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October 08, 1925 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 15






Clayton C. Purdy, '26L, Heads Law-
yers; Pha ri es Obliged to Post-
Ipolne Election Until Later
Hlarry Q. Messer, '26, was elected
president of the senior literary class
and Clayton C. Purdy, '26L, was chos-
en to lead the senior law class at the
annual elections held yesterday after-
noon. The senior pharmacy students
did not elect officers at theit meeting.
Messer polled a total of 137 votes
to win the literary presidency, de-
feating Frank Deans, '26, who re-
ceived 95. William Diener, '26, was
11:00-Engineers in room 348 of
the Engineering building.
4.00-Education students in
room 109, Tappan hall.
4:30-Architects in lecture
room 1 of the Architectural
5:00-Dental students in the
lower lecture room of the
Dental building.
defeated in the first ballot, from
which the two candidates receiving
the highest number of votes were
chosen to compete in the finals.
Namee Vice-President
In the balloting for the v'icepresi-
dency, Elizabeth Van Valkenburgh,
'26, defeated a large field. Willabelle
Harper, '26, was the other victor in
the nominating ballot and received
61 votes, to Miss Van Valkenburgh's
96, in the final. Ruth Tallman, '26,
was chosen secretary of the class,
defeating Elizabeth McDowell, '26, by
the count of 121 to 65. The election
of the class treasurer resulted in a
victory for Charles Spencer, '26., who
received 94 votes to 76 for George
Weitzel, '26.
Purdy Reads Laws
In the senior law election, which
was held later in the afternoon in the'
Law building, Clayton Purdy won the
presidency, polling 53 votes. Charles
Munz, Jr., '26L, was second with- a
total of 45.
John I. Page, '26L, was elected
vice-president, Raymond H. Hark-
rider, '26L, secretary, and Robert G.
Jamieson, '26L, treasurer. Both elec-
tions were conducted under the di-

Germans Seek Permanent Peace
Says Chancellor In Conference



(By Associated Press)
LOCARNO, Switzerland, Oct. 7.--
Not only peace now, but peace for ail
time is Germany's desire, the German
chancellor, Dr. Luther, informed M.
Briand, the French foreign minister,
today in a private consultation of the
two statesmen. The consultation
stands out as the biggest single event
since the opening of the security con-
The two leaders stole quietly away,
from Loca-rno, and meeting at a se-
cluded spot on the north shore of
lake Maggiore, had a frank talk.or.
Europe's problems as a whole and
especially how best to consolidate the
peace of Europe.
The meeting of the conciliation
marked by an expression of the de-
termination of both statesmen to do
everything humanly possible to ban-
ish the Franco-German war spector
has injected a new ray of optimism
into the political atmosphere despite
the fact that it did not result in the
fashfoning of a formula whereby
France can guarantee in a special

way the territorial integrity of Poland
land Czecho-Slovakia, her allies.
That problem will require a con-
sultation of the cabinet at Paris and
Berlin, for France and Germany wilh
find it difficult yielding from their
original position without the support
of their home governments and home
The conference itself, which mfrt
for only an hour today, achieved no
substantial progress. The spokesmen
of the various delegations admitte l
this but they qualified it with thc'
declaration that fresh suggestions
were forthcoming concerning the il-'
cessity of a clear cut understanding
that compulsory arbitration must be
the guiding principle of the Rhine
Compulsory arbitration is a feature of
the Geneva peace protocol the funda-.
mental principles of which the French
are eager to keep to the fore inflex-
ibly and which many other nations a
the recent League assembly also ap-
proved as the only sure safeguard of
world peace.


4TS]' A FSON (1E
(A'oi fxy, 1bolany, Zoology, and Hlistory
Are I1eloartm111en#ts Included;
110lowsitips Granted
To defray the expenses of further
s'tudy and experimentation in their
respective fields, three professors and
one instructor in the literary college
have been allote research grants to




Indiana's ban on student mo-
tor cars will probably be re-
flected in Saturday's game here
between the Wolverines and the
Hoosiers. At least that is the
I opinion of Registrar . Ira M.
Smith, a graduate of that school.
I "Since by university ruling, F
F students at Indiana are not al-
lowed to own or operate auto-
mobiles, their means of travel
are naturally limited This prob-
ably will mean that Indiana's
I student delegation at the game
Saturday will be rather small,"
F the Registrar said.

i AT




Raymond L. Alexander, '27L; Lyman
IGlasgow, '26; and Elmer Salz-
man, '27L; Are Those Named
Names of the Cambridge debate
team which will meet the University
of Michigan trio in a debate in Hill
auditorium, Thursday, Oct. 29, have
been submitted to Prof. Thomas C.
Trueblood, of the public speaking de-!
partment. They are Michael Ramsey,
Geoffrey Lloyd, and Patrick Devlin.
All three men have taken, an especi-
ally active part in practical politics.
Raymond L. Alexander, '27L, Ly-
man J. Glasgow, '26, and Elmer Salz-
man, '27L, have been chosen to rep,,
resent Michigan in the debate. The
men selected have taken an active in-
terest in public speaking throughout
their college career, and have repre-
sented Michigan as varsity debaters
in previous contests.
The subject as previously announc-
ed will be: "Resolved: That This
House Pities Its Grandchildren." The
proposition is such that a variety of
subject matter can be injected into
the debate and a tinge of humor can
be added without reducing the effec-
tiveness of the speakers. Issues will
be decided upon at a later date.
The debate is being held under the
auspices of the Oratorical association.


Will Leave at'
Oct. 16;

9 O'clock Fr'iday N igid,
M'tadision ChIambier

to be ]leadsqnmziiers

Final arrangements have been COInI-
pleted for the Chamber of Conuocre'
special train to Madison a nd the sole
of reservations is now open to tine
public. Further details have also'
been announced regarding tie pro. -
gram of the day, made in co--op rat io]
with the Madison Chamber.
A special train will leave Ann Ar-
bor at 9 o'clock Fridiy night. oct . i
and is scheduled to arrive at 7 'cloc(
the following morning. lemiquo rt er
for Ann Arbor citizens will we w i
the Madison Chamber of Commerce ii
the Cantwell building.!
Headed by the band ani followedl by
students and citizens boeoring ' '
flags, a parade will leave the Park
hotel at 10 o'clock, and after cover-

he aon-unt. of $1290. This announce-
nent wa imode yesterday by Dean
Alied .11 Lloyd of the Graduate,
schi 11. following an executive meet-1
ing Toe bay.
Prof. W. IT. hobbs, head of the
geology department, was among those'
to receive such a grant. Professor
II obl s, in 1921, was a member of the
Iniversity expedition to the Pacific
' Is imndl, at which time he was able
to colilect a number of rare rocks.
It is his intention to analyze these
rocks and to submit a report of his
(discoveries to supplement the report,
of tHie expedition now being prepared.
Zoology Paper Aided
Special aid in the publication of
the Occasional Papers from the Mu-
sum of Zoology was given Prof. A.
(1. 1 uthven of the zoology depart-
mant.this year, an unusual amount of
nianuscripts having been presented{
o publication, the regular approp-1
ria~o was found to be insufficient.1
Th " rapers"' is a regularly pub-
lished magazine of special interest to
the memibers of the science faculties,'
and has run into its seventh volume.
F luany Resemaihcli Outlined
h . A. GIstafson of the botany de-
part ment, has been conducting ex-
perimen ts to determine the differences
in w~,:ht aind size, apparent in var-
ious stages in the growth of toma-
toes. Phis is to be followed by a
Schomica ml an alysis of tlie growing fruitj
to detlcirrnine any changes in ingredi-t
onts i miiay result. Air. Gustafson
hopes by this work to design a sys-j
Si lemit ic svsteni of cultivation to re-1

Philadelpl ia Selecied For Next Year's
Convention; Paris Chosen For
1927 MeetingI
(By Associated Press)
Omaha, Oct. 7.-Behind scenes the
American Legion's national conven-
tion was a seething cauldron of poli-
tics and policy today.
In the open session which was per-
functory but for a last minute objec-
tion which sent the report of the
world peace committee to the resolu-
tions committee for amendment.
The only business perfected was
selection of Philadelphia for the 19261
convention and the awarding of the
1927 meeting to Paris. The remain-
der of the time was devoted to ad-
dresses by army and navy officers and
messages, from the American Red
Cross and Knight of Columbus.
The aeronautical committee, theI
Legion's first such body, fought heat-1
edly all day over whether to recom-
mend endorsement of Col. Mitchell's
caustic critique of the nation's aerial
defense. A resolution in which
Mitchell's name was not mentioned al-
though one point he has urged, reor-
ganization of the pational defense
under one cabinet officer with sub-
divisions of equal importance for land,
sea, and air was finally adopted. It
was the product of the pen of Reed
Landis, America's second war ace and
son of Kenesaw Mountain Landis. It
was on that point that the all day
fight was centered. No other change
was made in the proposed resolution
as drawn last Monday.
The committee's action did .not dis-
pose of the Mitchell matter which
from the first day of the legionnaire's
gathering has been a subject of para-
mount interest.
The concessions of the Mitchellites
seems to be that not all that Colonel
Mitchell has said should be recom-
mended, but that hie should be praised
by name for bringing to the Ameri-I

Tills YEAR
I ate forNaming o MI embers Advaitced
On Recommendation Of Last
yYear's Comuittee

ing a course of over a mile, return to
its starting point.

U 1 111111 IJIi I I II Members of the 1927 J-Hop comn-
mittee will be chosen in conjunction
Prof -. N. Davis, Professor Emeritus with the regular junior class dcc-
of llar'vard, Explains Plateau tions next week, it was decided by the
Structurexila nyon ea Student council, at its meeting last
night at the Union. The comnmittee
will consist of 14 men, representing
USES LANTERN SLIDES the junior classes of the vorious
schools and colleges of the Univer.
Prof. William Morris Davis, pro- sity. The general chairman will iw
,'.elected this year by the junior en-
fessor-emeritus of Harvard university eleceds
addressed a large assembly last night The organization of the J-'Top con-
in the Natural Science auditorium on mittee so early in the semester was
"Lessons in the Colorado Canyon." authorized by the Council on the
His lecture, which was illustrated by recommendation of last year's
mittee, as stated in the repiort sub-
lantern slides was given under the mitted by the chairman. As all
auspices of the geology and geography j juniors were scheduled to meet for
departments, the holding of class elections ne; t
Contrary to the belief of many lay- week, it was thought a~dvis able to
combine the two, thus insuring a
men, the speaker said, the canyon is large attendance for the one election
not a crack in the earth's surface ) and doing away with the necessity of
caused by internal disturbances, but duplication.
rather a cut worn by the action of Engineers to N.,ie lChairman
Three members of the committee
water through many years. will be chosen by the engineering
rrh geographeralso eplaine the class, the man receiving the highest
structure of the plateau which con-1 number of votes to 1be the gener a~l
tains the canyon and whose formation cum an. Inv addto n, the g nir
chairman. In addition, the junior
preceded that of the famous gorge. class of the literary college will elect
By the use of graphs projected on five members to the committee, and
the screen lie showed step by step the classes in law, medicine, dentistry,
the formation, the erosion, and the I pharmacy, education and architecture
reformation of the present rock struc- one each. The general chairman will
ture through which the cut was worn. appoint the sub-commitces to simper-
In addition to the address of last intend the details of the 1)op from
evening Professor Davis spoke at the men winning tlese elections.
3:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon on l lectioiis Next Week
"Coral Reefs and Islands." This talk The junior class and J-I-Top elec-
was based largely on observations jtlions will be held on Wednesday and
made by the speaker during his jour- Thursday of next week: the exact
ney across the Pacific during 1914. schedule, containing the time and
Professor Davis is now on a lee- place of all meetings, will be plub-
ture tour of several colleges of the lisped by The Daily Tuesday morn-
Harvard western circuit in Iowa, ing.
Colorado, and California, at each of In addition to disposing of the
which he will spend a month. The F question of the J-Hop, the Council
address of last night on the Colorado approved the eighth edition of the
Canyon was one of many on this sub- Michigan Song book, edited by Mr.
ject which Prof. Davis will deliver M. M. Root, as the official song book
during the course of his tour. of the University. It also accepted
the donation by Mrs. Root of mega-
sphones to *e used by the cheering see
S dsvtions at all football gamues this fall.
Reveal Plans For Block "1"
W itness Gam es A block "M" will be arranged in the
* stands at the Illinois game this year,
On Grid-Graph similar to that which was introduced
C__at the game there last fall, it was an-
nounced. The "M,", which willkappear
Those students who will not be able j in the Michigan cheering section, wiil
to make the trips to the three out-of- ; be composed of large cardboards of
town games will have an opportunity maize' and blue, held by the students
to see these games on the Alumni as- in the section, which will be open to
sociation grid-graph at Hill auditor- all students of the University, men
ium on the afternoon of the respective or women.
Western Union has guaranteed the
finest possible service so that the Crowds Receive
board will be able to receive and i eisS oe l ay
traniscribeto the audience th-e exact SerfeS Scorcs By
plays including position and path of Tap Room Radio
the ball, type of play, and the players
engaging in each attempt, according -lling the tap room of the Union
to Jack M. Bennet, '27L, who will be Filli the taptroom ofternon
in cargeof te bord.to the doors yesterday afternoon, anl
in charge of the board. enthusiastic crowd of students and
IIn case the Varsity band does not ,aut ebr itndt vr
accompany the teanm to every game, faculty nembers listened to every,
awill ema to ave play of the opening game of the
arrangements will be made to have World Series as it was broadcasted
them play at Hill auditorium. Yell th gr
leaders will be on hand to lead songs roughouit the comontry by radio.T T
at eery anle - Freplorts, which camne in dist inctly and,
and yells amcould easily be heaird in all parts of
l fl~~~~~~~~t m trr nn~ri t +~tr



A return train leaves at 10 o'clocK
Saturday night, arriving in Ann A-
bor at 8 o'clock Sunday mlornin L
Stopover privileges in Chicago n y
be secured, a train leaving that city
at 11:50 Sunday night.

i 1,
< <,.
I ,.




rATHEN, O., Oct. 7, - WesIe~y II.
Maurer, until this fall associated wIvitm
the journalism department at the Uni-1



rection of the elections committee of versity of Michigan, and now assist-
the Student council. I PRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 7.-"Cy- ant professor of journalism at Ohioj
The senior pharmacy class, which rano de Bergerac" by Rostland is the university, has begun an experiment
was scheduled to organize at 5 o'clock "greatest play" in the opinion of stu- which is new to college journalisn.
yesterday afternoon, did not hold an rdents in a class in the history of Students under the direction of Iro-
election, due to the failure of enough drama under Prof. Donald Clive fessor Maurer, who is also city oeli-
members of the class to appear to Stuart at Princeton university. tor of the Athens essemger. a local
make a choice possible. They will As a result Prof. Stuart has char- daily, write and edit all of the local t
arrange their own election at some acteized his students as members of news published in e .pae Ac-
time later in the week and will then a "Peter Pan generation." The vote cording to Professor Maurer, "No
report the results to the Council. m e t sfifteent time e pay other school or university in the 1
New Ballot ried has been chosen a favorite by Prince- United States has ever attempted to
The new ballot, divided into four ton students. . pish a dal comeci e
parts separated with perforated lines; Its popularity, in the opinion of on a continuous basis." ('llege cr'drt
in order to allow the same ballot to Professor Stu'art, is due to impres- is given for the work.
be used for the casting of all four sinsois received from reading the play
votes, was tried out 'for the first time Iin French as a part of modern lan-
in the elections yesterday and was guage study, and to the fact that it Press Club Seeks
reported to be a great improvement 1s a play "suited to young men." Te porayROOms
over the old system by members of 1enrik Ibsen ranked as the drama-
the Council committee. It will be tist most popular after Rostand. __
used in the elections today and also The Student Press club will be un-
in the junior and underclass ballot- SHANGHAI, Oct. 7.-The Chinese able to occupy tlie quarters a ssigiled!
ing later in the month. General Chamber of Commerce in-I them in the Medical hoilding, miutil
The senior classes in the engineer- sorted full page advertisements in the the latter part of tis sm ester r '
lug college, the school of education, Shanghai English laniguage news- the first pamrt of the inext. At ipres-
the architectural college and the - papers declaring no Chinese citizen ent the-y are looking for a temporary
dental school will organize this after- j under any circumstances will be room for laboratory purIoses. As
noon. Members of the Council will [identified or associated with the pro- soon as they can locate a suitable
take charge of the four meetings. posed judicial inquiry into the Shang- room, they will begin having their
hai incident of May 20. regular meetings.

lac the more or less haphazard E can people an awakening as to actual I
methods now general among tomato conditions in the air service.
uiltivamrs. Financial assistance in The world peace report recommend-
these expcmriments was granted at the ed that the Legion espouse support.
veeting Tuesday. for the World Court with the Harding
Prof. IU. B. Phillips of the history reser-vations and the League of Na-
lepartment, was given aid in the col- tions be made the subject of a one-
ec'tion of material important to his year study for the American Legion
work on a history of the ante-bellum post.
South. As altered by the resolutions commit-
Other business of the meeting iil- tee for presentation to the convention
eluded tie granting of fellowships tQ' tomorrow the report will ask Legion
graduate ot udelts. sanction of adherence to the policy F
-- ___of "an international court of justice" I
but without specifying. Otherwise it
Brands U. S. as left as reported today.
Tonight it was agreed in all quar-
A rms Parley tens that the fight for national coin-
Wmander will shape itself after mid-
ron 9 M ove night tomorrow. Numerous states
have refrained from caucusing and
-~~ but few have announced reports amd
(Pty Associated Press) even then some only are "feelers"
WASyINGTON, Oct. 7.-Pointed for any candidate.
siggetions nade by the delegates to-
the inter-Iarliamuentary uniicn con- TICKE S STILL
Terence that the Washington govern- f A TATI A7) fi' I
ment again take the leadership in A VAILABLE F R
promot iimg the reduction of world INDIANA G.AJJE F
armaments were answered today by
iRep. Theodore Burton of Ohio, in an Requests for tickets to the Indiana
address lforo the closing session.i game are pouring in to the adminis- I
Referring to the desire often ex- tration building of the athletic as-.
pressed by the President for a new sociation at Ferry field by mail, tele-1
limitat ion of armaments conference, graph, and over the counter, Harry
Mi.. 'urton said "various propositions Tillotson, business manager of the;
looking towa'd the same ideal arp F association, announced last night.
being considered in various Europeau j More than $1,000 worth of Indiana l
conferences, and it, would be al n iii- tickets were sold Tuesday.I
trusion for oiir lesident to ask for Tickets to this game are still avail-
0. conference in Washington while j able, (hue to the fact that Indiana is j



these erorts are being made. "
IHe made it clear, however, that he
was speak ing on his own authority
and was miot inspired to make tile
statement by the White House. In 1
bringing the confer'enee to the end of

sending few rooters with their teama
and will occupy a small section of'
the stadium. A larger crowd than that
which witnessed the4Michigan State
last Saturday is expected to see the l
Big Ten opener.


t . <<, v .'1 ., .

,,,, A -1 *,l- .-+;,,_ +1, 1 -1 " 1 -

its six (fas delibe e-

ROME, Oct. 7.-Count Volpi, the iates voted inan5inous approval for c
finance minister, and the other mem- Fn O f Udoreresolutionms--one cr"atin"
bers of the Italian debt funding com- Question Of University iR adio<a comniittee to study ways and means I
mission to America, have definitely F ' om'eliiinating(-ist oins and trade
decided to sail from Naples, Oct. 22.1 B roadcast R ests i' Zthi't R eents iai i'iei Exist ing between Europeanu
________________________couint rii, -ii'idl othier:, settinig , ip a
MOSCOW, Oct. 7.-Finance Minis- grcnup of experts to study and report
ter Sokolnikoff announced an agree- Radio broadcasting from the Uni- It is expected that the Progriamwi xii to a furttier conferencu e on the wvorl
mnt with a group of German banks versity wil 0probably ber inaugurate consist of mnummnbers by the Vai'siiy pai-liamentary situation
for am $1,000,000 credit. ithin m onthf the nsreoamend- I band and the University Glee cluii,
tosmade by the Deans are nalaced in_",.'
- - effect by the Board of Regents. and that lectures will also b1 tfiveii Blue Key SocietyI
S thThe Jewett-Detroit Free Press ra-' in order to acquaint the public irior T
dio broadcasting stations have offered correctly with conditions at the Uii--
to broadcast a program from the Uni-f versity.
versity twice monthly from their In case the plans are passeli upon -I; lue Key, a society organized under
ystation. The expense of the by the Board of RegCts a committeo the Union for the- wel-

Students who wish to see the Wis- WASHINGTON,
cousin game at Madison are urged to.WSINTN Oct. 7. - Another
get in their applications at once, as chapter in American Postal history
m setshiim time Michin a t n t began today with the award of five
the seats in the Michigan allotment cnrcst rvt nepiefr
which are not sold by the end of this .contracts to private enterprn e for
the carrying of the mails by air-
week will be returned to Madison. plnes.rOy the resulmsiosthe undr-
taking Postmaster General New de-
LONDON, Oct. 7.-T. P. O'Connor, dared, the future of aerial transport
the veteran Nationalist member, who m ,te United States depends.
has represented the Scotland division ; While pro osals on eight routes had
of Liverpool in the House of Coin- been invited only five were given to
mons for 40 years, celebrated his contractors. On twso routes, pros-
seventy-fifth birthday Monday. pective contractors failed to meet the
F government's requirements in their
LUET.JENBURG, Prussia, Oct. 7.-' proposals and further consideration
Prince Philip of Hesse and his bride, is being given bids on the other route.
the former Princess Mafalda, of The successful bidders must execute

Lne room, were receivedI llthrougi
special equipment furnished the Union
by a-radio sales company of this city.
The complete box score was posted
in the billiard room.
3roadcasting started to come in
through the loud speaker yesterday
shortly before the game began with
the detailed account related contin-
uously uptil the game finished short-
ly before 4 o'clock. Today's game
will be received in the tap room at the
same time, 2 o'clock.
MADRID, Oct. 7.--The kig has
signed a decree relieving Capt.-Genu
Weyler, now the duke of Robi, of his
duties as chief of the general staff.

Dismissal of classes from 10
to 12 o'clock on the morning of



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