PAGE ETGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUR ,SD/AY, OCTOBER 8, 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication -in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). New Chilean Head Volume VTI THUVRSD)AY, OCTOBERI 8, 1925 Number 15 Rcward: A reward of $100 will be paid by the University for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person stealing overcoats or other prop- erty from University buildings. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary of the University. guilic Lectre: President Clarence Cook Little will give an address on "The Moral Is- sues of Education," in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p m. today. This is the first of a series of public lectures by. outstanding men of the country given under the auspices of The School of Religion, in connection with a seminar by Professor Kirsopp Lake on "The Moral Issues of Modern Life." L. Waterman. Dean's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The first meeting of the year will be held Thursday, October 8th, at 4:10 P. M. in Room 1210 Angell Hall. Professor J. W. Glover has been elected as a new member of the Committee; Professor W. J. Hussey has been appointed to fill the vacancy existing at this time, and Dean Lloyd will fill out the unexpired term of Professor Wenley. John R. Effinger. The duPont Fellowship in Chemistry:- The,Department of Chemistry asks that notice be given that applica- tions for this fellowship for 1925-26 will be received until Monday noon, October 12. Blanks can be had at the office of the Graduate School. Ar'- pointment will be made by October 15. A. 11. Lloyd. Women Students-Out-of-Town Games: All women students, including those living at home, who expect to at- tend out-of-town games, are required to register as early as possible in the Office of the Dean of Women, and pay the fee for the traveling expenses of the chaperones sent by the University. All women purchasing tickets on the special trains must first show a registration slip from the Office of the Dean of Women. Any women student desiring to stay away over night must have her hostess (whether a person or a sorority) write a letter direct to the Office of the Dean of Women. This letter must be filed before 5:00 Thursday pre- ceding the game. Any woman student desiring to motor to any game must make special arrangenients with the Office of the Dean of Women. Jean Hamilton. Sophomore Women: Collections of the one dollar tax for the freshman spread are being iade this week in all sophomore gymnasium classes. Edwina logadone, Chairman. Senior Eng'neers: Assembly Thursday, October 8th, at 11 o'clock in Room 348. Election of class officers. A. 0. Lee. Students Enrolled in the School of Business Adminisiration: There will be a meeting of all students enrolled in the School at 3:00 P. M. on Thursday, October 8, in Room 206, Tappan Hall. Edmund E. Day. Mail Held at Post Office: Mail addressed to persons whose names appear below is on hand at the Ann Arbor Postoffice and can be claimed by the owner at the General Delivery window, Main Office, on or before October 17th. HAVE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS REGISTERED AT THE POST- OFFICE. Hartwig Adler Dr. C. E. McClung P. M. Barr P. E. Mason Fred D. Beers 'Louis Meltzer Robert J. Brown - Mildred Nicholas Fred M. Campbell IBuela North Miss E, T. Chang Let Philbin Jack Colman Edwood Powell Rufus Dy Herbert J. Proper Stirling H. Emerson Ed. B. Riedle A. W. Fascue F. Rubendunst Benjamin Friedman Edwin P. Russell Edw. Hoedmaker Elizabeth Turner C. R. Hofer Richard Sherwood Ruby F. Howe Theodore Skinner Owen V. Keller Clarence Stoll Harold Lasser L. Stone Bob Likly Gerald Swerdferger A. C. Pak, P. 3L College of Pharmacy Faculty lMeeting: A short meeting will be held this afternoon at 4:10 in Room 212 Chem- istry Bldg. C C. Glover, Secretary. College of Pharmacy: New students of the College of Pharmacy are requested to consult with their faculty advisors as soon as possible concerning the result of the recent mental tests. Advisors are: L. R. Wagener for first year students, Prof. C. H. Stocking for second year students, Prof. C. C. Glover for third and fourth year students. C. C. Glover, Secretary. S. C. A. Cabinet: The cabinet of the S. C. A. will hold its regular meeting in Lane Hall, Thursday, October 8th, at 5:30 P. M. I. I. h orn berger, Secretary. Cosmopolitan Club: The first of the bi-weekly luncheons will be given on Saturday, October 10th, from 12:15 to 1 30 o'clock in Harris 'all, corner of State and Huron Avenue. ' Initiation of new members, including President Little, viII take place at this meeting. Note the change of address. Nur 31. Malik, Pres. WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to appear in this column must be left in the box at the Daily office provided foir ttiat purpose before 4 o'clock preceedine the day of issue. THURSDAY 11:00-Senior engineers assemble in room 348, Engineering building. 2"fH~World series by radio at the Union tap room. 3:00-Business administration , stu- dents meet in room 206, Tappan hall. 4:10--Faculty of the College of Pharmacy meets in room 212, Chem- ical building. 4:10-Dean's advisory committee, Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts meets in room 1210, Angell hall. 4:15-President Clarence Cook Little speaks on "The Moral Issues of Ed- ucation" in the Natural Science au- ditorium. 4:45-Rehearsal and tryouts for the Congregational choir held at the church. 5:30-S. C. A. cabinet meeting held in lbane hall. 7:30 Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geol- ogy department, speaks on "Wind Poles of the Earth," in room 437, Natural Science building. 7:30--Blue Key club will meet in room 302, Union. M. Quezada M. Quezada, new president of Chile, is preparing to leave Paris, where he is his country's ambassador to re- turn home to be inaugurated. I Intramural Items (Continued on Page Eight) ielenski 21892; Chaffe 0143 vs Barton 5033; H. M. Utley 7901 vs B. Gold-c man 8981; Schoenfeld 9474 vs B. Ce- line 7431; A. K. Darbaker 4435 vs E. Nagel 9761; Weinberg 9217 vs J. Sher-1 ner 6574; M. Soloman 3540 vs B. Ros- enberg 5964; S. Podbielneak, Obser- vatory, University exchange 4 rings vs R. J. Reed 21677; E. Moyer 3764 vs H. Friedberg 5341; K. Moore 21634 vs Timberlake 8266; Harnish 8994 vs' R. C. Eardley 9245; D. Van Osenbrug- gen 7696 vs F. Stevens 5517; R. J., Rees 9801 vs R. G. Robinson 7935; Ackerman 4572 vs Eisermen 5652. Doubles: Bulmer and partner, 21517 vs Boxer and partner 4435; Arnold and Smith 8657 vs S. and T. Wasiel- enski 21892; H., Small and partneri 9553 vs Hartz and Harpole 6817; Ar-' dussi and partner 8266 vs Alyear and Hanimill 9717; Chaffee and Cleary 9143 vs Vose and partner 21695; Stevens and Marshall 5517 vs Brody and partner 3317; Eardley and part-' ner 9245 vs Dunaken and Gilbert 4917; FRIDAY 2:00--World series by radio at the Union tap room. S:00-- All-campus swimming meet held at the Union. 9:00-Dance at Union, preference sophomore lits and engineers. Heinsheimer and Dempner 22245 vs Jury and Eiserman 5652. PARIS, Oct. 7.-A decree suppress- ing the obligatory use of rye flour with wheat for bread making was signed yesterday. CHARLESTON TAUGHT NOW Open Daily ',, l 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Private Lessons Daily Adults' Class every Monday and Friday. Fifteen one-hour les- sons, $5.00. TERRACE GARDEN STUDIO 22 Wuertlh Arcade Phone 5323 EXCLUSIVE For the Quality of the kind of food one enjoys- For the kind of surroundings that make your meals more plea san1. For the kind of service that makes you say: "One lives to eat." TUTTLE 'S LUNCH ROOM 338 MAYNARD 'Three DysLeft- to order that Oratorical Association Lecture Course Ticket By Mail Mail Order to Treasurer, Room 3211 Angell Hall Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. PRICES $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 COURSE OF TEN LECTURES 4I ao$~arn# I Ace of Clubs TOASTED SANDWIC1[ES NOW OUR SPECIALTY Open 11 A. M. to 11'. 31. Upstairs, Nickels Arcade PHIL DIAMOND Now Booking ORCHESTRAS ForI FOOTBALL DATES Make Reservations Early t Phone 21820 BETSY ROSS SHOP Quality Combined with Variety HOME-MADE CANDIES Every Friday and Saturday Regular Priced Chocolates, Bon-Bons and Other Candies in our Friday- Saturday Packages 50c "famed for freshness" Candies SUNDAES SODAS In the Arcade II