x DEDICATED TO JUSTICE 4.it i!3flfl ~Iati j MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 102 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENT LEGISLATulRE PAYS A Brilliant Career Co T IBUTETOB RTONWith the death of President Marion L. Burton, a brilliant c untimely conclusion. From the time of first assumption of a place in ITmen, he has been a significant influence in fostering the finest institution TH ESOLUTIO N ions have been many-far more than those of most men allotted th an educator one of international prominence. Yet he was ever strip PIIISE STANDARDS A1ND IDEALS It is this characteristic which made for his true greatness. H lIE IMBUED IN FUTURE larger and finer things for the future. Early in life, he was for a sh (AENE RATI0N personal magnetism and oratorical ability to further the interests of CAREER LAUDED however, opportunity for greater service in helping to guide the de: story of his accomplishments in this field is part of the histories of suc Fie Members of Horse and Five of University of Minnesota, and the University of Michigan. Though Senate Appointed to only a few years, President Burton had already earned for himself Attend Funerai r leaders. Lansing, Feb. 18.-(By A P.)-The Unceasing in his work for the institution, he made possible its following resolution presented by of which can be found nowhere. But he was not satisfied with thi Rep. Loomis A. Preston ,of Berrien ness was initiating a campaign which should not halt until Michigan county, was adopted by the legislature I capable faculty body obtainable. In addition to these two major proje this afternoon: re4other tasks, designed to further the welfare of the University and its st "Whereas, It is with profound re- fication of that ideal man of the poets, always striving for something, gret and sincere sorrow that the j his reach for the time was worthy of the effort. legislature has. received the informa- tion of the death of Marion Leroy It is not necessary, however, to examine his accomplishments Burton, president of the University of character. This is discernable in the deep respect and love with which Michigan; and associates and thousands of friends. Those who knew him best, who "Whereas, President Burton's career I ing last years of his life testify to his infinite patience, his never-ceasi was marked by a refreshing courage,'i labors for the University. The very size of student and faculty b prophetic vision, and inspiring devo- everyone coming in intimate contact with the President; but those w tion to principles reinforced by a e dynamic personality, a pure heart, and a sympathetic confidant and a real friend. an active mind and body, all of which The University is desolate today because of the loss of a lie combined to elevate and strength- will be impossible to fill. We have lost a revered friend and a rei en the standards and ideals of true manhood and womenhood; and man has gone from our midst. We join with the family in mourning ncluded NA TION AND CAMPUS f j- l l .i "Whereas, His voice and act have done so much to promote and stim- ulate the youth of this future genera- tion along the pathway of clean liv- ing, intellectual development, respect for authority, physical upkeep, re- ligious tolerance, and patriotic devo- tion; and "Whereas, All Michigan has a prop- er sense of the great conceptive serv- ice President Burton has given to mankind as an eminent educator and as one of our foremost and most dis- tinguished citizens and having desired to give, expression to this common feeling of. a great and honorable name; therefore be it , "Resolved, By the house of repre- sentatives, the senate concurring, that; a committee of five members of the house and live members of the senate be appointed to attend the funeral and that these resolutions be spread upon the record and a copy be. transmitted to President lurton's family at Ann Arbor."I Following this action Governor Groesbeck announced his intention of attending the funeral in company with the members of the legislature. WORK HALTS AS FRIENDS HONOR DEPARTED LEADER In respect to the memory of Presi- dent Burton, classes will not meet to-1 morro w afternoon. lihe Feld roue will be closed to- morrow afternoon and all day Satur-j day, and all athletic contests scheduled for the weekend have been postponed.i This includes the basketball gameI with Purdue, the wrestling meet with Ii1nois, Saturday, and the freshman- Varity swimming meet Saturday af- ternoon. Dances at the Union and Granger's tomorrow night and Saturday haveE been called off, and the dinner danceI (, for Wednesdey evening has been pot poined indefinitely. This super- c:des previous announcements. All fraternity dances during the weekend hL:ve also been postponed. The Army and Navy club banquet will not ,e held today, as scheduled, and the meeting of the Chamber of Come merce tonight has been indefin- itely postponed. It was announced last night by Wal- terI M. Simpson, president of Alpha Omegpo Alpha, national honorary med- ical fraternity, that the lecture whichj was to have been given last night byI Prof. Frederick A. Coller of the sur- S dcal department has been postponed. The probable (late of the lecture will be Feb. 25. Last night's meeting ofE La Sociedad iispancia was postponed until some time next week, the exact date to be announced later. A resolution asking the board of pol- ice commissioners to establish "no purking" regulations on the south side, of IIuron street between Ashley and Thayer streets was passed unanimous- ly by the Common council at a meet- ing held Monday night. It is expect- ,, that the police commission will act PALL BEARERS CHOSEN FROM SENIOR CLASS Eight seniors representative of the various colleges and schools on the campus were chosen last night by the Student council to serve as active pallbearers at President Burton's funeral. Following a request of Mrs. Burton that representatives of the student body be chosen to fill this capacity in the belief that such action would be in accordance with the wishes of President Burton the fol- lowing seniors were selected by the council: George C. Dillman, William M. Goss, Charles Reinke, Thomas Ca- vanaugh, Charles Merriam, Eugene L. Dunne, Robert Wilkins, and Edward M. Fox. At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning the President's body will be escorted by pallbearers to Alumni Memorial hall, where it will lie in state under the massive dome throughout the day. The entire R. O. T. C. unit under Major Carpenter acting as an honor guard will form two lines from the Presiden- tial residence to Alumni Memorial hall. At 2 o'clock Saturday the students of the University will form on both sides of the line of procession. After the funeral cortege passes, a line of march to the cemetery will be formed in the order of colleges and schools. The literary students will assemble along South University street to East University street; students enrolled in the School of Business Administra- tion, the School of Education, and the Law school will form along South University street from the corner of East University to the junction at Church street. The engineers and Ithe architects will gather on Church street from South University to College avenue. Students in the medical school, the School of Dental Surgery, and the School of Pharmacy will form on Church street from College avenue to Washtenaw avenue. All women will gather on Geddes avenue from Wash- tenaw avenue to the Forest Hill cem- etery. The Student council requests that the students co-operate with them by forming in a single line, as requested, in the march to the cemetery. VISITING PROFESSON I WILL DISCUSS X-RAY EULOGIZES BURTON, Engineering Problems Discussed By Connell and Slhirley At E'ening Session MUSIC ELIMINATED Tribute to the memory of Burton was paid last night by members of the Michigan Assaciation of Road Commissioners -and Engineers during their banquet at the Union. The high- way men, who are gathered at the University for the 11th annual con- ference on highway engineering, ad- opted a resoltion eulogizing Presi- dent Burton as an educator and lead- er and including an expression of sympathy to the surviving familly. Copies of the resolution will be sent to Mrs. Burton and the Board of Re- gents of the University. As a fur- ther indication of respect the engin- eers eliminated the musical program scheduled for the evening. Following a tribute voiced by Hon. Frank F. Rogers, State Highway Com- missioner, William H. Connell, engin- eering executive, Pennsylvania State Highway department, Harrisburg, of- fered the opening address of the even- ing session. Mr. Connell treated the "Economic Value of Highway Re- search," (iscussing in particular the need for a highly developed National council of highway research. tIe point- ed out the need for growth in the scale and methods of research to keep abreast the phenomenal development of vehicular traffic, and characterized the present need as demanding a cen- tral agency for the compilation and distribution of research data and in- vestigation conclusions. Such an4 agency, he indicated, would allow the coordination of results from research work conducted in all sections of the country and allowimg instant re-! ference by engineers nee.ding infor- mation upon particular problems. H. G. Shirley, chairman of the Vir- ginia State Highway commission, Richmand, spoke comprehensively on "The Development of Highways in the Southern States." He traced the tech-s nical and financial history of public' highways and bridges in the territoryJ now known as the sixteen southerns states; from the initial settlement of Virginia to the present day. Discussing the present situation among the states of the South, Mr. Shirley indicated that they are now planning an ambitious construction program. The increasing industrial and agricultural activity throughout the South,- he continued, demands the construction of new roads. The high-f way systems have been laid out and wait upon a solution of the prob- lems of financing and construction. The conference will adjourn with areer-s brought to an abrupt and JO IN the active conduct of the affairs of ns of American life. His contribu- e full span of life-his position as ving to make his part a bigger one. L O S is ambitions have always been for Tort time a minister, using his great A an intelligent religion. He saw, HAD ACHIEVED PROMINENCE stinies of the nation's youth. The IN EDUATONAL Fh institutions as Smith college, the active head of the institution for RISE WAS RAPID a place with Michigan's greatest Acted as President of Smith College magnificent equipment, a duplicate andUnivers tyoMin esoa s, and just previous to his long ill- should be provided with the most Education has lost one of its fore cts, he had carried on innumerable most leaders in the death of President udents. He was a living exempl- Marion L. Burton, whose ability gain- :udets.He as livng xemli-ed him nation-wide prominence in ed- which though it might be beyond ucational circles. Only thirty-four years of age, he was elected to the presidency of Smith college, subse- to find the greatest tribute to his quently to become president of the Un- h he was regarded by his immediate iversity of Minnesota, leaving this post worked with him through the try o tassume his dutiesas the fifth presi- workd wih hi thrugh he r- dent of the University of Michigan ng kindness, and his almost endless His rapid rise merely strengthened odies precluded the possibility of his vision of the greatness of educa- ho had this privilege found in him tion. His work to attain his ideals was the primary cause of the illness which led to his passing. man whose place in our life it President Burton was born fifty markable administrator. A great years ago, August 30, 18 in Brook- marabl adinitraor.A geatlyn, Iowa. He was the son of Ira his loss. John henry Burton and Jane Adeliza Simmons Burton. His parents moved to Minneapolis Al .F'rinclsshortly :after his birth, and his early* any Frends education was gained in the Minne- r -apolis. public schools. The youngest LaudA b tyheof four sons, financial conditions in the family conpelled him to go to Of President work at the end of his first year in high school. His ability soon placed him in a position of practical man- Townspeople, faculty members and agement of the drug company by alumni joined in their expressions of ( which he was employed. Previous to grief over the loss to the University this work he had raised and sold of President Marion Leroy Burton as pigeons and sold newspapers on the shown by statements issued yester- streets of Minneapolis to help in the day. support of his family. "Ann Arbor has lost her greatest In 1893 President Burton entered citizen, who was also one of the na- Carleton Academy near Minneapolis, tion's greatest men," declared Mayor graduating in 1896, and in the same George E. Lewis, in a proclamation. year entering the Carlton college. "As a recognition of our esteem and His work while in college was our sorrow, I therefore call upon the marked with excellence in all depart- city to observe a period of municipal ments. One of his professors wrote mourning extending from now until of him: "In scholarship he has made after funeral." an ,unusually strong record. He is an The tribute of the alumni to Presi- exceptionally strong, clear thinker; a dent Burton is contained in a state- careful, thorough and ac.curate stu- ment by Wilfred B. Shaw, '04, ex- dent; a man of fine enthusiasm In all ecutive secretary of the Alumni asso- his thought and study." His scholas- ciation. "The death of President Bur- tic record was of such high standing ton will come as a profound blow to that in his senior year he taught the alumni of the University," he classes in Latin and Greek at the wrote. "They will be affected to the academy--a rare honor at that time. same degree as at the death of Presi- In June, followng his graduation dent James Burrill Angell, but in a from Carleton in 1900, he married different manner. Miss Nina Leona Moses of Northfield, "Although President Angell was a Minnesota, and in the following fall, man they loved personally, most of i took up his work as principal of Win- them, the late University head was dom Institute at Windom, Minnesota, one who moved their imaginations, holding this position until 1903. From as well as their emotions." 1903 to 1907 he studied at Yale uni- The tribute of the faculty to the versity, receiving the degrees of greatness of their leader is shown by bachelor of divinity in 1906 and doc- statements of Dean Alfred H. Lloyd, for of philosophy in 1907 from that of the graduate school, Dean Henry institution. M. Bates. of the Law school ,and Dean Remaining at Yale during the year John Effinger of the literary college, following as assistant professor, lie "A man whose greatness and ideals accepted a call from the Church of will long survive him," was the the Pilgrims in Brooklyn filling the description by Dean Lloyd of the late pulpit there until 1909. President. As president-elect of Smith college, "Not even the long period during Professor Burton spent the year 1909- which President Burton's death had 1910 touring in Europe, returning in been feared and dreaded, has lessened the fall of 1910 to take up his duties the shock and the loss to the Univer- as head of the college. He remained sity caused by his going. The Uni- in this position until 1917 when he versity and hosts of friends are sad- became president of .the University dened by a great loss," said Dean of Minnesota, which position he held Bates. until his transfer to the University of Michigan in 1920. - Both branches of President Burton's I wHERE TO ASSEMBLE family came of sturdy English-Amer- SATURDAY AFTERNOON ican stock, both having come to Amer- ica in the eighteenth century. From te12 the original family home in New Literary college-South Uni- York, President Burton's parents were versity to East University aye- the first to make their way to the n y E suey - middle West. In writing of his rela- L S. . tives in a letter to a friend some time I Law school, School of Busi- ago, President Burton wrote, "None I of Education-,East University of either family has ever been either o Edurch t ret Un er Ity famous or notorious." I to Church street. e aFrom the time of his graduation I College of Engineering and from Yale University with the degree Architecture-On Church street of doctor of philosophy in 1907, Pros- Sfrom South University -to Col- ident Burton received many honorary lege street. degrees from six institutions: doctor Medical school, School of Den- ( of divinity from Carleton college in I tal Surgery, and School of Phar- ( 1909, and doctor of laws from Tufts f macy-College street to Wash- college in 1911, Western Reserve Uni- temnaw ave. Iversity in 1911, Amherst college in Women I 1913, Hobart college in 1913, and the On Geddes avenue from Wash- | University of Michigan in 1920. tenaw avenue to the Forest Hill He was trustee of the Carnegie . .an.496 :- w -i -w i .Q..1 Fdm Al-'\ IN MOURNING 3 OF PRESIDENT Robert A. Falconer, president of the University of Toronto, was yesterday informed of the cancellation of the University convocation planned for Monday, February 23, to commemorate Washington's birthday. It was decided yesterday morning in the dean's meeting to call off the gathering due to thecdeath of President Marion L. Burton. A committee appointed by the deans is now working on plans for a Burton memorial convoca- tion to be held in the near fu- ture, the date and speakers yet to be announced. COUNCILVOICES STUDENT_5ORROW Special Meeting Passes Message of Condolence at Death of Presi- dent Burton LAUDS "UNTIRING ZEAL" In an effort to voice the sympathy and sorrow of the student body in the loss of President Marion L. Bur- ton, the Student Council passed the following resolution at a special meet- ing held yesterday morning. The mes- sage of condolence follows: "In the death of President Marion L. Burton, the University has lost it -most loyal servant, the nation, one of its noblest sons, and the student body of the University, its firmest friend. By his untiring zeal in the administra- tion of the University, whose material advancement was his life's work, by his keen interest in all things that affected his country, by the impulsive sympathy which he at all times bore toward his fellowmen, his boundless patience, and limitless understanding, he had endeared himself to all who knew him, and had won a firm place in the community of academic inter- ests whose destinies he directed. "His work for the University is measured, not only by the tremendous strides it has made since his coming but in an Increased consciousness of its important destiny, which his in- terest and indefatigable zeal made apparent; his intelligent interest in all things that affected the nation brought leaders to seek his council; whiledthe value that the student body placed upon his friendship and loyal support in all things, the love and respect they bore him, is immeasur- able, save in their reaction during the impotent, breathless moments in which they waited news of his im- provement, and the sorrow which they feel at his death. "His was a fine and gentle spirit, welded in a school of strenuous life, into a nobility and dignity, unsurpass- ed. , A figure of national importance, a collossus among educators, but among his friends, by reason of his quiet, reasoning humor, beloved, and mourn- ed in death. "The Burton home is quiet now, quiet with the stillness that always follows in the shadow of death. The campus, and the student body, extend to the saddened family, their keen sympathy in their hour of sorrow. They too mourn the loss of a leader, a counsellor, and a friend." JOHNSONUIS CHOSEN TO LEAD DEBATING SOCIETY; Norman Johnson, '25, was chosen to lead Alpha Nu, campus debating so- ciety, for the next semester, at the mid-year election, held in the club rooms of the society in Angell hall last night. Theodore Hornberger, '27, was elect- ed vice-president, Luis Gibson, '26, secretary, and Hubert Williams, '26, treasurer. H. LeRoy Selmeier, '27, was chosen as the delegate of Alpha Nu to the national convention of Kap- pa Phi Sigma, the national literarya FUNERAL WILL BE LIMITED TO FEW PERSONAL FRIENDS BURIAL SATURDAY Students Will Serve as Pallbearers; Grosbeck and Regents to Act in Honorary Capacity Hushed voices bore mute but poig- nant testimony yesterday that in Ann Arbor not only his intimate friends, but the entire campus,'realized the immensity of the loss which all had suffered in the passing of President Marion L. Burton. Scores of tele- grams and letters of condolence show- ed only too clearly the esteem in which the nation at large had held his generousand human personality. All through the day and far into the night these messages of sincere and heart- felt sympathy poured into the sadden- ed household. Among those who offered their con- solations were President Calvin Cool- idge and Mis. Coolidge, Gov. Alex J. Groesbeck, President Donald Cowling of Carleton college, Dr. Burton's clos- est friend, Senator James W. Couzens, and many others prominent in educ- ational, professional, and political cir- cles. But in spite of these messages of cheer, the square old dwelling which has housed Michigan presidents since 1840 had an air of almost human mel- ancholy as though grieving over the loss of a beloved master. President Burton's funeral, which will be held Saturday afternoon, while not strictly private, will be limited to a few personal friends. The services will be held under Reverends Lloyd C. Douglas and Herbert A. Jump, former and present pastors of the Congrega- tional church. Reverend Douglas will arrive here from his home in Akron, Ohio, to collaborate with Reverend Jump. The pallbearers will be chosen from among the student body, while Governor Groesbeck and members of the Board of Regents will attend as honorary pall bearers. The body will lie in state from 9:30 until 5 o'clock Friday in Alumni Mem- orial hall, and will be attended by a military guard of honor. It will be escorted from the Presidential resid- ence to Memorial hal by a military guard from the University R. . T. C. unit. Classes will be dismissed Friday af- ternoon, and the student body and members of the faculty are requested to visit Memorial hall between 1 and 5 o'clock, while the general public is requested to attend before 1 o'clock. The fatal illness was largely influ- enced by over-work, which had so weakened his nower of resistance that a determined fight against pneumonia, followed by complications, was of no avail. By dint of his own spirit, Pres- ident Burton gained ground upon his illness, only to be further weakened by a series of rclarses After a glan- dular throat operation, brought about by a relapse in November, he appar- ently was on the road to recovery. Influenza, contract^-l during the Christmas holidays, renewed difficul- ties of the situation, to which was add- ed the later burden of complications involving the heart and kidneys. Each new development increased the strain upon his endurance, but those near him marvelled at his will to rally against them. Slight hemor- rhages, described by the physicians as "non infectious infarcts," occurred from time to time. They were caus- ed by the bursting of small blood ves- sells ,with a premature relaxation of the heart muscle, which allowed part of the blood to 'return to the lungs. Monday, Feb. 16, streptococcus pleurisy arose, and from that time the decline began. Despite increased ef- forts, the end came at 3:20 o'clock Wednesday morning. Dr. Burton's death came quietly and at an unexpected moment. The night nurse, had taken the patient's pulse and finding it continuing to show sat- isfactory strength, turned from the bedside for a moment to arrange some material on the tahle. Scarcely had she turned away when a deep sigh from the bed caused her to call hur- riedly to the doctor in attendance. By the time-only a few seconds- Dr. Manne Siegbahn, professor of physics at the University of Upsala, Sweden, who arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday, will speak on "The Reflec- tion and Refraction of X-rays" at 4:15 o'clock today in room 1041 new physics building. Dr. Siegbahn, who is internationally considered one of the foremost au-. thorities on X-ray spectroscopy, came to Ann Arbor at the request of Prof.! ;I i