THE MICHIGAN DAILY FADE F'IVI+3 TH MCIGNDAL PG FV A MUST IGREPUTATION AS AT 0DEAN'S OFFIGEf .DEBATING CLUB' ______ ('ntrary to the general imupression All Who Exp ct o Aten I cuc t on campus, Athena literary, TIown nies lustlegister For ; s{)r icty is not a debating society. Al-' Special C1ars tixu;b debating recieves its share of! - at :ntion, instructive programs deal- TO SENT CHAPERONES lui,., with many interesting topics are L___ iven. These programns deal with Women students, including those I ca,-iis problems, national or interna- living at home, who expect to attend C tional problems, or the study of prom- any of the .out-of-town football games x, ortmer nt hefedo ltrtr this fall' are required to register as oroary earl as ossble n te Oficeofrte lTree times a year' organized de- eal as possben n ptheffice or ebates are fheld in which every one in thetaneln ofxWoensand paythe cfee frthe society is eligible to participate. thetraellng xpesesof he hapr-Membership in the society is limitedl ones, sent by the -University, accord- dsoery eanwmmbsae ing tod Missveraceeaichardsmassist- ing o Mis Grce ichads, ssis- ielected on the basis of the tryout *plan. ant dlean of women. I This year's tryouts will be held at For the Wisconsin game the special j7:15 o'clock Tuesday in the Athena train to Madison will leave Ann Ar- i rooms on the fourth floor of Angell bor, at 9, o'clock city time Friday,} hail. October 16, and one section will carry,___________ several cars for the women studentsl of the University who plan to attend "tr1r ES CMON ts gm.Tetanarie nMd-jfn at 7' o'clock Saturday morning, and leaves at 9 o'clock Saturday eve- ! f~ IIIA FA n ir ning, reaching Ann Arbor early Sun- i UIfI ~tLJlU. CI day morning. Women who receive _ stop-over privileges for Chicago may Frms io~ h oilatv leave Chicago as late as 11:50 Sunday 1 rms mn h oilatv "mlt nritinoinAnn Arh.1- . 7 ities for the coining week is the in- ORIETALWOMN T BEW.A.A. Publishes ~j NWAA First Handbook ENTRTANEDBY EANFor All Women BSEONHNRPIT Miss Jean Jiamiton, dean of wo- Incopiin adIp Actfl.~ive ', ici Slut) inthe \ (licil n' men, and Miss Grace Rich~ards ,advis-! Athletic association handbook, the AV. .502tif o adf 3cl or of foreign women, will be at home 'A. A. has taken a big s:te tuiardts th i )odai.8 crii )lIr in honor of all Oriental women from'promotng gre teu' l erect211 toiiMyrt 3:30 o'clock to 5 30 o'clock this aft- ics aniong women. Theo handbook, 1 ,iR'I ral '27, lli'esident. It is first; ernoon at 923 Olivia avenue, dedicated to entering women, is in- U>JIY0(l'aotoismelc- Receiving with Miss Hamilton and tended to acquaint them W ith the or- ,tive 1)0tf ~s l ich are given -bet xveen Miss Richards will be Miss Fandira ganization that governs thecir sportis 4adt0Ok oahei oo Crocker and Miss Ruth Deemer, sec- as well as with the sports themsel - p115a~gvnfrterqie retary of the Y. W. C. A. Members of es. It contains a welcome to the work in phy xi(il edutcationi.I the world fellowship committee of the freshmen; a statement of thie aims of ine maj,"r sports aniong the elec- Y. k C. A. will assist through the( the W. A. A.; sonic advice to be- ~~ nld i~(y aktal n rooms. They are: Sarita Davis, '27, ginners; the names of the associa- taea l.In tiof these, 50 poeintar MaryBeeia,'27,Elizbet Croin, ions oficer an itsexectivthoad; in for fthe se, 50points, fre May B e a. 2 ,Eia eh C oito ' fi esadise euieb ad < on,; '28,_ Madelyn Leland, '26, A'vargaret some arilso sp ts an th c n- iv ,fr t e lud 7fr ephi e No ton, '28, M are Va ~ t e sp rts an( the C~il f larce on the first team of any c~ s Lord, '27, Elizabeth Lucas, '28, Js stitution ofth organization. 1_00 points. As 100 pointsarte' ephine ith '8,MaissSuan Ozen- i The sports sponsored by the WA. -A. requirement for act ive membiership in: bruggen, '26,wihMsSua Chen,( A. inc'lud~e something of interest for the W .A. A. any womian who makes' '26, Miss Yi-furng-Wu, graduate stu- ;,very woman on the camnis. Therie ti fit t earn in hockey wrill be eii 1le. dent, and Miss Grace Song, graduate is hockey, track, basketball, baseball, T he}re are lnumlerou oher ways, student. tennis, rifle practice, fencing, Elame oeet anti iiuee io Mrs. Dean Moires, Mrs. R. W. Cow- ing, hiking, and riding. Each of these ;sport? such as archery or rifle bring' den, Mrs. E. C., Goddard, and Mrs. is explained in a very attractive and ; ;5 points for first team mienmbership. John Sundwall will preside in. theI lively way by the girl in charge, and ! For individual sports such as tennis,' dining room assisted by Miss. MariaI also there is an article on the WV. A.I riding, or golf, 30 points are awardedl, Lanzar, of Helen Newberry residence, I A. tea room. , providled the sport is pursued 12 Miss E. R. Janaki of Martha Cook The whole booklet is filled with the times duringr one season and is not building, Miss Hilde Shohara, Betsy! spirit of the W. A. A.-its sportsman- presented as a, tournament sport. Barbour house, and Miss Florence ship, cordiality, andi enthusiasm. Pe'r et attendance in an elective; Chong of Adelia Cheever house. "You're not supposed to Imow how (I ;ticing class, oi" lparticipation in a Dr. Clarence Sargent Shephard whoI before you come out.'' This should (dlance drama, gives S50 points,'inI graduated from the Michigan School( be noted by the women who hav e net coaching spjorts by r iecolnulndation,! of Medicine in 1915 will speak. Dr. hr a frtcps svnyaskom e o racies AIecausen I hey don't r, - ;)oints. Shpadhsfrih atsvn er nwtegame. Alwoe rena acted as a medical missionary in! ed to come out for athietic's, to learn ------____ China under the auspices of the Y. to "play the game," andI to experience W. C. A., returning to this country the fun of competition. last May. I _______- I I I3,ura :iii s cmv atennl-;is r ie obrtleatley, '23M, of Toledo. golf !'he p U'l.tjock'I'iirsIIay evening the eN ect i ye board of the W. A. A. will t.~ in the Lantern Shop. The)arty to hamve been given under the- aus-pIhes: of the Women's League aurday night at the Kappa Alpha. Ttahouse has been indefinitely h uipo~tl)Old" At- 12:15 o'clock today at Barbour I gymnasumz the last opportunity will f e given for women to take the swim- in test which is a pre-requisite If or membership in the canoeing class- s c rondct cted b~y thre physical educa- n on department. I I ii rNOTICES Tryouts for the Lecague orcihest ra will lie held fromt 1-0 to 1.1 :3t}) '(1 W ordI has lteen received in Ann' A1rbor of the death of Alice Hilcks Sat mday in JBarbour gynnasium.laiser '27, on Tuesday September 29. Anyf one interostedi is invited to try- MArs. Kxaiser was a member of Alpha out. Drums are espe cially needed. Phi sorority. All women itrse iu forming a' Enterintg Methodist women were en- B Iible study 91,0111) in contnection with tort ainted at tea yesterday at. Wesley the Unxiversity Y. W. C. A., call at the3 hail by the members of Kappa Phi. ollieo of the secretary at Newberry! Miss Mary Stair, student director of hail biefore Tuesdlay, and sign tipI1the young ipeopile's association spoke C i - on the "Purpose and Meaning of< Th'e emi-agement is anmnouincedl of Kap~pa- Phi." Mvargaret Calvert, '26, Fan it I tausom , '23. of Kalaniazoo, to was cuairman of the committee. L3I't3VF a6 i ; formal tea dance for all entering wo- men to be given by Betsy Barbour house and Helen Newberry residence from 4 to 5:30 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon., Cueosts will go first to Betsy Bar- hour house where Miss Ruby Howe, social director, Katherine 1"'. Wilcox, '26, and Dorothy G. Allison, '27, will receive. H-ere refreshments will 'be fserved in cafeteria style. Miss Jean Hamilton, (dean of women, and Mrs. Amy S. Hobart. assistant dean, will pour. From Betsy Barbour, the guests will proceed to Helen Newberry resi- dence where there will be (lancing. Mrs. Lpuise B. Hastings, social director, Marion Good, '26, andl Irene M.' Dil- lon, '28, will receive for H-elen New- berry residence. A color scheme of Maize and Blue wil be carried out in both houses. A tour of the rooms will be made so that the guests may be given an in- sight£ into dormitory life. This all-campus tea given under the joint auspices of the two dorm- itories will take the place of the an- nual freshman tea heretofore given by Helen Newberry residence. The tea will be very informal and every new woman on the camplus is invited to attend. Duce to the fact that a com- plete list of entering women is not yet available, no formal invitations will be sent out. Inteerclass hockey practice today will be held as follows: seniors and sophomores at. 4 o'clock, juniors and freshmen at 5 o'clock. .. ....... .. ........ i Leadership Group Will Meet Today; Following a meeting of the lead- ership commission of the University Y. W. C. A. at 3 o'clock today at New- berry hall, the last group of entering women will meet, at 4 o'clock in the same room, under the direction of Elizabeth Nutt, '28, and Norene Bus- chaw, '28. The leadership commission is a group of women in their second year at the V~nivrsity who have organizedi to help entering women get acquaint- ed, with the campus, in making friends, and in the formation of stan- dards of character which will be use- ful to them in their college life. They work with groups rather than withI the individual, which keeps them from dpiaigtewr ftojno advisors. NEWN AZZ ORHESTRA TO BE COMPOSED OF WvOMEN Tryouts will be held tort he League ' Satiurd ay morning tat lrour gynm- nasium. Fifteen women have