WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7,, 1925 TI-I, MICH!IGAN DAILY+ tr 0.4i1 LEGION DRIVE SUCCESS IN 32 MICHIGAN CITIESl 1),,TRrOTTOct.G.-Tirty-two cities in INchi an have gone over ;their; quot a., for the American Legion En-1 do~wmient fund which is being raised throughout the country at this time for the care of the American war, ohans. This report was made to- oyby Harold TI Emons, vice-presi- dt of the Detroit committee. Asj several of the larger cities were late I in getting tljeir campaigns startedI and have not yet reported, the corn- nmittee believes that the greater parnt of Michigan's contribution is still forthcoming. D~etroit's entire quota,I $175,000 is expected before the end ' of the week. The cities that are already beyond their allotments are: Crystal Falls, Houghton, Marquette, Mvichigamnme, Newberry, Rapid River, Sault Ste.a Marie,' Stambaugh, -Romulus and Mid- land. DISTRICT ATTORNEY A TT1A~liS "FROCK COATED HYPOCRITES"' (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Oct. G.-A spirited at- tack on the "frock coated hypocrites of Main street" who, visitng New York, flock to its fallacious plays, yet return home to criticize, was the an- Union Membership I,'Sho ws Slight Drop I isrtion at the Union is now only 100 mJemlbersh;ps less than the total student onrollznent last year. Since the opening of the fall semens- ter, S,G(J0 students have either re--I newest or taken out Union inember-1 ships. The figure for both semestersI last year was 5,100. It is expected that this mark will be surpassed with-j in a few weeks by- students who havej neglectedI to register this year. Students can now register at the Imain desk in the lobby of the Union at anly time. swer today of District Attorney Ban- ton, to the charge of the' Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Moral of the Methodist Episcopal church that the Metropolis is "wicked." Mr. Banton denied that New York. was "bad" asserting on the contrary that it was "a decent and clean town as big towns go." Tttle investment-big returns, The Daily Classifieds.-Adv. Ace Of Clubs I TOASTED SANDWICHES NOW OUR SPECIALTY Ojent 11,A. N. to 11 P. AT. filwtairs, Nickels Areade I y ]I NEW~ LIRCBNT ifS DOL O hL PAITY t ables will be placied between the' ,iles for the convenience of thoseus ingus- e (cat alogues. The cards are now being trans- furredl from the 01(1 to the new files, a A will be('read~y within a few days. x, ;. a RIooTo.C, Students Headquarters. for Army Sloes. We bane a complete line of both officers and enlisted men's dress ,Aloes. " Special officers' dress tihoes? at $c;.0. Miizel, Stu More "WHE RE STYLES ORIGIN ATE" 1i7 >past Washington St. 4PHIL DIAMOND Now ]looking SORCHESTRAS For t FOOTBALL DATES Make Reservations Early Plione '21820 r A. vrs Ll' Ce, LE j.yea+ua aw nsa., z asa sa., rreb aeaac ,,.sa« , a c a ..s eaca.aa. odwc a ..e For Play- -ClA sses--=Dates Beauty in litility Form Bad weather invariably comes when "good titpes" beckon. Let no such detail as rain or sleet mar YOUR pleasures. Have a Frog. Brand Slicker handy to protect you and your good clothes. Motoring, boating, dancing, classes, the game- tart nowhere without a Frog Brand Slickzer. It is the insignia of the college woman, a style she cre- ated. A light knockabout waterproof coat that ac- centuates slenderness. Most college girls-and men-have them. Get yours today, the cost is low. Sawyer's Frog Brand Slickers t_ Frog Brand Slick- os ers are sold in four p colors. Red, Green, Blue and Coral. All A fl present a natty ap- pearance. If your dealer can- not supply you send his name to 11. M. Sawyer and Son, East Camnbridge, MNIass. Or, send for free booklet. .earaaomixt3o ~wa., ov+sao.m y - zi (( fr i! New file cabinets for the tazlo gue of the Library have ;just been l 'Dimmi ' A cept sstalledl in the isamen posit ions; of the HolI old files oi l e second~ floor. The cabI)-, a Dets have 2,016 drawerts rabot ;double the ca pac iy of the old onea:.1 i ''cl. borest L. Dimmrick of the They will probably takee tIo~(f .B1i-; chohY department has resigned tl1i0 or theLiarordt .x' his position here to accept a sinila r Thr 2years, acrigto Willia il W. Birhop, ITniversily librlai,. f 1ost at Hobart college, Geneva, N. Y. These new abinets ,arc on the type t' r ofessor Dinmmic, who holds a doe- ooriginally planned for the rootsi in t fortf hilosoph degree, was an as- which they are located, but wre no sat poesor here. purchased until they owerrebcio tly' necessary. They are made o tr r_ - SiiIIWRIBE TODAY FOR DAiILY! tered oak, library flush. 01),eeal lighting equipment will be jV;id(d - within a short time. Also two long I 1 IPAY ____EST BEST PRICES DETROIT THEATRES For Meter's 115 IVCloahingt THIS W ___It. BENJAIN uoftstei F1ynus 14) X ________________ \odward at Eiot Sat !Iat s. 'i to $., I StDNEY &VBLACKMEllcR MAID.ORDERS II In Sab zinl's A merican Romance '~f~ tROLNIA" IFOR Sch1ubert Lafayetteaaet ' LECT Wheniu D letroit don't fitoase The STUDENT PRINCE At lasit the 160% Opereta ( Ngt:,ct$.SaMa. oto$.5.IIC11( ITPopl4r price MatI Thurday. B IC ET G R I Eves.. - 5ac to $ ei1R.'Mat. Sec to S50 MST1'BEl Sat. Mat. Stec to $200 MILED 199th Tme-23rd Dig Week ArNN It OL' B ABIE'S IRISH IROSEV STU1RDAY, OCT. 10 SEE iT! Ym Will ]VvenfualyY WHY NOT NOW? J__ DRUGS RODARS KODA ASYOUG On the Camps ttegmo ie hr' ~ pitur at andor picureahea-alays KODAKLMANDYUPPLIE Ano.therCabig , twe e.gnd Con aforKoketees apictures-filld ruapicreaheKod-alFilm.An lThis do the fstthing-astop grareult'veryee CAlkhe igs Fetedcerng DrugKo i-- eendahle Stre--3 (orner East aal dSoth Iniersty 3234 Sonth State Corner~ State and Packard CANDY SODAS 199i111111 919 11!9l111111 11 1 1[II11 iI1III19l19i1 9119l 111111111111i11111191ilII NO %TT ~NOW j- You'll be sirprised at what a peach w j - of F'renchy bab y doll our Constance makes; you'lJl be ihilfied when she comes _dancing down at the head of the snappy I Follies lBerrs , writers and players. -.f' s III 0 ( ofIea!ion alne Startingei Tlhursday ~ -~-~'-~''- ~h '~ito l 'j~ ~ j (>~ ~ ;~ r* A ' ~All It-s Glorious IMagnificenice!a arud id n acIgi W.V i ----- x g' NOW SHOWING l UGTUlt ROMANCE .OF AND - FOR! THE..YOUNGWAND OLD 6 . LLIA4FOX 'resc'n LS ..., ?7he pylthat broke thewo rid 'srecord.!i tH 0ULDE N'Sl i ph CQ ik1 enttof *YO U&t- rvrlq,!'n_ kC4Adi,, JAYHUNT,:MADGE KUIASI ETHL CLAYTON -J.FAftU?4L CDONA.D WALLACE ?IcDONAW OTInS HARLAN- EDYTHl CHAPMAN i RICHARD TPAV E~ BRANDON BURST-JAMES M'ARCUS / 4y CRANK BACON & WHCKELLSWITH, &ccnario by- FRANCES.MARION ,, -JOH N'FO 11W roductiog. , =- 7he2comedy o0f thecentury, -The drama oc/the daf a) 2:) J1) Weeks NCG'errkm-ay Erutidite im d _1 . loci ~.ic nAlarmi-- Ency clopedic in 1 I Th* r P -4 , srhtL AN' FI4ETIA J (T A FAYEA and tl u. 9 aramounl R :l1 fL * Golden Calf- if III I if