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October 07, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-10-07

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VOL. XXXV. No. 14

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3:30-Literary students at the
Natural Science auditorium.
4:00-Law students in room B_
of the Law building.
5:00-Pharmacy students in
room 151 of the Chemistry
11:00-Engineers in room 348 of
the Engineering building.
4.00-Education students in
room 109, Tappan hall.
4:30-Architects in lecture
room 1 of the Architectural
5:00-Dental students in the
lower lecture room of the
Dental building.

Van Tyne Will Siecced Sanders In
Senafe Council; Phillips
Is Other Member
Faculty members of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts

McCormack, Schuan1-1101 , Danl.
rosch, Gabrilowitseh, and Gtiesekiug
To Appear On Program
Two Ann Arbor musical artists.
Guy Maier and Palmer Christian, as-
sisting the New York symphony or,
ehestra, will open the forty seventh
annual Choral Union concert series
offered by the University Sc-hool ot
Music, Thursday, Oct. 15, in Hil.l
auditorium. Singers, pianists, violin-y
ists, and ensemble groups will be 1
heard in the ten other concerts of the
regular and extra concert series. Mc-
Cormack, Scbumainn-Jleink, Gabrilo-
witsch, and the sensa tional German
pianist, Gieseking, are among the ar-
tists included.
Walter Damrosch, for forty years
the head of the New York symphony
orchestra, will conduct his band of
musicians in the program here. Mr.C
Damrosch at the age of nineteen suc-
ceeded his father, the founder of the
organization, as conductor, and has
since maintained his place among the
world's foremost musical organizers.
This orchestra has not been heard in
Ann Arbor for several years.
Guy Maier, in colaboration with
lee Pattison, has gained an interna-
tional reputation for his two-piano re-
ritnl Htn i4 nl bn.iomhr of f th f

Changes Made
In Cheering
Section Plansi
Cheering s'-t i 1, C 1m s(e d o in i
of the junior and se r 01' (asses at
the Wiseonusai, 1 lncis and North-
western games will not be organized
tlis year, lue to the failure of stu-
dents desiring to sit in these sections
to send their names to ,the Student
council. However, cheering sections
composed of men and women of all
classes will b conduct ed at the I1li-
nois and WVsconsin games, it was an-

W asidgitou ill Defend 1921 itle
in Annual Classic; Jiohnson
'To Pitch First Game
(13y Associated Press)
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 6.--A battle that
promises to add a spectacular chap-
ter to the history of bas(-ball cham-
pionship conflicts, starts tomorrow1
with the Washington Senators, heroic,
champins of 1924, defending their
laurels against Ptitsburgh, new Na-


elected seven of their number to fill
vacancies on three of the college com-
mittees in the first faculty meeting
of the year, held Monday afternoon
in Angell hall. During the session
reports were read by the chairman of
the freshman and sophomore regis-
tration committees and the commit-
tees on extra hours and classification.
In the Library committee Prof. L.
C. Karpinski of the mathematics de-
partment and J. G. Winter of the
Greek department were elected to
succeed themselves. The other mem-
bers of the committee as now con-(
tituted are Dean E. E. Day, head of
the economics departmbent; Profes,-
sors Campbell Bonner of the Greek
department, E. C. Case of the geology
department, and 1-I. H. Bartlett of the
Botany department.
The new representative of the col-
lege in the Senate council is Prof.
Claude H. Van Hyne of the history
department, who succeeds Prof. H. A.
Sanders of the Latin department. The
other councilman from the literary l
college is Prof. U. B. Phillips, alsol
of the history department.
Prof. J. W. Glover of the mathema-
ties department is the newly elected
member of the Dean's advisory com-
nittee. The remaining three mem-
bers of the committee are Professors
J. S. Reeves of the political science
department; M. P. Tilley of the Eng-
lish department; and A. F. Schull of
the zoology department. Four mem-
hers of the committee are elected for
a period of four years, while three
others are appointed by Dean Johnj
R. Effinger, for a period of three
years, their terms expiring consecu-
tively. Dean Effinger has appointed
Prof. W. J. Hussey of the astronomy
department to succeed Prof. S. L.
Bigelow of the chemistry department,
whose term recently expired. Dean
A. H. Lloyd of the Graduate school
was named to serve the last year of
the term of Prof. Robert M. Wenleyl
of the philosophy department, who is
spending a year's leave of absence in
London. The other appointed mem-
ber is Prof. W. I. IIobbs,.head of the
geology department.
Prof. J. W, Scholl of the German
department, chairman of the com-
Mittee on extra hours reported for
his group, presenting aresolution
concerning procedure to be followed
in the granting of extra hours, which
will be made a special order at the
next meeting of the college faculty
on Nov. 2. The work of the regis-
tration period was reviewed briefly by
Professors J. H. Hanford of the Eng-
lish department, chairman of the first-
year elections committee; R. C. Cow-
den of the rhetoric department, chair-
man of the sophomore elections com-
mittee; and D. L. Rich of the physics
department, chairman of the classifi-
cation committee.
Union To Report
World Series
Scores By Radio

Bounced last ight-
No definite ari ii ngements will lie
iiecessairy for the "se sections. The
)lock of s1udcnt seats on the 50 yard
line will Ibe usied, but these seats will
not lie restriicted to any par ticular sex
or class. Th proposed sct ions, (CoIn-
posed entirely of upperclass men, had
'o he ahandoned when the number (-f
studen~it s de'siring to sit ini the rescr-
edl hi x-k failed to ietch the 300) marl:,
which was set by the Council.
No defloite plns have been madt-
for t Nothwestein glme at Cilr
ea gobut it is probabile that the:sam
;Lstemnwill I ' tusedlthleire. The cheer-,
ing section comllposed entirely of men,
Such as was used by Illinois at the
Illinois-lichigan game last year, is
muIch lI moreeffet ive, a1ccordling to
Kenneth C. Kelar, president of the
Student council, but it was impossible
to obtain enough student s to make
such a ilai practicable at out-of-

tional league title holders, a lighting
array which hopes to regain the glory
that was this rcity's sixteen year.,


' .

Choose Stith
As NewLeader
Jack Stith, '26, was elected presi-
dent of the Inter-fraternity council at
the first meeting of the organization
this fall, held under the. direction of
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-
dents, yesterday afternoon at the
Union. Thirty--three of the 52 fra-
ternities belonging to the council
were represented.
Under the constitutien of the coun-
cil, the fraternities are divided into
five groups, which rotate in holding
the various offices. Stith was elected
from group two, which was scheduled
to hold the presidency this year.
Philip Rowe, '26, was the election
for the position of secretary, which
was limited to members of fraterni-
ties in group three. Sterling Smith,
'26, representing group four, was
chosen treasurer.
Two members were elected to the
judiciary committee, who were chosen
from the delegates of the fraternities
in groups one and five. The election
was won by Richard Barton, '26, and
Walker Everett, '26. Five members
of the faculty were nominated at the
meeting yesterday, together with fivel
members of the alumni association
who are residing in Ann Arbor. From
these nominees, the men to represent
these organizations on the Inter-fra-
ternity council will be selected.
The initial meeting yesterday was
presided over by Dean Bursley. The
first meeting under the direction of
the new ofIicers will be held npxit


Professor Emeritus to Speak
Colorado Grand Canyon
And Coral Reefs

Prof. William Morris Davis, profes-
sor emeritus of Harvard university,
will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in the
Natural Science auditorium as the

Unless all signs fail, it will be as
closely waged a struggle as the sen-
saflional championship series last
fail, witii Washington's .great defen-
f1 ye club led by Bucky Harris and
Wall e~r Joinson, putting his eXpe-i -
Sene and steadiness against the youth-
ful inpired and brilliant attack of
Bill M\cheeAmie's Pirate crew. r
.Iohznison, dramatic pitching figure
of tie World's champiois, will pick
up for the Senators where he left off I
victoriously in the final game of last
season's battle with the Giants. His
opponent, inall probability will le

( l
i t.
E #.


,c Las. le a s io ia mlemie 01ertw ae.L Mmowvtrnrgthne "",. p tu ci lx
wt ds, ght ander ek in room 302 Of the non.
guest of the geology and geographyj faculty of the University School of and mainstay of the Pittsburgh staff. w__k__nro _ _____t____ n.
departments. His lecture will be Music. Palmer Christian is well- Both have been through many a big
Lessons of the Colorado Canyon," nown in A Arbor for his twilight Lack Of Funds league struggle though Meadows has iuseu T Issues
an ilb lutae y~ie. organ recitals each Wdnesday after- hd no World series experience ani
and will be illustrated by slides. noon in Hill auditorium, and for his T1th are ready to put forth their best
Professor Davis is on his way to work as head of the organ depart- eaa1 I+efforts. Fi rst00
several colleges of the Harvard west- ment of the School of Music. /dThey will be the central figures in S
ern circuit in Iowa, Colorado, and Artists who will participate ini the opening game tomri-w at Forbesc
California, at each of which he will following programs on the series are !field, where a capacity crowd of 45,-
spend a month, and is breaking the John McCormack, who will be heard WASIIfNGTON, Oct. 6. -- Rear Ad- 000 occupying every available bit of "primitive Man in Michigan" is the
journey by stopping briefly at sev- in Ann Arbor for the tbird time, Nov. Sseating capacity is expected to pro- tite of a recently issuedhook written
oral universities to give his lecture 3; The Detroit Symphony orchestra, m ra- W . k vide an enthusiastic setting for the iy W. B reinaly cstd of Mich-
on the Grand Canyon, which has been Iunder the direction of Ossip Gabrilo- uiean (i navigation, declared before first world's series game since 1909. gn archaeol.e, oao ih-e
delivered many times here and abroad. witsch, Nov. 23; Louis Graveure, the the President's air.hioard, that lack of igan archaeology. The book is the
In the course of his western jour- Belgian baritone, Dec. 11; Walter funds had caused a curtaient of eirst of the Michigan handbook series
ney, he proposes to make several au- Gieseking, who has been hailet ! (very iaval activity and neceAssitted aC a Comes published by the University Museum
tomobile excursions in the desert throughout Europe as the greatest a reducio ill the enlisted personnel OutOf A- W 'l Asstated . then diroduction by
regions of Utah, Nevada, and Cali- pianist of the day, Jan. 26; again the from 86,000 to 81,700 for the fiscal O /C AlexanderG.Rutiven, director of the
fornia, for a study of te isolated Detroit Symphony orchestra, this time year 1926. RethrnnNext Year Zoological uses s beee Michigan
mountain ranges occurring there. A under the direction of Victor Kolar, One of the several naval officers n extYhandbook series has been initiated for
curious feature about these excur- with Mr. Gabrilowitsch in the role of called today, Admiral Shoemaker, ad- the purpose of presenting summar-
sions is the ease with which they can piano soloist, March 8. Ernestine vocated the training as pilots of one (By Associated Press) ies of the botany, zoology, anthropol-
be made by automobile as contrasted Schumann-Hleink will be heard in re- enlisted niamn to every flying officer as SIDNEY, Nova Scotia, Oct. 6.-Don- ogy, and geology of the state for the
to the former arduous journeys. cital in the opening concert of the an economical way of preparing a aid a. MacMillan came out of thers
Inadditionto the evemrr s unys. d Extra Concert series, Nov. 14, the eve-r srve of skilled men to meet esti- , interested in the natural sciences.
In addition to the evening address, xtra eNortlervd today, after three months The numbers are not to be technical
Professor Davis will speak at 3 ing of the Ohio State football gari o ntedl war tie requiremients. After, tewrtsme nwit incnrhuin o oua cons
olo roonn G 217, at S Cecilia Hansen; the Scandinavian vio- Concluding with the admiral the of the worst summer known to men contributions nor popular accounts
once building, on "Coral Reefs and linist, Dec. 7; the Hinshaw Opera board recessed till tomorrow when it in the Arctic, and announced that he but rather of the nature of elementary
company's presentation of "The Elixir expects to recall Rear Admiral Wil- would return to Larbrador next sum- reference books and introductions to
Islands." Both lectures are open to te
s dthe public, of Love", Jan 11; The London String lham A. Moffett, naval air chief and mer to search for evidence of the the study of individual groups and
The tablk t i tquartet, Feb. 26; the St. Olaf Luth-- also Capt. G. W. Steele, commander route the northmen were supposed to sciences,. as these are presented in
is largely based upon personal ob- eran choir as the final number on of the Lakehurst, New Jersey, naval have taken in coming to New Eng- ,aichigau.
iservatioy madedb Pof essornavisb this series, April 7 air station, land. The book contains 195 pages with
servations made by Professor Davis Whiled the hearing was in progress MacMillan drove his little auxiliary illustrations and is bound in heavy
during his journey across the Pacific, iatoday Representative Frank R. Reid schooner into Sidney and sailed away grey paper.
which occupied the greater part of M.S.C. Game Fansof Ilinois, who has announced he will I again in four hours to join the Peary,
vi'earlier travels are included: a Bequeath Sunry .rv as dlefense couinsel if the war- compamnon ship of his last Arctic ex- IfllIrn l n uun
tdepartment initiates court martial pedition, for the last leg of thoueir lIllU C110 FOBH 199S
visit to central Asia, as an assist- Articles 0 City proceedings against Col. William journey to Wisasset, Maine, Mac-
iant under Raphael Pumpelly's Car- Mitchell, wired the American LegionT Millan's home port. nr uiainnnnv
1903; a voyage to South Africa, when Ann Arbor is reported to beconsid- basa,to"select some of your best eiough to take on 20 barrels of fuelE
as th coriat Fas ontaed Zamsi ae.A mong w thimse artcles lf C.]lawyers in case of a trial." oil and to tell newspapermen that heI
as the Victoria Falls of the Zambesi game. Among the articles left here 1was convinced that the dogwas still Applicants for the position of busi-
river; and extensive visits to Mexico, by departing State college students dg was p ness Manager and Managing Editor
flrufl T valuabln~of e A ctmeand Iowas rehanhadborfreh
Alaska, South America, the Rocky are one used Ford, a score of text-EI valuable as a of means of transportationres n ma handMagk Eorh
Mountains, Europe,,and a trip around books on farm and domestic products,1 lHI;above the circle, than the airplanes. year 926-27 are requested to send in
the entire globe. an unsued lunch ticket, two straw written applications to Rensis Likert,
ehats the collar of a luaberjaclrshirttn .e h '26, president of the S. C. A. Pre-
and an overcoat found evidence of northmen visiting vious experience and capability are
LA W'V STUDENVTS j d n vecoart. UaI LV j tmhe American continent many years the main factors which will be con-
To hese articles were left in various a.gTePayadBwonaeIiee ncosn h e o h
AELECT COUNCIL places around thestadium,onState< scatcd Press) I expected to reach Monegain Islan sideed in choosing the men for th
astreet,at the ra>lroad'staton, and at WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-The fund- off .the coast of Maine, by Friday Several radical changes have been
inevontE roa toIoanitheItCzeciio-Slova1l~iamm debt-11o evening. Saturday they will al to
Election of council members was might be added here that rumors re- g i the C2gy discussed by members of the S. C. A
recently held in the Lawyers club. garding the exchange of large sums of the U. S., today (ecane the business Wiscasset, where friends already am cabinet regarding the form of nex
The council, the purpose of which is money as a result of the game are bcfore the Ameran et iss>on.e ather to welcome the exilorer year's handbook. It is planned t
to make the house rules and regulate entirely unfounded and not to be used - rg t s meenting o change from the plain blue clot
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sbject was brief representatives o !____________
the general activities of the club as an exaple for future activity subject was ri" I - - -efbinding to a genuine Morocco leathe
as a exmpl fo fuureactvit. ;both nations had taken sops beor

Thousands Hear Appeal to Amerlea
To Take Lead in Prevention
Of Future Wars
(Ily Associated Press)
OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 6.-Appealing to
America to take the lead in preven-
tion of war President Coolidge de-
clared here today that there can be
no assurance of lasting peace until
racial hatred is supplanted by inter-
national good will and tolerance. -his
plea was made before the American
Legion convention where he was
cheered repeatedly when he read a
carefully prepared speech.
An ovation was accorded the Presi-
I dent during a crowded ten hour day
' here, which was climaxed by a re-
view of thousands of world war vet-
erans. For two hours he watched the
parade protected somewhat in a cov-
ered stand from a chilly wind and the
marchers were still filing by when
he made a hurried departure to boardl
his train for Washington.
During his convention address,
which was heard by more than 7,000
men and women crowded into the
municipal auditorium, he stopped to
emphasize his remarks, particularly
when he deplored the wave of re-
ligious intolerance which he said had
swept the country, and when he de-
clared that in preparing the nation
for emergencies, military power must
be subordinated to civil authority.
"Divine providence has not bestow-
ed upon any race a monopoly of
patriotism and character," asserted
Mr. Coolidge, recalling that during
the war "no man's patriotism or
service was questioned because of
his racial origin, his political opinion,
or his religious convictions,.
"Thanks to our comparative isola-
tion," continued the President, "we
have no less of internal friction and
rivalries than some other countries
less foMtunately situated, but among
some of the varying leacial, religious
and social groups of our people there
had been manifestation of intolerance
of opinion, a narrowness of outlook,
a fixity of judgment against which wo
may well be warned."
Nearing the end of his address; the
President with his audience listening
attentively, "declared that America
1 could be made first in a true sense,
only cultivating a spirit of friendship
and good will by the exercise of the
virtues of patience and forbearance
by being plenteous in mercy, and
through progress at home and help-.
fulness abroad, standing as an ec-
ample of real service to humanity"
President Clarence Cook Little will
be the guest of honor and the prin-
cipal speaker at the dinner Oct. 29,
known as the President's Dinner, o
the University Press, Club meeting
. here on that date. He will speal
t on "Ideals in University Education.'
) This will be President Little's firsI
h meeting with the newspapermen 01
r i the state, and will afford him an op-
r portunity to explain to them his edu-
n cational plans and to encourage their
r co-operation with the University.

d Shirley Smith, Secretary of the Uni
s versity, will also speak on this oc
- casion, his subject to be with refer
ence to the University building pro
e gram. Mr. Smith addressed the Clul
last year, and the newspaper me
k have been urgent in their request tc
- have him speak again this year.
n Spanish Society
i ITo Meet Tonight


members, consist of one representa-
tive from each of the smaller sections
of the building and two from the
larger ones, making thirteeni mem-
hers in all.j

House Of Aidelphi
Elects Eight Men


W. A. Gibson, 26L is council chair-
When the first game of the World man. Other officers are W. W. King, Eight, students were elected toI
Series is broadcasted over the country , Jr., '27L, vice chairman; V. Briggs, Adelphi House of Representatives last;
today from Pittsburgh, a loud speak- '26L, secretary; and R. W. Conder, night, after they had given tryout
er in the Union tap room will record '27L, treasurer. It was decreed that ! speeches at the regular meeting ofl
the detailed account of the game for two student members be added to the ! the club.j
the benfit of all Union members. A Board of Governors. Those chosen Those elected were: Carl J. Rid-
complete radio equipment was being I are M. R. Bolt, '27L, and L. C. Har- dering, '28L, Arthur J. Sullivan, '29,
installed in the tap room yesterday nish, '26L. Ted Ryan, '28L, Robert F. Schwarz,t
through the courtesy of the Home '28L, James T. Herald, '28, Mark S.
Radio Sales company of this city PI FIVE AS Andrews, Jr., '29, Robert J. essnr,
The score by inings will also b ', ad M w J'
recorded on the bulletin board in the NEW YELLIEN renual intiation will be hell at the aeg-
billiard room of the Union. 1 ular meeting of tie club next Tuesday
Every game of the series will be evening.
broadcasted to the Union. The first Following the tryouts held at the A Adelphi operates on the Oxford sys-
reports will come in a few minutes Union last week, the following men tem. The house is divided into three
after 2 c'clock, the time scheduled have been appointed to the squad of parties, the Republican, the Democrat,
for each game. cheerleaders this year: Roy Callahan, and the Americai Labor. All mni-
. .._.._ '26, Robert C. Morrey, '26, Randall b ers of the Ihouse, represent the
Dickenson, '27, S. T. Watson, '27, and states in theory.
"L William Warwick, '27.
In addition to the regular squad,
two alternates were selected, TomCo cer ckets
Cranage, '27, and Willis Topper, '27.lOnSggg
These men are all requested to re-
,Inr fn,' wic'n 3 t4 2 QA n'l ±h

it ended to insure ian-to-ian minego-
Liations of the main points at i-sue.
I nde Secretay of the Treasuryh m1 0
secretary, spent much of the clay with
Dr. Vilen Pospisil, head of the debtordassociated Press)
deolegat ion in a peorusal of the ac- (y A-oite 'cs
c umnts involved in the Czecho-Slova-jI U. S. SUBMARINE BASE, New
kian obligations. London, Conn., Oct. 6.-Leaving be-
Czecho-Slovakia has objected to thie hind them only a single litght buoy
records of the United States showing ( rolling in the swell, to mark the place
and indebtedness of more than $91,- where the ill fated submarine S-5t
000,000 and accru iedinterest. She had went to the bottom of the sea off
suggested a settlement on a basis of Block Island, the steamship Camden
about $80,000,000 principal, on the aind tie salvage ship Chittendon, with
grounds that some of the charges$ its crew of divers withdrew from the
made by this government were incor- scene tonight.
rect and could not be recognized. This Work of recovering the bodies.
difference has presented the chief 1 which may be in the wreck and of
problem to which the conference salvaging the wreck was suspended
must address itself. pending orders from Washington.

one, into which the subject matter
which will be made up as a filler, cam
be inserted. Each year the leathe
covers will be issued to freshmen an
incoming students, and the new filler
will be given to those already pos
sessing covers. The covers may, also
be used as a card case or chang
pocketbook if desired.
Due to the extra amount of wor
which is necessitated by these chang
es, work will be started earlier thar
usual this year. Applicants are urge
to send in their applications as so
as possible to Lane hall.


Blazing in a cover of black, yellow1
and red, drawn by Fred Hill, '27, Gar-
goyle, campus hunor publication, will
make its fall debut this morning. The

FA LL DEBUT a Prof. H. L. Campbell of the metal-
t .L. lurgical department is now attend-
REE TS FRESHMEN ing the convention of the American
Foundrymen association at Syracuse.
A booth which was donated by the
Gilliam Dibble, Jr., '27, Henry Woolf- association has been prepared to dem-
enden, '27, and others. I onstrate the work which the Univer-
Editorially, Gargole welcomes Pros- sity is doing in co-operation with the
ident Clarence Cook Little to the Uni- 1 industry in this state.

La Sociedad IHispanica will hold its
first meeting of the year at 7:30 o'-
clock tonight in room 318 of the Un-
ion. A varied program of entertain-
ment has been provided' for the meet-
img consisting of speeches, games, and
dancing. Refreshments will be serv-
ed. All former members of the soci-
ety are asked to be present tonight.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct. 6.-Four
Yale varsity crews reported to Coach
Ed Leader on the Housatonic river at
Derby, where Fall rowing will con-
tinue until early in November. Of

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