I poll
In "W
lqw mv t
Buehrer, '2614 ), kr, 'E d, oWild,
'26A And Reid,'211, Are Elected
Class 're ideints
Marry Hawkins, '26E, Clifford Bueh-
rer, '26D, George Hacker, '26Ed., Os-
car F. Wild, '26A and Wesley G. Reid,
'26M, were chosen to lead their re-
spective classes at elections held yes-
terday under the direction of the Stu-
dent council.
Hawkins won the engineering pres-
idency by defeating Eugene Cardwell,
'26E, who received 52 votes to Haw-
kins' 81. Cardwell was elected vice-
president of the class on the nextj
ballot. The secretaryship went to
Victor Owen, who scored 70 votes to l
60 for William Arnold. Joseph Graves
beat out William Day for the posi-
tion of treasurer. The election was1
held at the meeting of the class at|
11 o'clock yesterday.
Hacker had no opposition when the
senior class of the school of educa-
tion organized, being chosen unani-1
mously for the presidency. John Os-
born, was also then unanimous choice
of the class in the vote for treasurer.
Virginia Spain won the vice-presi-
dency when she defeated Mildred
Morrman by one vote. Irma Schultz
carried off the secretary's position
from two other candidates, both of
whom entered the final vote, due to
a tie on the nominating ballot.
Buehrer was the oinly other presi-I
Through a careful analysis of one
of the student's ledgers at a local
bank it has been discovered that over
90 per cent of the students' accounts
go below ten dollars during the
month. Fifty-one per cent of these
attempt to overdraw their account at
some time in the year, but this is
( lone mostly through carelessness,
bank officials state. The minimum
service charge on these "accounts be-
low $50" does not begin to cover the
extensive book work necessary to
handle the accounts, but it is useful
in eliminating worthless small die
The number of bad accounts has[
steadily increased in the last few
years,. bank officers claim, due mostly
to the lowering of the general morale.
"A man used to be humiliated when
his bank told him he was overdrawn,"
one of the university branch banks
stated, "but now a fellow thinks he's
pretty good if he can get some extra
cash out of the bank for a few days.";
State street clothiers have little
trouble with absolutely worthless
checks. Their average bank note is
written for a larger sum than the
other mercantile establishments, and
except for the professional forgers
that come and go from the campus,
their student checks are honored.
Oftentimes through carelessness, an
account is overdrawn, but the cus-I
tomer makes it good as soon as he
is notified.
Drug stores with their countless
small checks receive unhonored checks
more often. One State street phar-
macist claims that over $100 a year
is lost in this way in spite of the
required address and telephone num-
ber on each signature. It has been
suggested that all such accounts be
reported to some °organization, such
as The Daily, and in this way re-
ceive some publicity. A record would
be kept of bad checks, and the infor-
mation would be given to the mer-
Co-eds are often too careless about
their finances, the photographers
state. Many are the "sweet young
things" who' come over on the Friday
before Christmas vacation, settle their
account by check, and then go im-
mediately to the bank and draw their
balance out before the photographer's
check has come through. Then the i
picture-taker waits a few months un-
til the financial depression of the I
yuletide season is over.
The situation at the book stores and
the Union is being improved through
careful watching on the part of the!
rrIarPn Lawyers' Smoker Still Missing
To Honor Little "
And Law Faculty
President Clarence Cook Little will
bone o the guests of honor at the
smoker to t:o held next Tuesday nigh,.">t>;;:::; ;; :>< ;;
at the Lawyers' club. Regent Murfin
-- of Detroit, recently elected to the
PR ESlUENT PS Al ESS M ARKS board of governors of the club, Dean
OEN ING OF REUGION IIenrv M. Bates of the law school, and!
SCHOOL SEI{IES Prof. E. C. Goddard, chairman of the
board of governors, will supplement
as guests the entire faculty of thel Q
DECRIES IMITAT ION law schOl and the club members.
President Little requested that he
Predncls The IDecay (h The Present be asked to take no part in the pro-
Cii'ilzai ion If it- (tinies -grain, his desire being primarily to
T Follow The Past become acquainted with the men of
the club. An address, however, .will
Predicting that the present civili- be nmade by Judge Murfiin. Other
1 zation will fall into decay if it con- parts of the program will be con-
tinues to imitate the civilizations of tributed by Barre Hill, S. of M., who
the past, President Clarence Cook for the past two years has held a
Little set forth his ideas of the prime lead in the Opera, and K. E. Midgley,
moral issues of education in an ad- who is to play a number of xylophone
dr'ss delivered in Natural Science ~selections. As a novelty, the services
auditorium yesterday afternoon. of Alfred Eltinge, professional ma-f
His speech marked the opening of ;gcian, have been secured.
the season lecture course of the ''It is our desire," stated Williaml
Sehool of Religion. Dean Alfred H. Wirt King, Jr., '27L, who is in charge
Lloyd, of the graduate school, intro- of the club's social ctiv:ties, "to
duced President Little. make this smoker an annual tradi- I
"Under the existing system, our tion. It seems appropriate that thej
civilization will not last," said Pres_ first social function of the year should
ident Little "for we are imitating ie an informal get-together of the
the civilizations of the past. To be members and faculty." -
lasting we must teach humanity to The program will open with dinner CLARION, Penna., Oct. 8.-A wide
live for the benefit of youth and not j in the club- dining room at 6 o'clock search over rugged mountain terri-
for the benefit of successful middle and continue until 9 o'clock, after tory by foot forces, and a combing
age. It is a remarkable thing that which will follow an informal social by aviators of a 100 mile route from
success in the eyes of our youth is hour. Attendance will be limited to DuBois, Penna., to Hubbard, Ohio, to-
not a brilliant and noble self expres- the above-named guests of honor and day failed to bring to light any trace
sion, but a successful absorption of the members of the club, of Charles Ames, the air mail pilot
facts and theories calculated to make w'ho has been Tnissing for seven
itself more successful when its youth -days.
is gone. This is an extraordinary 11111. i HI I" r . ..
andl paradoxical condition. It is lil-13
Project For Creating Separate Office
To Control Three Equal
Branches Accepted
Prof. 0. J. Campbell and Herman
Kleene On Interfraternity
Judiciary Committee1
logical and weakly conceived and it
cannot give our. civilization a sinTleA
dent to be chosen unanimously, re- (By Associated 'ress)
ceiving the entire vote of the senior OMAHA, Nebraska, Oct. 8.-The
dental class. Harold Schmidt took a American Legion accorded Col. Wil-
a total of 45 votes to defeat Bern- liam Mitchell, the Army's outspoken
'hn d (t Mcklow who was the choice
nar(L IC OW , W L YU. i v .
of 18 students. E. R. Romine was
elected secretary, getting 46 votes to
19 which went to Ruth Mountain.
John Dixon was the second treasurer
to be chosen unanimously when lie
was awarded the position by the sen-
iors of the dental school.
The seniors of the architectural col-
lege selected Wild for the presidency
in preference to Russel Duncan, who
ran second. The closest balloting ofl
the day came when both the vice-.
presidency and the secretaryship of
the architectural class was decided by
one vote. Gilbert Richey took the*
former from Donald Warren and Man-
ford Wittingham defeated Orrin Grif-.
fith for the secretary's position. The
ballot in both races was 15 to 14.
Vernon Gibbs had a large majority
in the voting for treasurer.
The senior medical class, which
was authorized to hold its own meet-I
ing by the council, reported the re-I
sults yesterday. Wesley G. Reid, won
the presidency. Robert J. Cooper was
chosen vice-president, Luvern Hays,
secretary, and Ralph G. Hubbard,1
All these elections were supervised
by members of the Student council.
Ballots were saved, and will be re-
counted at the council offices at the'
Union, in order to check the counts
that were made yesterday. The new
type ballot continued to be used suc-
cessfully, according to the council-_
men who conducted the balloting.
Yesterday's voting completed thel
organization of the senior classes of:
all schools and colleges except the
'senior pharmacy class, which will
electe officers at a later date and re-I
port the results to the council. The
junior class and J-Hop elections will
be held next Wednesday and Thurs-
Take On Airs A t
Girls' Dormitory
All of the conveniences of a pull-
man train await the men who enter
1 elen Newberry residence after 6 o'-
clock in the evening. A colored maid
attends to the coat s and hats of the
male visitors while another brushes
them with a whiskbroom. Newberry
girls have settled on this plan of mak-
ing men guests welcome, it is said.
NiEW YORK, Oct. 8.-The $7,000,-
critic of the nation's aeronautical
policy, a measure of commendationc
today. It unanimously adopted a
resolution recommending one of his
plans for rehabilitation of the nation-
al defense by creating a separate
cabinet office to have control of three1
equal branches,-army, navy, and air.
For three days the resolution was
fought over and rearranged by com-
mittees, until it was found acceptable
to all parties.;
Thereby, what had promised to be
one of the hardest contests ever wit-
nessed on the floor of any of the
seven national conventions of the1
Legion was averted. The situation
was .,regarded as dangerous until the
usual recording of the vote.;
Colonel Mitchell refused twice to-p
day to become a witness before the;
federal court which decided to ques-
tion him concerning charges he has
made against the navy department in
connection with that department.
Appearing in obedience to sum-
mons from his superior officers at the
war department, the hitherto plain- I
spoken army officer, refused to take
the oath required from a witness.
When he refused to respond to a
subpoena issued by the court and
personally delivered to him.
What action, if. any, the heads of the
war department will take against the
officer who already is facing the
probability of court-martial proceed-
ings as a result of the Shenandoah
and other charges was undecided to-
Both navy and army officials, seem-
ed to be agreed that the court will
turn Mitchell overhto federal district
attorney for contempt of court pro-
Tells Ideas Discussed With Europeanl
Meteorologists Last Summer
Before an interested audience which
filled the geology lecture room in the
Natural Science building, Prof. W. H.
Hobbs presented an illustrated talk
"The Wind Poles of the Earth," last
night. The meeting was the first com-
bined assembly of the Journal club of
CO N I element of strengthi additional to thosej iiti. r n V L 1 11
COUNCIL MEETS MONDAY lady possessed by civilizations thiat
have come and gone.
Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the En- "Youth is the flame of the fire, and 'Regents Committee Endorses Project FOR FERRIS TALK
lish department and Herman Kleene, we should feel it our moral obliga- To Broadcast FromI University -
'03, will represent the I tion to bring up our children feeling Twice Monthly Precedent Broken to Enable Senator
Alumni association on the judiciary that we care more for them and for o Give Address at Annual
Aluniasocitin n he udcirythe intelligent and proper develoi.- IDEAN KRAUS IN CHA\RGE Public Speakinig Affair
committee of the Interfraternity ment of their youth as their most INN____ A
council, it was announced yesterday. precious asset. It will be the ob-
Professor Campbell was selected by vious continuation of that quality to Approval was made by the executive SUBJECT UNANNOUNCED
President Clarence Cook Little, and I see that they in turn focus more at- committee of the Board of RegentsI
Mr. Kleene by Dean Joseph A. Burs- tention upon their children than upon yesterday of the recommendation by Breaking precedent to convenience
ley, dean of students. themselves." ! the deans, that the University accept Sem. Woodhridge N. Ferris the Ora-
As required by the new constitu- Pointing out that education must mho the offer of the Jewett-Detroit FreeS.W'Ne t
tion of the council, President Little E more than produce men who will be Press radio stations to broadcast a torical association has fixed Nov. 18
selected one faculty man from a list capable of greater earning power and program from here twice a month. as the date when the annual public
of five suggested by the council at its material success, the speaker said - The suggestion as made by the speaking banquet will be held in the
last meeting. i that education must continually have deans, called for a program to last Union. In previous years it had been
Dean Bursley made his choice from in mind the improvement of existing for an hour to be given on either the custom to hold the banquet in
a similar list of five Michigan alumni conditions and the gradual modifica- Tuesday or Thursday at 9 o'clock. A
now living in Ann Arbor. These men tion of civilization in the direction of committee representing the Univer- December, shortly before the holiday
will represent their respective or- greater service. sity will be appointed by President season.
ganizations on the judiciary commit- The four moral issues of education Clarence Cook Little. Dean Edward When asked to speak here in De-
tee. as set forth by President Little were: ( H..Kraus, of the Summer session, who ceniber the senator said that because
The first regular meeting of the 1. An educational system has for is chairman of the committee which of his duties in the Senate lie would
Inter-fraternity council under the di- its first and great duty the recog-- has been investigating the possibilities be unable to appear here in that
rection of its new officers will be held I nition, study, and utilization of in- of a University broadcasting station, month. 1 he informed the officers of
at 4:30 o'clock next Monday in room dividual differences. will head this new committee. Its the association that he would gladly
302 of the Union. I 2. Education should be consider- main function will be to plan the pro- speak at the banquet if it were to be
I ed as unorganized free religion I gram, which will probably consist of held Nov. 18.
I pledged to the furtherance of hu- music furnished by the Varsity band Those who are interested in public
man relations. and the University Glee club and of speaking on the campus were espe-
3.EEducation should be a leader speeches by faculty men and students. ciially desirous of obtaining Senator
jl f U and critic of humanity rather than i It is thought that through the speech- a Ferris to deliver the principal ad-
I lISWPlWIlIIUIU a follower of material civilization. 1s it will be possible to better ac- dress at the banquet, and final negoti-
1 LoUth4. Education should teach hu- the atargw with t atns which were closed yesterday
nanity to live for the benefit of Universiy and with the conditions as between the senator and William C.
Will Initiate Miss Grace Richards,# youth and not for the benefit of a te rvi ee Dixon, '26, presidenit of the Oratorical
Students Fromt Every Country sucsflmdlIg.they prevail here,.o ti Dio,',priletofheOarcl
will successful middle age pAlthough the definite date for the association, definitely fixed the ban-
in stressing his first point, Pres inauguration of these programs has quet date
President Clarence Cook Little dent Little said: "In recognizing in- not been decided upon, it is expected Dixon has not asked Senator Ferris
be among the initiates taken into the dividual differences among those in a
Compltncu tisNi iato col adclee i ilb that final arrangements will be conm- to speak on any particular subject,
Cosmopolitan club at its initiation schools and colleges it will be neces- i pleted within a month. but is leaving the title of the speech
and hi-weekly lunch eon at 12 :15! I
'coc tomorrow iunn arris ha. T sary to follow some definite adminis- The expense of the actual broadcast- entirely to the discretion of the speak- ;
o'clck omorowin arrs hll.To-trative pmocedure. First, the openly
gethe wih r esidn t H L istle , students~I ntra goi tc inidu a s nrst, e e - ing w ill be borne by the Jew ett-D e- er. Oratorical officers do feel, how-
gether with President Little, students, antagonistic individuals must 1e re- ritFePrssadoradstg ever, that the senator will talk an
from nearly every country of the nIoefrmteedcinasye. troit Fr'ee Press radio broadcasting eeta h eao ilIako
world will be admitted to the stations, and the only expense which some political or social issue which
I Secondly, the pasusely e then-opera- will fall to the University will be a has gained national prominence. ?
of women, will be added to the dlitlive individuals must have their scho- small one which might accrue in Ann Having been an educator for years,
of faculty members who are already lastic opplrtunities greatly restricted. Arbor in the handling of the program. the senator from upstate has showni
And finally, the co-operative individ- unceasing interest in the development
members of the club. Ials must be given great encourage- { of the useful art of public speaking;
Although definite information is not Iment and every opportunity for self- among the younger generation. His
obtainable as to the number of coun- development and self-expression. kenineOsSi hesujetan hs
trig acualy rpreentd i th inkeen imterest ini the subject amid his
coing m e rst i tha Today, we are really fighting an - exceptional ability as a speaker him-
coming members it is known that autocracy of the average, an au- AT DPself werelargely tsTIfswI
there are students from Russia, Ger- tocracy as narrow as any czar-madei Senator Ferristws procured for the
empire which has existed in tie past. occasion, in preference to other na-
lands, China, Japac amd nearly every Of course, we all recognize ie nu- No Date Set For Pronouncement Of tional figures.
South American country. Among merical superiority of the average as Ecclesiastic's Sentence
these latter, Bolivia seems to have the a class and we must give them every
greatest number, according to Miss opportunity that they can properly (By Associated Press) ' IoESSCOLRSINL
Emily Hulbert, '27, chairman of the utilize. They must not, however, be NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 8.--The
membership committee. . allowed to assume leadership, they I House .of Bishops of the Protestant
The luncheon tomorrow will be the must mot be allowed to state policies." Episcopal church in the United States iJ6 E .1
first of a series which will be held rof America today approved the find-
bi-weekly throughout the year at Har- ings of a court convicting William i
ris hall. Events on the club's pro- HTPUIM 11i o Montgomery Brown of heresy. More' Rhodes scholars will receive an am-
gram' for the coming season include U than two hours were occupied in ex- mnal stipend increased by 50 pounds1
a talk by Prof. William A. Frayer of ecutive session and Bishop Brown according to an announcement of Dr.
the history department, on 'NewrIm- UL IIJIIII I I addressed the House of Bishops on Frank Aydelotte, president of Swarth-
pressions of Europe' based on obser~ his case. It was understood that the more College and American secretary
vations which he made during his vote was 94-11 in favor of approving of Rhodes scholarships, received yes-
1925 summer of travel on the conti- Dr. H. C. Hutchins of the English the court's findings.- terday at the office of :Dean John R.
nent. department was appointed a member The next step in the "Brown case" Effinger of the literary college.
of the committee on scholarships of must be taken by the presiding The announcement indicated that
VARSITY BAND TO HOLD DRILL the literary college to succeed Prof. I bishop, the Right Reverend Ethel- tme Rhodes trustees have ecently
i THIS AFTERNOON AT FIFID Brand Blanshard of the philosophy bert Talbot, bishop of Bethelen. The voted to increase the stipend of
department, who has accepted a posi- presiding bishop was notified by the Rhodes Scholars to 400 pounds per
Announcement was made yesterday tion at Swarthmore college. House of Bishops of its approval and year effective as from October, 1925.
that the Varsity band will hold a drill The committee as constituted in- he may pass sentence at his pleasure. This sum, he said, should be sufficient
at 4:15 o'clock today at the South eludes Prof. H. P. Thieme of the Ro- No date was set, it was said, for pro- with eCoioiniy to cover a Rhodes
Gate of Ferry field. All members of mance languages department, chair- nounemnnt of sntence which woum care ai -- ,.., fo rm .
Form Conmnmitees On Det Lefures,
Tutorial, Alumni 1lutions And
Athiefle Reception
Chairmen of 16 Union committees,
who will hold office during; the pres-
ent school year, as named by Albert
B. Adams, '26, president of the Umiom,
and approved by the committee on
appointments, were announced late
yesterday. The appointments were
approved at a meeting of tme commit-
tee yesterday, and the chairmen in
turn selected their assistants upon
the advice of Adams. Among the ap-
pointmnents were 13 chairmen, who
will compose the executive council
of the Union, five of whom will head
new committees, 'and the th-ree chair-
men of the standing house committees.
Two assistants to Richard Barton, '26
recording secretary, were also named
The new committees created were
comnmi;ttees on debt, lectures, fresh-
man tutorial, alumni relations, and
athletic reception.
The debt committee will carry out
a new financial policy as regards the
delinquent subscriptions to the Union
building fund. It is the present plami
to fund the entire debt by means of
a camhpaign in which each delinquent
subscriber will be given an oppor-
tunity to either- renew omr cancel his
note. Students residing in cities
where delinquent subscribers live,
will be delegated to consult such' sub-
scribers in an effort to obtain their
attitude toward the matter during the
Christmas and Easter recesses. If
any such delinquents express them-
selves as not desiring to be members
of the Union, their cases will be
dropped and nu further effort will be
made to collect payments due, accord-
ing to the new plan.
The lectures committee was estab-
lished for the purpose of bringing the
more popular type of prominent men
here to address' students at the Union.
Hopes of arranging emgagements with
such personages as Chvarles Evans
[Iughes, Clarence Darrow,and execu-
tives of many largo industrial and
manufacturing concerns, have been
expressed in connectbUmn with the
committee's work. Talks by Fielding
H. Yost to students particularly in-
terested in athletics and by Profes-
sor E. i. Sunderland, business mama-
ger of the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications, to others inclined
towards the field of journalism, will
also be arranged, it is said.
The freshman tutorial c omnittee
will attempt to follow the systemnow
in vogue at Harvard between the fac-
ulty and student body, encouraging in-
timate relationship, except that the
faculty advice here will be confined
to freshmen. It is the plan to as'
sign every entering student to a fac-
ulty member who will act more in the
capacity of guardian than instructor
at different times during the year up-
on the reciuest of the student.
To assist the alumni in obtaining
suitable roomns at "phe Union and in
rooming houses here on special ac-
casions such as football games, the
May festival and Commencement, will
be one of the chief functions of the
alumni relations committee. The
plan now on foot calls for the com-
pilation of a temporary directory, oin
such occasions, li'ting the location of
alumni in the city, that former class-
mates may have some means of find-
ing each other while in this city.
The principal function of the ath-
letic reception commmittee will be to
co-operate with the Blue Key society
and to assist generally in arranging
entertainment for visiting' athletic
The life membership committee this
year will inaugurate a mnew plan for
i obtaining Union life iemuberships on
the campus. Freshmen will be offered
the regular $50 memberships f(r $35
if the total payment is umade h)y I)ec.
1, and correslponing (emductions will
be made in the life unmbership fee
to sophomore, junior, aml senio' stu-
dent s whereby they will be relieved
of the interest which would ordinarily
accrue on all paymenits made after
the original.
All commit tees will start function-
ig at once, Adams said yesterday.
The first meeting of the executive
council will be hel(d at 4 o'clock this
afternoon. The commniitt('e cii appoit-
ments which passed upon the various
I chairmen named by Adams yesterday
is comprised of Adams and the fol-
I n ...- ci- m U i,- -- - .. 0..-..
000 Fifth avenue palac(e of the lase geology and the Journal club of geo-
Sen. William A. Clark of Butte, Monit., graphy this semester.
with 121 rooms and 31 baths, is going Professor Hobbs spoke especially of
begging at $2,000,000. the work done by the early observance
I of wind circulation, Maury and Fer-
rel, and the general characteristics
SO-urVea h . of the arctic and antarctic regions
and the wind circulation of these
areas. He also brought up new ideas
which he had discussed with Euro-
-pean meteorologists during the past