'A FINESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1925 THDE MICHIGAN DAILY P AG"EI E - -- ------- IllsE AT 3 P.M. ADVER: NOTICE TROJANOWSKI BEAUTY SHOP Expert hair bobbing,, marcelling, manicuring, face and scalp treat- RAIN WATER SHAMPOO .1110 S. University Ave. Dial 5535 FO.UINT IN PENS Look over our line of fountain pens.I See the new Dunkley pen, f111 with' -.water and writh real ink. Tried out._ and not found wanting. Also Water- man and Edison pens. S. A. Moran, 711 N. Univ. 2nd floor. FOR SALE-1924 Ford Touring $1251 FOR SALE-Clarinet in good condi- AtTr~-1 shape. tion. Phone 9428.1 L ~~~ 1919 Ford touring car. Good tires. ___ _ _ 1LF331 For sale cheap. Dial 4518. TI IN U T 3P.. ORSALE- 1923 Tudor fine condi- i TENOR Soloist wanted for churchI A!'PG tion. New rear end, very cheap. El-= work. 312 South Division St. Diala I us Dial 3357. 1 b328, FOR SALE -_______________ __________________ FOR SALE-Tuxedo, size 38, excellent' WANTE-Lit student to read for{ SALE-PIERCE ARROW-5 Passen- condition, call Dresbach at 5017. student with weak eyes, a few! ger, fully equipped, excellent me- hours a week. Box No. 6. Ichanical condition, new paint and IT'. l'E WIIEtS - tiers. $500.00, one half cash. Call L .Sih eigoRyl ne-I ATE-amily and Student wash- 762frdmnsrto.wood, Corona andl portables, sold,, jngs. Will call for and deliver. 7682for emontraton.rented, " exchanged, cleaned andi re-! Dial 4972. 1922 FORD TOURING All new tires; paired. Tlhe largest andl best stock; starter, demountable rims etc. Per-1 in Ann Arbor at considerate prices. NAVY AND OHIO STATE Tickets. feet condition mechanically. Car 0. I1). TMORRILLi Alpha Tau Omega. 5917. owned by mechanic. $75.00. Call 17 Nickels Arcade 19588. Dealer : L. C. Smith and Corona type-; WANTED-Night man for garage . writers wvork. 113 N. Ashley. ;$ ' s Chora T k i :,,r ' ;' .'; , , ,> ; . k J ..yeV .. I ~er~esi WESTERN ELECTRIC power ampli- t ier, tubes, horn, cabinet model. Brand new. Exceptionally reason- able. Call Bond 7070.j BEESYL BE'AUTY SHOP Over Arcade Theatre Come and get acquainted You'll be pleased X711 No. U. Dial 21379 'fYiPE VWRiITER S Several makes to choose from. ForI 'sale or rent. Good bargains for good machines. S. A. Moran, 711 N.I Univ., 2nd floor. FOR ,SALE-Ford touring 1919. Ex- cellent. condition. New tires. Call Furnas 5082 or University 229.,, The Typewriter Y&iStationery. Store, j- WANTED-Two tickets for Navy FOR SALE-Ford coupe 1923. Door1 game. Can use four. Call 7445. lock. Demountable rims, starter, j spotlight, and other extras. Only W'ANTED-Man to share very desir- $150. Terms for responsible party. able oflice ideally located near cam- Call 3146 after 5 o'clock. pus. Rent very reasonable. Dial - ;8887. FOR SALE - Remington Portable typwriers Ge. S Reistr. ARBER for Saturday. Call 4488 be- Phone 4147. tween 4 and 8 Wednesday. Little investment-big returns, The SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR DAILY! Daily Classifieds.-Adv. a ti b T e have excellent new equipment for doing letter work. New type hand et by skilled labor will insure a! fsatisfactory and pleasing job. ' 0. D. MORRILLL 17 Nickels Arcade de Stationery & Typewriter Store TAILORING~ Students tailoring Phone 8040 x? Cor. IN. University and Thayer MEN'S SUITS GLEANED AND PRESSED, $1.25 i TROUSERS PRESSED, 20c CjEANING, PRESSING, RE~PAIRING AND ALTERING A SPECIALTY .ALSO LADIES D)RESSES AND COATS REASONABLE PRICES r I~STLE PERMANENT Wave special "for October $15. Bentley Beauty jShop, 106 E. Liberty. Phone 6373.1 Buy rotr Clothes th e 9ew way On Our New Charge Service System, the M . s 't' IMEOGRAPHING & T.YPE RT'IlNG Work dlone by experienced operators ktmoderate rates in our own shop. s; 0. D. M RRILL 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter &. Stationery Store h, , Tien-Pay Plan i I IORD ROADSTER-Just overhauled fine mechanical condition. Special speed device. New paint. Will ac- cept time payments. Call Williams ;evenings 22282. V" r' FOUNTAIN PENS over 500 Waterman, Conklin, Sheaffer, :Eversharp, Swan, LeBouef, Parker, SHolland and otherg from which to ~malte a selection. Price $1.50 up. All good standard nationally ad- i vertised makes. Q. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade ' le Hypewriter & Stationery Store YOUR CHARACTER Analyzed. Send me twenty lines of your hanidwrit- ing. Best vocation suggested ac- Scording to your talents.,_Price one d ~ollar. Write "The Character Man" 'jcare of Michigan Daily. 17 TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Tie best equipped shop in the city ~backed by eighteen years experi- ence. 0. D. MORRILL a 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store LOST LQ)ST.'-One bracelet. Four strands ofl a' 'earls, silver clasp, generous re- y ard to finder. Lost in the vicinity Hof Granger academy. Box No. 8. L ST-In section "D" at M. S. C. ygame a" pocketbook containing $80 , o $90. Name and address inside. d ;Finder please return and receive re- ward.j L9,ST-Friday, silver and amethyst joarring. Forest Ave. or Forest court. Phone 7959. Reward. LQST-Man's topcoat sometime last Aeek. If found call 8792. Reward. LAST-Pair of turtle shell glasses bjetwveen corner of State and Wash-1 ington. Reward. Phone 3409. Dani -.Cohen. BROWN COIN PURSE between 621 Church St. and Angell Hall. The name Mrs. C. A. Carey engraved on. purse. Reward. Dial 7037. LOST-Boston bull pup, female, with harness and 1924 license. Reward Remington D52 Lawyers club. LOTor taken by mistake by some one in Room 340 Old Engineering P~g Monday October 5, 1925, light fat topcoat size 36 or 37. Please tall 21684 for reward. BR~ADLEY. Principles of Logic. Re- ttn to Room 106 M. H. LOST-Lady's duofoild pen between idic Bldg. and Walnut street. Re- ward. Call 21467. FOR RENT DRIVE My Ford sedan home for week- ends Friday night to Monday morn-k ing' $10.00. other days $5.00 straight. Hodgman 4094. FOR RENT-Excellent furnished rom in private home for man stu-3 dlent. 504 Walnut. FOR RENT-A desirable room in pri- You may have found it incon- venient to pay the full amnoutt necessary to buy a Suit or Overcoat "Thu sday O CT. Sth 0STR GUY MAIER, Pianist PALMER CHRISTIAN, Organist 8 P. M.. WALTER MAMNEROSCH-, Conductor Tuesday J O HN LAURI KENNEDY. 'Violoncellist 8 P. M. Q EDWIN SCHNEIDER, Pianist Monday S 8 P. M. OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH, Conductor j ~ Friday 7' 8 P. M. Belgian Baritone TuesdayW AT JAL 6 IN 8P.M. Pianist SMonday'NS MHY OSSIP GABRILOWITSCH, Piano Soloist 8 P. M. VICTOR KOLAR, Conducting Saturday E R NE S TI E OVE 8 P. M. Monday DECE 7 CECNS' C E8P. M. Violinist JANJU 8 P. M. An Opera in Two Acts-Donizetti WILLIAM WADE. HINSHAW OPERA COMPANY WILLARD LENTBERG, Musical Director THOINAS MC( N IIAN, Tenor HAZEL HUINTIINGTON, Soprano LEO DE HIERAPOLIS, Baritone ELEANOR LA MANCE, Mezzo-Conralto FRANCIS TYLER, Basso Friday L.O N Gm" Feb.26 8 P. M.RT JA-3ES LEVEY, First Violin HI. WALDO WAARNI P, Viola THIOMIAS W. PETRE, Second Violin C. WA RWICK E'VANS, Violoncello Wednesday APRIL F 8P. M. LUTHER4oftANUC OI - F. MELIUS CHRISTIANSEN, Conductor Mail Orders for Tickets Will Be Filed and Filled in Order ": 0 1" °Y I at one time . We have inaugu- rateda new way of handling your charge. account .. Many men are finding this Plan of the,~ utmost convenience. Perhap*$ you would like to investigate it. THE FINEST MADE 11 'I are featured by us extensively on this plan; ..This insures the best in Men's Clothing . . styl- 4, I N 0 ~ ing-fabrics and quality. There's an ample., stock from which to make selectaions. '# fi. I $40.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS and M'OATS: You pay x$10.00 when purchased and $3.00 weekly f$45.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS and CYCOATS You pay $10[.00 when purchased and $3.50 weekly S$50.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS and O'COATS You pay $10.00 when purchased and $4."1 weekly $55.00,SOCIETY BRAND SUITS and O'OATS You pay $10.00 when purchased and $4.50, weekly $60.00 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS and 0'COAT S You pay $10.00 when purchased and $S"" weekly There is no added cost to you - plan prices and cash prices are identical :# 4 Wadh ams &rCo. of Receipt I I ~Corner N ai and Washington Sts. I Fi N I 11 I