of 1111ilosophiy at wmti-
Hiammiltonm, of time voice department, more colleg e.
lihar also ret urnied fromu Europe. I lelen A -syst ('iio01honors ~5coiur cs, siuflil<i'
Blahmik, who )graduateoilfromithe 1to liiise offtei'ed at Oxford., will hoeiin-
piano amnd orgamn depamtmenlt last year stituted at Swa ut hmtoi'e by h'u'ofessor
is now teaching piano. 1lamusha 'ul, a Rhodes scholair.
T'hirty,-Two Per Cen"Ft Of Senir

LONDON, Oct. 9-P'ossibility
new inmmense field of goldi

of a}
in the

vote zit 1' rlwctzw
Less thmamn32 pem' (ent of t he seniomrs
who were qualified to vote iin time
class electiomns omi'W(ednesday andil
Thursday availed themselves of their;
privilege,;(coumit of thle vote's ('tist iumil
conmparison with the class enrolment!

'iS r 17 ll, .3"0?/U T'. ans-vaah u'egTilmof Southl Africa
1 seemus fore-shadowed in a repomt re-
Ielvedl hem'e today saying that time "long
ThIese stat isl ics< show Iha11t morie thmn m host"' main reef on thme Rand fomtein'
anett~rctof h4 clas vfed riheestate has just: been discover'ed l.y aim
nubrddsoheraeiltebl lgihclpn~otinig for'iminor office's. It is said that the reef has been
Senior's of theleI aw scholol tur'nedl (1iscovered to a dlepthl of fr'omm 700. to
outmil inasriger'nmbmters thii those of)j 900 feet andl that it can easily b)0
anly oth11(r'coih('g(; 98 ha llots ibeinlg 1.worked.
Scast; by a class of abhout125 Stud~emnts. -______________
T1110 sch'll(o if ed ucat ion icast. 13 lbal- p a~~ G
lots, ouit mofia clais that had more Cam bel VUic G
tlu siu 100_ mmeeis list Yeamr.
TLhe semi iom' c t~ld In iithme College To A rt Conven tion

In time final vote for the presidencyIt
of time semiior literary class, 232 votes
were cast. There waere 954 imm time
class last year anud, ahtlyough no counit,
Shas ibeen conmpiled this fall, it is be-1
lie v1-d thle nunmber is slightly la'em'.
t'his imnaims that 232 votes were cast;
by a class (if approximately 1,000,!+
less than 25 per1 cent.
Ini the balloting for the rest of time'
senior literary offices, includimng time

IOur~eather han

(f I hi I uovcsy was postpIonedMI ent irely'
liecaliuse of f a ihmre of mem(bners of t hec I Prof. 0. J1. Canmpbell, oif the Eng-
chla,, s o'(-s loud. Sixty-thbree rotes'5I lish idepart ment, li-as beeni named as
r e rc ;VI-li by camIididates fou' of- representative of the Umniversity to time
in~ i time sciBier t.e:A;11 class, Nwhich ('oniveIt ion (of persons imnterestec inml
nunimlters about SO studlents. Only 29 cldamatie art givemn under the aus-




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