PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TWOCOMLET Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editoria Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan,as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Strcet. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. Thal City Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield News Editor...........Manning Houseworth Women's Editor...........Helen S. Ramsay Sports Iditor...............oseph Kruger tele raj ,lEditor.........William Walthour Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith II. Cady Leonard C. Hall Willard 1. Crosby Thomas V. Koykka Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick I. Shillito Assistants Gertrude E. Bailey Evelyn Pratt Philip C. Brooks Marie Reed L. Farnum Ruth Rosenthal Buckingham Abraham Satovsky Edgar Carter Wilton A. Simpson Eugene IT. Gutekunst Janet Sinclair James T. Herald Courtland C. Smith Russell T. Mitt James A. Sprowl Elizabeth S. Kennedy Henry Thurnau Mfarion Kubik David C. Vokes Walter H. Mack Chandler J. Whipple Stanton Meyer Kenneth Wickware 11len Monrrow (Cassamn A. Wilson I irbert Moss Thomas C. Winter Margaret Parker Marguerite Zilszke Stanford N. Phelps In a dirty little quick-lunch restau- rant up-state, there is a sign which says, "Speak a kind word to the fel- low next to you-it may change his whole life." A bit maudlin, perhaps, but it is often the seemingly small things are the most significant. An instance of this is the fact that police officials in large cities testify that the number of suicides doubles during the rainy seasons. Oregon university is justly proud of having been the originator of "The Oregon Hello." She has extended the original practice in order not to be outdone by other colleges. As a con- sequence, a stranger on her campus is made to feel welcome, and he leaves with the highest regard for the school as a whole. We like to think of Michigan as being a western college. Why not, then, endow her with the cardinal virtue of the West? Can't we say "Hello" the next time we pass a fel- low-student? It wouldn't seem too odd after a few times,-and we'd all feel a little better for having given and received a cordial greeting. Plans are under way, it is reported to place Mitchell on the same ticket with Al Smith. Their cry will be- "Millions for defense, but not one cent for prohibition." The wolves are really at the door of many a Russian family. Press re- ports tell of an invasion of wolves unprecedented in recent times. Being too wet to do anything else the city engineer had the streets sprinkled yesterday. A man can no longer complain that his young wife puts everything lie earns on her back. It occurred to us last Sunday night that "jam," reversed, always has meant "Maj." The modern girl doesn't want tc hear candid words-she wants can- died words. OASED RoLL THE ROLL'S CLUB Now that the Board in Control of Rolls is all organized and everything music AND DRAMA TWO COMPLETE COLLEGE STORES- RAHA ME we are to submit for your approval the first suggestion which that august body has made. The idea is like this: WILL SWIM HURON There is to be organized a new in-' stitution on this campus. It is to be called the Rolls Club, and member- ship is open to anyone whose resi- dence is within a radius sixty millionI miles of the Press Building. The! members will be nominated and elect- , ed automatically after they have won 1 the proper number of points. This Club will have an annual dinner at the Union this spring at which vari- ous notables of both the student body and the faculty will speak. -Joe Zilch. This dinner will actually take place and is not merely a figment of our imagination. It has the sanction of t the Board in Control of Rolls and - there are already four members, of which some are honorary and some ~ are active, who will attend. The whole affair will be very informal and r will be opened to both men and wom- en, students or otherwise. FOILED! Membership to the Rolls Club, asf we have said before, will be awarded , on the° point system. Each contribu- tion to this department which appears in print will constitute at least one point, and in some cases more, at the THE MATINEE MU SICALE The Matinee Musicale will open their season Wednesday, October 21, in the Michigan Union ball room with a concert by Tito Gradova, pianist. Although Miss Gradova is only nine- j teen years old, she has already be-- gun to attract national attention for her unusual'talent. This organization will also present the Elshuco Trio. which gave such a remarkable pro - gram in Ann Arbor last year, for a return engagement on.December 2. The Student League of the !Matinee Musicale will hold its first meeting of the year Tuesday, October 20, in the University School of Music at 4:15 o'clock. The program will include reports by Mrs. O. J. Campbell and Mrs. Harry Bacher as well as an out- line of the recitals for the conin semester. * * * AGAIN It has always been the rather pat boast of the Music and Drama col- umn that everything, either musical or dramatic, that The Daily has sup- ported with bells on has been a whoppi'ng success, both financially and otherwise: not, mind you, as thej sole reason of each capacity house - no one could be quite that conceited-- but merely as a significant coinci- dence. Omitting the concert courses, the Opera, the Junior Girls' Play and f' won Irving a moalsD SC 707 -N. a Unie'Ph ve 'ioiw 21212 DANCING at .~ FACTORY NA1~ ~, ~ ,i~ i~:~; 4 / DI" tCT R FROM THE FACTQRY TOTHE WEARS . M S Tonight and Tomorrow Night And Every Wednesday, 8:00-10:00 Friday, 9:00-1 :00 Saturday, 9:00-12:00 Jack Scott's Club Royal 4. C A, BUSINESS STAFF TelephoneT21214 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARKER Advertising......................J. J. Finn 2 Advertising ........ .....T. D. Olmsted, Jr. Advertising...........Frank R. Dent, Jr. ;x. ~Advertising..................Wi. L. Mullin Circulation................H. L. Newman Publication............... Rudolph Bostelman Accounts...................Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingred M. Alving Frank E. Mosher George II. Annable, Jr. Julius C. Pliskow W. Carl Bauer Rdbert Prentiss John H. Bobrink Win. C. Pusch George P. Bugbee Franklin J. Rauner Elden W. Butzbach Thomas S underland James R. DePuy Win. H. Werne Myra Finsterwald Eugene Weinberg Oscar A. Jose, Jr. Wm. J. Weinman . E. L ittle ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1925 Night Editor-WILLARD B. CROSBY NINETY-ONE PER CENT LESS WORK Senator James E. Couzens, repub- lican, of Michigan, chairman of the Internal Revenue Bureau committee, has forthe1 past year and more inter- ested himself in the detail workings of the nation's tax collection system. The fruits of his investigation, from the tax-payer's standpoint, are indi- cated in the following excerpts from remarks by the senator: "I believe that the law requiring returns from individuals with in- comes of less than $5,000 should be repealed, thereby eliminating the filing of an enormous number of re- turns which causes not only great an noyance to the tax-payer but also costs the government a great deal of money in the handling. .......The adoption of the policy I have sug- gested would wipe out 91 per cent of the returns made." Interest in such statenents should be aroused by the trend therein in- dicated: the adoption of federal sys- tems with expensive, confusing, and irritating labor removed. Granting that the senator is optimistic in his estimate of a 91 per cent saving in labor, it will also be granted that even a 50 per cent reduction would be joyously welcomed by both the treasury department and the tax- payers. Senator Couzens has announced his ideas in brief. He wants, in con- nection with the labor saving plan above outlined, the repal of excise or nuisance taxes, and a 50 per cent reduction in surtax rates (which, in his own words, "would bring the maximum surtax rate on inomes of over $500,000 down to 20 per cent."). There are many who will find fault with his surtax plan and the raising of the exemption limit, but there are none who will decry repeal of the nuisance taxes, and the complaint against decreasing the work of the treasury department 91 per cent will be lodged only by 91 out of every 100 workers in that department. And Senator Couzens has fitted his wholeoutline admirably to the $350,-- t 000,000 reduction in the nation's taxes which will almost certainly be placed in effect before March 15. "THE OREGON HELLO" CAMPUS OPINION A nonymous communikations will be disregarded. The names of communi. ,arts will, however, be regarded as confidential tuon request. ARE WE RESPONSIBLE? It comes to mind in reviewing briefly M. M. M's. article in Wednes- day's Daily, that Ann Arbor presents but little contrast to a general infla- tion of living expenses throughout the country. That a nation-wide economic condition should obtain slightly larg- er proportions in one locality than in another is not out of harmony with the law of averages. To cite M. M. M's. particular refer- ence, we have in Ann Arbor a room- ing-house condition not duplicated in Columbus (O. S. U.), due chiefly to, the fact that Columbus, being a large city, regards the University as but a unit of its existence, while in our own city, the one issue of growth and prosperity rests entirely upon possi- bilities attendant to the University. In the light of this then, the normal plane of property valuation coinci- dent to a city of this size, is Here found to be raised. This may be a. sufficient explanation for that burden- ing factor of school existence. In a strictly college town too, one naturally comes more )in contact with the novelties of dress, amusement, and quite possibly, spendthrift de- vices. These, however, are not to be confused with living expenses, but are rather the funiction of the varied tastes and purses of individuals. As for competition (between like units), the presence of seven merchandisers of men's wearing apparel within the short space of two blocks on State street seems to deny the assertion that the life of trade is "quite ap- parently lacking." Hence it appears to me that M. M. M. has confused the individual element in college exist- discretion of the Board, depending the other standard activities that upon the value, length, humor, etc. of must be advertised as institutions. the contribution. there were the two Paul Whiteman 3A minimum of 12 points will admit recitals~ Thomas Wilfred ard the the contributor to membership in this Clavilux, the Denishawn Iancers, organization. Accurate records will Margaret Anglin, the Bonstelle Play- be kept and each contribution which ers and Mrs. Richard Mansfield in appears will be marked according to "The Goose Hangs High," "The Ln:, the number of points it receives. Laugh," Otis Skinner, "The Admirabie -Nero. Bashville" and "Outward Bound." There are several contributors who Of these, the only bad guess was have sent in material in the past "Outward Bound" and its failure was which deserves points, and these due to a whole complex of situations points will be duely awarded. Un- best gone and forgotten. The rest, published contributions will not however, proved splendid entertain- count. All memberships swill be award ment and should constitute, with a to pen names only and no cogntribu- conventional blush of modesty, some- tions submitted are to have the real thing of a record . . . name of the writer upon them. Thus This year, again, the column has there can be no talk of favoritism, as definite an axe to grind: one of etc, if certain of the weaker works them is "The Cradle Song" which fail to appear in print. This depart- Masques ore to present in November, ment is only too glad to have con- another is "The Great Catherine" to tributions appear, provided that they be produced by Comedy Club in Jtan- approach the standard which we set. uary, another the return engagenent These standards, as you may have of The Clavilux, still another "Thr' noticed, are not too high, but we must Rivals" and a probable series of mat- admit that we have received some inees by Miss Bonstelle's company. contribs which are below them. But for the next few days, the libido * * * that is driving us to the housetops So the idea is that this Club will be is the production by Mimes Tuesday organized from now on. There will and Wednesday evening of W. S. Gil- .be no races for membership, or any- bert's "Engaged." thing, that will come automatically, Now the column, ever since its in- and notice of it will appear here as ception two years ago, has had a soon as the person has earned it. We very definite prejudice as to campus are planning the menu of the dinner dramatics. It has consistently given now, the least support possible to those * * * local re-productions of every chance In order to meet the perfectly good Broadway success, mainly because objection to a solid column, and yet amateurs can never be anything but bring this idea before the public second-rate in them; and it has just mind, we were forced into the sub- as consistently thrown what influence I terfuge of running signatures and it had to experimental performances, titles in every now and then. Please first productions and revivals. pay no attention to these, they are This, of course, is exactly what the merely to help the digestion of the performances of "Engaged" are, an'l breakfast, and have no connection as such they deserve whole head- with the story. lines. The play is sheer burlesque, * s * sure-fire theatre if there ever was We see by the recent issue of any, and it should prove as clever an entertainment as there has been in The Gargoyle that some of the th ounseoei aer humor magazines around the the column's esoteric career. country are getting off some mean * * * gags. And now if you still desire an- * * * added opinion, read what Stark Young LIMERICKS wrote of the piece in the July 15 is- VI sue of The New York Times: A student whose name wasn't "A boisterous, merry and hilarioue Johnson burlesque rewarded the attentions o.' Took his girl to the tap room a sweltering audience at the Fifty while dancin' Second street theatre last night, when Though it was quite a break the Stagers offered W. S. Gilbert's We will state for his sake 'Engaged' as the fourth production of LOOK A'T YOfVPAT- 10-Piece Orcbestra lsfeehit loohing FIT. We Clean and llock E ats and do them RIG1iT. You will appreciate ckets at Slater's Book Shop your liat done over free from odor! and at Goodyear Drug Store on Main St. and in, fln worhmanlike manner in Xlieu w (10 work. We also :Make and eoll -Tiats equal_ too h the best.;t c Pf.raelih a es 111g1 11 I 11 1i1stock1 11 1 li lllofll ll lilatest11 1 shapesll ll ll ~ il h i : [ways oi land in all sizes. Hats shaped to tit. l head free of charge r or ore at the WDy s - IrTLJrlT , S~IV I ~ 1~% E1I HA 17 !~ki r-M, Phone 11). -- ( S Mp t S .)to order that P L : Oratorical Association Lecture Course 'Tisct By Mail Mail Order to Treasurer, - -nloeRoom 3211 Angell Hall SEncloseself addressed stamped envelope. PRICES $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 COURSE OF TEN LECTURE$ Ie 1Ann Arbor Floral New VOL. 1. No. 38. Published Every Friday by Ann Arbor Floral Co. i1 ;YNG( FLOWERS Th e niith ,fOctober is next to Junie pis dhe ,X(Ain, month of the year. \e have the most complete and up-tu-date equipment in the city for decorations for your wed- ding whe t',er it is an elaborate chIurc h ar or a simple home h edain. ,eare able to render we:idimg flower service unusually w ell1. NatraQly the rlide wants the finest bIUs. s u.15obtainable arranged in m iebouquets and lovely d ec)rations for no-w her long cher- ishc ideeis have come true. Fl ecr s talk the bride's language. ,* * * (e obe 'c nI iccb e things at xx 0(1irn ', I" r than the bride --is t ir corsa ge. Therefore, it should be as befitting the occasion as the lbrid 's at tire itself. And we're the larists who take especial pride in malking up Corsages, which ofte r all the seasonable blooms, tastily a rranged. ** * * Nothing expresses the cheerful- ness of this momentous occasion as flow r. And here are the ap- propriate blooms - arranged elab- or'ately or si mple--as the bride woaishe. We are prepated to serve you withft lowers for weddings, homes, churches or wedding din- ners. Our estimates and experts are youlrs for the asking. As an anniversary remembrance send flowers to those you count as reall friends. If they are in another (ity, our flowers by wire service so ,(,c th oprolem. If it's for local d"livery, your wants will be c0rriedi out t) )the letter. ence with that of what he terms That he formerly went to Wis- their season. "amazing inflation" generally. consin. "The piece - which was written bya The above factors (novelties, etc.), * * * Gilbert without Sullivan's assistance' which are rather the froth of college THIS COUNTS ONE POINT! -is as amusing and intelligent a life than the essence, one can be com- Sir Toby Tiffin musical comedy as the season has fortably without, and since they have Michigan Daily j seen, a sweeping statement that con- no bearing upon the procurability of Dear Sir: sciously includes the memory of the an education, save to heighten its I am a youth of forty three and three other productions from the distractions, they are better disre- I'm. in love with a marvelous maid established firm of Gilbert and Sul-' garded. At any rate, to my mind, I three years my senior. I adore her livan. these constitute a cause for the rise and am engaged to her. Last night "The plot is uncomplicated and of Ann Arbor above the prevailing she told me that she had a wooden substantially burlesque. Cheviot Hill high price level of the day, and do leg. Shall I break it off? , is a young man given to instant dee- not essentially effect normal condi- -Perplexed. larations of love and proposals of tions of price and value in a town of * * * marriage to any young woman in similar size. We have at last discovered the whose company he finds himself. For To summarize briefly, I have made height of accuracy. We know a man the purposes of the play, the number the point that Ann Arbor rents are who has two calenders on his desk, is limited to three. At various times high due to inflated property values. so that he can check up on them, - and for a scene or two at the same but I have farther than that refused should one of them get fast or slow. time-all three have substantial and to follow M. M. M's. opinion in the * * * documented claims to his sole affec- matter; inasmuch as I feel that dis- So we said to him, "Well if that's tions. To which a complication is regarding the whimsicalities with I how you feel about it, all right but added in the shape of a Hamlet- which we are daily brought into con- don't come around later and say it Svengali companion who is to lose lii tact, and which such of us as cannot was our fault." And he said, "Aw substantial income when the young afford them are better off without, I shut up I know what I'm doing, I man marries and who is himself in Roses Sion., i About thre years ago, the students of the University of Oregon instituted S a tradition known to Westerners as "The Oregon Hello," the custom of exchanging a word or two of greeting when students or faculty members pass on the street. And nearly all the costal colleges have adopted it. . A mere word, spoken in the name We ar, the Telegrap'i Flor 0f Ann Arbor. TA~orp °ITno rists lp Tolia. rnqhhl- Flnri*_ctc n-f A mil1 A rhnv- I