FRIDAY, OCTOTIrT 9, 1921) THP, 1° TCHTGAN P-A TT N FRIDY, ~TO1~R , 125 TF MCHIGN DILYPAG~E ...... ... . .I- I t ILViVAN M EMI PF 1) T1SF LEAGUE TO SELL RIDING TICKETS Gve Phiysical Ed uecatioin Credit I l)er~: ~WO1~enWho Take Twelvre Lessonas To Pan-Hellenic To /l Give. Luncheon At Haunted Tavern j]]O Pan-Hlellenic Inter-Sorority associa- !All Un tion will 1hol( its annual luncheon at ;attend ti 1:30 o'clock Saturday, at the Haunt- ( from 41 ed Tavern. This luncheon is for the b our gyrY representatives of the various housesj orchestro anti is given for the purpose of fos- fo the tering closer olationships between I feature v these representatives. which w~ Heretofore, the luncheons have Bell, of been held at one of the sorority partmnent houses, each of the houses furnishing' by Etrur a portion of the menu. This is the McNally, first year that it has been held at a' bers of t] tea room. The committee in charge an h IHVITES WOMEN Y9 SFIS liversity women are inivitd to .e party which wvill be given to 6 o'clock, todlay, in Bar-' innasium, by the WT. A. A. An ,a has been engaged to play; dancing of which the chief, will be a cotillion with favors, wil be led by Dr. Margaret the physical education de- t. A stunt has been planned ria Doster, '27, and Margaret "'27, to introduce the mem-j he physical education faculty, members of the executiveI fthe W. A. A. , Y . W . C 1.1A . Cl ri al ozh . _ Fund (1 LSsociaim14w- () \u e ni the latter pa-rt of 0 htPLi (lone by T' niverii y wom l Prourgh the comnmunity r1~ )Itii 0of the Y. AV. C. A. Bringing thec card fi ler m)anto late. correcting 1 ('lphle o l roan1a dresses, amd all tl Ith a .i ld"work tat is niecesar11y beo'e ik ieinn envelops";wili m iia mt('ni,3 NEW CLUB ORGANIZED Through the kindness of Mr. Guy N. Mullison, proprietor of the Mul- lison stables, an agreement has been made whereby the Women's 'League will receive $500 for the sale of ,500 'is composed of Ruth Sorge, '26, Isa- tickets for fall riding. Thea tickets bel Slosson, '26, ° and Frances Par- are 'six for $5 and may be used in Irish, '26. riding classes or at any time. There will be a representative of the League 511 r W E 011 uiiiiii in every women's house on campus W l u I~ R sometime during the next week and ticetsma bepuchaedat ha tie. SP 1 CTBR 2 A riding" club, under the direction' PjACTBR 2 $ of Betty Nutt, '28, manager of ridingj for W. A. A. is being organized now. IOne more event on the list of en- All, tickets boughit for this purpose tertainmnents for freshman women is wvill come ;under the League sale as, the annual Freshman Spread which well as those for regular classes,. h ohmrsaegvn rdy Instruction in ridling will be given'th soomrsaegvn Fidy b~y Mr. B. L. Carver, who received his Oc. 23, in. Barbour gymnasium. The training for this work at the Culver Spread has grown from a simple in- Military acadlemy. Second semester ;formal supper arranged by a few wo- sophmore, an juior nd snio men into the present formal dancing partyoes elboatl arrange byd several women who have to make up work commtyeaoes. arne b eea in physical education may receivecomtes credit for the riding course given by Edwina Hogadone, 'L8, is the gener- Mr. Carver. al chairman, assisted by Elsie Mur- Twelve lessons are required in ray, '28, as general secretary. order to receive the physical educa- iThe committees are as follows: Fi- tion credit. Each section meets twice nance, Betty Nntt, chairman; Marian - a week; the hours are as follows: Anderson, Alice Kellogg. Invitations: 4 o'clock or 5 o'clock Monday and Mary Van Deursen, chairman; Doro- Friday; 5, o'ciock, Tuesday andI Thurs- thy Baird, Helen Belcher, Dorothy day. A class for the advanced stu-'Hlurd.. Refreshments: Jean Green- (lents will be held at 4 o'clock Tues- shields, chairman; Elsie Murray. day, andl 4:30 o'clock Thursday. Floor and program: Madeline Dank- The riding fee will be $6.50 for-six ers, chairman; Kathryn Kyer, Jos- lessons, which includes $1.50 for the !ephine Norton. Favors: Mary Quar- instruction., ton, chairman; Esther Merrick. Dec- All women who are interested, orations: Evelyn Pratt, chairman; should sign up on the riding poster Ellen Groff. Music: Margaret Deac- in Barbour gymnasium. j on, chairman. Publicity: Mary White, I 'chairman; Dorothy Morehouse. ROME, Oct. 8.-In consequence of kNASpread fee of $1.00 is now being, intervention by the ministry of fin- conllected in gymnasium classes from ance, the price of gasoline has been th ohmoewmn * reduced to approximately 45 cents a' - gallon. IWatch Page Seven for real values. M Frog, Chicken ai-d Steak Dinners Served at BOULEVARD INN w -= -Two blocks from city bus line on Jackson Read, r~ from noon till midnight.CE ~jSpecial attention given to parties. %Phone 6534. r board of 4 1 nwork that they are (doing. O g nie«ik sPo taSor t A c r to (C'har 1 me Shiland, '27, Y rZ' f' JtC 3O tt rainnof the community service Start Tomorrow l Selects.Alembers (c,1)O (of Ihe Y..AV. C. A.. women, .0 -ted itliss I YW of womr may Ilonoi' points in the Women's Ath-1 After the tryouts held by Portia de- Nx)ryhail. Other miembers of Ictlc association may be 'earned by l boating' society on Tuesday evening, her coinitltee are: Edwina flogabone, l particip~ation in the organized hikes, the following were elected to mexm- 2' .dAlice Calender, '27, Lucinda Shier- o hchte1rtwllsat 1t8 bership: Helen Debevoise, '29; Ruthr v. eel, 'o7,whichrinheHubbardw'27andartloatj8Lfie, '29; Pauline Diehl, '29; Marian tomorrow mornrng, from BIroehm, '29; Ruth Magee, '29; Elaine Io~ bi ure,'7 our gymnasium. The points will be Vaupell, '29};, Mary Martin, '29; Eliza- awardled on the basis of one point per beth ('ronin, '28; Katharine Lardner, 'A !',I S. Oct. 8.- -The Frenchz Cabli- mile. All University women are in- '28; Emma Baird, '27; and Jane Sum- no has; ratifed the appointment Of jvited to take part. mers,'29. leeage, minister of justice, as The enthusiasm for hiking this year r -;ident regent of French Morocco. is shown b~y the fact that more than DETROIT, Oct. 8. - Robbers who 35 women have already signed up for1 broke open two safes in' the Lafer this sport. Margaret Lawlor, '28, is7 Brothers wholesale grocery recently the WT. A. A. hiking manager. escaped with money estimated Ito total betwveen $3,000 and $5,000. bjet The Daily sell it for you thru l the Classified columns.-Adv. Watch Page Seven for real vales. words, people, places, tj'hat TR1E A1T M ALLK )rreading, writing, study,'EAL K !d instantly in the stopq of If you want to please all your friends, b and use no partiality, Give your PH OTOGR APH 'ictionary--Based upon INTIERNATIONAL, like dactylogiramn, electra-r such as Cabell, Hoover,. ww Gazetteer entries such as°- Little investment-big returns, The Daily Classifieds.-Actg. r Try this new number on your Notebook Parker Pens in Black and Gold $2.75 (y$3.50 with larger point and rolled Gold Band) 14K GOLD POINT, extra-flex- ibl--aPenwith a rolled GOLD CLIP or rolled GOLD RING-END, at the price of pens with nickel clips. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Factory and General Offices JANESVILLE, WIS. Parker Pems. in Black ¢nd Q~ldj LargrSizes sJO. $ 5 and $ Lecture Course L -------- -' f V Ii It I w {" \ + ) '.. } S .. ~ t ;yw..-". ... .y~"_ . _ t 1 ,Q " O "--' Q a ~ __ .--- ' -.'" -^.." . 4 , 7 f iAM1 ., Y i Cd5 ; ei> IT a Daipriggan Says Fashion ply for Sports Wear { {oevcry sports oc cesion thce I is rno cdenyiing he appropriate ness of slip-over sweaters with thj eir I ~tful colorings and -~ . l)h.'utiful yarns. I., or rchoice is unlimrited Iin Loth styles and colors.} F < t 5For the next few dlays we r~a -e fcaturhtig three prices. Al te ewst FELT HATS o tn, ry All he nwestshapes rid in the smartest shades o as ry Sand other delightful colors. A wonerfulselection and a pricet which will appeal to you. A xvonerfu'Specially priced at $2.95 rI 4VELOURS II ur Velours are'ery popular i all thene shades and coos C .An ale pca {eigfryou atne AnoterX5.00 4 ~Easy. Liberty Of f.State a Ill'''''i R OALD) AMHITI)SE.N, Arctic and Antarctic explorer, discoverer of the South 'Pole, will open the course October 24'. L AI~jI,,EE liRWMS, Founder and President' 1.of the American Flying Club, will speak. October 27. AI1JIREI)NOYES, famous English poet, will present an interesting program, Ndvem-l her 5. 1114AMV N. IIASI ELL, head of Amen- cn Relief Administration in Russia, will lecture November 24. P RUNVESS f"ANTACUZENE, grand-daughter tof General Grant, gifted writer and lec- turer, will be here December 8. A LEXAN1)ER WOOLCOTT,' dramatic editor of the New York Sun, lectures Janu- ary 22. S lAI{KIES CADMAN, noted Preacher-Lectur- e r, head -of Federation of Churches, comes en February 2. H ARLO1W SILAPLE Y, scientist author, Director of H arvard Observatory, lectures February 11. 1111111111 Ten Distinguished Speaker, in Accents Smart A ND all fashionable women are happy because those who have worn it find it just as service- ,able as it is smart. Why shouldn't it be popular? New -models have, just come in. They are different and altogether new in style! A jaunty, sport-like 'two-piece mode deftly fashioned from balbriggan makes a smart campus frock. And Balbriggan doesn't wrinkle. hhI) FLAIlI RICE, celebrated reader (iramia, will be here February 18. of A DI)ITI{)NAI. number to be within a few d iys. announced Curse Tickets Available_ by MAIL ORDER (SECOND FLOOR) -Only During the Next Five Days Prices : $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 (Individual Reserved Seats for Ten Lectures) Address your application to TREASURER ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION ! G o. UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN it ..., o , . ,:,p .. so,.,.r,_ ,.,, .,. .:: Get Ihat Car for Twhe Out-of- i v; ae rices Suited For All « --- Ford Sedan, '24 ... . Two Ford Tudors, .$400.00 0 " " 0 " " 0 " 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24. . . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 Ford Tonuring, '23 (like new) 40.00 175.00 Ford Sa-ics and Servic~e T1wo Ford Coupes, Avio Ford Coupes, '24 . '22- 175.00 $275.00 e " " " " " " " " " " s " " r "CsC"C" "C* s w " " " Ford Touring, '16 ....,. " "CeC"C " o " e " f*"C" " 0 * * 0 * 0 0 0 0 'll i P'T"1 TT' 1 PU~ * / U r'-~~i r~ -- -' ~ I l '. -'%f' AdA